tv [untitled] November 8, 2010 5:00am-5:30am PST
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were saving the appeal for the revision. a revision of dividing these two permits would be appealable? president peterson: i do not think a revision is going to get to the end result necessary. i think another permit me to get -- needs to get requested. if the board wants to allow part of the project to move forward, it needs to conditions permit by removing the scope of work for one of the two structures, and a second permit would need to be applied for for the other structure. commissioner fung: mr. kornfield understand what i am saying. my idea of a revision is not to create two permits all of this. it is to reduce the scope of work on one permit, which means you could reduce it to the point of -- >> alone to go forward.
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allowing it -- allowing it to go forward. vice president goh: i am not following. commissioner fung: they could file a revision to this one which would take off one of the buildings. vice president goh: that was your motion. commissioner fung: or they can submit to another process. but my motion was not going to carry. vice president goh: i think with all that said, i am disinclined to change my vote then. am i missing something? i may be. i am not feeling well, because it is very light. commissioner fung: it is about reducing part of the process for all of the people in this room, a -- including the appellant. their capability of appealing occurs on the second permit. vice president goh: i see.
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the appellants could still appeal. commissioner fung: it is your call. i am not telling you which way to go. what we are talking about is not making all these people come twice more. vice president goh: because we are missing commissioner hwang. that is the real reason we would have a continuance if i voted against you. with that said, i am sorry to be all over the board, and i think i will support your motion. >> i think the motion is to uphold this permit on condition that the scope be modified to strike the front structure. is that correct? commissioner fung: that is correct. >> on that motion to uphold, modified to strike the front structure -- vice president goh: aye. commissioner garcia: with many thanks, aye. president peterson: aye. >> commissioner hwang is absent.
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are provided. any person responsible for one going of may be removed from the meeting. cell phones set on the vibrate position can cause microphone interference in we respectfully request that they be placed in the opposition. >> the minutes are approved. >> item #5, communication. >> communications? >> members of the board, but will ask for your support today as we change around the order of business slightly. following the presentation of the special recognition award for the agenda, fahlman closed session we will return to the report of the board of executive directors immediately afterwards.
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with members consent, we can do that. >> item number six, item -- reintroduction of new business. >> i'd like to get a report back from staff. there has been some discussion of this on the status of the advertising program i continue to see more of vehicles with windows covered. including most recently light rail vehicles. i would like to report back to where we are with that. >> any idea when that is? >> november 16 will be fine. i had a meeting this morning with counsel and that was the subject of discussion to resolve some questions regarding that contract. >> anyone else? we all received a communication from -- from richard lobster
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regarding tomorrow's parade. >> yes, we did take a look at that, however there were plans that were preplanned for that event tomorrow. we will love be able to include our historic fleet in that celebration, unfortunately. it is my understanding that the giants rented cable cars. >> i am glad that we have enough confidence to plan the victory. >> they were very confident. >> after 52 years they have come to fruition. [laughter] >> good afternoon, members of the board. i will begin live report by recognizing our staff with the outstanding service and contributions made to the agency, a city, and county of san francisco.
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neville, please come to the podium. patricia, could you also join him? neville is a principal in administrative analyst for the opposition support section and is responsible for managing the budget and security grant program. he has been with this agency for over 25 years. patricia has been with the agency for over nine years. in october, the san francisco police department hosted the 2010 san francisco bay area urban shield exercise of an. during this event 29 local and international teams participated and were tested and evaluated for preparing the rigid preparest this to terrorist attacks, major disasters, and emergencies around the bay area. one of these was held at our own facility. there due diligence and a
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willingness to work extended hours the assisted in making the urban shield exercise a success. as a team they both worked closely with the department of homeland security, the san francisco police department, and the police department response team to make sure the grant funding was adequate and readily available to execute the exercise. working together to maintain constant communication with the department of homeland security, staff, and kept them abreast of all of the ongoing activities, making sure that all of their concerns and issues were taken care of immediately. in addition they personally hosted the deputy general manager of the department of mass transit division and the director of security events programs that came to specifically observe the exercises from various different
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locations to monitor the urban shield exercises. outstanding professionalism and warm hospitality are the words that best describe these individuals and the support they provided for this event. on that note i would like to ask the director of transit services to present the awards. congratulations. >> good afternoon, directors. what have to say is simply this. it depends on the people the to work with and work for. i would like to mention a few here today. director walker, and sgt devlin.
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thank you. >> good afternoon. >> i would like to thank mrs. brent walker for believing in me and giving me the wonderful opportunity to worked with such an amazing exercise at this level with section inside and limited patience. without him i could not have accomplished so much in a short time. i would like to thank brian devlin for the scenario of the exercise. i just want to tell everyone [inaudible] >> on behalf of the board of directors and the people of san
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francisco, thank you for your outstanding work. all of these agencies and countries around the world, it was an amazing experience. thank you for your work with the mta. [applause] >> in the interest, it was the largest demonstration in the united states. while the scoring show it is -- israel prevailing in the event, there will be an asterisk by that. s fet, one of the key members is on injured reserve. if they wind up calling in -- >> the next award will be presented to mary donovan.
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as well as joe criminally. working as a team, mary, reggie, and joe are being recognized for their steadfast dedication to the success of the agency by spending the past year to develop the employee wellness unit, which consists of medical and fitness for duty responsibilities. they have created employee wellness programs to make sure that employees are fit for duty in safely able to perform their duties. mary donovan has worked to update the fitness for duty policy, which includes requiring a employees to notify changes in medication and amongst other things they have worked to develop onside exercise class says for the employees through the health service system.
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joe leads the wellness section that is responsible for making sure the transit operators comply with federal and state license and medical requirements. at the agency's annual audit there were no findings of deficiencies and the agency received a high compliment from the reviewer that the license and medical files were the most organized he had ever seen. reggie is the agency's substance abuse professionals responsible for ensuring compliance with department of transportation requirements. the fda recently identified our substance abuse program post accident testing as a best in class practice. the director of the administration services is here to prevent this award to the employee wellness unit. congratulations. >> good afternoon. i want to say that it is my esteemed pleasure to be before you today to congratulate these
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individuals. as indicated in the remarks, they have done a great job to not live the past. we have had a high-profile incidents with rail systems. san francisco being the second largest agency to develop a crime -- the program looked at as a model to make sure that the people are in good physical shape and condition relative to during that -- to do -- to during -- to doing their jobs and having supplemental programs that can benefit employees, i think that is terrific and i am glad to be part of a team with these individuals. i would be remiss if i did not acknowledge virginia harmon, the senior manager of the vehicle employment office where these individuals to work directly. it is my honor to give each one of them an award. first we have mary donovan. this one is presented in
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recognition and appreciation of your dedication to improving the quality of life for the employees of the municipal transportation agency's by the san francisco municipal transit agency given the day, november 7, 2010. congratulations. this one goes to show for the same thing, but with a different name. last but not least, reggie smith. congratulations to each of you. >> thank you. >> good afternoon, congratulations. >> thank you. i want to thank you for recognizing the job we have done over the past year. reggies group has worked with joe over the past year and it is not easy, the work that we do. i could not possibly do with -- do what i do without the support of reggie and joe,
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providing that support and giving me the room to make changes and updates. working with day to day units. it has been a wonderful experience so far that i really appreciate. >> gentleman? >> congratulations. >> i would like to say that i am very happy working with this team. it has been pleasant to work with people who care about what they were doing and what they're working for. i would like to acknowledge virginia, without her support we could not do it. >> i really appreciate the opportunity to administer the effective life of the public of the writers. thank you. >> on behalf of the board of directors and the people within
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the agency throughout the city, this is by the work that you are doing. so important, helping people at these critical moments in their lives. congratulations. [applause] >> at this point, we can conclude. >> item #8, citizens advisory council report. >> good afternoon, mr. chairman. members of the board. as you know, we pride ourselves on being the eyes and ears of the board. i wanted to let you know that i do not know what it is, but there seemed to be a lot of people wearing orange today were very happy and i want to suggest that we form a task force to look into that. [laughter] perhaps giving the comptroller's
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office involved. i have several recommendations to bring forward to you today. the first is a recommendation that we actively seek to reduce the number of intersections where the bomb must be pressed to activate a walk. except in locations where such elimination within key the speed of transit vehicles. we think that while said francisco is generally good in not having too many of the push button wash -- what signals, other cities bid is every block. we think that we could do a little better by getting them out of intersections. we think that the number could be reduced some. i want to make it clear that this is not about the push button signals for people to are visually disabled that trigger
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the audio signal. those are great and it is not what we are getting at. we understand that those of something separate entirely. we think that there are a number of intersections in the city with a push buttons are unnecessary and we can seek to minimize those. support training of other agencies regarding the impact at of france and operations, one of the things that cac has observed the currently is other city agencies blocking transit vehicles and responding to situations in emergencies in a way that is necessary to respond appropriately to the emergency. sometimes you will see a small fender bender in san francisco police department will be parked
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across the tracks for a period of time. we think that some training and other city agencies on the importance of keeping the transit way clear, keeping the path of transit clearer, is something that will be helpful in getting them to be sensitive to that and understanding that when you delay a transit line, it has a ripple affect throughout the system. not just the laying the one vehicle, but it has an entire impact throughout the operations. we also have recommendations regarding the daily operations report. something that many members have followed closely than it has been our longstanding desire to see be made ever more useful and descriptive as a document.
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we think that some additions and changes that would be helpful include adding lines that are affected by which are having their service pulled. the colony reports a percentage of operators that are absent so that we can get a be down the daily absenteeism. changing the time for supporting the latest. delays of 10 minutes to 20 minutes can be fairly significant in the operation of the transit system. with a report lyme for each transit line on the on-time daily performance, we think that this would help people get a handle on where the trouble spots are. users drilling down to access the data behind them on a
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report, in general report should be organized to show possible comparisons to key organizations service standards. rather than waiting for the court -- quarterly comparison. we think that this is a document that can be made more useful. both to the agency in stakeholders. we have a recommendation will vote -- regarding the 39 court interest to the cac. whereas the city and county has a transit first policy, cac recommends support removal of the parking spaces recommended by staff to make it ours -- make it possible to make a safe u- turn at the top of union street. we have rerouted the 39 and staff has recommended removing free parking spaces to make a
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safe u-turn at the top of union. we support that. we also recommend that the board authorize the nexus study and impact study on charging a fee for the free privately-owned parking lot. things like parking lots that go in for big box retailers and things like that. having as much impact on transit as many other things where they have to pay a fairly steep fee. we think depth just because the owners of these establishments are subsidizing those spaces in the interest of drawing customers does not mean that they should get off without paying into the transit system, as these lots in many cases have impacts on transit and transit operations that would meet the
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next standard. those of the recommendations i have for you. if you have any questions, i would be happy to answer them. >> we always take suggestions from the citizens of by azeri committee. thank you for your work. >> mr. chairman, no member of the public is indicating an interest in addressing you regarding that. moving on, taxi advisory council. >> making your first report here this afternoon? >> yes, i am. good afternoon, chairman. my name is chris weis, chairman of the newly reformed taxi advisory council curium we have been meeting since august of this year and our first priority is to create a report addressing the medallion sale program and changes we feel are necessary. our only hindrance so far is
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having adequate sample sets of sales transactions for making recommendations. there are no meetings scheduled for the board in december and i anticipate we will be able to present you with something by late january. as well as on the regulatory aspect of the program we have made good headway in having high volume sales transactions. we are enthusiastic about working with the board and hope to see our role expanded in the future. that is it. >> members of the board, questions or comments? we know that you bring a lot of people together. thank you. >> thank you for the report and for following up on this program, which is important. as we have made note of in the past, with the guidance that we have now received from the attorney's office, we would like
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your group and others to look at whether or not the peak time licensing will work. i do not think that today is the appropriate time for discussion, but i would like to introduce myself. we look forward to your guidance on that issue. >> just to let you know, i believe that the deputy director is already looking into that. >> thank you. >> we appreciate it. >> you have a member of the public that wishes to address you on this item. >> good afternoon, mr. toronto. >> i would like to present what might be considered the minority report about the cac
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