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tv   [untitled]    November 8, 2010 5:30pm-6:00pm PST

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construction worker as well because in order to -- in order to make ends meet, he wouldhe wy and a lot of difficulties. he has very few jobs. [speaking foreign language] >> with the current situation, even now he has no job. what is happening to his friends is even though they have no job they would spend time in a coffee shop so their families
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would not know it. some of them even take up a gambling so they could try to make some money for their families. as they gambled bigger or bigger, the athletes to the family falling apart this is not only unemployment problem -- that leads to the family falling apart. this is not only an employment problem in the chinese community. the others are facing the same problem.
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it affects other low income workers therefore, the mandatory local hire legislation would increase the revenue and also promote the economy of san francisco. thank you. >> next speaker please. >> good afternoon. i am here from power. we are really happy to be here
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with a broad range of united staff behind us. we have all different forces uniting around this, and i think the most important thing is the 50% of the 50% that is actually pointing at disadvantaged workers, because for us the thing that is most compelling is the ability to redress discrimination against workers of color, transgendered workers, when men, and this really get said that. it is not the narrow parochialism. it is about the fact that employers continue to discriminate. it was incredible to see the
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difference between two contractors during the same job. the entire act -- neighborhood had access to that network. this legislation is incredibly powerful, and i think a few months after rubicon came in, icon was rebuilding and they saw almost no local hire ring. they put them in a hotel rather than hire local workers who had just done the project across the street. it is not a lack of quality workers. it is a discrimination issue. i am so happy to support this legislation. we will be here testifying until this passes.
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>> rubin expressed to me that someone tried to approach him and said by hiring local brothers and latinos, they were able to lower the murder rate. also with the organization. i have a stack of pledges of those who are in support of it. i spoke to one gentleman who says he has been working for work for over three years.
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i spoke to a young man, and he said there if -- if there were more out there, there would not be so many issues with the violence. >> thank you. next speaker please. >> my name is carl. i am a carpenter's apprentice. i am glad you are bringing this up, because it is a big issue. i do not know where to start, because i have a lot of things i have been dealing with. what is the the top of my head
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is that the contractor -- they are telling me i have to talk to the contractors association as far as changing the bargain agreement as far as how behind the process is. a contractor can come in here, and if they want to hire someone, they have to give a request. they can do of course job and not hire new ones. they're bringing workers from other jobs, and that is giving them credit for having 50% that they are supposed to meet their goal. this did pass. it is a good dana you are talking about this.
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-- a good thing you are talking about. i got laid off and had no one to back me up, and i thought that was not right. i feel this is a good legislation to pass. >> thank you. next speaker. >> i think the big picture is you do not have enough jobs. we need to work harder to get
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more jobs. all these people are asking for jobs. that is the big picture. local hiring is gave, but if we do not have training for these people, -- local hiring is good, but if we do not have training for these people, it is going to beat a problem. he has got to give so he can work just about everywhere. i work in sacramento. i work at building the bay bridge for you guys, so it is about jobs. please work together.
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get the job done. you guys can do it. >> [list of names] >> my name is paul, and i am here speaking for the community, and the time has ended in san francisco where people need to start shutting down projects to get jobs to the people who live in san francisco. that time is done. the time is done when they are waiting for the longshoremen who had to shut down the waterfront to get jobs and fair access to work, so this type of legislation is critical to
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invents the welfare of the working people of san francisco. one of these concepts i keep hearing is the need for a labor resource pool, and that common pool -- people could sign up and get access to work, and people could come and go. workers, could be provided for the legislation that is finally offered byron the supervisors. by giving preference, the veterans get preference. there is no reason we could not do that. there is no reason businesses that have san francisco resident addresses should have a preference. it does not mean businesses in
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california or stockton or colorado could not compete, but preference could be given to local people who pay local taxes as well, so these are some of the ideas i would like to see it in the legislation, including an idea that there be union rates required so contractors could afford to hire union people. did thank you very much. >> next speaker. >> i am a 56-year resident of sandford cisco. -- san francisco. i would like to say one of the key issues of this legislation i am in full support of is this aspect of retention, because if you have hiring without retention, you're back to where
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you started. i would like to see that inc. that it not only before local hiring but for local retention, and retention is defined as something more than just someone on the job for 60 days. that is one thing i will think is going to be critical to this legislation. i am in full support of it. thank you, supervisors. >> thank you all for waiting. i really appreciate it. >> i speak in support of the hiring ordinance. i am not going to be labor many of the good points made by some
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of the other speakers common but i do want to point out that you can take a look at the reports, because they really draw out the true challenges. the other thing i want to talk about. -- are really want to talk about what the challenges have been unable to get jobs without having to shut those places down. as a taxpayer, i pay property taxes. i would like to see my taxes go to support folks who are working here and buying here in san francisco to stimulate the local economy. we have an unemployment rate in
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excess of 30%, and i think this would go a long way in driving that down. i encourage each of you to seriously consider it, and i thank you for your time. >> thank you. next speaker. >> my name is terry sanders. i am a member of the southeast jobs coalition. first off, i will speak in defense that unions know how to negotiate, and i will leave that at that. no doubt the union construction trade has a vast number of unemployed a vast majority it --
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of unemployed. a vast majority gave up looking for work. a union member asked me to pay her back dues so she could go back to work. union and san francisco residents are spread out across san francisco. the proposed mandate would not only supports the coffers of the trade union -- likewise it would increase the dollars for residents of san francisco, like ex-offenders caught up in the cycle of recidivism and hopelessness. these are projects that would
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generate thousands of jobs. they would create a work force for people desperately needing to work. west point, chinatown -- the list is extensive. people can use and prosper with mandated local hiring.
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speaking of 50/50 hiring, that is good when the job starts, but of the job goes on, no one make sure people are keeping their jobs. no one checks to see who got laid off or if the quota is right. i am on a job like that right now, and the work goes on every day like no one cares. regardless of if the law passes or not, who will check on that?
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and we have all these people making sure we get taken care of, but they are not taken care of. i am on a job right now where it is just like that. no one is doing anything. people working there for three weeks, and they everyone off and keep the company. and if this law does pass, hopefully someone will monitor these jobs. thank you >> we will be looking at monitoring and making sure it is compliant. i yield the balance of my time. >> my name is chris jackson. i want to thank you for this
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legislation. i am sure we will find ways to get a win-win situation. a post-construction job last a lot longer than construction and is much more sustainable. we can start talking about how do we create jobs in disadvantaged neighborhoods like bayview, so while i know this is going to pass and we are going to be able to get a workable situation, i want the next step to be where we look at businesses. very few of the employees at walgreen's are from district 10
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we need to really get down deep and look at what happens when we finished building a project -- who gets to work on those projects. that is my proposal. >> i think you mentioned lows. that is what we are going to do. it is really great when we go in there. 80% are from san francisco, and 50% are from surrounding areas. we do know how to do that. >> i will call a few more cards before you speak. did go on up to the podium. [list of names]
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>> good evening. i am the acting executive director and also we are a member of the jobs coalition, and i just want to say thank you for this forum. it has been a long time coming, and we hope this is the beginning of more good things to come and that we get the other supervisors on board and this gets past three i happen to notice with this ordinance passing, and i really want to
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get this passed, because we are dealing with union members who are out of work. the area is really hard hit, and people are out of work and looking for work, so this is a grand opportunity for the unions. people are anxious to worker union job. i think there is some common ground where we can work together and work this out. >> thank you very much. >> your comment was a good one
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and did put a lot of people to work, and that was a good example and a good model. we all agreed to have a local hire ring, but bear in mind our contractors are under collective bargaining agreement, and it can work. a comment one brothers made was about new projects. that would help. that goes without saying. i think all of us working together, that can happen. as far as the 50% mandate, i am all for local hiring, but i think is high.
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i think we can all work together on this. >> next speaker please >> i want to thank you for this legislation you could forward. this is ground-breaking legislation you have, and it has been a certain way for so long you are going to meet all kinds of resistance, but we do not want you to stop. i like the legislation. i do not have a problem with 50%, because i am usually 100%
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anyway. my problem is i cannot hire anyone. as far as businesses are concerned, the only place we are able to work is here in san francisco any way. the legislation you are proposing is a great benefit to me. all my work is here anyway, and why shouldn't it be? my other constituents are very resistant to this, because it is ground-breaking what you are proposing today. i live where i work, and i received that i cannot hire anyone.
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i thank you all for this. >> next speaker please. >> i think our focus is wrong. the heart breaking stories and the good intentions i think are going to make problematic problems. -- policies.
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here we have a charge -- a charge. you can see it has been plummeting. over here we will take a look of public works. you see the same affect. the report i think it is important to look at -- you take a look at the construction work force. you have a whole lot of people in san francisco -- three- quarters is not working in public works. you have people working in private residential, and you have a highly skilled workforce in public works. and you take a look get the
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report with what we are doing with apprentices. what we see is apprentices in san francisco are more diverse than the population as well as a construction population for just about everyone. last we have the gender diversity as well by far did -- by far beating what you have in the regular labour market. make sure not to cut off your own hands. it is unfortunate we have to raise objections to this -- >> thank you. next speaker please. >> our city is