tv [untitled] November 10, 2010 4:00am-4:30am PST
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participated in projects in our -- and build our own landmarks. local hiring is also green because the workforce will not miss -- have to drive from other cities to come to san francisco to work. there are many qualified workers in san francisco who can build our public works projects. there are no excuses for not hiring local businesses and local residents to do our job. i run a steel company. i hire 90% san franciscoens and we have built steel buildings, steel framing for st. mary's school, for local hotels, and local residents are filled when local hiring goes out are very important.
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it is possible. local hiring has not worked as to keep local hirings in the percentage. san francisco deserves more. more local san francisco businesses enterprise can be served more local san francisco businesses enterprises. >> thank you. >> thank you. >> next speaker, please. >> my name is andrew crimstock. i represent the construction employers association. our association represents about 100 commercial building contractors in northern california representing over $10 billion worth of work annually. our key courters in san francisco will be web corps, niby brothers construction, the bolt companies, a number of familiar names. we are in support of workforce development, however, we feel that this ordinance as proposed is not a real workable solution. it's something that we've met
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with labor as well as other contractors and city contracting agencies on. there are some key points where this will legally conflict with collective bargaining agreements. all of the contractors we represent are union builders. it will increase the cost of construction for the city due to productivity and safety concerns. it shifts all of the risk on to the contractor in terms of workers' comp, insurance, bonding, things like that. and it simply outmandates the capacity that we have here. construction is a regional workforce. it's writhal industry. contractors need the ability to transport their employees from jobs in the city to out of the city and back again. we feel that developing the workforce is really where we can build this capacity and meet the
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local hiring requirements. thank you. >> thank you. so you're saying no? >> we're saying yes, we're opposed to this order nans. >> you're saying no, you're opposed to it. next speaker, please. >> supervisors, michael theriot, san francisco building and construction trades council. we are in the trades understand our demographics well. we know that we're going to need a lot of replacement workers. we know we will need to dip into every possible community in order to find them. if this were simply a question of strengthening the pipeline to apprenticeship, we would be completely in support of it. that is where we believe really good can be done. we do think something can be done there. however, this goes well beyond that. this goes into the question of journey level hire and thereby creates a host of problems for itself and for the city. and for us. quite a parking collective bargaining agreements, there's a real problem with capacity here. there's a mathematical question, there are simple calculation that's i doubt any of you have
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done. i know supervisor av lose had -- avalos had not done them because we discussed it recently. i will publish them in two weeks. this should not be a question of rhetoric but mathematics. let's debate it on the math. and then we will see where it goes. we and a member of the contractors association started sitting down a couple weeks ago to review this and banged away through a series of meetings and finally this morning, a number of them threw up their hands and said, this is not going to work. we can't do this. i'm at a bit of a loss as to where we proceed from here. and i fear it will drive up the price of contracting for the city. it may even make it impossible for you to find contractors for certain classes of work and the progressive movement in san francisco will own that problem when it occurs, and it will occur. also, for those of you worried about jobs here, i would like to say first of all, this is not a short-term stimulus. this is long-term legislation and in fact most of it effective kicks in two years down the road
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and it will have to kick in later if realistic. in addition, supervisor avalos did d bring up out-of-state workers. project work hours performed by residents other than california is should not be considered to the number of work hours to which the local hiring requirements comply. out of state workers will be completely unlimited under this legislation, and it will provide an advantage to out of state, nonunion contractors over union contractors for the regional workforce. bear that in mind. thank you. >> mr. theriot, a question for you. we have been in communication for months now about this legislation. i'm hoping you can come here today and give us ideas about how we can get this accomplished. i was hoping mr. crimmstock as well could provide that but then i get a flat no and that doesn't jive well with the wealth of people who are here at city hall today who want to make this happen. we want to work with you to make it happen. we don't have the answers today. we would like to make that happen.
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>> supervisor, as you know i believe from the beginning you started from the principle without understanding the industry at all that there had to be a local hire mandate and it had to arrive at 50% and everything has been working back from that. instead of starting with an analysis of the industries and citying how best you can succeed, you came back -- >> mr. theriot, you have had ample opportunity to discuss this with us. you will continue to have that opportunity to discuss this with us. my door is not closed, has not been closed in this whole process so i hope we can come to some agreement how we can make it happen. thank you. >> and let me just say as he's walking back, that we've had good faith for how long? so if you had some good faith, you certainly could have brought it on and we would not be where we are today. >> actually, if i can just add, i do think though all of us here at the board of supervisors, we want to figure out a way to work
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with the trades, to work with our local community that's need jobs to-to-figure out how to move this forward. i know i'm looking forward to getting those math calculations. i would be happy to get it earlier and see what we could do to move this forward. i do no supervisor avalos is genuinely interested in figuring out a way for us to thread this needle. these are difficult times. we have a finite number of resources but if there's a way to do it, i for one, and i think all of my colleagues are united in wanting to figure that out. >> and i also think that the builders that you mentioned, web corps, they've been with san francisco, nibby brothers, they are san franciscoens and san francisco's i think core group of developers and builders. if they want to -- and i believe they do, they will figure out a way. they can build everything and anything else. they will help us build this. so i think that it will be how we can and we are willing to
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look at how we can. that's where we are today. that's what this is about. now why we can't or, you know, but it's how we can go forward. thank you. next. >> thank you. next speaker? >> thank you. >> good evening. i speak from union members' point of view. i had to move from one union to another just to try to stay working and i've been through a lot of city programs at city build and lists. i think there's a problem with having lots of lists and signing your name up on a consecutive basis where you kind of just get lost in the circle. i think this is a really good thing you guys are trying to do as far as mandating. i hope there will be good communication going on between the city, the contractors and the people who live in san francisco. i don't know where this lady got
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her information about how much a union worker makes or construction people. i have seen like $30,000 and i'm like, this is san francisco. to live here in san francisco, $30,000 is not going to cut it. on a $30,000 salary. i have seen people out of work. i have seen people waiting in lines, protesting. and i would like to sit down and speak with somebody or find out who do you study or who do you get your information from? what people are you going out to outreach to and how do you get on that list, so that maybe i can be a part of that in the system or helping you guys reach out to some of the union organizations and the people who live in the communities because i see if you're not on an e-mail list or you don't have an e-mail address, you don't get notified
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of what's going on in the community or in other organizations or if you are on a list. it goes by where you live, like say, for instance, i got called for a job but because i didn't live in western addition, i wasn't able to go out to that job. time is up. but i appreciate having this opportunity -- >> what we're doing in this legislation is not about jobs, it's where you live, it's about who you are and where you are. like if you're not -- if you're not working and you follow within certain -- we tried to get out of the location and into the person and so i think you will find that to be different. >> i understand that but i think that there also is a thing where if you're low income -- it seems like most of the programs focus on people who don't have the skills, and i'm like what about the people who are already trained who have the education and who are skilled workers? >> we are talking about journey
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people as well. so you will find that's what this legislation is going to do. it's going to make things a little bit better. thank you very much. >> i have been on lists for two years and i'm still waiting. >> oh, ok. thank you. next speaker. >> supervisor, my name is greg. i'm with the cyrus coalition and also southeast community development corporation. again, i want to thank john avalos for stepping up and i want to comment on the gentleman that just spoke, i'm a witness we have always been calling you guys to the table. you didn't want to talk to us so there was no issue of transparency in the process. i'm glad you didn't make the statements on what you said in the article and real reason why you don't want to hire african-americans in the community of baby hunter's point -- >> hey. excuse me, michael, we don't need that. >> but it is written and you could have addressed it at that time. it's not what you said it's what you didn't say. but i want to get back to
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addressing what we were addressing. i have been doing the workforce with the southeast collision community development and i'm glad the step in workforce is doing but the numbers still reflect people -- >> i will do it. keep your attention towards uts because it's on television. >> ok. the reality is the numbers don't really reflect, redevelopment is about redevelopment of a community and people benefit in that community. we also hear a lot of the arguments on why not hiring us and we would like to have those numbers so we could look at it. just recently graduated from a u.s.c. community development program and the focus around those areas, those numbers you're talking about, sir. so you can get those numbers as well. we would like to work with you. my one question though is i sat on that committee, on c.b.a. with ad-10, where the unions, san francisco labor counsel council, which most of the members came out and supported the workforce, money, 18.5.
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half of that coming from the city, half of that coming from lennar. so on the one hand you're saying, hey, we want to support the workforce but we're understanding there's a problem getting people hired after they go to the training. seems like you would want to support any legislation to help get the maximum. thank you. >> thank you. next speaker, please. >> hello. my name is yen-yen. i'm a member of c.b.a. and c.a.a., chinese progressive association and chinese affirmative action.
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what is happening to his friends is even though they have no job they would spend time in a coffee shop so their families would not know it. some of them even take up a gambling so they could try to make some money for their families. as they gambled bigger or bigger, the athletes to the family falling apart this is not only unemployment problem -- that leads to the family falling apart. this is not only an employment problem in the chinese
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>> good afternoon. i am here from power. we are really happy to be here with a broad range of united staff behind us. we have all different forces uniting around this, and i think the most important thing is the 50% of the 50% that is actually pointing at disadvantaged workers, because for us the thing that is most compelling is the ability to redress discrimination against workers of color, transgendered workers, when men, and this really get said that. it is not the narrow parochialism. it is about the fact that employers continue to discriminate.
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it was incredible to see the difference between two contractors during the same job. the entire act -- neighborhood had access to that network. this legislation is incredibly powerful, and i think a few months after rubicon came in, icon was rebuilding and they saw almost no local hire ring. they put them in a hotel rather than hire local workers who had just done the project across the street. it is not a lack of quality workers. it is a discrimination issue.
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i am so happy to support this legislation. we will be here testifying until this passes. >> rubin expressed to me that someone tried to approach him and said by hiring local brothers and latinos, they were able to lower the murder rate. also with the organization. i have a stack of pledges of those who are in support of it. i spoke to one gentleman who
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says he has been working for work for over three years. i spoke to a young man, and he said there if -- if there were more out there, there would not be so many issues with the violence. >> thank you. next speaker please. >> my name is carl. i am a carpenter's apprentice. i am glad you are bringing this up, because it is a big issue. i do not know where to start, because i have a lot of things i have been dealing with.
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what is the the top of my head is that the contractor -- they are telling me i have to talk to the contractors association as far as changing the bargain agreement as far as how behind the process is. a contractor can come in here, and if they want to hire someone, they have to give a request. they can do of course job and not hire new ones. they're bringing workers from other jobs, and that is giving them credit for having 50% that they are supposed to meet their goal.
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you do not have enough jobs. we need to work harder to get more jobs. all these people are asking for jobs. that is the big picture. local hiring is gave, but if we do not have training for these people, -- local hiring is good, but if we do not have training for these people, it is going to beat a problem. he has got to give so he can work just about everywhere. i work in sacramento. i work at building the bay
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bridge for you guys, so it is about jobs. please work together. get the job done. you guys can do it. >> [list of names] >> my name is paul, and i am here speaking for the community, and the time has ended in san francisco where people need to start shutting down projects to get jobs to the people who live in san francisco. that time is done. the time is done when they are waiting for the longshoremen who had to shut down the waterfront
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to get jobs and fair access to work, so this type of legislation is critical to invents the welfare of the working people of san francisco. one of these concepts i keep hearing is the need for a labor resource pool, and that common pool -- people could sign up and get access to work, and people could come and go. workers, could be provided for the legislation that is finally offered byron the supervisors. by giving preference, the veterans get preference. there is no reason we could not do that. there is no reason businesses
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that have san francisco resident addresses should have a preference. it does not mean businesses in california or stockton or colorado could not compete, but preference could be given to local people who pay local taxes as well, so these are some of the ideas i would like to see it in the legislation, including an idea that there be union rates required so contractors could afford to hire union people. did thank you very much. >> next speaker. >> i am a 56-year resident of sandford cisco. -- san francisco. i would like to say one of the key issues of this legislation i
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am in full support of is this aspect of retention, because if you have hiring without retention, you're back to where you started. i would like to see that inc. that it not only before local hiring but for local retention, and retention is defined as something more than just someone on the job for 60 days. that is one thing i will think is going to be critical to this legislation. i am in full support of it. thank you, supervisors. >> thank you all for waiting. i really appreciate it.
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>> i speak in support of the hiring ordinance. i am not going to be labor many of the good points made by some of the other speakers common but i do want to point out that you can take a look at the reports, because they really draw out the true challenges. the other thing i want to talk about. -- are really want to talk about what the challenges have been unable to get jobs without having to shut those places down. as a taxpayer, i pay property taxes. i would like to see my taxes go to support folks who are working here and buying here in san
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francisco to stimulate the local economy. we have an unemployment rate in excess of 30%, and i think this would go a long way in driving that down. i encourage each of you to seriously consider it, and i thank you for your time. >> thank you. next speaker. >> my name is terry sanders. i am a member of the southeast jobs coalition. first off, i will speak in defense that unions know how to negotiate, and i will leave that at that. no doubt the
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