tv [untitled] November 15, 2010 4:00am-4:30am PST
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steve li is a junior in city college who aspires to be a health care worker. he graduated from george washington high school as well as hoover middle school, where he was an editor and reporter for the school newspaper and ran on the track and cross-country team. he is scheduled to graduate in september 2011. he entered the u.s. when he was about 12 years old and was ordered removed from the united states to peru when he was 14. he has no knowledge of the deportation because he was a derivative beneficiary of his mother's political asylum application. when the judge denied that her status, that denied his status in the u.s. where he was a minor. he was never reformed -- he was never informed he was a fugitive in the united states. he was arrested along with his parents pursuant to an ice directive called the fugitive program. it was intended to target dangerous fugitive immigrants,
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but instead has swept up young adopted children who never knew they had been ordered to move. this does not serve any national security progress. where as he is dream act eligible, and his deportation to peru should be halted, we should read his application for deferred action and allow him to remain in the u.s.. protect children -- deporting dream our children is unfair and a violation of their constitutional rights. while the immigration system is broken, deporting immigrants children is up the answer. the san francisco school board recognizes the support of the city and community college, including his mentor, professors, classmates, law caucus, and the asian-pacific american community. the community has called, emailed, and written over 500 letters to senator feinstein and speaker policy asking a speak out against deportation. unless the dream act is passed
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by congress, all deportation of immigrant children should be stopped. unless the dream act is passed, steve li should be released from beo remain in the u.s. until the deferred action plan. and that senator boxer offer a bill. i did want to read the entire resolution because i am not sure if everyone is familiar with the story. at this time, we are calling for public speakers. please line up.
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>> i will go. i am sorry, i forgot to actually do public comment for the superintendent's proposal. my apologies for that. we will the that after this reading. we have three public speakers. >> i am a faculty member at city college of san francisco. steve, as you have heard, was a graduate of the san francisco unified school district. an energetic, bright, and promising young man. he was on his way to transfer to san francisco state university where he would go and serve the communities. he is a great example of what our education system can do here
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in san prince it is. i think it is appalling at this point that the young man that wants nothing more than an education to give back is now being deported. it is a great example of what exactly is broken with our immigration system at this time. he happens to be chinese ethnically, but is not just an issue for those communities, is an issue for all americans. it is one that we should all be paying attention to a little bit more. i am here to basically -- allow us to speak to you. this afternoon, the board of supervisors passed a similar resolution. the board of trustees also passed -- we hope it brings
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light to this very important issue. thank you. >> good evening president kim and the commissioners. steve and i are good friends. every time we hang out, we are always laughing and he is just one of the most fun loving people i have ever met. that is why it really hurts me that something so horrible as happening to him. he has been detained in arizona for over 50 days where he is being treated like a criminal. he will have nobody with him and he has no family there.
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he is no less of an american that i am. we listened to the same music, so what separates him and die? -- and i? we want to make ourselves and the something that our parents have worked so hard for and raised us to be. i would like to urge you all to please help us pass item r and bring steve back home to where he belongs in america. >> my name is peter and i graduated from high school, abraham lincoln high school. i am currently at city college in san francisco. when i first met him, we became
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really good friends and he is really genuine. i was shocked because a guy like steve, for him to be arrested, a guy like him is very kind and helpful. he is studying to be a nurse. not only does he want to help people, but by helping them -- him -- maybe he can help you guys later on because if he becomes a nurse and you guys turn sick, which we don't want to happen, if it ever happens, steve could help you.
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because he wants to be a nurse. president kim: any comments or questions from the board? i want to thank you for bringing this resolution for us -- to us. i think it is important that we support our students that are here in the u.s. and have worked very hard. we're grateful that you have brought this to us. roll call. >> [roll call vote] six ayes. president kim: thank you.
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i am actually going back to eisenhower -- item q. i forgot that we give five minutes of public comment for the first reading items. i believe that there are two speakers? when speaker? -- one speaker? great, two minutes. >> good evening. okay. i want to thank you for the opportunity to speak briefly about the proposal for a new charter school in san and cisco. with me -- sandra it is. with me are some of the volunteers -- san francisco. with me are some of the
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volunteers. and also, there are a number of other members on the team that could not be here this evening. but we have been working diligently on this. we are eager to work with the committees and all of the commissioners to bring it our alternative choice to families and students in san francisco. the proposal that we have submitted through the office -- includes a strong, diverse cultural influences. the teacher facilitated program with an emphasis on group processes and related skills resulting in powerful learning teams and including exemplary participation on many levels.
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over the last eight years, parents want their children to be able to continue in a public elementary school like the preschool program we are currently operating. another is that for many years, we wanted to bring the strategies and the results to public schools. as we go forward, we welcome your questions, comments, and the proposed school and the possibilities for students and families. thank you. president kim: thank you very much. we move on to item s. the first one as a report from the budget and business service committee from october 28. commissioner yee: the members that are present, it was a very
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lengthy meeting and i will try not to be as lengthy. we had no action item. the items that we covered were informational items. they include student services, unaudited financial statements, the budget development calendar and the review of administratively approved consultant resolutions. we had a discussion on the student nutrition and i would say that there were some concerns on the numbers that we saw. when will it be projections for the breakfast -- when we look at the projections for the breakfast, it looks like it will be lower this year that in previous years. we wanted to do some analysis
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and see what is causing that. the bottom line for all of this is that there is also a projection for the deficit that we usually have, it will be reduced this year -- it will not be reduced this year, which is a positive thing. the other financial statements for fiscal year 20 -- 2009 and 2010. we filed this on time and we did it again this year. this is the pattern that we followed for the last couple of years. it has always been late. it looks good. it is unaudited financial statements . the state budget peace, a lot of it came on the news. -- piece, a lot of it came on
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the news. when we look at the revenues that are being generated, it seems to be a lot slower than it would be projected. at this point, there might be a revision. we are afraid what a lovely asking us to do is reduce the budget for the full year, but only give us half a year to reduce it. so we are going to have to wait and see at this point. sorry. it might look ok, but i guess we are making a lot of assumptions about what it would be. as we move forward, we still have to take a conservative approach on this. not only for next year, but for
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this year. on the budget development calendar, it has been outlined. we will really start talking about it, probably in december or january. we are talking about it already because as we discussed student nutrition and transportation, those are things that we have a historic discussion rather than just having a budget and say that this is going to happen. we are a little bit more informed. the last thing is that we reviewed a the consultant resolutions. we talked about it at the previous meeting and we talked about concerns like duplications, things coming in and not catching. the discussion by staff made us feel more comfortable that they are paying attention to the system for it and they are monitoring it.
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when we looked at the october report, the report looked pretty positive. it doesn't mean that things can fall through the cracks, -- can't pull through the cracks, but the staff has to monitor its pretty carefully. the $50,000 threshold or the $25,000 threshold might go over. those were the five items that we discussed. we will be having our -- we are changing the date for the next meeting in november because of thanksgiving. we are moving into monday -- to monday the 29th. the topics, one of the informational items will be really focused on these special and -- the special ed piece and
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the kind of resources that we actually have for it. and hopefully we will have a discussion that is related to the audit that we just did so we can start lining up resources better. that's it. president kim: okay. >> i don't know if it is important, but i will not be able to be at the meeting on the 29. the other members need to be there. commissioner fewer: we had a curriculum program committee meeting on november 3, and we had a couple of items that were informational.
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what was expectations of eighth grade counselors and assisting students to meet graduation requirements. very exciting, they are moving in the direction of adopting the american school counseling association national model. that means that it is very much similar to a chaired service system. all of our students would receive counseling. rather than some. the challenging thing about it is that the recommends ratios of 360 -- 250 students to 1 counselor, and now it is close to 500. that is a challenge that we hope to overcome soon. it is an exciting direction that we are moving toward. we also heard an update on the
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schools, mainly we heard about the big picture. this is the big picture project. i think a book was given to all of the board members. this is a really fascinating presentation. there are over 700 big picture schools in the united states. our principal center is now a big picture school. they have great results nationwide, and we have the conversation at this meeting that we really need to switch to the culture of our schools as being < or not as good as regular comprehensive. this is a compromise -- conversation that we really need to switch to. that it will be an alternative to the regular comprehensive schools. i think it gives our students a
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real alternative to the regular, traditional classroom setting. there is an individualized plan for each of the students. attendance has been phenomenal. it is a school that traditionally does not have good attendance. they hope to expand from the 50 students currently to 150 students. we heard from other schools like the civic center, woodside, we heard from folks from ida b. wells and downtown high. it is nice to know that this is a very cohesive group that meets regularly and shares ideas with conversation. about how to make it better and how to meet the needs of students that have not been successful in the regular school settings by offering them an
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engaging cirriculum. president kim: our next report is from the augmented ad hoc committee. commissioner wynns: the committee met last night here, and we had three items on the agenda. the first one was a report on the plan for the monitoring of the student assignment, and i want to make sure, by the way, commissioner fewer said everybody got a copy of that but which i did not get. i am asking to make sure that all of the commissioners get a copy of the materials from the meeting last night. there were power point presentation is that will explain all of these issues
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about the monitoring system, and particularly about that presentation that will explain the experts that will be an adviser to the system -- advisers to the system. and how it will help us to an evaluate the effectiveness of reaching the goals of the new student assignment system. it lists a lot of questions. i like the format of lot. -- a lot. we want all members of the board to read that and consult with staff. the second item was the transportation policy, the committee actually recommended to the board a substitute motion which is the changes to the transportation policy from what was first introduced and when it
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will come to us in september. i want to say that last night, we discussed because of the holidays, we can't have the december meeting on the day that we usually have it, but we asked the staff when we should have it. today, i received a message saying that they would like to have one particularly for the purpose of further reporting on the specifics of the development of the transportation proposal for next year. and the three year phase-in we are proposing. we have not settled on the date yet, it will be either december 6, 7, or the 13. it looks like a 13 because we have other meetings. that would be the day before the
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regular board meeting in december. watch for that on the web. are we posting be presentations on all the information that we got last night? we have to oppose that because throughout the process, as you all know, we have been supportive and we discussed the importance of these proposals being publicized to everybody. changes in transportation and changes of the student assignment system will affect everybody in the system and we need to know that. the last item, we have gotten the beginnings of a proposal about the special education assignment process. i would urge the commissioners to read the presentation and the report that we have and give feedback.
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there will be other opportunities to discuss this. the staff is proposing to ask that we set aside places in the student assignment process for transitional grades for inclusion, students that have inclusion of iep's at every school. this is sort of a conclusion, but it became clear that the board is going to have to be supportive of holding places at schools when we have pressure from people when their students cannot have -- do not have iep's. we want to -- this is the beginning of our tryin gg to
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meet the commitment of having the special education assignment process be like the regular student assignment process. and our commitment to changing the nature of our special education program, particularly an inclusion as was noted in the audit from a program based to a service based process. i will finish by saying that we definitely want all the members of the board to pay attention to the materials. as we have all along, there were members of the board and i thank them for their time and attention and attendants who were at the meeting. i know everybody is really interested in this. it is essential for us getting the kind of implementation that we are committed to.
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i would just make another pitch that as much as possible, it will be good if members of the board are at the attendance on saturday because there will be a lot of questions about the new process. thank you. president kim: item t is a report of the closed session actions. commissioner fewer: -- commissioner maufas: bill meets starting at 5:00. is it wednesday? pardon me. i would not have been here. wednesday, starting at 5:00, it is just three topics. i know that we will try to get to that meeting relatively quickly because the other commissioners have time
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constraints. we will start promptly at 5:00 tomorrow in a board meeting room. commissioner fewer: i would like to report back on a visit today that commissioner norton and the deputy superintendent and miss dodge, we went to visit the school and this is a school we have a collaboration with. to serve students who are ill and must be hospitalized. and they can continue the education while there -- while they are in school. there are also students all over the country that come here. some come with their whole families with their siblings. i have to say personally, this school makes me especially proud
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of our school system in an effort to serve all students. i just wanted to report on that. president kim: thank you. item t is the report of the closed session actions. the board of education approved one assistant principal and one supervisor. item u is posted in the agenda under informational notice of classified personnel transactions. tonight, we had turned in the memory of three individuals. -- adjourn in the memory of three individuals. one student was an innocent victim of gun violence and one of our gateway to college students. another student passed
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