tv [untitled] November 15, 2010 4:30pm-5:00pm PST
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are a slap in the face of the residents of treasure island and more specifically, a slap in the face of the current share -- chair of tida and treasure island resident owen stephens. when these appointments surfaced and when chair stephens was not reappointed by the mayor, residents, the folks who are active on treasure island -- i believe unanimously -- weighed in in opposition, and this is difficult because these are technically redevelopment appointments that are effective if we do not act by 2/3 vote right now to reject. but the past -- teh ask -- the ask from treasure island is to reject these appointments,
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including director elberling, whom i'm close to, until we get a sound slate of potential directors to us, whether it be from the current mayor of san francisco or the next mayor of san francisco. it is my understanding that if we do reject these appointments, that the existing directors will continue to serve, so there will not be a lapse in the work program at tida, but these are lame-duck appointments in more ways than one. to not allow the next district supervisor, who will have to work with these directors, the opportunity to weigh in is incorrect. to allow the outgoing mayor, and i think there may be some patronage involved in some of
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the particular appointments -- to allow the outgoing mayor to do that, i think, is incorrect. it is not a slight of me because i ain't going to be at this desk, but it is a slight of several thousand san franciscan s who deserve to have representation on the body that deals with day-to-day issues and day-to-day management of the island and what is happening and the conditions of the buildings and the condition of the fields and the conditions of the playgrounds and of the streets. these are day to day issues, and there is no representation in front of us. the mayor, when there was pushed back, said that they would take applications from island residents in the other seat --
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when there was push-back. as far as we can tell, the mayor did not require these appointments to make applications. he did not open up all the seats to applications, and for the life of me, i did not know why -- i do not know why chair stephens is not back here. he is not a close friend or ally of mine, but he has done a good job on tida. he is the current share. and douglas, the one who spent two hours with me on the affordable housing provisions of the term sheet we discussed earlier this year -- he did not even realize that he was not appointed back into his seat on tida. he is in the administration, and
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the only thing i can come up with is what we have here is some bottom of the barrel appointments. i encourage you to reject them, to demand better, and if we do not get better, wait for the next mayor to come along who hopefully will do better. supervisor chiu: i have a question -- could you go through these appointees, which of them are continue -- continuing on with their service and which are new appointees? supervisor campos: sure. the rules committee considered these appointments, and the reason why we forwarded the item as a committee report is because we have a deadline that requires that we act at this board meeting either to reject or to approve. with respect to the various appointments, my understanding is that commissioners cheng, elberling and samaha have
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been serving on the tida board, and with respect to commissioner richardson -- she is serving right now, but she was recently appointed to that position. there were two additional appointments made to the tida board. those appointments were not forwarded to this meeting because the timeline to act for those appointments is actually different. in terms of what transpired at the rules committee, there was a motion to move this forward without a recommendation. i can only speak for myself to say that my preference was to continue these items because of the concerns that were raised by residents of treasure island, who were very worried about the fact that there is no island
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resident that has been nominated and that the one person who lives on the island who is currently serving on the tida board was not renominated. when asked about that, the mayor's office indicated they would open an application and have requested applications from residents of the island. it should be noted, though, that currently, there is no vacancy, and that doug shoemaker is serving on the board, and we were informed that he would be asked to step down so that the resident of the island could fill that vacancy. what i have indicated and what i continue to believe is that it is very unfortunate that representation of island residents is something that came up after the fact, that it -- if indeed it was important to us to
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have a representative from the island, why would that not be considered before the entire set of nominations was forwarded to the rules committee? i want to underscore that the specific things that each of these candidates brings to the table -- and i think that, certainly, the commissioners who have been working on the tida board for quite some time have been confirmed very recently by this body and continue to do a good job, but the question remains for me is -- is this process the right process? i do have a question for the city attorney's office in terms of what happens to those commissioners who certainly sit on the board, if the board were to reject the nominations, the appointments. what would happen to those commissioners?
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supervisor chiu: mr. deputy city attorney. >> supervisor, i'm afraid i do not have the information readily available to me. it would depend on when the current directors were initially appointed to their seats. perhaps someone from the mayor's office can provide you with some more information. >> thank you. supervisor campos, i believe they would remain as the mayor's appointments. they serve at the pleasure of the mayor. supervisor campos: the reason i ask that is because i do think we have a process problem here. irrespective of the marriage of appointing these individuals, there is a larger issue of whether or not we should have a different process. given that even if rejection happens, there will continue to be worked on by these commissioners, that is something that i am certainly considering
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because i do think that we need to get a better process for those residents. i do think that we owe it to them to make sure that there is representation, and that is not to take anything away from the individuals that have been forwarded. one last thing i would say is that i do believe that given that we will be having a new district 6 supervisor, not to take anything away from the current district 6 supervisor, it might be a consideration to make sure that that individual has some at least input on who is selected. supervisor mirkarimi: thank you. supervisor campos spoke to some of the salient points, but just one question i want to ask through you to the mayor's office -- what is the timeline for appointing somebody from a resident of treasure island to
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this body? >> an application was sent out and a press release was sent out calling for applicants for the resident spot in mid-october. the deadline for this applications is november 15, and shortly thereafter, we will be doing a review of those applications and then making the appointment. supervisor mirkarimi: according to the context that supervisor daly provided, it sounds like you have an able represented already -- commissioner stephens -- and able representative already, commissioner stephens. >> he certainly has been applied -- encouraged to apply for that position.
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supervisor mirkarimi: as it goes to the question of process, the formula is set up for the legislative branch and has very little recourse in this process. rules committee could not really do much except to pass this on. they cannot really reject, and continuing would have only solidified the current roster that is before them, so rules committee proved to be not effective because of just the way the procedure has rendered it so, and for us, it would require a supermajority to render a response if we wanted to see something different. that is unfortunate in that the executive branch had an opportunity to work out with the legislative branch, but in particular, the district 6 supervisor and others, to make sure there was a healthy balance on this committee. that did not happen, so i think we are rolling the dice to make
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sure there will be effective representation, but it feels like and what i'm hearing is that that is not being committed to, and that is a real problem, i think. and it is no reflection on the candidates and those who are before us again that have served ably, but the process in itself undermines, i think, any kind of inducement to the residents of treasure island, which i think sends exactly the wrong message -- undermines any kind of endearment to the residents of treasure island. supervisor alioto-pier: a lot of the conversation obviously surrounded the fact that mr. stephens is a resident and the need to have a residential appointment on tida. the commitment that was made on committee and has been made publicly outside of committee and in the newspapers is that right now, currently, mr.
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shoemaker's position will be filled by a resident. what we did discuss in committee is the fact that it had -- that the post had been advertised. we were seeking applications -- actively seeking applications from residents. had been going on two weeks before we actually met in committee. i believe one person had filed an application. the process will be open for another two weeks, but the spot is designated for a resident, and i feel very confident that a resident will be placed in that position. it does not seem to me that the thing for us to do right now is to hold up appointments of members of tida who have been sitting on tida and doing a very good job. there is nothing, in my opinion, that should prevent us from moving forward on the appointments we currently have, particularly because we are the
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ones who will be approving the resident, and i think we can all feel very secure in knowing that ultimately a resident will be appointed to that one particular position. so i would hope that we would move the mayor's appointments through. these are mayoral appointments that sit at the pleasure of the mayor. there is nothing to stop the new mayor from making appointments if he or she sees fit, so i think we should move forward with what we have in front of us today. supervisor daly: i would be hesitant to encourage the next mayor of san francisco to a undue seated commissioners -- to undo seated commissioners because we are unable to take care of business at the board of supervisors. that seems backward to me. if you want to check whether or not there was good faith, we
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have a chair of the tida board, who is a treasure island resident, is very active in island affairs, very active obviously on the board of directors, very well liked and respected by residents -- i mean, if you spend any time over at treasure island or with treasure island residents, these are typically people who already feel like second-class san franciscans because they are out on the island and do not have many of the same things we take for granted here. we have seen it when we discussed bus service. we saw at the school district when we discussed deliberations on the closure of the school. already, we have several thousand san franciscans out there. we have folks who are formerly homeless in terms of many of the programs that are on the
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island, and it is separated physically from the rest of san francisco. then, we went and got to get an island resident, which is by no means -- i'm friendly with mr. stephens, but in no way is the in my political camp or a close ally of mine, but he is a san franciscan who has been active and has done good work. if you look at his seat, larry mazolla, jr. has been appointed to succeed him, and that appointment was made without any assurance to island residents that there would be an effort for proper representation, and it was not until they started e- mail in me that the mayor's office started changing their tune. and for a resident of the island
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to have to apply, and that seat that he has to apply for, currently occupied by mr. shoemaker, who is the expert on affordable housing issues, and affordable housing is one of the big issues on treasure island -- this is backward. if you want to make a party-line vote, fine. go ahead and make a party line vote, but it is backward, the way this is happening. is that would to say that the next mayor of san francisco should come along and and do this if they do not like it -- it is backward to say that the next mayor of san francisco should come along and undo this if they do not like it. supervisor campos: i just really want to underscore that for me, the concern is not -- this is not about the individual candidates. it is really about the process for me, and i think it is unfortunate because you have
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people who have done a lot of good work. again, i think that process has been, in my view, lacking in terms of addressing the concerns of the residents of treasure island. thank you. supervisor chiu: colleagues, any additional discussion? i suggest we proceed with a roll call vote on each of these items. if we could start with a roll call vote on item 29. >> item 29, campos no. chiu aye. chu aye. daly no. dufty aye. elsbernd aye. mar aye. maxwell aye. mirkarimi no. alioto-pier aye. avalos no. there are seven ayes and four nos. supervisor chiu: this motion is approved. item 30.
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>> on item 30, campos no. chiu aye. chu aye. daly no. dufty aye. elsbernd aye. mar aye. maxwell aye. mirkarimi no. alioto-pier aye. avalos no. there are seven ayes and four no. supervisor chiu: this motion is approved. next item. >> on item 31, campos no. chiu aye. chu aye. daly no. dufty aye. elsbernd aye. mar aye. maxwell aye. mirkarimi no. alioto-pier aye.
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avalos no. there are seven ayes and four no. supervisor chiu: this motion is approved. finally, item 32. >> item 32, campos no. chiu aye chu aye aye. -- chiu aye. chu aye. daly no. dufty aye. elsbernd aye. mar aye. maxwell aye. mirkarimi no. alioto-pier aye. avalos no. there are seven aye and four nos. supervisor chiu: we have received a letter from the appointee withdrawing his name
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for consideration, so i understand this motion is tabled as a matter of law. i could confirm that with the deputy city attorney. >> that is correct. supervisor chiu: this motion is tabled. if we could now move to roll call for introductions. >> first on a roll call for introductions is supervisor campos. supervisor avalos. supervisor avalos: thank you. colleagues, i am very concerned about the transition to the successor mayor or interim mayor for the city and county of san francisco. we know that gavin newsom is the lieutenant governor-elect. there will be a vacancy in the mayor's office in early january, and we need to make sure we have a steady transition, especially with our budget deficit that is
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looming ahead of us. the earlier we get started on writing -- righting this ship, to help with that process, which i believe needs to be a collaborative process with the board of supervisors, something we have not seen as strongly as we're going to need in the next year or two, come up with a solution for our budget deficit, it is important that we get an early start on appointing either an interim mayor or if we cannot do that, we know in january, we will have an acting mayor, but the interim mayor discussion is something that is really pertinent for us to engage in. i am submitting two motions today. one is to sit the committee as a whole, to hear nominations for
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the interim mayor. the other is to accept that and consider those nominations before us today. those are coming out of my deep concern as budget chair and being part of the work of balancing this budget with room to hundred that we need to have a really important and collaborative process moving forward -- balancing this budget with room to hundred -- balancing this budget with room 200 that we need to have a really important and collaborative process moving forward. i want to call today, november 9, 2010, clinic bioday day in san francisco. supervisor dufty will be cosponsoring the resolution as well as supervisor campos. thank you.
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>> i wanted to alert that two richmond bars, tenants were cited in case -- timmy was cited. apparently, timmy hangs in the richmond district. i wanted to discuss the ground transportation industry at the san francisco airport. today, in introducing an ordinance addressing fog, but not the kind we are used to in the city. that is fats, oils, and grease, and it is a serious problem for the stores -- the sewers. the current law has not been successful in preventing fats,
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oils, and greece -- grease from entering sewers. financing is available to cover the immediate costs for many of the businesses that are impacted. for those restaurants especially that will be required to install a grease-removal device, and the public utilities commission will also introduce service charges, said that as another benefit -- reduced service charges, so that is another benefit. our office has been working with the puc and making significant efforts to involve key stakeholders during the drafting of this proposed ordinance, and this results in the golden gate legislation and the small business committee endorsing the legislation. >> thank you. i look forward to hearing other
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favorite haunts of giants players in your district. supervisor mirkarimi: thank you. assembly bill 1717 will go in effect january 1. it will allow local government to develop procedures to let -- to develop procedures to let voters receive their information by e-mail instead of snail mail, which will result in reduction of printing costs as well as saving paper. the carmen is working on calculating and mailing the info pamphlets. the one potential complication is a charter section that we are actually asking the city attorney to iron out, but i'm submitting this legislative requests publicly that we pursue the option of allowing san francisco voters to opt in
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for an e-mail rather than a hard copy of the voter information pamphlet. next, i'm submitting the in memoriam of the tragic murder on november 1 in the marina district nightclub gravity during the celebration of the giants world series victory. he was on the gang injunction list, but he and his family contend that he was not part of a gang and that his past issues were not a gang-related. he graduated from ida b. wells high school. he was a standout graduate. he played football for the seahawks for several years. he also played basketball for galileo high school's all city team in 2006. the championship game, he hit the game-winning shot.
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he was nicknamed pooh bear as a child. in the last year, he took care of his sick mother and played basketball at an elementary school. his mother lost two sons -- he and his younger brother in the last two years. andre was found dead in a car in front of the university of san francisco. our heart goes out to the family. next, an in memoriam for patrick q. cunny. he was just 20 years old. when a person so young leaves us, it creates a void that was only recently filled with hopes and dreams happen is. obviously a shock to many when someone this young passes. that space is now filled with great sorrow. patrick dreamed of eventually
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becoming a high school english teacher and serve the community he loved. our deepest condolences go out to patrick's family and friends. he will be greatly missed and sorely greed. a funeral mass will be celebrated on saturday november 15 at 1:00 p.m. in sonoma. -- he will be greatly missed and sorely grieved. >> thank you. supervisor elsbernd. supervisor dufty. supervisor dufty: thank you. i would like to join supervisor mirkarimi for the in memoriam and request it be applied to the entire board. i would like to knowledge that chris is a unique individual within the community and someone who has had a strong
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