tv [untitled] November 15, 2010 5:00pm-5:30pm PST
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with both the law enforcement and recovering community, and as someone who has really bridge the divide up individuals who come into the justice system and someone who was able to be the president of the p.o.a., but be someone who is always conciliatory and someone working with all factions of our city, so chris is someone who i am sure is an incredible father to have. i want to acknowledge that patrick is survived by his mother as well, christine, and his older brothers, jerome and michael. i really appreciate that in memoriam being for the entire board. i have submitted an in memoriam
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as well for our former chief of police, alex fagan, and requested that before the entire board as well. i have had the opportunity to work with alex over many years, and alex is an incredible police officer. as "the chronicle" captain today, so many referred to him as a cop's, -- a cop's cop. he rescued 30 gay men in a bath house fire in 1976. just three years later, he swam too hundred yards to rescue someone who was suicidal at that moment. he was an officer who worked in narcotics in some of the most difficult eras in san francisco where gun violence was something that officers faced daily in their work, and he was incredibly courageous. i also experienced alex as somebody who was a cop's cop,
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but yet and still, he could see the future of our city, so when he became the assistant chief of police, i approached him about the fact that there were many individuals in the transgenic community that fell disparate treatment -- the trans gender community that felt disparate treatment from the police force -- many individuals in the transgendered community. at that time, teresa sparks was a community member who worked with him on that, and put her on a path of civic involvement where she ultimately became president of the police commission. i think many of the colleagues of alex's that i have talked to really mourn his passing because over the past three years, alex was in the best health of his life. he had given up alcohol and clearly was loving, following his domestic partner around in
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her work as a u.s. attorney and working with the irs, and most recently, living for the past six months in london. the people felt that he had come into his own. certainly when i saw alex, he seemed like an incredibly happy individual who was at peace, recognizing that some of his career had been splashed over the pages of the newspaper and that there are certainly things that all of us would do differently in life, but i certainly know that alex loved the police department greatly. it was his life. it was a dedication that he had, the respect he had from the men and women in the department and the passion he had to make the san francisco police department the best that it could possibly be, and i think that over many years, the people that continue to serve -- just today, there was a promotional exercise for the department where many people were elevated to become inspectors, to become sergeants, lieutenants, captains, and alex
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fagan certainly has had his mark on this department, and i think for the next generation, we will continue to see leadership by men and women in this department who watched and respected alex greatly and take to heart the courage with which he did his job and the zoo birds and passion with which he approached trying to bridge all the different neighborhoods in this city -- the exuberance and passion with which he approached trying to bridge all the different neighborhoods in the city. i would also submit an in memoriam for joyce taylor. she was a native of oklahoma, and she came to san francisco and worked in external affairs of at&t wish to work on legislative and government activities -- where she worked on legislative and government activities for at&t. i think of her most passionately
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as it relates to the san francisco ballet, but she served the chamber of commerce, the bay area council, the bay area economic forum, the san francisco school alliance foundation, silicon valley leadership group, united way of the bay area, women's forum, and the north western regional board of operation hope and on the executive campaign of the advisory board of the united negro college fund. joyce completed her tenure with at&t in 2007 and afterwards was an executive to the oakland chamber of commerce where she collaborated with artists and community leaders on the champions of humanity monument to extend a commitment from oakland to humanitarian values and actions. joyce was someone who was noted because she was an african- american woman at a very high level of corporate leadership in san francisco, and i think she really did great work, and
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she conducted herself with grace and elegance. i want with knowledge that she is survived by family members war in -- warren and allen taylor, and unfortunately, in her later years, she met the love of her life, lindsay allen. lastly, an in memoriam for michael woolford. in his last year of nursing school was the year that harvey milk was assassinated. just as he was coming out and realizing he was, he realized that he needed to be in san francisco. he easily settled in with a nursing job at ucsf that he loved and living in dubose triangle and meeting a partner who was with him for seven years who passed away in 1989.
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michael made a career change from the hospital to the stage, and he was part of this institution for almost three years, and then returned to the security of nursing. michael, in the 1980's, responded to the overwhelming crisis of the age epidemic in many ways, designating himself as an athlete raising funds. ultimately being mr. february, on the 2008 calendar that helps people in need. he was an active volunteer throughout his life and up until the ending of his life and was involved in many different cultural and community organizations. for the past three years,
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michael volunteered as a clinician and counselor at the comprehensive the men's health care center in castro, so he will be missed from his large and loving family members. his parents survive him. his brothers and several nieces and nephews, and i have other items to submit. >> thank you. supervisor alioto-pier. supervisor alioto-pier: thank you, madam clerk. i, too, would like to wish te -- the cunny family my best, and they are in my prayers. i would also like to say the same to the fagans. when i first got here, then- chief fagan was quite a force to be reckoned with. i remember him coming into the
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office, and he would just walk in with three or four guys dressed in blue. they knew their stuff. it was amazing. he was incredible. it was a great loss, a personal one and a professional one, so my thoughts and prayers are with him. i also have an in memoriam for ms. dodie rosencrantz. her patronage was felt from the bay area to paris and venice. she died in her home on saturday. mrs. rosen krantz, whose unconventional style charm dignitaries and hipsters alike. she was 91 years old. born georgette macy, she was the widow of john rosencrantz, who died in 2001.
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ms. rosencrantz' father created a movie chain that became united artists. she was a fixture in san francisco and was known worldwide for her philanthropy, fashion sense, graciousness, and party-hosting prowess. she and her late husband were staunch supporters of the museum in san francisco, and after the 1989 earthquake led a 23.3 million -- 234 $8 million campaign to expand the legion of honor, personally contributed over $5 million -- $23.8 million campaign. her greatest asset, according to many famous friends, was her personality. she was short, no more than 5 feet tall, but exerted a subtle
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dynamism that drew people to her. she had an eccentric eye when it came to fashion, furniture, and art, and web hosting dinners and other gatherings, she would mix things up, bring the aristocracy, tattoo artist, and boutique clerks to the same table. she truly was a one-of-a-kind and for many of us who have paid attention to san francisco, history over the last 100 years, she was a huge part of it. she was close friends with my grandfather, and she will be sorely missed. i would like to give my condolences to his two sons -- to her two sons, her two stepsons, her 10 grandchildren, and her two great-grandchildren. those conclude my remarks. >> thank you. mr. president, unless i have missed someone -- pardon me, you
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would like to be re-referred. supervisor chiu: i had a number of items today. i would like to echo the sentiments of our colleagues for the cunny family. our hearts go out. i also have an in memoriam for a resident from my district, who passed away also from a horrible tragedy last week. she was a dream of a woman. well loved by everyone and knew many of us within the community, and our hearts go out to her family as well. i have two items related to technology today. first of all, i have a hearing request on the status of the implementation of the justice project, which as everyone knows, was a project that was supposed to help consolidate our city's criminal-justice data. this was a product that began in 1997 with a budget of less than $1 million. 13 years later, $22 million
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later, the project does not have an end date. has been subject of numerous studies and reports. we need to get this done. the last time we look at this was a number of months ago when we were told that the mayor's office and criminal justice would provide us with an update. has been many months since we received that update, and i would like to ask for the status of where the project is. i have a resolution i am introducing that calls on san francisco to join with 31 other california counties in supporting the work of the california emerging technology fund, which is setting a goal statewide of an 80% broadband internet access rate for all californians by 2015 and embraces a goal of the broadband internet access rate of 90% by that same date with a focus on connecting seniors and low- income households throughout our communities. the resolution also requests that the department of
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technology report back on strategic actions that are planned to help remove barriers to the deployment and adoption of broadband. the final item i have is a motion that directs the clerk of the board of supervisors to propose a process for the nomination and selection of a successor mayor. obviously, with last week's election, the city charter states that when there is a vacancy that occurs in that office, the significant responsibility of determining the success rests on us here at the board of supervisors. at the request of the clerk of the board, introducing a motion that was drafted by our outside counsel to direct the clerk to propose a process by which we select an interim nature. the goal that i think we all share is to create a fair and transparent process. i think the goal is we do everything we can to ensure the orderly and smooth transition during these unprecedented
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times. this motion directs the court, which is an unbiased office, to propose the process. numerous questions have been raised about specific details around nominations and conflicts of interest, and i would propose that is irresponsibility that our clerk helps us move forward with. the rest of my items i will submit. >> thank you, mr. president. supervisor chiu: what we look to general public comment? >> the next item on the agenda is the opportunity for the public to address the board of items within the jurisdiction of the board, including those items on the adoption without committee reference portion and excluding those items that have already been considered. speakers using translation assistance will be allowed twice the amount of time. a member of the public would like a document to be displayed on the overhead projector, please clearly state such and remove the document when the screen should return to live coverage of the meeting.
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mr. david chiu, do not worry. i will be beside you. i do not blame you for my health problems. i am going to give your office help. you can come to me any time you want. i wish you could work together. a lot of people in the city, including myself, i do not like what it is to cut the budget, here, there, school, whatever, but [inaudible]
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finally, for the lovely day he makes for us, and he makes me happy like many million people for the day he makes with the giants. i'm here to tell you thank you very much for making me and millions of people happy all over for what you did with our team becoming the best team in the world. thank you, god, and thank you, mr. mayor. mr. president, do not worry -- we will be behind you, and we need to see you in room 200. god bless all of you guys. supervisor chiu: next speaker please. >> thank you, supervisor. stop the corporate rate of the public library -- library -- the
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corporate rape of the public library. operations use the public library to raise private money. it is important to recognize how little they pay for their privileges and lack of oversight. this private group has filed its financial report with the california attorney general that was due last november. the filing with the city shows that in the current year, this private group's expenditures for all purposes benefiting the library was $373,000, down more than 25% from the previous year of 498,000. have corporate fund-raisers encountered hard times? not a chance. the salary of the executive director is up 18% from $179,000 last year to $212,000 this year. last year, the foundation reported the salaries of their top seven employees, who made $189,000 were in average of
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$127,000 each. this year, they reported the salaries of their top four employees, who made $653,000, or an average of $163,000 each. yes, all of them got a raise. what happened to total expenditures? yes, annual expenditures dropped 10%. the good news, if you want to call it good news, is that the donation to the library now represents 6.5% of annual expenditures. the trouble with this donation is that it represents only 57% of those top for your employees and 176%, less than double, of white the executive director makes -- of what the executive director makes alone. yet, we are supposed to have gratitude sufficient to destroy democratic institutions? in fact, the why is cost more than the money. thank you very much. -- in fact, the lies cost more
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than the money. thank you very much. >> good afternoon. walter paulson. ♪ so governor-elect california is a place i love and here i will stay and i know the budget has been a bad thing but you will make it better they will stop there crying and make the birds sing so, let governor jerry across of mercy because the state california is a place i love and here i will stay i will stay and i know the budget lately has been a bad thing but they will stop there crying -- their crying
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