tv [untitled] November 15, 2010 6:00pm-6:30pm PST
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>> i apologize. apparently there's been some miscommunication. supervisor avalos did clarify. he did consult with the city attorney's office concerning the amendment. president chiu: thank you. supervisor avalos has made a motion. is there a second to his motion to amend? seconded by supervisor mar. colleagues, can we take this without objection. the motion to amend passes. and advice vee the underlying -- vis-a-vis the underlying motion, same call. without objection, the motion is approved as amended. madam clerk, do we have any imperative items? >> on behavior of -- behalf of supervisor avalos, -- president chiu: we have a resolution in front of us with the requisite commendtory finding and a finding introduced by supervisor avalos, could we have a second at that resolution? supervisor avalos. >> yes. and actually, there are several board members who had
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co-sponsored, including supervisor campos, supervisor dufty, supervisor alioto-pier, and supervisor chu. and this is actually -- and supervisor mirkarimi as well. this is a resolution declaring today clinic by the bay today. today, clinic by the day is -- hoped its doors in the excelsor district. it was started by volunteers m medicine. and the the work of janet reilly and scott howgie to bring this to san francisco. volunteers in medicine will be bringing together a team of health care providers who most of them who are retirees who will be providing free medical care, to people who are about 250,000 -- 250% of the poverty line. in the else sexor district, in the outer mission and -- in the excelsor district, in the outer mission, and those who don't
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have medical care or health insurance. the clinic itself is amazing site. i was just there today. beautiful rooms. lots of space to provide care. an x-ray machine. there's a referral to specialty care throughout the city. it is remarkable thing for my district which has very few services like this anywhere within its boundaries. and colleagues, there are many people in my district who are very proud of this coming forward. i want to congratulate the work of volunteers in medicine. and clinic by the bay, elijah gibson, for her work in bringing this together the last couple of years and a great event for the city. president chiu: thank you. supervisor avalos has made that motion. i understand it to be seconded by supervisor campos. first let me ask, is there any public comment on this resolution? seeing none, public comment on this item is closed. and colleagues, can we do this item, same call. without objection. this imperative resolution is
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adopted. madam clerk, are there any in memoriams for today? >> yes. today's meeting will be adjourned in memory of the following individuals -- on behalf of supervisor alioto-pier, for the late ms. dotey rosen cats, on behalf of supervisor carmen chu, for the late eugene marty jr., on behalf of president chiu, for the late ms. kate brand, on behalf of supervisor mirkarimi, for the late giovan helton, sun li, and on behalf of supervisor dufty for the late mr. frank ortiz circos, ms. joyce taylor, philip robertson, michael woolford. on behalf of the full board for patrick cunney, norma garcia, and chief alex fagan sr. president chiu: thank you. madam clerk, is there any more business in front of the board today? >> that concludes our business today, mr. president. president chiu: ladies and gentlemen, we are adjourned.
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captioned by the national captioning institute supervisor chiu: good morning. it is monday, november the 15th. welcome to the public safety supervisor board. i am joined by a colleague. we will shortly -- we are joined by our vice chair, supervisor mirkarimi. madam clerk, do we have any announcements? >> all persons attending this meeting are requested to turn off all pagers and phones. if you wish to speak, please place the speaker card to the rail on the left. please submit an extra copy it for the file if you are submitting to the committee. items considered today will be considered by the full board tuesday of next week on november 23 unless another date is indicated. >> thank you. i want to thank the staff for
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streaming this meeting live. let's call item no. 1. >> item number one, hearing to review statistics from the entertainment commission and the police department regarding violence and public safety incidents associated with entertainment venues and to receive updates about the entertainment commission's review of relevant complaints. supervisor chiu: a little bit of background on this item, we have had a continuing pattern of violence by an end around certain nightclubs around the city. the board of supervisors passed legislation that requires the commission to provide us with a quarterly report reviewing the statistics related to related updates in the commission. i want to invite the acting director of the entertainment commission. as you may have heard, mr. bob davis, director of the
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entertainment commission, retired from service at the end of october. i want to welcome jocelyn king to present the report. i turn it over to you. and >> thank you so much. good morning, supervisors. i was going to announce mr. davis retirement and invite you all to a planned event on the 29th of this month. i will send you and your office an invitation. he will be coming back to the bay area for that purpose. we are pleased to present our fourth quarter report to the public safety committee. it came to my attention that the previous report that came to you, the form that it came in, did not meet the needs of the committee. there seemed to be too much raw data and not enough analysis.
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there seemed to be a sense that there were complaints for other things missing from the report. so, we almost presented the committee with that same format again. we are working towards finding a permanent solution that would integrate these solutions. i do not know if you want me to take the time to talk about that more specifically. icahn, in summation, the office has offered assistance. we will begin to meet with the system to try to me and use their technology so that we can actually have a more integrated way for board members and the public to access those complaints and any corrective actions that we might do going forward.
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the highlights that i intended to go over on the second page is a memo that i gave you. under the heading of administrative citations, we are actually able to issue them now. making us quite pleased. we have had that ability, but not the methodology before. and about two weeks ago or so we began issuing those. already affected in terms of the change of venue operators, this might be a way to fund additional staff in the future. notices of violation that do not carry any financial penalties are being issued as warnings. we created a watch list, if you look at the top of the report.
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we have listed permitted venues that we are staying close to right now in a variety of districts. they have different districts -- different issues on our watch list where the entertainment staff is concentrating time and resources. then we reported incidents that were reported to us through san francisco police department reports. we split them up by dealing with entertainment commission permitted venues and those not permitted by the commission. which i feel is relevant given that there are three of us in the office for handling 400 forms of entertainment pertinent to the department. it's a good portion of our time is spent on panel then use, it
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makes it that much more difficult. we did what we could working with the police to bring complaints. leslie, we have attached a continuing list of suspensions. suspensions that are relevant to violent incidents in 2010. all of the actions we have taken were swift. all of the cases have been followed immediately by the director's order. i have attached some other things in terms of citation and what it would look like and am happy to take any questions. supervisor chiu: a couple of initial comments. i think that the new form is
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based at forward from where we were had with previous reports. it had previously been a hodgepodge of data. for the first time this committee has been provided with a handful of nightclubs around the city's debt have created issues. it is good to focus attention on these clubs. i thought about moving to a more integrated data system with 311. coming up with certain metrics every quarter, i can count that. one of the steppes implemented by the police department is every month, every quarter of every year, you can compare
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numbers from quarter to quarter. i would like to ask if you could work with the san francisco police department to create some net tricks that you can measure about how things are proceeding. i know that it will take work with 311, but it does allow us to know, for example, several dozen incidents. hard to eyeball, but let's assume that there were 70 or 80 over the next few months that would allow us to know if we are doing a better or worse job. any reaction to that use of metrics? >> this clarification on metrics, using those kinds of headings for comparison, i understand where you are going with this but i want to make
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sure that we understand all of the complaints compared to the metrics from the supervisor's office that is relevant and the mayor's office. we never get all of the complaints that come from emergency. through the police reports that we receive, we can use that metric of violent incidents in things that warrant actually writing police reports. >> i think that that is exactly right. -- supervisor chiu: i think that that is exactly right. the police department, the number of calls, we do not have similar metrics in this area. categories like the serious and violent incidents is that have happened, the number of neighborhood complaints and non- emergency police calls, i am
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open to what those metrics are, but if we do not figure out a way to measure it, we will not have a way to understand the nature of the problem. i would like to identify and quantify that problem. particularly since i continue to hear that many neighborhood complaints are not being tracked through the system. one thing that i would ask this for this report to be placed on your web site. where everyone around the city can see it in a transparent way. and can understand exactly where the situation is that. another question, you have the distinction in your report between violations by clubs that are permitted by the entertainment commission and violations from clubs not permitted by the commission. it appears that there are plenty of neighborhood complaints and police incidents related to
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those clubs not permitted by the entertainment commission. how do you handle the dozens of issues that arise from the non- permitted clubs? >> as we have one inspector on staff, we try to be as responsive as we can with those places where we are called by a neighbor or someone complain directly for investigation of a situation. as you can see from list, they are not always places where entertainment is happening without a permit. like a fleet -- she's take place. you know, nothing really to do with what is defined as entertainment. but police and neighbors continue to use us as a resource. which is fine for activity at
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night. that is the distinction for many people. is that our job is to regulate the other 9-5. the things that happen at night time. we tried to use our resources intelligently, doing the best that we can. making a judgment call at times when i feel that too much is being spent on venues without permits. if these problems continue, i have no leverage. i want to be careful about that. making sure that we spend the majority of time on places where i can actually regulate for better change. supervisor chiu: that is a fair point. i want to thank you and your overworked and understaffed agency for what you are doing. if we are going to take these issues seriously as a city, we need to think about your
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office's resources. what i was looking at the list of incidents, many of these were in my district in the northeast part of the city. it seems like there were dozens of establishments in district 3 that did not have a permit and police actions were elated to post-entertainment issues have come up and it will be an ongoing conversation that we all have with the police department as to handle that. any questions? thank you for providing this report. i look forward to continued improvements of this report for us and for the entertainment commission. is the commission also going to review this report? >> if the president of the commission was so inclined, yes. supervisor chiu: 5 would be happy for the public safety committee to get out of the business of reviewing the
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entertainment violence reports. but i would need to make sure that the commission is really doing its job in delving into this data anba. for these clubs, it appears that every single one has had a variety and continued frequency of problems. for example, if i knew that the commission was looking at this in a specific way, it is less pressure on us. until that happens, we will have to continue to monitor this from the board. let me see if there are any members of the public that wish to comment on this item. please step up. if we could have public comment for up to two minutes per item. >> good morning.
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i have lived in san francisco for 58 years. i would like to speak out on behalf of this item. i feel that basically, violence is far too prevalent. especially on the cable car yesterday. i think that we have to be more pro-active than reactive. i think that basically the police are chomping at the bit to do their job and in my opinion, we should let them do what they think is necessary. if the board of supervisors feels that they need to be what ever, that i say let's go for it. i think that the reputation of the city is going downhill and i do not think that the people coming for the american cup are used to the violence and all of these other things. maybe they might feel that italy is a better location. i think that we should work on
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this aggressively and let the police do their jobs. thank you. supervisor chiu: thank you. seeing no more public comment, public comment is closed. madam clerk, we will continue this item to the call of the chair. please call item 2. >> ordinance adding article 15.7 to the san francisco police code, requiring event promoters to register with the entertainment commission; prohibiting holders of certain entertainment-related permits, and registered promoters, from retaining an unregistered promoter to hold an event; and authorizing under certain circumstances for certain promoters reporting requirements, increased security plan requirements for events they promote, general liability insurance requirements, a criminal background check requirement, and other requirements. supervisor chiu: thank you. colleagues, this item is introduced legislation that i am
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sponsoring that would for the first time provide a level of city oversight on party providers. we all know that in recent months and years there have been too many public safety incidences' around nightclubs. while we do have regulatory authority, we have no oversight over party promoters that have led to avoidable tragedies. as the entertainment commission has beefed up its authority, we have discovered that 80% of the permits suspended as a result of serious occurrences, as well as 80% of the permits that have seen additional safety requirements, they have resulted after incidents revolving around promoted events. this ordinance would require from motors as the find to fill out a simple form so that we know who is promoting these
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parties. clubs will only be able to work with trade promoters. since the best are at this time, i am not proposing any additional significant requirements beyond the illustration. however, if there has been actual or significant risk of injury, property damage, or safety issue that the promoters of vent, court serious disturbances, the entertainment commission would have the discretion to impose additional restrictions on that promoter in the future. the intent is to have as minimal an impact as possible on good party promoters while making sure that the city close to -- closely regulates those with issues. at the end of the day we share in the goal.
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i want to thank the many stakeholders that worked with my office and my staff on this representative. the stuff from the police department and continuing education continues to provide feedback. we have been working on this for months. i think we are in a good place. supervisor maxwell is thanks for her spawned -- her assistance. legislation was proposed a few years ago that unfortunately did not have stakeholders support that i hope we have today. i am glad the two years later if we are in a different place. i would like to invite additional comment. are there any opening comments
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to be made on the legislation? let's the only thing that i wanted to add said the commission discussed this last week and voted to support it and we will continue to do so. if it does move today, we build of that effort of to make sure that the registry is actually on line as soon as possible. supervisor chiu: i appreciate your work and that of the commission. i would like to ask regina from the office of small business, i know that you have been working on this as well.
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let thank you. the small business administration heard the commission and are recommending approval. we greatly appreciate your approach in implementing a system that will not penalize responsible for motorists and will identify those that are not responsible, giving the entertainment commission and effective way to deal with them. we are appreciative that to change the hours from 11:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m.. the only other comment that we had was making sure that we had the resources and a reasonable amount of time to develop the technological component of the system. but we do find this to be a reasonable approach.
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supervisor chiu: the main thrust of the legislation will not be implemented until an online system is available for use. i know that we have a representative from the police department. commander, are there any initial comments that you would like to make >> the morning, supervisors. i think that this is a great first step and i appreciate your bringing forward this legislation that as long overdue and a much needed. of course, the devil is in the details. fahey we would be grateful to sit down and hammer them out with you. supervisor chiu: thank you. at this time, let's open this up to public comment. i know that there aren't representatives from the industry and neighborhoods. if people wish to speak on this,
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please let up in the center aisle. >> good morning, supervisors. in the co-founder of a company called vintage 405. i am also the vice president of the california music and culture association, a nonprofit trade association comprised of owners and operators of the news, industry professionals, artists, and fans dedicated to music and culture in california. but would like to thank you, supervisor, for working with us to try to make this legislation as an income during as possible
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-- and encumbering -- un- encumbering as possible. we are happy to promote promoter legislation and we wanted to thank you for addressing some of our concerns. supervisor chiu: thank you. next speaker? >> good morning. my name is lloyd lewis. i have been a promoter for the past 12 years in san francisco with personal touch entertainment. i have reviewed this information and am in favor of this legislation. it is a step in the right direction. it is a great first step, having
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