tv [untitled] November 21, 2010 11:00pm-11:30pm PST
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, a new start money can only go to new starts. which is what this is. so, that is flogging a dead horse. there is a boarding machines in nevada on a project that has been stalled. maybe we could get it from the federal government. thank you. supervisor campos: thank you very much. next speaker, please. >> could morning. as you just heard, there are different perceptions about whether or not this will help or hurt chinatown. my reasons for thinking it will help neither are very well laid out in the white paper that you have copies of. so, i will not get into those reasons the day. i was glad to hear the director makes some of our arguments about the things that need to be done.
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i am extremely pleased with the ideas you have presented. i will give you a few scenarios that have not been mentioned. the operating and maintenance costs say that this will save muni 3.8 $1 million every year. we have tried every year to get back up for that number. they absolutely, totally, steadfastly refused to provide any backup for that operating and maintenance cost estimate. so, that is a problem. there are 76,400 hours that will be cut out. about 40% of the day's service, roughly. the people out there do not know about that yet, so will you be able to take those hours out? maybe, maybe not. but if you cannot, that is another kick to the operating
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costs. federal money has now become the target. the merits of the project do not matter anymore. what really matters is getting that federal money. as we said before, we know what the republicans will do in january. they say they learned their lesson back in washington and that they will stop issuing careless pork. this is a prime example of a poorly conceived projects that they may very well target. there is a huge risk if you stay with this project without a plan b, you might lose that money. as we all know, there are stiff requirements in lesley rogers letter and so far i see no evidence that it can be met legitimately. state money, as we have heard, is also in some question.
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$137 million, where will that come from without adversely affecting the rest of muni? if you have to raise that additional money without affecting the rest. and finding the override. right now inflation is flat and the costs are good, but who knows what will happen in a few years. you have hundreds of millions of dollars to find. supervisor campos: thank you very much. net speaker, please. >> good morning. i am speaking on behalf of myself. i have a question. it was mentioned in the ways that the funding gap could be closed, taking money from other muni capital projects and finding more funds for those in the future. i would be curious to know what those projects are that the funds would be transferred from
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and whether or not funding could be obtained and transferred to those projects. thank you. supervisor campos: thank you very much. next speaker, please. >> this morning you have heard about a lot of scrambling to get a lot of capital. while i do share the concern that this capital will come from a central tied project that mean he cannot afford, that will harm all of the writers, what we have not heard anything about is the additional operating costs. we have heard of projections that are not supported, but that is not true. you will have to operate a system below ground and above ground. people will get on in the marina and that will not want to transfer in a few stops. maybe some of those that get on
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and we're going to transfer any ways to third street by transferred early -- might transfer early. you cannot afford those kinds of double costs. these operating costs. we really have to get ahead, sam bell, to deal with the operating costs. the other thing, commissioner talked-about the finger pointing. we wanted to see this sniping and finger-pointing. all of this open washing of the dirty laundry in public. we hope that it helps everyone overall. i think that the worst part will be the operating function. that it will hurt everyone in long run. we do not want to get to $2
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fairs years before we have to. this is what we are talking about. this money could be used for all of the rapid transit lines. we have been talking about fixing up the 28. these things take a little bit of cash with reduced operating costs. that is the kind of thing that we should be doing. there is so much ego, so much concern over this project. writing in the bus or on the rail, we must ride together. but you have to worry about that. supervisor campos: thank you. and the other members of the public that would like to speak? seeing no one, public comment is closed. we have a motion on the table as made by commissioner of the los -- avalos to continue this into
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next week. could we get a second from the commissioner? colleagues, could we take that without objection? we are simply asking staff and transportation authority, the mayor's office and any one that should be at the table to make sure that we work together between now and then to provide as much specificity without help me get to the finish line. it was noted during public comment that there was a sense of reassessment in this project. that is not what i heard today. we all remain committed and the reassessment is some late in how we get to achieving full funding. with respect to item number five, colleagues, could we get a motion to approve the recommended allocation?
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motion that and seconded. we but take that without objection -- we will take that without objection. madam clerk, by the member 7. recommend allocation of $460,000 in prop k funds, with conditions, to the san francisco municipal transportation agency for two projects and $3,334,653, with conditions, to the peninsula corridor joint powers board for six projects, and appropriation of $20,000 for the bayview hunters point mobility solutions study, subject to the attached fiscal year cash flow distribution schedules, and amendment of the strategic plan and the caltrain capital improvement program and caltrain guideways 5-year prioritization programs. >> good morning, mr. chair. committee members. i will do the quickest presentation possible on these items and have my planning staff work on the last item, the mobility study. thank you. so, this item that i am
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presenting, two requests for mta. tell train will be called for the rest of the presentation. the first request is for phase two of the rehabilitation project to rehabilitate 22 escalators of the 28 currently in the system. this would be a match for the design phase of the project. we would be providing $300,000 to match federal section funds. beginning in january of 2011, completed by 2012. we did fund the construction engineer report phase in december. the next request is for construction of two biplanes. one of them is 1.4 miles in both
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directions from bay shore boulevard. the second bicycle lane project goes for [unintelligible] these are for what we consider the last two bike lanes. should be completed by july of 2011. $274,000 is the full budget. $160,000 will be provided by crop said. $74,000 will be provided by the regional transportation fund for clean air program. the next request for the fiscal year cut the budget, a request that we see every year. upgrades to the vehicle stations and tracks. signals that go into the details.
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$3.3 million. just to give you a little bit of background on the request, negotiated every year by the partners, the main agencies responsible for the capital funding. passed in 2003 we identified four categories to offset the responsibility. we have been doing that every year since then. compared to what was requested in the difference, you can see in each category that what was requested was much higher. to restructure their programming and them that, the first goal was to maintain consistency on
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the strategic plan in terms of finance costs and eligibility. so, we came up with a two- pronged solution. the first is to allocate about 50% of their vehicle programs this year. $1.8 million, they only needed 50% in this fiscal year. the rest will be allocated in the following fiscal year. we also had to do finance neutral strategic plan amendment, including the advancement of funds from the capital improvement category. about $160,000 in funds.
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a highly leveraged program as it stands now. without into the category, $176,000 costs to push the funding out, thereby offsetting the cost to caltrans as a whole. maintaining eligibility for cash flow needs. jesse taylor will come out to give a presentation on the bayview project. i will be able to answer questions afterwards. let's thank you. i will leave the one side up there. if you have any questions, just ask me. the plan was approved in june of this year. with the support of the commissioner's office, we will
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fund a focused study to work in partnership with the community. this appropriation request is to provide the local match. we are excited about getting under way. >> that you very much. supervisor campos: any questions? is there any public comment? seeing no one, public comment disclosed. could we have a motion? we will take that without objection. could we now please call item no. 8. >> item #8, recommend adoption of a resolution of local support for the authority's climate initiatives program innovative grant projects. >> good morning.
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this is a request for the resolution of two regional fund program clinographs received in the amount of $1.7 million for a city car sheridan electric vehicle project. the other is what we are calling an integrated transportation demand management project. city car sharing and the other electric vehicle pilot project. if this grant program is a regional program sponsored by the climate initiatives program. $31 million total in san francisco received about $14 million in total for their other projects, but today's request is to satisfy local support for the
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projects have the authority that lead for the fiscal agent. without any questions, the item is on page 7 of your packet. supervisor campos: questions, colleagues? no questions. is there any member of the public that wishes to speak? seeing no one, public comment is closed. do we have support of these local climate initiative programs? we can take that without objection. madam clerk, please call item no. 9. >> information item, presentation of new items. supervisor mirkarimi: is there any member of the public that would like to speak? any new items? seeing no one, public comment is closed. >> item #10, public comment. supervisor mirkarimi: seeing no one, public comment is closed. please call item no. 11.
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>> item number 11, adjournment. supervisor campos: we are adjourned. thank you very much. >> the court is now accepting applications for the civil grand jury. this investigative watchdog body is comprised of 19 public spirited citizens. >> we are seeking candidates from all walks of life, 18 or older, who will bring to the grand jury a wide spectrum of talent, ideas, and issues of concern. >> for more information, visit the civil grand jury website at the civil grand jury website at or call
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i was just driving around minding my own business... when it came out of nowhere. suddenly, there were lights all around me. i'm like, "they're coming for me!" yeah, it was crazy. i just never thought they'd find me. not out here. it doesn't matter where you drive. if you don't buckle up, you will get caught. cops are cracking down all across the country. click it or ticket.
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to welcome the acting executive director on behalf of mr. ford. >> please be an fis that the use of cell phones or any similar sound-producing electronic devices are to habited at the meeting. anyone who has won going off may be asked to leave the meeting. please be advised that phones set on vibrate cause microphone interference. the board respectfully requests the beset in the off position. chairperson nolan: is there a motion to approve the minutes of the last meeting? all in favor say aye. >> there are no communications at this time. chairperson nolan: i would like mr. rowe him to give us a brief report on the cable car operator who was severely attacked. mr. rohan, if you would? >> on sunday, november 14, at
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approximately 8:00 p.m., police were called to the 1300 block of mason court in assault on a cable car operators. the victim was an employee for 12 years and still is an employee. the agent was being transported to san francisco general hospital. at the time the incident happened, the cable car was stopped, which in to go out of service for repair, and there were no customers on the cable car. the operator was approached, with multiple stab wounds causing life-threatening injuries. after investigation and insistence from witnesses on the scene, officers were able to apprehend a suspect. staff visited the operator in the hospital yesterday and report his medical condition is stable. we are thankful for that. the agency is outraged that something like this would
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happen to one of our operators. it appears meaningless to us. and we are continuing to work with the sfpd, because it continues to be under investigation, and we will aid and support in whatever way possible. chairperson nolan: outrageous is certainly the word for an attack on this person, doing the best for the city of san francisco and our agency. we appreciate the initiative is improving somewhat. any other communications? >> item 6, communications by board members. chairperson nolan: received in our package this week a wonderful report on pedestrian safety here in san francisco and new york city and other jurisdictions. it is part of our responsibility as members of this board to be concerned about the plan for pedestrian safety. i think that report serves to add four attention, and in particular about steps we can
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take in the future as we go forward to increase the safety factor for pedestrians. do members have any questions or comments about that? >> i completely agree with you. i think would be a great thing. we are doing a great job so far, but we have so many pedestrians, and there is a good advocacy group, but it is difficult to get people to self identified as pedestrians, unlike identifying as cyclists are even drivers. there is a lot we can do including lowering speed limits to mature and the interaction between pedestrians and cars are good. >> there was a pedestrian summit here about two years ago that was excellent. it is part of our responsibility. members can ask mr. rohan if we could have a presentation here, to bring the report back for greater dissemination to the public, and a particular thing director brinkman is talking
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about, lowering speed limits in certain areas. >> absolutely >> item 7 -- the executive director's report. >> thank you. good afternoon, chairman and directors. acting on behalf of mr. ford today, i will be presenting the executive director's report. the first item on the report -- this week the "chronicle "ran an article about the central subway and its funding shortfall of $37 million. for the most part, the article was on target. there are points of clarification i would like to make and bring to your attention sir you can understand the progress the program has seen over the last year. the funding shortfalls in the early stages of major capital programs of this type are a normal occurrence. two years ago, the funding gap for the central subway program was six under $50 million.
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staff has been working diligently with our funding partners to seek additional sources of funding and to date has been very successful in reducing the gap from six under $50 million to the $137 million that was in the -- from $650 million to the $137 million that was in the report. we were briefed on the agency progress in closing the funding gap, and our plans in seeking new funding sources going forward. i understand what resulted from that meeting is we are going to go back to them at their next meeting to communicate to the committee more detail about our plans in the future. this year's new start financial plan, he took a new approach to the vision and has plans to fully fund all capital initiatives for the agency over the 20-year period. this is in reference to the article saying we have a drop dead date of february.
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february is the new submission date for the new lease of middle of the financial plan. when we made the initial submission with the new starts program this year, upon reviewing the submission our partners advised that our approach was very aggressive and was much more than what was necessary based on the criteria for a new start some battles. staff is now preparing to revise financial plans of metal based on the mta's -- a financial plan submittal based on the mta's guidelines. in the coming months, we are confident the funding gap will be addressed to begin major construction and schedules. i see deborah johnson here. the next item -- the november 2 election has brought many
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changes at the local, state, and federal levels that will have an impact on transportation interests. i would like to ask deborah johnson, the director of administration, taxis, and services to provide you with an update of the legislative changes. [unintelligible] >> the ballot measures i am referencing werech
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