tv [untitled] November 23, 2010 3:30pm-4:00pm PST
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your recognized by the president of the board of supervisors. you make a motion under this process. it would require a second if it is going to be a singular motion. you make a motion for a name. if it is one of the members here at the board of supervisors and they do not decline the motion, the state their conflict, they leave the room, are sequestered, and then there is discussion on that motion and a vote on that motion -- if that nominee and that motion fails to get the six votes necessary to get the appointment, then basically, the nomination is withdrawn automatically. the call for nominations is automatically reopened.
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the next person on the roster gets to go ahead and forward a name. that name may or may not be a person in these chambers, and the process continues until one of two things happens -- either a san offices collector receives the support of six members of this body or six members of this board -- an affirmative 6 and not some smaller number in terms of the procedural motion, can either continue and/or file /table the items that are in front of us. so basically, the process that i'm proposing is one which would, one, maximize participation of members of the board of supervisors. it would enfranchise many of our
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individual electors as possible in this decision making. i think it reduces confusion in the sequestration process. there is no lots. all that goes away because likely only one member is sequestered. i think there would be the possibility for more than one member if the member chose not to rejoin. most importantly, i think that it is a process where an outcome, an appointment of a successor mayor is more likely. i think what we have in front of us is proposed in the file that the court has provided is one which is -- you know, unless there is significant work done
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outside of these chambers to get an individual san francisco electorate to six boats in this room, it is not likely to produce a result. i think the process of taking it one at that time is more likely. i'm not sure if it is likely, but i think it is more likely to produce a result, so for those reasons, i would either now make a motion to adopt the amendment as a whole -- i'm fine with putting off the vote until we hear from public comment, but i would go ahead and indicate my inclination to move this as an amendment as a whole. supervisor chiu: supervisor daly has made an amendment to the proposed process. we will take this up after public comment. it is now 3:35. i suggest we go to our special commendations and come back to
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this public hearing, starting first with our colleague, supervisor carmen chu. supervisor chu: thank you. can i invite the keeper cutters to come on up? last week, supervisor alioto- pier was able to bring to our room a bunch of cute little ballerinas and dancers. today, we have our own district four q dancers coming as well. it is my privilege to honor an institution in the sunset district. they are celebrating their 60- year anniversary. was formed in october of 1950, has been practicing every monday since then at st. paul's presbyterian church. many know that square dancing is an american art form with a very deep history, but many of us did not know exactly how complicated this form of exercise really is.
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complete physical exercises with actually having to memorize 68 different movement calls to keep you mentally bit. we wanted to say to you, congratulations. you have been dancing together for many decades, and they always welcome new members. with us, we have the president, the vice-president, the event's chairman. [applause] would you like to say a few words? >> really not prepared for a speech, but thank you very much. thank you. did any of our members want to say a word? >> i should just mention, you
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were mentioning that we were going on for many times. we just started a new class because we build, and we had -- i think it was almost 40 that came in. some decided they could not state. we have an active class right now of 20. [applause] supervisor chiu: -- supervisor chu: we were going to have a demonstration here but could not
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find the room. so thank you very much. supervisor chiu: our next accommodation will be provided by supervisor avalos. supervisor avalos: thank you, supervisor. earlier today, i've been dissipated in the sixth annual but dissipation and ritual on the steps of san francisco city hall to bring together healing ceremonies, dance performances and workshops that seek to eliminate violence towards women in our families, our communities, and throughout the world. this would not have been possible without artivism, the term describing the blending of art and activism. she practices social justice is to heal the amazon and river gods of the border bolivia, brazil, peru, communities affected along mexico's highways at the corner of
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mission and 16th street. several years ago, she began raising awareness for the violence against girls, and she has been driving together officials, poets, billings and artists. in a couple days when we sit down on our thanksgiving dinners, we should all take the time to remember that it is also international day for the elimination of violence towards women and girls in san for cisco and also throughout the world. december 17, 1999, the united nations general assembly designated november 25 as the international day for the elimination of violence against women and invited international organizations and non-
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governmental organizations to launch activities, raise public awareness of the problem on that date. starting on november 25, there will be 16 days of business, media events in the greater bay area. these events conclude on friday december 10, which also coincides with international human rights day and will be celebrated with an evening of truth telling and exploring the state of our human rights through art at the mission cultural center for latino whites. today, we are not only honoring the work that she does every day by highlighting the importance of the work that still needs to be done globally and right here in san francisco to eliminate violence against women and girls. >> thank you, supervisor, for supporting us and helping us in this space. we need to begin discussing what is important for women. i read the paper, and i tried to figure out what the government
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is up to. never do i read in those headlines the issues that are important for women and girls. i'm a mother and i live in the mission district, and to me, this is vital, so we question -- what is the assumption we are failing to examine from a culture that supports violence against women and girls? i thank you for helping us bring the awareness into the greater community because we need to dismantle this concept from all of our ways of living in san francisco and in the world. also, millions of women around the world are organizing this very day, so i thank you because we're breaking barriers, breaking borders, cultural, political, and human rights borders. muchas gracias. [applause]
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i ask the we rescind a vote on item 19. i have a minor amendment i neglected to put forward. supervisor chiu: colleagues, without objection, our previous vote will be rescinded. supervisor maxwell. supervisor maxwell: thank you. it adds a new finding to the ordinance that adds a general plan amendment related to the better streets work. it clarifies that our action will take effect next year. you all have been provided with the wordage. thank you. supervisor chiu: colleagues, any objection to the motion to amend? without objection, the motion passes. >> on item 19 as amended avalosamended aye. campos aye. chiu aye. chu aye.
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daly aye. dufty aye. elsbernd aye. mar aye maxwell aye aye -- mar aye. maxwell aye. mirkarimi aye. alioto-pier aye. there are 11 ayes supervisor chiu:chiu -- there are 11 ayes. supervisor chiu: that motion passes on first reading as amended. colleagues, any additional initial comments at -- before we hear from public comment? ok, at this time, if there are members of the public that wish to make public comments with regard to public motion, i do have a couple of speaker cards. let me also call up francisco da
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costa and danielle landry and if anyone else wants to comment on the close process for the appointment of a successor meier, please come up. >> supervisors, this is an opportunity for all san franciscanss to participate -- for all san franciscans to participate in this process, and we cannot unless you are united. i'm here to tell you as the director of environmental justice advocacy that today, san francisco needs to be united because we are facing many issues that mostly affect those that cannot defend themselves
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and our poor. you all may wait until our mayor, who is in room 200, leaves, but as one of you who hates the budget and finance has explained to you, the earlier you are united, the early you -- the earlier you take the leadership to show the people of sad and cisco, the better. i have heard you try to come to some resolution and give some guidance with outside counsel, but as you know if you read the charter, if you have for dissipated and read robert's rules, if you know something of the fair political lacked, you
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could have those of you who are in the majority could have through osmosis come to some type of resolution, so i'm encouraging you in this process to leave aside your egotistical concerns and work hard and focus on the people of san francisco. mind you very much. supervisor chiu: thank you. next speaker. >> mr. president, 1984, i'd ask -- i asked willie brown in sentences go to come here and run for mayor, and a couple of years later, he took my advice and became mayor. before he left, he found someone to cover his mistakes and anything wrong he did. he could not have found anyone weekly more than gavin newsom.
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we still have more homeless in the city. if we need to have a mayor, a new mayor for my city, he must show us what brand he makes to clean the city. we need another new tourist to come in. the tourists give $30 million if you do not remember every year to the city. now, the tourists coming make big trouble for the homeless who sleep outside city hall. ladies and gentlemen, we need to be strong. man or woman, does not matter who is going to be our mayor, but i agree with many of our supervisors that the city still
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has homeless, and many of them come from other states, other cities. we need jobs and taurus and to clean our -- we need jobs and tourists and to clean our city, and we need someone who has the courage to clean the mess that gavin newsom and willie brown left behind. thank you. supervisor chiu: next speaker. >> walter paulson. ♪ when you pick a successor meier, no board could do it better -- when you pick a successor major -- when you pick a successor mayor
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all i ask you, son of francisco board, all i ask you, pick the best mayor no board could do it better makes me feel better all i ask of you won't you please pick the successor mayor pick the best please pick the best ♪ [applause] supervisor chiu: next speaker please. i should just remind members of the board -- members of the
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public that in the board chambers, we have a rule that does not permit any applause or support of the speaker or any disagreement with the speaker. >> i'm a single mom and disabled person in the city on the verge of being kicked out of my house and lose my section 8 vouchers because the housing authority is not doing their job, and i'm telling you the clue is the mayor is really important because the mayor appoints the housing board and also appoints the director of the housing authority. there is very little oversight over what is going on there, and that is just one issue. i want to basically echo supervisor daly's, is because i believe the most important thing you can do is make sure that this current board needs to make
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sure as many members as possible our present to vote and choose a mayor in the next year while we wait for election -- i want to basically echo supervisor daly's comments. we do not need an egotistical career politician. we need a person that is knowledgeable, willing to work hard, and willing to listen to the public. right now, you all sitting here are supposedly representing the public who elected this current mayor, and for the next year were supposed to be the mayor, so if the next board elects the mayor, that is not quite right. they do not have the experience. they were not supposed to be in charge of working in that capacity to appoint a mayor. please take mr. daly's comments to heart. thank you. [applause] supervisor chiu: thank you. next speaker, please.
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>> hello, supervisors. first of all, just wanted to commend the process you guys are going through in terms of trying to come up with a fair, open, transparent method of choosing the next mayor of san francisco. having listened to you describe some of the possible ways that this could unfold, i wanted to echo some of the comments made by a supervisor daly, in that it seems to me in a representative democracy, when representatives file out of the chamber, the public suffers. any -- i wanted to just express support for the idea that the
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maximum number of supervisors at any time are voting on new should be the interim mayor of san francisco. it is a weighty decision with a lot of consequences. the legal issues with the california political reform act of somebody coming back into the room after potentially not receiving votes are ones that you will obviously debate and discuss as to what is allowable and what is not and what should be allowable and should not be because a lot of this is probably new and has not been done, so i urge you to rely on whatever legal advice you can get. again, my main concern is that we do not adopt a process where multiple supervisors leave because of the concerns raised by a supervisor -- by supervisor daly. thank you. >> supervisors, believe it or
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not, i voted for gavin newsom years back, and that was one of the worst mistakes i have made in my life. just to echo what supervisor daly put before us, whatever happens, we need a fair process, and it is obvious in san francisco politics, things get lost that are important to the people, but we elect you to represent our interests. i'm still wondering why we do not have an assistant mayor anyway because we could save a lot of time. we knew gavin newsom was going to run for governor about a year-and-a-half ago, and unfortunately, he won as lieutenant governor, but what i want to make clear -- if we continue to elect rubberstamp mayors that have the authority to appoint and put people in positions that can continue to make people feel they are not being represented correctly,
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then we are on the brink of a total out right anarchy, and i studied the rise and falls of nations and cities and states, and to me, it seems like san francisco is becoming -- coming very close to becoming self- serving, so in this process, there has got to be some clear thinking, and i think outside counsel is the key. i think we need to take it for what it is worth, but definitely, the process of this body is very important because again, you are going to have everybody beating the drums for the next four years. supervisor chiu: next speaker. >> seems like a lot of complications. i will tell you what you probably should do is either get
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some straws and make one short one, or what you do is get a hat and put everyone's name in the hat. it seems kind of simple, but it is not important who is going to be the mayor. what is important is it is not newsom anymore. supervisor chiu: next speaker. >> good afternoon. eric brooks, representing the grassroots organizations in our city. just coming up to really strongly support many of the comments of supervisor daly. i looked over this legislation pretty carefully. once i figured it out, after the third or fourth time of looking it over, it became pretty clear that it would pretty much be impossible for us to select a mayor under this process, and we need to use a completely different and much more simple process.
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i know there is an ad hoc coalition that you guys know about. i think the way we should do this is actually to throw out anywhere between 11th and 22 nominations, one or two each, and have every supervisor be required to thank all of those choices on a piece of paper. not positive that that will work perfectly, but i would recommend at least carefully looking at that because it would remove a lot of the game-playing and the tenacity and people not wanting to make each other angry and make a much more simple process. another thing i would recommend, if there is a way to fast track, and maybe there is not, but even if we cannot get it down for this particular process, and part of the reason this is all gummed up is that the mayor makes more money than you guys
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do. let's, lickety-split, pass a measure to -- tough budget times anyway. let's cut the mayor's budget down to the size of yours. cut benefits so that they are the same, and then everybody can vote. those are my personal recommendations, but definitely, please vote against the current proposal because it will just high as in knots. thanks. >> good afternoon, everyone. i have lived in san francisco for 58 years. my opinion must be worth at least 1 cent. i feel the two most important qualifications for the next mayor, whatever added you want to use in front of the word, must be integrity and local experience. if we go by that, i have a feeling many people will be
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disqualified. especially many people sitting in this very room. my only statements in regards to qualified candidates -- i have given this a little bit of thought, and i have come up with three names based on their integrity and local experience. the first person no one will object to would be the rev. cecil williams. anyone that objects to him should be questioned seriously. the second choice is obviously unquestionable also. that would be ex-police chief had their -- heather fong. i think she has proven what she is made out of. the third one might be controversial from both my experience dealing with him and from his
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