tv [untitled] December 1, 2010 4:30pm-5:00pm PST
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relationship, there probably would be less than two handfuls of occasions, properties in which that would take place. supervisor campos: do you have any concern that a major project, plan that is currently before or might be before the commission, that you would be precluded from being involved in? one question is the fisherman morph' -- wharf's public home plan. the fear that you may not be able to participate in that? in that one, probably yes. -- >> in that one, probably yes. supervisor campos: one piece of legislation we have been grappling with the past few weeks -- actually the past seven
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months in my office -- the health care services master plan. i wonder if you are familiar with that and if you have a position. >> i am not familiar enough to speak to it yet. supervisor campos: so you do not have a position either way at this point? supervisor alioto-pier, any questions? why don't we opened it up to public comment. thank you very much, commissioner. is there anyone from the public that would like to comment on this item? we see the president out of the planning commission. we have seen a lot of presidents today. it is great to see that. >> thank you. i was pleased with this appointment when it came up, for more than one reason. it is easy to be behind the gavel of the commission in san
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francisco when it is a full commission. we have been laboring a bit under an empty seat, i should say. we are busy. we are probably, to my knowledge, the only commission that meets weekly, and long hours, as you referred to before. each of you, commenting on previous items before you, used terms like community involvement. that describes rodney fong. he and i share something in that our grandmothers were both born in the city, in the mid-late 1800's. that becomes important, more important than i thought when i was on the commission. you bring a history of the city and you understand the changes because of that that have occurred in the past, and that will probably continue to occur in the future. that impacts a lot of the plan
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and we do. he has a background in the tourist industry, which is absolutely essential to san francisco, and currently, i am the only person on the planning commission that really understands neighborhood commercial districts. these are important. we deal with them constantly. i believe he brings that range of ability to the commission that we can take advantage of. i urge you to support him. supervisor campos: thank you, mr. president. next, the president of the redevelopment agency commission. >> thank you. i am here to support rodney fong today, supervisors. the willingness to serve on these commissions -- that is a major kudo. the public should only go to the planning commission meetings
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to understand that. rodney fong is a small business leader. i sat with him at the business bureau, and he succeeded me as the chairman. he did a much better job than i did. he has contributed continually to the city through the better business bureau, and now the port commission. it would be a loss to the port commission, but a tremendous game for the planning commission. i look forward very much to working with a great professional like rodney fong. i support his appointment tremendously. thank you for your time. supervisor campos: thank you very much. next speaker please. >> good morning, supervisors.
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i am the acting director of the san francisco bicycle coalition on behalf of our members, urging you to support rodney fong and his appointment to the planning commission. i have had the good fortune to work with him both as a planning commissioner and as his role leading the fisherman's wharf cbd. i have been impressed with his expertise, as he brings experience as a business leader, and surely understands san francisco's transit first policy is something that can be a benefit to businesses and commercial districts. the fisherman's wharf public realm plan that came out of the public process has really demonstrated a sea change in terms of attitudes in the fisherman's wharf. amongst merchants, from fear and
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resistance, to really emphasizing transit, walking, biking on jefferson street, to a real embrace of what that can mean to their businesses. a real part of that transformation was due to rodney's leadership. i think he will bring a much- needed perspective to the commission. thank you. supervisor campos: thank you. next speaker. >> my name is tim, i run the san francisco action coalition. on behalf of our members -- i think we have a great candidate here. because of our interest in the waterfront, i have been to a slew of commission hearings. my observation would be he has been consistently and scrupulously fair minded and balanced in his approach to the issues of the port, even when we do not agree. but because of his long civic
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engagement with the city, he is an ideal candidate, and i urge you to appoint him and move forward immediately. supervisor campos: next speaker please. mr. delassandro. >> it is my pleasure to be here to testify on behalf of rodney fong's nomination for the planning commission. his family has a long and deep history in san francisco, one that has contributed to this city and what it is today. rodney was our border last year. he did that with the highest level of involvement and dedication and open mindedness. he has tremendous work ethic and a tremendous character. on many occasions we had issues
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that came before our board and he was always open minded, is a tremendous listener, and he always put san francisco first on any decision. he did not ever bring a personal agenda to the board, and that is critical. he is a tremendous listener, never came with a predetermined decisions. he understands the needs of our unique neighborhoods and small businesses of san francisco. but beyond being an arm to get -- advocate for san francisco, he has passions that can also help, whether it is the restoration of the angel island restoration station, working with lgbt rights, rodney has a passion for san francisco and would be a tremendous asset. supervisor campos: thank you. next speaker. we have the port director. >> good morning, supervisors.
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you answered a lot of the question that i wanted to ask about rodney. one of them was, when i first got word that he would be nominated to the planning commission, i did not take it very well. the truth is, there are probably only two bodies where i would be willing to see my lovely boss. one is with all of you, and the other is with planning commission. i do want to point out, as much as i would have it differently, president fong's presidency at the port commission, it is only two more meetings, and then he will not be able to continue in that position regardless. i am ready to bear that. i want to speak to his character. we have seen a lot of commissioners over the years. he has to be one of the most dedicated and committed. his attendance is exemplary. more importantly, his dedication to the public process is
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fantastic. his help, the board has become far more transparent to the general public. he has given the public a great plot form for access, and frankly, dispute. we have lots of controversial issues there. he has been incredibly committed to master plan process cheese, not just for jefferson street, but also for the pier 78 and southern waterfront areas. he is committed to parks and rehabilitation of historic preservation. even though i will cry, please move them forward. thank you for your time. supervisor campos: thank you. next speaker. >> i want to put both of these appointments to gather because your next one is replacing the port commission. both the rodney and f.x. crowley bring a lot of background and skills to any commission they serve on. both - 7 siskins, both involve
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with the community their entire lives. both serving on commissions. -- both san franciscans, both involved with the community their entire lives. these people could have moved on, but they came to the conclusion, in his mind, putting rodney on the planning commission added to the strength of that body, bringing f.x. crowley off of the puc, on to the port commission, where there has always been a strong labor voice. that was important to that commission as we are dealing with the projects we are having in the port. i urge you in both cases to support the nominations. supervisor campos: thank you. mr. decosta. >> supervisors, let the first categorically state, the mayor
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should understand, in san francisco, we have many as twute candidates. we have too many candidates who follow the mayor for the sake of following the mayor. if we do not send mr. fong to the planning department, we would traumatize it. he is a talented person. even though monique moyer said that he would only be there for two meetings as chair -- i know her pretty well. i do not know rodney fong all that well, but the port commission is broadcasted, so i follow the various moves over there.
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we need to have the best representation in san francisco on the commission's, and we do not need a small group of people who have the ear of the mayor or the san francisco democratic committee. cronyism, nepotism, just helping somebody does not help. having said that, i wish him the best. he is young, he has history, he is committed to this city. i am going to give him one piece of advice. speak your conscience, do right by the people. thank you. supervisor campos: thank you. just for the public -- i have to take a short break. we will act on this item, but
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before we do that, we are going to take a short break and come back for the rest of the agenda. in terms of commissioner fong -- actually, supervisor alioto- pier? supervisor alioto-pier: i just wanted to say, i agree with everything director moyer was saying, he cannot leave the port, why would anyone want to do that? but i do not think that there are two commissions that are so similar. what people do not often realize is the port commission is really on the planning department on the waterfront. so we are taking the expertise that rodney had developed over the past four years and moving it into the greater areas of san francisco. i think the move is appropriate. i think it is commendatory. i think the mayor made a good choice in moving rodney to the
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planning department, planning commission. so i am happy and excited to support this nomination and would like to make a motion to move this forward with recommendations. supervisor campos: thank you, supervisor alioto-pier. thank you again to the people who have spoken out about this. i have always said i am always impressed with commissioner fong. i certainly was impressed with him when he came before us with respect to the port commission, and pressed as well today. i still have a question on whether or not this is the right fit, i have concerns about what happens to the port. with that in mind, i also know that for purposes of this meeting today, nothing can get out of committee unless we have two votes, so maybe the thing to do, if it is alright with you, supervisor alioto-pier, so that this item goes to the full board, if we send both items 5 and 6 forward without recommendation at this point, so
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that there is a vote at the board of supervisors. supervisor alioto-pier: i think getting this out of committee is extremely important, particularly because the planning commission is down a spot. we need to make sure the city is functioning properly as well. let me also make another suggestion, which is we can move item 5 out without recommendation and table item 6 so that they are both at the board. supervisor campos: my preference is to do five and six. i am open to the nomination. i am happy to vote for moving forward these items. again, i am still open to this nomination. supervisor alioto-pier: i will support it, but typically, because we are the committee and we are supposed to do the job of the committee which is supposed to pass out a decision of some
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sort and not take what is printed in our agenda and move it to another agenda -- it is not something that i am particularly fond of doing, but i will defer to you as the chair of the committee. supervisor campos: thank you. >> supervisor, would you like to send both items to be full board? supervisor campos: yes, please. without objection. without objection. now we are going to take a supervisor campos: we are back, my apologies. please call item seven. >> item 7. motion confirming the appointment of f.x. crowley to the port commission, term ending may 1, 2014. supervisor campos: thank you. commissioner crowley.
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good morning, welcome to the rules committee. >> thank you, chairman campos, it has been great to work with you, supervisor michaele alioto- pier. we are going to miss you. on my way back yesterday, i tried to write down a couple of things because i do not tend to be the best extemporaneous thinker. good morning, i am f.x. crowley, a native son of san francisco and employees to be here today, having been nominated by gavin newsom to serve the port commission of the city and county of san francisco. as most of you know, i am employed by 1200 members by the international alliance of the international staging points. i am the chief negotiator for several hundred business and government contracts totaling
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more than $50 million in annual wages to our members. i interface daily with a local state and city governments and and the trustee with our defined benefit plans. in addition, my professional experience to the labor is in california. i have also had the pleasure to serve the city of san francisco's public utility commission since 2008, including the past year, as president of that commission. my involvement with the sfpuc has been enhanced with my understanding of municipal government and has deepened my respect and gratitude for the men and women who are executing the sfpuc's vision. as you know, the sfpuc launched a $6.4 billion water improvement system program to repair, replace, and seismically upgrade the systems aging pipelines, reservoirs, and dams.
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while president of this commission, we moved to construct 13 projects totaling $1.6 billion, creating significant numbers of jobs and making sidekick and safety operations to our vital water system. both the public utilities commission, port of san francisco share the distinction of an enterprise for the city and county. they both creates a vivid revenue but at times require commensurate, if not more, considerable infrastructure investment. as a port commissioner, i look forward to helping the poor grow its revenue and invest in the future. i am excited about the opportunities that lie ahead, including securing the america's cup, and bringing to fruition the james herman terminal for extended use. i believe my background in services combined with my record of public service qualify me to
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serve as a member of the city and county's port commission. these are exciting and challenging times for the city. the waterfront land use plan charges before to be is this historic part of the city of balancing public needs, access, and environmental concerns with port revenue sources. at times, it will be tricky. with your approval, i look forward to negotiating it. thank you for your time and consideration of my nomination. supervisor campos: thank you very much. any questions? is there anyone from the public that would like to comment on this item? please come forward. >> i am a native san franciscan. i am also the president of sailors' union pacific which was founded in the city march 61885.
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we have been in business ever since. -- march 6, 85. i am also the president of the san francisco bay maritime council. -- march 6, 1885. f.x. crowley is the president of that organization. i also serve on the executive committee of the san francisco labor counsel along with f.x. crowley. the labor movement in this town is 100% in favor of this appointment, and i think he will do an outstanding job. thank you. supervisor campos: thank you. next speaker please. >> i am thrilled to also testify on behalf of f.x. crowley. he is a member of our border directors, understands the importance of the tourism industry to our economy, the number one industry. the port, without question, has
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deep involvement with tourism, whether it is the america's cup, cruise ship terminals, the exploritorium, i believe mr. crowley will represent us well. supervisor campos: thank you. director moyer? >> i had not planned to speak, but i decided to. when i got a call about f.x. crowley, of course, i celebrated. he is being nominated into what is usually the port's labor seat which was vacated by mike hardeman. if rodney is moved forward, we will have an empty seat, if anyone is interested. i definitely support mr. crowley coming over to our commission. how is that for a plug?
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especially with the last name pier. supervisor campos: [laughter] it makes sense. next speaker please. >> i am deeply interested in infrastructure. as you heard from the written statement of f.x. crowley, he has done a great job for the san francisco public utilities commission. he says he wants to go to the port. this is just my subjective opinion. he would do better at the san francisco public utilities commission. the reason why i say that is, way back when the bonds were passed, the sfpuc was supposed to attend to not only clean water, but also waste water.
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they chose to attend to the clean water. we are talking about a $4.6 billion budget. i think mr. crowley heard a lot from the workshops, from all the presentations, that it is going to happen in the waste water in san francisco. he can say whatever he wants to, but it would be better if you have someone like him to do with labor issues when it comes to waste water. all i can say to mr. crowley, and i believe he will be appointed, he will see me at the port commission meetings. i have not been there in a long time, but he will be seeing more of me. i hope we have some interesting dialogue. that commission needs to be
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challenged. i will make my parents -- appearance to see mr. crowley. supervisor campos: thank you. maybe that is one of the reasons he is doing it. any other member of the public that would like to speak? seeing none, public comment is closed. colleagues, i know that we have to try to finish quickly, but i also have the same concern, not so much because of anything about the commissioner, but when someone is doing such a good job on one condition and you think, why another commission -- but in digging about what is happening with the port, america's cup, i think commissioner crowley's expertise could be useful and helpful. i think he would be a great addition to that commission. supervisor alioto-pier? supervisor alioto-pier: i would like to make a motion to approve this nomination with recommendations. supervisor campos: if we can
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take that without objection. thank you. congratulations. [applause] item #8 please. >> item 8. ordinance amending chapter 1 of article iii of the campaign and governmental conduct code by (1) amending section 3.1-103 to list the officials who must file statements of economic interests and ethics-related forms with the ethics commission; (2) amending section 3.1-107 to clarify the scope of disclosure category 1; (3) amending 3.1-450 to update the list of designated employees who must file statements of economic interests; (4) deleting sections 3.1-210 and 3.1-235 to reflect the current composition of city departments; and (5) adding section 3.1-510 to identify the local officials who manage public investments. supervisor campos: good morning mr. city attorney. >> i am here to speak on the joint project between the city's office and the clerk of court supervises office. the city attorney's office has taken the lead on this project every two years to amend the city's conflict of interest code. the city's conflict of interest code is the ordinance that dictates who needs to file a form 700 every year and also
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dictates how much must be disclosed on each official for 700. every two years, every department in the city is contacted to ask if there is any position that should be added, deleted, changed, and what is before you is the incorporation of that. since i understand your try to move this meeting along, i want to be brief and highlight two changes. this proposed set of amendments deletes two sections of the code. one believes the board of examiners, which is a position actually more appropriately found within the department of building inspection code, where it can now be found. the second relatively significant change, at least in the section of conflict of interest code dealing with the opportunity council. in the course of talking to the city departments, i discovered
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the economic opportunity council is not really a city agency. it is a private nonprofit organization. they were actually surprised they were included in the code. i thought it was reported to delete them from this ordinance. with that, i am happy to answer any questions you might have about this matter. supervisor campos: colleagues, any questions? supervisor alioto-pier? supervisor alioto-pier: thank you, mr. shen. just explain to me the following head that you took out, commit to college board, housing board, redevelop an agency, office of citizens complete -- why did we remove those? >> i do not believe they were removed from the code altogether. are you speaking to the part that says they need to file with the ethics commission? supervisor alioto-pier: page 4, it is one of the few changes it is one of the few changes that you all made.
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