tv [untitled] December 2, 2010 10:00pm-10:30pm PST
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tremendous advisory committee from arts to small business to visionary community leadership on this body, and i wanted to thank ms. collins for the great work and also angelica and others for the great work over the years, but it sounds like this is going to be a tremendous committee. i wanted to move that we reappoint conny ford, ada chan, and judith baker and i move that we appoint al manalo and thomas temprano. supervisor campos: thank you. we have a motion on the floor. i also want to thank all the applicants. it is a very impressive group of people, and i think we would be remiss not to thank ms. collins and ms. cabande for the amazing
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work they have done. to all the applicants, this is a very fluid process. the seats become vacant from time to time, sell when there are more -- so when there are more applicants than there are seats available, i would urge whoever can get an appointment to continue to be involved because there will be other opportunities not only with respect to this body but others in the city, so we will take that motion without objection. yes, madam clerk? >> [inaudible] supervisor campos: we need to do that. ms. chan, who is current co- chair. if we could take that motion without objection. thank you very much. if we could now call item 3. >> item 3, hearing to consider appointing one member, a term ending february 19, 2012, to the work force investment community advisory committee. there is one seat and nine
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applicants. supervisor campos: this is one of those situations where we have more applicants than we have seats available. we will begin with the applicants. this gives them an opportunity to address the committee. if we could begin with marcy orosco. >> good morning, supervisors. i'm director of harbor house, part of the salvation army. i'm kind of hear -- i attend the meetings already, so what i wanted to say was i noticed on the wicac, they already represent homeless, but what they do not know this is veterans. one of our large components is veterans, so i wanted to bring that up. i would be a voice for all the
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disenfranchised. i would definitely want to make that point. there is on average about 106 veterans released from the term, and they are starting to come back. i have been working with the homeless, the formerly incarcerated veterans for almost all my professional life. i have written and receive many veterans grants with reentry strategies as well as addressing the lack of opportunities for the homeless and formerly incarcerated. i'm part of the san francisco reentry guard -- reentry board. i have helped start broad market based services to employ those that others will not hire and provide a solid career ladder. i have a strong understanding of serving in this capacity. i've also helped start two
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businesses that bring jobs services to the disenfranchised that are still running, and i would say that my passion is definitely doing that. one of the things i would highlight is i have brought jobs behind bars to people in san quentin where you have employee years -- employers come in and give people a real hope. thank you. supervisor campos: thank you. terry goodwin. welcome to the rules committee. >> thank you for this opportunity. i feel honored i am being considered. i'm the director of employment services at the arc of san francisco. specializes in placing people with intellectual disabilities in jobs. i have been managing the
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successful service and have been placing people in many sectors, including retail, office services, and hospitality. i have developed successful partnerships with over 200 key employers. i have been a leader in the job placement arena for people with intellectual disabilities. i was instrumental in starting the first support of employment program in the state as well as recently working with maria shriver's office to get people employed locally in city government, and we do have somebody, thanks to maria, in the mayor's office. i have worked actively and collaboratively with neighborhood organizations, and
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i am an active member of the jobs group, which is composed of 19 organizations that work with people with disabilities, and we have been trying to improve outcomes locally. also, i'm a member of the bay area coalition on project search, which is a new internship model placing transition age and young adults in medical professions in hospitals, and other large corporations. the job placements out of that model have been phenomenal, about 90%. i'm also involved in collaboration with the san francisco unified school district related to both the development of this project search locally and also a school to work transition projects with the national arc and walmart foundation. i have a strong knowledge of local industries and needs. i have developed and managed an active industry advisory board with many of the corporation's -- corporations i mentioned.
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i feel passionate about the needs of the underemployed. i focus on job opportunities for disabled individuals. i can contribute recommendations and solutions from a grass-roots perspective. i feel i'm a good candidate because i can speak from an educated perspective. i'm familiar with the challenges and gaps in the system. i also have firsthand experience in successful employment outcomes and can lend some ideas and solutions. thank you very much. supervisor campos: thank you very much. jeanne zarka -- my understanding is she has withdrawn her application. ok, janet gomes. ok.
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joseph ramirez-forcier. >> good morning. i'm the managing director at the positive resource center. we serve people with mental health disabilities and with hiv. i have led the program into accreditation so that the commission of rehabilitation facilities where -- we are a community services provider with the department of rehabilitation. we are also funded with the department of public health. i am also a co-chair for hiv prevention planning. i have dedicated my life prior to working 20 years in technology to nonprofit work as well as being a case manager in the tenderloin at a department of public health building, primarily working with people with chronic health. mental-health and hiv work with every aspect -- affect every
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citizen in san francisco, every aspect from youth to veterans to people who have other disabilities. the unemployment rate for people with disabilities is quite high, usually twice the number of unemployment rate for other people that are not disabled, and they are usually the first fired and the last hired in an economic development. that said, one out of 10 placements with the department of rehabilitation are with the positive resource center, and darlene has commended us several times on that, and i have gotten her approval as well as our program administrator with the department of public health as having five years of commendable ratings of program outcomes using self efficacy as well as vocational counseling education and a diverse economic strategy approach to actually focus on people's values and interests to employment.
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i just ask you to consider my application for this seat. supervisor campos: thank you very much. sheryl davis. welcome back to the rules committee. >> good morning, supervisors. it is quite an honor to be listed with so many of the credentials that have been presented before me. there were quite remarkable. i just want to briefly say that i have in the past served on the cac for the western addition redevelopment agency as well as previously was on the filmore community benefit district. i currently work as the [inaudible] even though it is not an official city project anymore, but convening the city project
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-- the city advisers that deal with the issues that come out of that with regards to families and employment as well as working currently with the mayor's office of housing on their western addition cohort where they are developing and identifying the service providers from infancy to senior citizens and seeing where the gaps are and what we can do with that. we have regular meetings with property managers of subsidized and public housing and really beginning to address and identify some of the core issues. i think beyond employment, it is really this other piece of it on the front end and how we are investing dollars to make sure we are not promising people jobs that they do not have the skill set for and that there are not actually jobs available for that specific field, so trying to be innovative and creative about
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how we are developing our work force opportunities and making sure that the people that need the jobs are actually getting the jobs. what we saw with the stimulus dollars is that people that had been displaced because of the economy were taking jobs that people who had been consistently without jobs, so they really still did not benefit from the stimulus dollars, and really evaluating how we proceed to make sure that those who have been chronically disenfranchised and unemployed begin to benefit from the dollars and resources that are available. supervisor campos: thank you, ms. davis. next, reuben garza. is mr. garza herer? * here -- is mr. garza here? no? toby eastman? sue rosser?
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is there any other applicant whose name i have not called? why don't we open it up to public comment? each had two minutes. >> i'm very much here supporting ms. davis in the position, but that is not what i'm here for. i'm here to speak on the general picture of this agency, which you are calling the mayor's office of economic work force development. setting up this, in my opinion, rubber stamp advisory committee. first of all, that department, which has the acting director, which i'm sure you have not even met yet -- the department has taken over the responsibilities of the redevelopment agency in san francisco as it relates to the african-americans, particularly in the former western addition. right now, currently, redevelopment agency is under the auditing, and i think we need to check out the mayor's office of economic work force development, by now -- economic
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workforce development, find out what they are doing. i'm not here to bash anybody, but as you guys are the supervisors putting this mechanism that will be rubber stamping together, what is the mayor's office of workforce development doing? the aces on the case the city policies of yesteryear are no longer except it. particularly in my community right now. the elephant in the room is the mayor's office of workforce development. i'm sure you have not even met with their active director. they have got this -- i have only got 26 minutes, but i request whoever you select, go over again, and i will present evidence on how redevelopment shifts over but -- shift millions of dollars over to them, and now, they are the
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giant, so we hope we can review that before anything takes place. it does not cost you a dime. i'm just here on my time. supervisor campos: thank you. next speaker please. >> i'm currently involved with the san francisco african- american organization, but i'm here today to piggyback on ms. davis. i want to make sure that you recognize that even though there has been a lot of changes going on here, this corporation i work with, we sunshine boats all the time, and ms. davis has been on quite a few committees. i'm not happy with the overall picture, but if we are not up here supporting the folks that have been about this business, it does not make any sense to be here. i hope you guys take into consideration so she gets a seat on this and we get a little bit more progress going. thank you.
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supervisor campos: thank you. any other speaker? seeing none, public comment is closed. again, i want to thank all the applicants. i think any of the individuals who have applied and come forward is qualified to do the job. it is impressive and gratifying to see the caliber of people who have come forward. with that said, i will say that i -- for me, one person does stand out, and i'm very familiar with her experience and what she has done for not only her community but the entire city and county of san francisco, and that is sheryl davis, so i would make a motion that we move that forward. supervisor mar: i'm supportive of the motion, but i wanted to thank ms. orosco, ms. goodwin, and mr. ramirez-forcier for all
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their great work. supervisor campos: if we could take that motion without objection. congratulations, ms. davis. if we could move to item four, please. >> item and for your, ordinance amendment chapter 1 of article iii of the campaign and governmental conduct code to reflect the current composition of city departments and identify the local officials who manage public investments. supervisor campos: thank you. we will now hear from the city attorney's office. >> let me begin by first apologizing for the distraction during the meeting. i was attempting to assist a member of the public, and perhaps we got in a little bit too much of a discussion. this is, as you will recall, the second time this ordinance has
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been before you. last time we met, supervisor alioto-pier had some questions. i realized she is not here this morning, but i did reach out to her office a couple of days ago to speak with a member of her staff, answer some of his questions, and certainly, we will come back to her office to see if she has inquiries about the matter. otherwise, if you have questions or concerns, or require any background, i'm happy to provide that at the moment. supervisor campos: thank you. why don't we open up to any member of the public who would like to speak on this item? seeing none, public comment is closed. we have a motion, and can we do that as a committee report? we have a motion to move this forward to take the committee report at the december 7 meeting. please call item 5. >> ordinance amending the administrative code to extend the operation of the voting system task force to june 30,
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2011. supervisor campos: great, thank you very much. this is an item that i have introduced for the purpose of extending the operating date of the voting systems task force to june 30, 2011. from our perspective, this will give this city the opportunity to get more public input to finalize its voting system standards design and development, and i understand that's -- that the chair of the task force is here to say a few words. good morning. >> good morning, supervisors. thank you very much. we are a body that was
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established by the board of supervisors to provide you with recommendations about next generation voting systems for the city, specifically standard design and development. we have seven members with expertise in a variety of areas, and we have been a work for about 18 months. our track documents -- our draft documents have been posted to our website every step of the way, and we are at a point where we feel like we would benefit greatly from an extended period to solicit additional public feedback and refine the document based on that feedback and produce a final report by midyear. supervisor campos: currently, the expiration date is december 31, 2010, so this would give you an additional six months. >> that is correct. we thank you for your consideration. supervisor campos: thank you very much. why don't we have public comment? if any member of the public would like to speak on this
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item. seeing none, public comment is closed. supervisor mar: i will move a positive recommendation to move this forward as a committee report. supervisor campos: thank you very much. if we could take that without objection. thank you. we could call item 6. >> ordinance amending the administrative code by amending the san francisco charter. supervisor campos: this is an item that was introduced by supervisor mirkarimi. will someone from his office let us take a short five-minute break to give>> supervisor campe
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back from our break. please call item seven. item 7. ordinance amending the san francisco administrative code by amending sections 1.56 and 8.12.4, adding sectionfor the electronic distribution long prepared by city departments. supervisor campos: we have been joined by supervisor mercury be. thank you for joining us. i would respectfully ask to have my name as a co-sponsor as well. supervisor mirkarimi? >> good morning. thank you to everybody who has helped us arrive at this particular point. we look forward to the next item after this, but we may be introducing some amendments, so that is why i have asked to call this first. this is a pretty common sense document, one that i think many tears of government are coming to the port of realizing, that it is time we do a better job in
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another piece of our tool kit that will gently guide the departments to not print first, but if they need to print, then to do it online to reproduction. we appreciate the support of supervisor mirkarimi's office, and we are happy to answer any questions you might have. >> colleagues ques? anybody else from city department? thescolleagues, if you would li, we can go to public comment on this particular document ordinance. if anybody has any public comment, please feel free to do so. >> good morning, and gentlemen, madam. my name is richard, chair of the sunshine taskforce.
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regrettably, the task force did not consider this at its meeting two days ago. i had intended to have it on the agenda. for some reason, it was left off, so please accept my apologies, supervisor mirkarimi, on that particular score. i want to complement supervisor mirkarimi,th the clerk, and anyone else to help in drafting this. i have not seen anything that would raise any red flags with me. i do have one question. that is how might the city's ability to implement this ordinance be affected by the effort by the department of technology, colorado whitey to consolidate and upgrade
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