tv [untitled] December 4, 2010 8:30pm-9:00pm PST
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realize that what it actually is is pro-disenfranchised workers. we were having a conversation yesterday, and she was talking about the fact of how hard it was harder to get a job in bayview growing up. that challenge is still the same for the participants -- the one common thing they have all said is that people need to work. we are in a bad place in the economy, and the anomaly for san francisco is that the opportunity for work is here. the opportunity for work is coming. all they are saying is that they want the opportunity to be able to work and live in the same community. as a former employee working in that office, i would say that it is about the% knowing how to
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advance as a residence. talking about the cost, it is a shame that there are environmental benefits because we reduce congestion. the environmental impact will be tremendous. we talked about the budget in the fiscal concerns. it would be more detrimental for our community if we did not allow the opportunity for these jobs for the people that are unemployed. we want to thank supervisor avalos for putting this together. [chime] i believe we can find common ground with the community, and
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he is kind of talking about legislation where we can all embrace it and move forward. supervisor avalos: next speaker, please. >> i am also the ceo of [unintelligible] i am here to support this hiring policy, especially in the bayview hunters point community. we are going through the redevelopment. we have a lot of training so that they can work. just today, i've got a flier to start working. i hope you can have the orientation -- i am really
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asking for the city to give us some training of there. they have a right to work in their own community. without this training, we have no jobs. thank you. supervisor avalos: [reads names] >> i represent the carpenters' union. i believe this can work if we are all working together on this. what is important are the issues, some amendments, they're looking at -- this can work.
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i hope that some hypothetical predictions about money, whatever it is, [unintelligible] one more thing, when i knocked on her door, the first thing she said was thank you, thank you for coming here. she has been unemployed, her children are unemployed, and the children just want the opportunity to have a fair shot. supervisor avalos: next speaker. >> my name is [inaudible] i'm a long time resident, and i am in favor of local hiring.
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the first question is, what must the city due to grow and prosper? what must the city avoid dealing cannot slip into decline? i am not going to answer those questions. there is a rumor that local hiring is going to cost san francisco money. what are the benefits of local hiring? in my neighborhood, the first is the reduction to the cost of the city of welfare and social services. the second cost reduction would be a reduction in crime and improving the quality of life. the third cost of the city of local hiring will be improvements in the mental health of all the residents that live in san francisco. what about some of the assets?
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first of all, the development of new capital. people say local hiring won't work and they are saying that san francisco -- it is time that we develop that. it is the lifeblood of cities. in san francisco, you're going to have some benefits and [unintelligible] the first will be business creation and trade. exporting goods and services. [chime] please pass local hiring. supervisor avalos: just a
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moment. supervisor mirkarimi: i would like to think the public if he would give me a minute or so. i have to run to another meeting. i just want to share some of my thoughts very quickly on this legislation. i am an enthusiastic supporter of this legislation. it is a logical next step in trying to reform how the city compels work force compliance and insists upon the public- sector contracts in private partnerships that there be local hiring. in the local hiring is more than just good faith. i appreciate the work of supervisor avalos and his office.
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the advocates and the union labor, they have come together to try to figure out a complicated piece of legislation. the complications are intricate, and not one piece of legislation will be able to answer all of the questions. i believe this is a pillar to move the conversation forward. i also believe it is necessary to move the conversation forward in answering larger questions that vexes the state and the nation about the high unemployment. in san francisco, we are about 9.2 or 9.4%. you could see almost double the unemployment rate in these of these sector or in the western addition. it warns that much more of a concerted effort in order to answer these larger questions.
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secondarily, there is opportunity that is on the horizon. san francisco is slated to shoulder a considerable construction phase because of the expected population infusions that are to occur in the san francisco bay area. because of legislation that is mandated, san francisco is going to be required to construct of words of 150,000 units of housing over the next 25 years. who is going to build that housing? we should be able to put into place a plot line that is going to answer that question has firmly and held accountable so the san franciscans can get that job in.
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-- that job. and how do we answer the question about the rapid decline of the african-american population in this city and the population of families? how they want to go on what is that access to capital or the economic empowerment that allows them to stay in the city that is cost prohibitive to the kind of livelihood that they would really need to rely upon? it is these strategies that we are attempting to legislate here. and others that i think are in the queue to help us answer these questions. literally with nuts and bolts, i think expectations of what are we going to do. i think this is workable with regard to some of the concerns
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of the union labor. i look forward to entering with the the discussion -- with the discussion. as well as us striking concern with those that might feel excluded, it means an exclusion of people and other cities not being able to work in san francisco. we want to find the right temperature so that it is not one that has the unintentional effect of making sure that we are excluding those and we absolutely want to make sure they have these right jobs. this is the level of moving parts that has to come to synchronous city. i think this is a great first step. -- synchronicity. i think this is a great first step. and i co-sponsored the
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legislation. [laughter] supervisor avalos: your name was taken out, that is why i was asking. we are back to public comment. >> good afternoon, supervisors. i was born and raised in san francisco. i have a little bit of a disparity with these guys. they say that they hire apprentices. contractors are hiring more apprentices. and they are from sacramento, and they are hiring a whole
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journeymen first. they are making money off of the apprentices. i came in as an apprentice and i know that i worked very hard. i am a home owner, i pay my taxes, i want the opportunity to build revenue in san francisco. it starts revenue over there. it is only fair that we have the opportunities ourself. i think you very much for your time, have a wonderful day.
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>> i am a resident of the city as well. i have been working in the construction trade and i am still an apprentice. i have been in so many jobs with different employers. sometimes a higher us for a couple of weeks, they let us go and they bring in their own people from out of town. i don't think that is fair because they want to look like they are presenting themselves to the city, meeting quotas or whatever. the mandate should be straight for all of us. we do spend our money here, and it costs a lot to go outside the city. i think we are losing a lot of people because we can't afford to live in the city no longer. if they don't have experience working for certain trades, how
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can they afford to live in san francisco that is a very expensive city? some people have moved out of the city, and with experience, they can come back here and help. i have been through a lot of mission hiring, and just temporarily, i am half of work for several months. -- off of work for several months. there are people coming over and getting our jobs, and they're the ones, we pay our taxes in our city. we don't have to go that far.
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supervisor avalos: next speaker, please. >> the only environmental group that i know of in san francisco. i would like to give a shout out to my district representative for doing this. you have my gratitude and support for doing it. >> i first testify on this when harvey milk and dianne feinstein were there -- i first testified. the arguments we are hearing are the same as that we heard back then. it will cost us money. we have a lack of skills. we cannot fill the jobs that we
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create, but in the years between those times, obviously, we have not made progress in filling that skills gap, and if there is any indictment to be made, this is an indictment for doing the development, first is the lack of skills in the communities that need the jobs, which always seems to be with the impact lands. we are improving opportunities for people in these communities all of the time, instead of fighting with them, and we help them succeed, giving them skills that they need to do the work. finally, i would like to say that there was a lawsuit up in the late note -- valejo, and now there are people going to work on ships up there.
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it was two years on this. turning them legal is a way of treating construction jobs, making things safer, and creating new homes in san francisco. [bell] >> thank you. i appreciate it. chair avalos: thank you. i will call a few more names. >> i want to say some things about my experiences doing door- to-door organizing in the bayview. we have collected over 250 signatures on the sheet in favor of this local hiring ordinance.
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every door that we knock on, someone is supportive of this local hiring ordinance, because people need jobs. if you ask people what is the number one issue in bayview, people say, "we need jobs. employment." it will have an effect on the entire community, so looking at local hiring and providing more jobs is actually a holistic program to meeting the needs of the community. the other thing i want to say -- is gone. i lost it. sorry. we are in support of this ordinance. people are in favor of it. we really appreciate the work
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that you have done, supervisor avalos, to make this happen, and we look forward to this coming to permission -- to fruition. chair avalos: thank you. next speaker, please. >> hello, my name is -- i have been a resident of san francisco for 43 years. thank you, chair avalos, for bringing up this age-old issue. they have been entrenched after
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slavery, so what this really is is a mindset. what this legislation is doing is getting away from believing that those persons who are purposely kept out of the loop should remain out of the loop, and come in other words, how dare you try to legislate us and tell us to give you the jobs that we have purposely kept you out of for hundreds of years and have been successful at doing? so anyone who would push back on this legislation really does need to take a look at their mindset. we need to work against the military and prison and industrial complexes, because that is definitely entrenched in making sure that people only have those choices. go to the military or allow us to get free labor through the prison or industrial complex, and they already know it can work.
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people are going to build in san francisco. no doubt, that is a fact. san francisco will never be without contractors, and i hope that people will come together and become the contractors -- [bell] thank you. chair avalos: thank you. i have a few more cards. [readibnng names] >> supervisors, chair avalos, thank you for letting me speak. i am in full support.
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your efforts to bring this to the forefront are to be commended, supervisor avalos, as well as support from other supervisors and others in the community of san francisco. also that should be appreciated our the efforts of another, and the labor leaders are working with you to get this legislation passed. however, the efforts are not enough. unless this is actually passed. i think we understand the implications of this, what it means for employment, especially people working in san francisco, district 10 or the bayview. it would be against things like urban sprawl or environmental perdition -- pollution. i would add that, supervisor
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avalos, that this just be a starting point for us. something to allow private industry to follow this lead, as well. i think you will find out why it is not only here but in the local business community. as i said, your efforts are commended, and i really appreciate your doing this. thank you. chair avalos: thank you very much. >> good afternoon, supervisors. my name is -- and i am a community organizer, and i am also a member of an alliance. it has been very humbling and inspiring to be part of this process. i remember the day that this was launched from the steps of city hall, it is amazing to see such a diverse group of san franciscans united's for this cause and in the chambers this afternoon -- san franciscans
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united for this cause. we have been hearing from our members that as workers, it is not a full-time, a stable-wage jobs, but multiple jobs that come and go. the conditions in their workplaces are causing stress and poor health, in those conditions keep every day san franciscans from a 40 note -- from affording things and from fully participating in their communities. workers throughout southeast san francisco, where they have been hardest hit by these economic crisis, and others that have faced obstacles in the various construction trades. we believe that the solutions to these challenges begin with our local work force.
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we know the investment totals close to $17 billion over the next five years. we have a local work force. we know the unemployment number is much higher than the estimates. you have a recipe to strengthen our local economy and to ensure that our city dollars are investing in those communities that have been hardest hit by this economic crisis. so we believe that this legislation is a great first step, and we also believe there is more that we can do to expand these opportunities for city jobs and city contracts. at thank you very much. -- i thank you very much. chair avalos: thank you. next speaker, please. >> i am a resident, a business owner, and i want to commend you, supervisor avalos.
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i want to point out that there is additional savings with local hire, because you have to pay prevailing wages, and the people that are coming from out of town, that will reduce the construction costs, and a lot worse saying that this would be in negative impact on construction, but i definitely think we need to count that. i am also concerned about the implementation that, right now, in public works projects, there is a requirement that there be 20% apprentices, so having a local hire of 20% is very achievable, but the game the system, so i would request that
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there be monitoring and compliance to make sure that the system is not being gamed to provide for this, and i respect you so much. as a member of bayview hunters point, which i think is the most diverse community in the area, latinos, asian-americans, blacks and whites, this is not just for blacks, whites, it is everyone in san francisco, and it is a wonderful opportunity for all of the people in san francisco to of opportunities. thank you. chair avalos: thank you. anyone else would like to speak, come on up. i do not have any more cards. >> i am a public-school parents and also wrote which also with et -- and am also
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