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tv   [untitled]    December 4, 2010 10:30pm-11:00pm PST

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that having been america's cup coming here could give us that low for months and years. unlike the super bowl and world series, this is not just about who is best in america, is about who is best in the world. like the olympics and the world cup, this is a tremendous opportunity. we know that visitors spend a lot of money. and we know that they stay in hotels. i'd like to extrapolate and say that 65% of every dollar spent is spent on restaurants, entertainment, shopping, transportation, etc. this money will move throughout the community. when you think of hotel spending, you think of hotel taxes. bringing the america's cup to san francisco is going to give us the economic impact that will
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not just benefit the port, it will actually benefit across seven cisco. just an interesting fact lloyd, 30% of our visitors come from outside the united states. when they do they tend to spend twice as many nights here as domestic visitors. this will have another long term affect. it has an impact in terms of the future generation of international tourism. thank you. [applause] >> one of the disadvantages of being in a public forum like this is that almost everything great has already been said by be smart and articulate people in the front.
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but i would like to share some personal experiences i have had with being involved in the cup for the last 20 years. we have said a lot about the america's cup and economic benefits. i have seen it firsthand in valencia and new zealand, where they had courts and appears much like ours, crumbling into the waterfront. with the investment capital that came with a cup, it transformed them, much like could be done here. also, i never would have dreamed of going to pause lend or spain without the america's cup. i know that many other people were like that. i spoke to them when i was there. i have been there three and four times respectively just because of the america's cup. a true case that tourists do spend money in those venues. i would also like to talk about
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what the america's cup really is. the organizing authority has promised to have 13 america's cup world series events around the world. of which at least two will be here in addition to the defender series, challengers' series, and america's cup. meaning 45 days of racing here in the bay and the economic benefits that come with that. in 2011 there will probably be a regatta, but one of them might be pushed to 11 and 12. it will start now and last for several years, bringing people here. i have se it and what it can do for cities. i have seen the civic pride that comes from having the america's cup and i urge you to vote in support. thank you. [applause] >> thank you.
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[reads names] >> good morning, commissioners. michael bishop, the operations manager for many of the ports. i am also an avid sailor. so, i would love to see the america's cup here. as a lieutenant, i am concerned with keeping the port hole. minding poor tenants. especially on pier 50. on the west end is a vendor of mine managing court assets. the 66 year lease is losing control of the port property for
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such a long period of time. i would like you to keep that in mind as we move forward. things that have happened in this document so far have been positive and we need to keep moving in that direction. thank you. >> good morning, karen pierce, chair of the southern waterfront advisory committee. i am not speaking on behalf of the committee, as we took no action, but i want to point out that we did have a lively discussion on the proposal that included using tear 50. i can tell you that i think it was unanimous, members supporting the idea of having the america's cup come to san francisco. one concern is that we ensure that the industrial maritime activities that go on in the
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southern waterfront are protected and continued. we fear that if peer 50 is taken, not only will it disrupt a number of those activities and tenants, it will also send a message to the rest of the shipping world that the san francisco court is not continuing in its interest in being a working port. there are other members of the sdwack that will come to speak. conveying another concern, the concern of community benefit. we saw what the package held at the time when we had the presentation. we felt that the only thing in that concept were the kinds of benefits that are not really community benefits. they are actually the expectations of the city for anyone that comes here. i have just two benefits that
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should be considered that would really be benefits to the entire community. the first is, in addition to whatever goes on, having sponsors support the development of electrifying additional peers so that we have additional coal ironing opportunities. the other, going along with what karan said, implementing the blue-green way in the financing of the development of that process. finally, just slow down the process. this does not need to be done before the end of the year. >> thank you. [reads names] >> good morning, commissioners. this is a great day for our city.
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i am here representing the open space water front group for the no. waterfront as present in the barbary coast. we have had the opportunity for seeing, participating, and watching every america's cup since the 1960's. i have watched from the bar at 9:00 a.m.. in valencia when he won the second time it was crazy stuff. i wanted to make sure that you know this, as it is so important for our cities long term presentation of it as a city, it is completely unique in the history of the america's cup. every race has been held in the ocean off the waterfront from newport beach to valencia. here we are hosting at in the day. it is so cynical and special, it will give tremendous potential
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for television revenue and spectators, for the world to watch our city on a daily basis for three months each year. and if larry is successful, we may have it again. the new york yacht club had it for almost 80 years. this thing could go on for a long time. i know that it could be expensive and the revenues that will be supported are going to be beneficial overall. good luck. >> thank you. >> good morning. i am representing two organizations today. the sports organizing committees established in 1987 that was at one. chaired by mr. buhel, who is an outstanding civic leader who without a doubt will bring the
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efforts of the america's cup organizing committee in to fulfil his part of the three legged stool. having successfully participated in hosting and bidding for the world cup, those are mentioned as examples of the kinds of international festivities and gallows with economic impact that has been mentioned several times. representing the bay area council, established in 1946, the members of the executive committee, [unintelligible] is the current chairman of the bay area council, both of them having served on the america's cup organizing committee. the bay area council is comprised of 270 member companies. the largest employers of the bay
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area. they passed a resolution earlier this year endorsing and committing their resources to doing their part for those companies and doing what it will take to fulfil significant responsibilities entailed. 22 seconds left fellow without a doubt, there is a lot of money around this in the private and public sector. all of the lawyers working on this are going to protect the interests of everyone. there is enough money to protect everyone's obligations. let's grab this opportunity. thank you. [applause] >> how are you at basketball? [laughter] [reads names]
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>> good morning commissioners and staff. i am with the red and white fleet for the on call public utility operations. i think that we are missing the point here. we have a beautiful bay with a chance to bring the america's cup here on a multi-year venue. getting through the first year, i think you are looking at a many year event. from our business point of view, it will be good the way that the city benefits. another important point is that this is going to transform the waterfront. it will transform the waterfront. the last time it had this much activity, it was the gold rush and they left the boats here. i hope that that happens here, because we will see the port becoming more passenger friendly, cruise ship friendly,
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where the public can walk around. that is important to me. on behalf of the fleet, we do support this and have been assured by the mayor's office that the jones act and other legislation to protect the merchant marine will be added and protected, which i think is great and when we look back at it, we should look back to thank a lot of people for it. mark has a specially spent a lot of time. mark, thank you for all your efforts. [applause] >> [reads names] >> good morning commissioners. i am here to speak on behalf of the 1500 member been -- member businesses of the chamber of commerce in terms of moving forward with the america's cup. we see this as a long-term opportunity for the city in many ways. the previous speaker spoke about
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what it would be like when this is on television for months at a time, years at a time. you cannot buy that kind of advertising. those blimp shots with the giants were spectacular. this will be blimp's on steroids. cameras on the boats. cameras on the air. highlighting the most beautiful place in the world, making it a place where people will want to come for generations. we also believe that the infrastructure impact that will be had on the port cannot be understated. we have appears that have been entitled for years and years that have not had developers find a way to make it happen to bring people to the waterfront. this is an opportunity to really change that dynamic and get those put in and fixed in a way that brings them to the water
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and engages them in their environment while getting paid for. we could hope for a developer to come due, but this is an opportunity is unique for the port. we will be able to support it making sure that the advertising is paid for, benefiting from the customers coming to san francisco. thank you very much. [applause] >> good morning, commissioners. i am a longtime resident of san francisco and a long time aficionado of sailing from childhood to the present day, where i have a boat still going
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here in san francisco. i have come to urge you in the strongest terms possible to pass this resolution before you. i have had the privilege of attending the america's cup events in san diego, new zealand, and spain. i have seen firsthand the economic shot in the army and vitality that this event brings whenever it comes to town. it will do the same thing for san francisco. i am not affiliated with city government or the racing team. but i have been a longtime member of the st. francis yacht club. when i was, or we tried to bring the america's cup to san francisco with our team. we fell short, but i am very excited about the fact that the
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golden gate yacht club has succeeded where we have failed. i must say that many of the speakers before me have already made the points that i would make to you. but the one point that i would make is that i do not know if you realize how many other maritime cities around the world would love to have the opportunity before us right now. many people have been serenading the people to get this event. personally, i know that the commodore of the new york yacht club is a friend of mine. we have discussed this many times and he is very disappointed that the new york yacht club did not get this event back. so, we are on the 2 yard line, first and goal. do not let it get away. >> thank you. [applause]
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[reads names] >> hello, my name is rick dickerson. we manage approximately 1000 apartment and condominium units within a short walk of the pier. i think that this is a very exciting time for the city, getting a chance to possibly hope the america's cup. i think it is a wonderful opportunity for the pork to hopefully kickstart some of the infrastructure work that they would need to fully develop the areas of our residential neighborhoods. i know that there is excitement in residential neighborhoods. with regards to the opportunity to hold this event here, what it was like to do is it encouraged
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residential neighborhoods going forward, as you have in the past. planning not only for the event, but the long-term development of these properties. we have a fine history here in the neighborhood of working cooperatively with that the port. and with other neighbors in densely populated areas. i feel that if we can have the same sort of cooperation and and cut between the cork and the neighborhood, we will be able to do the same thing with this. >> thank you. [reads names] >
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>> thank you. and i am a resident and in coming, or of the south beach yacht club. i am also known as the columnist on waterfront issues in the chronicle. as far as the overall approach on this, my commendations from the yacht club and the four as well as the city, from the club perspective of our board of supervisors and board of directors has already issued important improvements in safety and water access for the public as having an important
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economic impact with full support and reinforcement by and your decision to approve the city's resolution. on the economic development side there are things that we believe did not sufficiently address, the first being the cost to rehabilitate perak 30 and 32, making it necessary to continue existing income streams. something i am sure the two were close to. we encourage you to make sure that the board of supervisors is aware when they look at the economic and physical impact on the city. and this is not adequately reflected in the report. >> the second is that mr. roh was assumed that there would be
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no long-term jobs, as you heard from the testimony you've already heard there will be a long-term jobs and tax impact beyond which mr. roh is had reported. timing is of the essence. the message to you simply is to bring it. [laughter] >> [leads names] >> good morning. i am a member of the blue-green steering commission. families and youth as a host
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city, the event will incorporate and support sailing related programs and activities with was the largest organizations in the district. i wanted to share a story. it had nothing to do with a million-dollar yacht, just small kayaks. and the staff of a youth group was very about the opportunity to get their views on a wire the fact that china wasn't in love
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was the emotional and northern and talk about african-american youth which goes back to the statement of rich, white men. all of these activities on the bed are white people because of the fact that there is this tremendous inequality in swimming. i hope that we take a look gaps this and to try to do something to change the situation. so that we can really get you onto the water.
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especially i am talking about the blue-green way. thank you. [applause] >> i feel i am the only ones in here with a shirt. as you might recognize, this sure recognizes pedicab, and i am also coming as the father of a six month old. i have been coaching high schools and have been driving pedicab for the last five years in rome island, boston, washington, d.c., key west. all very famous sailing towns. as an outsider when i came here and learned about the cup, i cannot tell you how much of an opportunity this is for the city in terms of a launch pad.
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i am telling you, there are significant gaps in the pierce. i have some ideas i would like to turn into reality to create jobs. it took about one year for us to get going but over the last six months we have created over 50 jobs. i have some real ideas that i would like to turn into reality. this is something that is a very practical situation where i could play my role to help. as an outsider i want to deliver the message that this is a huge opportunity for the city. as someone with a unique perspective of want to say that this is a good deal and you should go for it. >> i would ask that we keep everyone's attention and we will take a small recess.
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if we may. of course, we have more questions, but if we can just take a 3 minuthank you very muc. we appreciate everyone coming today and we want to make sure that we get everyone's comments. i am going to pick up with andrew waters. >> we already had andrew. >> jerry robinson, please. >> hello, everyone. this is so exciting. i was born and raised here and have been sailing here my entire life. i love the bay. as far as the community in general, racing is a second
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thought. i run a charter company. we are a privately-owned gambling run business. my chief mate is right over here. we are a small organization. for us this would be over the top. fantastic for the business. miami businessman and a sailor. i love the opportunity and i cannot wait for this to be approved and we go forward. thank you for the opportunity to speak. >> thank you. [leads names]
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>> sorry, i was caught in the bleachers. mr. president, members of the commission, in the ceo of san francisco bay railroad and m the vice chair of the southern waterfront by azeri committee of the port. and i am a member of the maritime commerce committee. i am an avid sailor and i want to join the other people who strongly supported having the america's cup here on san francisco bay. one thing that i would like to say that the others have not said that i think needs to be said that may not be popular, i think that there are two issues. the first is risk, the other