tv [untitled] December 10, 2010 3:00pm-3:30pm PST
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protections as it would if it were regulating. policies that are recommended would prohibit certain types of ads on certain subjects, although it would not distinguish between points of view in the subject areas. it does for him it advertising for such things as political campaigns for ballot initiatives, profanity, depictions of graphic violence. the board has before it a resolution that would approve the policy. [inaudible] director cohen: are there other public buildings that have a similar policy? >> bart and muni have policies
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that are similar. director ford: ok, and the okrfp is going to be specific to the temporary terminal, and we will revisit the permanent terminal at another point. >> the board will have a contract for the advertising program. director ford: all right. director daly: the thoughts behind a prohibition on political advertising? >> to maintain the [inaudible] director ford: it is pretty consistent with most of the policies i see, at least for transportation agencies, to stay out of those -- director daly: it is, and that
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would include ballot measure campaigns? director ford: yes, for example, we do not advertise for political campaigns on any of the muni the hackles, whether it is for or against the agencies or fund raising. director daly: but the shelters are different? >> director ford: ford -- director ford: bus shelters are in there, too. ok. with that, what is the board's pleasure? ok, it has been moved and seconded. all those in favor? no posers -- no opposers? motion carries. let's move to the next item. >> item 14 is a resolution of appreciation for director chris
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daly. >> we have a resolution for havedaly, -- for director daly, who has been with us for many years. he has served since 2002, representing the city and county of san francisco and whereas that the san francisco supervisor for district 6, the district in which the transit center program is located, he has been a tireless advocate for improved public transportation, housing, and other urban amenities to create a livable, revitalize neighborhood, and whereas as a supervisor and member of the board, he has been passionate about providing increase affordable housing throughout san francisco, due in large part to his leadership on this issue, the program will result in 2600 new homes, 35% of which will be affordable, and whereas the joint powers authority has greatly benefited from the passion, knowledge, wisdom,
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experience, determination, and integrity that he has brought to the tjpa's decision for the past nine years, and whereas his faithful and effective advocacy on behalf of the transit center program at the san francisco board of supervisors, the metropolitan transportation commission, and the county transportation authority greatly contributed to the success of the program and its major funding milestones over the past decade, and whereas the successful launch of the trans bay transit center program, the critical reseed of $400 million in stimulus funds, and the continued recognition of the importance of the program to the nation, the state, and the region is directly attributable to the strong guidance and influence of chris daly in working toward program goals, and whereas he will be leaving as a member of the san francisco board of supervisors in january 2011 and will also leave his position as a director of astransbay joint powers
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authority, -- director of the trasnbay joint powers authority, the authority wishes him continued success and happiness in all his future endeavors, and i want to say on my behalf and certainly on behalf of staff how much we have really appreciated all your efforts, directors. your courage, your integrity has just been commendable, and i want to thank you for all the years you fought along our side. you did fight the hard battles with us till the wee hours of the moment, and at all times, you have conducted yourself with honor. even when things were not necessarily popular, you were there for us. but for your support and help all these years, we would not be here today. i personally want to thank you. i want you to know that i'm going to miss you terribly.
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we hope that we can continue to have you involved in our project. we want to make sure -- and invite you to the major milestones and keep you apprised. thank you very much for everything you have done. you are a good man, and we tell everybody that. thank you. director ford: i would like to follow up -- well, director cohen. director cohen: i was in public service with supervisor daly for about 10 years. there were many issues over those 10 years that we were not on the same side. it was a matter of public policy, but it was really nice to have the opportunity on a project to be on the same side of an issue.
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as formidable of an adversary that you were, you were a better ally, so i appreciate that and wish you the best of luck. >> it has been a pleasure to work with chris, to follow his career, of stand-downs', nays and yeas. good luck. thank you. director ford: it has been a pleasure to have you on this board, and i think we have done some great work over the past few years of advancing this project. the staff has brought us good decisions, and we have been able to support them the majority of the time. they have brought things before us, and largely due to your advocacy for this project and your discerning the critical issues from a policy standpoint, we have been able to accomplish a great deal, and you will be missed. i really enjoyed working with
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you in your capacity as a director of this board, and i look forward to working with you in the future because i know you are going to be around. thank you. director daly: thank you. i'm going to take a very brief moment. let me thank maria and the whole tjpa family for your work. if you sit on enough of these boards, you realize that while technically, the staff works for the board, in reality, in terms of the labor of love and the time and effort and energy, the board's really do work for the staffs. fortunately, we have a very good one here. thank you to my colleagues, present and past, here on the tjpa. i have only been here for eight
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years. i think tony really wanted to be here when i was first elected, and for some reason, acquiesced. but it is not really in my nature to not see things through to final completion, so i'm really not ready to go. and somehow my goal is still here. [laughter] i figured there has got to be a way that i can hang on. but probably, i will just have to secret development through to near completion, and the actual digging and contract letting and construction will have to be overseen by others that follow, but they will have pretty much the same staff and family here doing the work, so the project
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is in very good hands. thank you very much. one other point -- i was doing one of these interviews, and they asked me about transbay, and i was not even thinking. it was probably on my phone or my i had doing something else, and i was giving an interview at the same time, and i just went into the talking points about climate change and a new neighborhood and affordable housing, and i was talking 40 we will or three minutes of ourtransbay -- about transbay not paying attention, and i had to stop myself and say that i was really giving the talking points, but when i stop to think about it, this is an incredible project, and i probably have been rounded and involved in too long to fully appreciate how incredible it is. you have to take a few steps back to look at it, and if you think about the -- about climate
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change, about the future of the state of california and our transportation systems, if you go to enough regional government meetings and talk about regional airport expansion and you have that kind of perspective, trust me, this is huge. it has been my honor, my pleasure to have been part of it over the last eight years. thank you. director ford: ok, do i have a motion? it has been moved and seconded. all those in favor? you can abstain. ok. all right, we have 3 ayes and one abstention. >> item 15 is a resolution of appreciation for director mark church, who was unable to be here. >> i have a resolution to read for director church. where is mark church is san mateo county supervisor has
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served as the board of directors at the trans the joint power authority since 2009, representing the joint powers board and where is the trans the joint powers authority has greatly benefited from the experience and knowledge that mark church has brought to the decisions of the authority and where is the accomplishments of the joint powers authority would not have been possible without the guidance and assistance of mark church, and whereas in june 2010, mark church was elected by the voters of san mateo county to serve as county clerk recorder and chief elections officer and he will be relieving his position as director of the board, therefore be it resolved that the trend a power authority expresses its most sincere appreciation for the work of mark church as a member of the board of directors and be it further resolved that the director of the authority which is mark church continued success and happiness in all his future endeavors. if you could convey to director church our sincere appreciation, thank him on our behalf.
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certainly when he was most needed, he certainly was there for us, and we appreciated his support and always making himself available to staff to meet with him and seek his guidance on many critical issues, so please, thank him on our behalf. >> i will. and mark asked me to express his gratitude for this award yesterday at our board meeting, we recognize them also because his new position will require his not being on or not allow us to be on these various boards. mark also said please extend to all of you his regrets at not being able to make all the meetings, which was good for me because i got to come, but he is now chairman of the state seismic safety committee, and they have been meeting on the same date and time as this group
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does, but he says thank you and stay in touch, and i will see him tomorrow. thank you very much. director ford: pass on our appreciation from colleagues at the board. thank you. motion to approve? it has been moved and seconded. motion carries. >> item 15 is approved. at this time, you are scheduled to go into closed session. we have not received any indication that a member of the public wishes to address you on the item. so you have an opportunity to do so now. we will
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want to get rid of? >> why throw it away when you can reuse it? >> it can be filtered out and used for other products. >> [speaking spanish] >> it is going to be a good thing for us to take used motor oil from customers. we have a 75-gallon tank that we used and we have someone take it from here to recycle. >> so far, we have 35 people. we have collected 78 gallons, if
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i feel like all of us are starng to see what the problems in this country are. i think plenty of people are opinionated. i don't think there's many forums where you can really express yourself or try to make a difference or anything. i mean...wha'...whatdo... what do i do, ya' know? the only people that i'm able to affect are the people who care about what i have to say. there is something you can do, but i'm sure it wouldn't be, uh...easy. different man: i get angry about it, but it's like... ya' know, in my own apartment. [laughs]
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>> good evening, and welcome to the december 8, 2010 meeting of the board of appeals. the presiding officer is tanya peterson. joining her is kendall goh. to my left is the deputy city attorney who will provide the board with any needed legal advice this evening. i am sent via bornstein, the executive director. -- i am cynthia bornstein, the executive director. at an audience, laurence kornfield of the department of building inspection, scott sanchez, the zoning administrator, it will also be representing the planning department.
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we also have carla short with the department of public works. at this time, if you could please go over the meeting guidelines and to up the swearing and processed -- swearing in process. >> the board request that you turn off all phones, beepers, and pagers so they did not disrupt the meeting. appellants, permit holders, and it apart and responders have seven minutes each to present their cases and three minutes for rare bottle. people affiliated with these parties must include their comments with in these time frames. members of the public were not affiliated with the parties have up to three minutes each to address the board and no rebuttal. members of the public who wish to speak on an item i asked but not required to submit a speaker card or business card to board staff when you come up to the
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lectern. speaker cards and pans are available on the left side of the podium. we also welcome your comments and suggestions. there are survey forms on the podium as well. if you have questions about a rehearing or rules or hearing scheduled, please speak to board staff during a break or after the meeting or call the board office tomorrow morning. the board office is located at 1650 mission street, room 304. this meeting is broadcast live on san francisco government television, sfgtv cable channel 78, and dvd's of this meeting are available for purchase directly from sfgtv. at this point, we will conduct the swearing and process. if you intend to testify in any of tonight's hearings, please stand, raise your right hand, and say i do after you are sworn in.
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do you solemnly swear or affirm the testimony you are about to give will be the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth? thank you. >> thank you. president peterson and members of the board, we have one housekeeping item this evening, item number 5c, a rehearing request regarding the property at 10 lundy lane. an appeal has been filed with the board of supervisors and just this afternoon we received information that appeal has been deemed a timely and will be heard by the board of supervisors on january 11. that means it means to move off of the board calendar until after january 11. i wonder if the parties for that matter are here if they could come forward? any representatives?
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president peterson: let's wait until its regularly scheduled time. >> ok. and there is one other item, deputy director kornfield is raising a permit penalty, consenting to reduce the penalty to two times. commissioners, i don't know if you want to take this as a housekeeping item or if you want to hear the item. president peterson: i suggest it is a housekeeping item. >> is mr. snyder here? >> yes. >> if you could call that item and we will take public comment and the board will take a vote. >> item 8, appeal number 10-091, property at 38 santa rita.
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it is construction work done without a permit. >> mr. snyder, it did you have any comments that you would let to say? is there any public comment on this item? ok, commissioners, if you choose to follow what deputy director kornfield is suggesting, you could make a motion to reduce the penalty. president peterson: so moved. commissioner garcia: before we vote, could i ask what type of windows are now there? >> laurence kornfield, the department of building inspection. my understanding after talking to the chief inspector for the district, the windows were installed, shape and size reduced, and changed the material, and the permit applicant removed all of that and restored them to their
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original construction type. at great expense. commissioner garcia: thank you. and thank you. >> call the roll, please? >> on the motion to reduce the penalty to two times the regular fee -- [roll call vote] thank you, the vote is 5-0, the plea is reduced to two times. it -- the penalty is reduced to two items. >> we move to agenda item one. is there any member of the public would like to speak on any item that is not on tonight's agenda? please step forward. >> the overhead, please?
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good evening, president and commissioners. i have an important announcement for everyone in the room who has a case before you not. all the powers of the state housing law are vested with the department of housing and community development. the state housing law, item four, the department has been held with the state housing wall, staff investigates complaints and allegations of not enforcement, including over enforcement of the code by local building departments, housing department, health department, fire department, or fire districts anyone who is getting an injustice before the billing department, the planning department, or before this board can file a complaint to housing
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and community development. it could you leave this on, please? here is the e-mail, their website. if you do a search under the department of housing and community development, you look at this site. if anyone would like any information from me, i have a lot of information about what is happening here. i have proven already that this board does not meet the required qualifications remanded by the state, and they keep on going on and making judgments on all of these cases, and they are really not legal. thank you very much. >> thank you. any other public comment on this item? seeing none, we move on to item two, commissioner, and questions. commissioners? seeing none, item number three, the adoption of the minutes. before you for discussion and possible adoption of the minutes of the board meeting of n
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