tv [untitled] December 10, 2010 7:00pm-7:30pm PST
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>> before we go into this complicated question and analysis, there is a need for a motion. commissioner garcia: continuance? >> how about 60 days unless things are in storage? commissioner garcia: you are losing an opportunity to opt for the current system and are going to take continuance for 60 days. we would be forced to insist on the rules that exist after december 16, 2011. i am sorry to make it complicated, but it is complicated. >> i am not sure what the current system is. i did not understand the system. commissioner garcia: we are not going to continue to next week, so i think you are stuck with what happens after december 16. >> after that, there is no prohibition of the hours. you need four of the five previous years with no
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proration. commissioner garcia: we cannot stay that. >> proration would not help him anyway because he would not have a boy your years of hours. -- not have four years of hours. vice president goh: we could also not move for a continuance or vote on a continuance. i think there is some feeling that we might do that. in order to overturn the department, you would need four votes. discontinuance even though it is in perfect for you might be the best case scenario. >> when i read the existing reports, they made no sense to me. they omitted them and i read an
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-- commissioner garcia: i do not want to cut you off, but -- >> a clarification. you are asking for the appellant to submit waybills for calendar year 2009 and 2010. then would you like mta to -- 2008 is addressed in the hearing officer's decision. president peterson: there is no point in doing this. as of february 9, there are not good to be the hours in the year 2011. commissioner garcia: the assumption is he is going to have the hearing immediately
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after we make a decision, which is not the case. this hearing could be in 2012. >> and you would like mta to review that submission of waybills. i assume board members do not want to undertake the waybill review? president peterson: do you want to allow some briefing on the topic of waybills? commissioner garcia: i want a page from either side indicating a high, low, or medium probability that the requirements will be met or will not if there were to be a hearing in 2011 or thereafter.
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>> this would depend upon the ability of the country to produce those as soon as possible. i do not think we will have a problem with getting them produced. >> the question is how long you need to review them. >> we would actually need a little more time to review them than that. commissioner garcia: we go into march, march 9? >> once we get them, we would still need a lot of time to review them. president peterson: that is the question. how far in the advanced do you need the way bills? >> we need them about three weeks and advance. president peterson: ok. >> so we can count them all up. president peterson: so you need them by mid-january. i will ask mr. alexander if he wants to move the hearing date
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out for that reason. >> i apologize. are you going to be looking at obtaining yellow's records as well? commissioner garcia: whatever is necessary for us to determine. what i am interested in is if we had a complete record and knew that sometime in 2011 or thereafter his name would come up on the medallion list. does it look as though -- it does not have to be a final determination -- he would qualify? >> right, but i was asking something a little bit different. commissioner fung: driving records for 2009 and 2010. commissioner garcia: that has been stipulated to by the taxi commission. >vice president goh: yellow cab
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was 2004. it is off the table. commissioner garcia: have been stuck with february 9, or is that too soon? >> can go to march 9? -- can we go to march 9? >> i want to make sure the parties and of the deadlines they have. if we are going to move this to march 9, the citadel would be due the thursday prior -- the submittal would be due the thursday prior. >> i apologize for interrupting, but i can tell you right now that assuming he drives 2009 and
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2010, that is still only three years. commissioner garcia: we do not want them to come up prior to his having gotten -- >> ok. commissioner fung: february 9 for him. for mr. murray to get the information. >> i will say february 10, a thursday. february 10, you're so middle -- your submittal is due. that is prior to the hearing. i think we have a motion. commissioner garcia: watch it failed after all this work.
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>> the motion is from commissioner garcia to continue this matter to march 9, 2011. the public hearing is held and closed. it is to allow time for the mta to analyze the way bills for 2009 and 2010. additional briefing is allowed by both parties, with mr. alexander due four thursdays prior and the mta due one prior. commissioner fung: aye. vice president goh: no. president peterson: aye. commissioner hwang: no. >> the vote is 3-2. the matter is continued to march 9. thank you. president peterson: when you are ready, we can call item nine.
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we have already taken care of item eight during housekeeping. >> : item nine, our last item. appeal number 10-19. wayne allen and theresa fulks versus the zoning administrator. it is the protest of the granting of a permit to carmen roman mariurray variances to construct a structure on a vacant lot. president peterson: we need to wait for some of our commissioners to be back. i appreciate your patience.
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>> now we are ready. >> my name is theresa. i am one of the appellants. the building the murrays want to build is very upsetting and stressful. we do not believe the city would let them to have the small front yard setback. in the appeal we recently gave on the conclusion para representative, we referred to planning cut section 132 that required a 10 foot front setback. we think there may be a mistake in how this was arrived at.
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our house is 143 feet wide. in the middle of the front of the house is a step to our front door. they extend for feet from the house. our actual house has a setback of 14 feet. the house on the south side had a further setback. we believed the setback for the project was to be set sometime between 1956 and 1968 when it was being decided how far the setback should be. it appears it was not calculated with our 14 foot setback, but from our steps in the front of the house. the original front yard setback may have been tucked elected correctly. we think there front setback should be somewhere between our house and the property at 1968 great highway, which is a larger setback. it appears the house should have a 14 foot setback or more according to the planning code. even if the murrays had to build
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a house with a point setback of 14 feet to make it even with our house, they would still have paper 25 foot by 40 foot tall for story building that would have about 2,500 feet with two units and a 1000 square foot garage with a large square footage of living usable space behind the garage wall. that would be an approximate total square footage of about 3500 square feet, less the internal stairs. this is more than ample space for a two unit building. pushing to get every square foot they can get is not fair to us or the other people who are required to follow the building code, especially since i told them i would not like they're building to go past hours. there is a reason for the code. everyone knows there is a building the want to build with a setback that is too short. in our appeal letter, i mentioned the murrays told us
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they were born to sell their other properties to pay the balance of the lot and have funds to pay for the house. we feel there would not have to acquire a building on, which are very expensive with high interest. one of the reasons they give for meeting a larger building is to get a building one which the cannot get with the smaller building. this contradicts what they told me. we hope the board can see our concerns are valid and should be considered, and see the whole picture of what this project will look like sticking out this far. there is a short 7 foot setback which was targeted with the wrong required setback from the beginning. we hope we can reach out with the code-record set back. this is only the bare thing to do. i would like the murrays and the allens to be able to enjoy their
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property. big is not always better. we dropped up exhibit showing our house and documentation from a respected architect that had designed and built our house at 1966 -- 1956 and lived there until 1946 when he left, passed away. the family kept it until we bought the house. the exhibits show a small fraction of the house and other properties he designed. there were many articles, books, and other media written about his unique design of buildings. the california historical society in 1983 sent a letter wanting to preserve the plans and drawings left by him in a file cabinet in the garage after the house was sold to our family in 1968. they got this information from his son. our house is a very important,
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unique design. the size of the front setback will negatively affect the look and use of our house. i understand why they need the four floors to make the building viable. they can still have a viable building with a larger setback. we had told the murrays what we tried to build and were denied, if they wanted to build a larger building and would not. we would understand if they did not want to buy the lot. we told them what we tried to build -- a two unit building on the same lot in 2000-2001. ours was about 28 feet by 38 feet by 27 feet. there was a setback that was larger and a much smaller building. we were denied and denied and only allowed to build a 29 by 25 ft. 3 story building, which was not viable.
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we give up. this is very ironic that our smaller building was denied by scott sanchez in 2001. the larger building of 47 feet by 20 feet, by 40 feet is granted by scott sanchez, zoning administrator. a 40 by 25 by 40 foot building is more than viable. we hope that the board may rescind their granted front set back. i was trying to make sure i got it within the seven minutes. basically, if you look at -- i actually have the 2001 planning
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department that we received and we tried to build our building, with mr. scott sanchez on the form. it just does not make sense to us that we were trying to build a 37 by 20 -- the 38 by 28 by 38 foot tall building and we were denied. now someone is trying to build a 47 by 25 by 40 foot tall building and they are being granted. it does not make any sense to us. we know they could build a smaller building. >> i think you will have time in their rebuttal. let us hear from the other side. commissioner hwang: i want you to put on the overhead the 2001
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here is the front. commissioner fung: who set the sales prospects -- sales price? >> the sale price for the lot or the house? commissioner fung: the only thing sold was the lot. >> you mean when we sold the lot to them? it was a broker that we had. commissioner fung: but who set that sales price? did you set the sills price? >> the price we asked for to sell the lot? we thought we could get more. but at the time because of the recession, we know it was a small lot and we knew what we went through to get something built. we decided to lower it. we needed the income to do some other investments. we lowered the lot down to 390.
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commissioner fung: thank you. >> we can hear from the variants holders now -- variance holders now. >> good evening, members of the board. my name is carmen roman murray. i am here with my husband, john. i cannot go over all the numbers that were mentioned, so i am just going to address valuation. one of the main issues is that at the time that the brief was to be submitted, it was never submitted. so we could not argue about what was not presented. so at that point i was told by
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mr. pachecko that i could request the original variants -- variance i asked originally. that is what we did. what we did was to request that the appeal should be denied it because they never presented any arguments to what they were appealing. secondly, that we would be granted now the original variance because they mentioned that the structure that we're going to bill this very large. -- to build it is very large. if i can show the picture here.
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here we have this massive structure sitting in the two lots. this is the house that mr. allen owns. next to it is the lot we bought from them. you see how narrow that lot is. what we were asking with the building -- let us build here. it is a unit structure. they have different set back very large because they are sitting in two lots. this is a single unit home. we said let us look at the rest of the homes. we should look at the rest of the homes and build that way.
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i am going to match myself to the one that is close to the unit. that is what we said. but as go up to that building. that is what we got the variance for. on the south side, there is a church. there is another building that is set back because they are buildings. three lots. i cannot compare this merrill lot to these older buildings. -- this narrow lot to these older bear -- older buildings. we were grateful that we were given the variance in the middle. they said let us not give you everything, but let us give you something. now that we have the opportunity to express our feelings and ideas, i think it would be better if we look at the rest of the block and see it is more
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according to look at them than to look at the south side. when they say it is going to be a huge building, how could it be a huge building in these small, narrow lots backspin it is a tiny building. there are four floors. it is according to the code. that argument, i do not think, has any validity. when they improved their lot, they were selling a two-unit lot. let me show you another picture of the lot. you cannot see it very well.
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but here is the front of the lot. it is very narrow. we have a space in between the house and the lot. you cannot build anything that is very large. the pictures may show that the building is large because it is flattened out, but it could not be. it is just a little taller. in addition, the house of mr. allen -- this is the house. in two lots, 50 feet. this is humongous in comparison to the other structures. had they been asking for a variance, it would not be given. when i say my proposal is a little taller, of course it has to be taller.
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it is a two unit building. it is not a single family building. it has to be taller. this is in 2010, not ever when it was billed as a single home. all of the single holmes are -- homes are tall. it is two units and a fourth floor building. this is the backside of the home i am going to show you. do you see how wide the structure is? they have a little shelf here in the back. it seems like he wants me to build something like this. when he says 40 feet, that is what i imagine. if people did not want any
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building in their lot, they should not have sold a lot. when i was shown a lot, they showed me this. the blue building is here. it goes all the way to the front. they were selling the a larger lot. commissioner garcia: your time is up. i have a question for you. when you were sold the lot, you heard from the appellants about what they went through in terms of the house they had hoped to put up there. please say yes or no. i just want to be sure they told you about their experiences. >> thank you for asking. their experiences. one experience i never knew about. i never knew mrs.. i only dea
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