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tv   [untitled]    December 13, 2010 4:30pm-5:00pm PST

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we got the podiatrist -- susman said they would help with the long distance. we got a podiatrist there. they wanted a massage, so we got a massage there. they said acupuncture is the real stress reliever. so we got acupuncture. and folks said they got a new holistic thing that they were trying out downstairs and others came for music and art and kids and all that. it is just an amazing thing. the evolution was directed by the great judith. this is in a frame. we saw today would be appropriate, all the work that has been put into this and all that extra energy. she wanted to demonstrate success. that is the difference between interested people and committed people. she found a way to get the -- interested people find excuses.
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committed people find a way of getting things done. judith is the definition of commitment. it seemed only appropriate. today will be ever known in san for the cisco as judith klein day in our city. there you are. finally. thank you, judith. [applause] thanks for everything you have done. we are proud of her. she is not going far. barbara garcia -- angela manchin barbara garcia. she is the new health director in san francisco, and if anyone really wants to know how she got the job, the interview consisted of one question -- you think it is the -- one of the biggest health departments in the world, and we can talk about cultural competency and all the issues of primary care, long-term aging and all those things, but all
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that i already knew. i cared about one thing -- i said i'm out of here. not particularly because i want to be out of san francisco but because i want to continue to serve and my time was coming up, and my passion is this thing called project homeless. she said she knows and she committed to making sure it continues well past my time, so, barbara, we are holding you to that. i want to know this is going to continue on. i also want to thank our homeless czar, the person we call and text, and he has fans, or at least a family member here. but he deserves to look good. this is a guy out there until
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midnight or 1:00 in the morning, and he is getting this text messages from the above folks down in south van ness that need help, and i could not be more proud of his work and his advocacy. he has been the delivery system to pull all these things together, so thank you from the bottom of our hearts. unbelievable. the best of the best. truly amazing. we will recognize him later. i'm going to do that somewhere else, though i now regret not doing it here. to all of you, this 37th project homeless connect, and we are about data here. companies like salesforce that, it gave us all this free equipment and free software. i can say this definitively -- 31,944 and duplicated clients have been served since we started this.
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almost 32,000 human beings. that is amazing. 21,644 of you. that is not folks that came back. many of you come back. 21,644 individual volunteers like yourself. that is amazing. big round of applause to all of you for making this happen. it is just amazing. truly. so you made a difference not only to people you are serving. you made a difference across this country. we are making progress. we used to be going this direction. we know that success on homelessness is not a place, not a definition. it is a direction. we know there is no having made it. we know the challenge continues to grow. we are providing services for people all over this region, the state, and this nation, and i'm proud of that, and we will always keep our doors open to help the most vulnerable and
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most impoverished, and we know this needs to continue and we need to continue our passion and advocacy, so thank you for everything you have done, and let me just and by recognizing the person i began recognizing because in so many ways -- i wish we had a tape recorder of the conversations angela and i have over the years because sometimes, she did not think i was as engaged as i should have been and she let me have it. other times, she was inspired and would call and make me feel good like maybe we were doing the right thing, and that is exactly what you need. that is called love. in that spirit of love and that spirit that is angela alioto, this thing is framed as well. this is a certificate truly recognizing angela and everything she has done over the last six, seven years over her life and all the work that she will continue to do. thank you very much.
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on behalf of all of us, for everything. [applause] and that will be framed. to the 10-year planning council, to our entire staff, to our state partners, our local partners, kaiser, blue shield, all those folks out there doing work every single day. we are proud of you. thank you for continuing this, and we will see you back here at the 38th project homeless connect. [applause] >> thank you, everybody. i could get you to stay here one minute, we will run through the logistics and get the doors open. about 400 people are waiting to get services, so we will get you going real quick. thank you. >> really quickly, judith. >> my name is phil williams. i'm one of the early volunteers.
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the mayor was on the radio in february, january 2005 and invited people to volunteer and live their values. i signed up in february 2005, and since then, i brought my wife, two best friends. i have met all sorts of people. i do the transportation. we created the story table. we just keep doing. he said if you can think about it, do it. do not shoot a lot of fat about it. get it done. well, we have done it. so mayor newsom invited me. judas' inspired me. from the clients, the volunteers, the staff people in the office, from joe ramos, the wonderful photographer, and my wife and through this together,
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we are giving to it something we hope means something to her. she means an awful lot to us. we love her, and she has made it possible for me to live my values. i came here in 1983 looking for something, and if she made it possible. [applause] >> ok, thanks for coming. we are moving on to the training portion of the day so we can get on the floor and get the doors open on time at 10:00. if you have already been assigned, it should be written on your name tag. you can get up and go.
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>> could afternoon, and welcome to the regular meeting. congratulations on the reelection. i want to take a moment and thank our committee. i would like to take a moment to thank our liaison. he has been a joy to work with.
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i think the committee had not been meeting as regularly. i think we have taken time, talking about shared responsibilities, and it does relate engendered the level of cooperation, so i am thank you for that. i think it is great we have had the opportunity.
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we have zones that we are going to operate in the bay view neighborhood and the mission, and we will look as if the progress being made in these zones and look at new equipment, so i want to welcome i want to welcome one of the most respected educators, dr. gray, the superintendent.
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some of the strategies and goals for this effort and for each of our teams as well as prepared to talk about whatever di tella -- detail is your pleasure regarding some of the work we are engaged in. >> thank you. >> this is what the superintendent just mentioned. givethe district data announcesy
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indicated how much they needed to do the zone. i do not have the data. each of the areas will have some schools that are in need of intensive support. however, the superintendent zones are 100% for schools that have high need. some of them are in the low- performing schools. ionly two of mine are considered
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for the next year, and we tried to meet the plan. >> our district also made the case said by reorganizing our district, we could better respond by providing intervention to some low- performing schools, so they have identified five more schools. our theory of action is relates to say the superintendent zone where we dedicate our resources and will positively impact student learning and outcome. this could -- the specifics are
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what we are here to talk about today. this is split into two areas teams. my team consists of various mainly in the mission district. >> i would like to go over some of the goals and strategies they have. we decided we would like to have all of the principles.
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we also are striving to have double-digit growth in the number of proficient students in the bay view sound -- zone in mathematics and english. so improved student achievement is one of the district goals, and that is how we are going to meet that goal. improved student attendance is a district go, so we are going to have 95%, and we will go into how we do that -- is a district goal, so we're going to have 95%, and we will go into that. we will have 10% increase in the
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number of students selecting bayview schools as their no. 1 choice for school selection. they will go through 56 different schools. we want to keep as many as possible in bay view, and we think by improving student attendance and the schools, we can make this happen. we want a 15% increase in may practice measures for non- mandated suspension, creating a positive school culture. restorative practices are what we can use so we can create a
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situation where our students have an opportunity to redeem themselves in ways where they are not mandated to have them in the justice sittre -- justice system. what i have done is put together each of our goals -- improved attendance, improving school culture, and other eat -- under each one, you will see what we are doing to make that happen. we had not done all whole lot to be able to explain what we have done in september. this is a more in-depth explanation of what we are doing. you cannot read it on the screen.
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let me give you a copy. we have enough. here is an extra one over here. without reading to you, i will talk a little bit about what we have here. the first thing is the core configuration and lesson planning, which was used to turn
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around frederick douglass academy in harlem. i have used if previously in turning around the school, and so has my executive director, and we found the schools did use it, but we are implementing it and monitoring it, so we can ensure a lesson planning is occurring, and it creates a spirit of transparency so whomever walks in the classroom can see what is going on. it can be monitored by the students, by the administration, by anyone that comes into the classroom. the second one is that it-driven decision and instruction. we feel using data to drive instruction is a prescriptive
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way to make change in our schools. in general, that is our way of making decisions. one example is a program out of standard. it is called -- out of stanford. it is called epgy. it tended to raise the level of thought, processes, and it is being used that almost all of our schools, and the schools we do not have it at, we are getting it as soon as possible. we use that weekly report given to the principals who give it to the teachers about how it is
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being used and if it is being used with fidelity, and we know this will make a difference. the resulting cycle of inquiry, we analyze, implement, measure, and monitor, and evaluate what we are doing. it is a constant cycle of inquiry using data. we use all that to improve instruction to readers if we do not use its -- to improve instruction. we have measures of academic
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performance of students developed by the department to measures didn't grow three times a year -- student gross three times a year to see what kind of process they are making. this gets at the point that we do not wait to see if the students have failed, but we have measurements, and it is not an autopsy fiorina -- an autopsy. we do as additional feedback. we walked through all of our schools with the district directors and the assistant superintendent, and we looked at classrooms and got together and discuss it and went over our
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results with the principle of the school. i know guadalupe as the same in his part of the zone. we give feedback to students, including self reflection and revision. we are wanting to make sure a student gets a grade after he or she has had time to master an assignment. it is not just an f because they did not do it right, but this would be an f unless you want to revise it and give them an opportunity to master what they are doing. focus on the professional development across all content areas is just one example. we had press -- professional development across the zone, and
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they had five topics being revisited as professional development so we do not have drive-by professional development. to improve attendance, we have really jumped on this. we want 95% attendance by the end of the year. we are doing some of the following things. we are insuring increase accuracy of attendance reporting. we find a lot of times scanning of attendance was not happening -accurately. when the student makes an effort, it is recognized as far as their progress and eventually reflected in possibly their graves. -- their graves