tv [untitled] December 15, 2010 2:00am-2:30am PST
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i'm sure i'll be here. just not sitting here. so we have -- we have another -- [laughter] i'm going to come from public comment. so we have another item under superintendent's proposals. this is 101-nsb 1, this authorization to grant or deny the school beat pe tigs for a new charter school. this has been moved and seconded on november 9th. may we have a report from curriculum and budget. commissioner fewer. the curriculum program committee from the board of education heard this item yesterday. they passed it on to the full board with a negative recommendation. if you'll note in the -- in the report from miss richards, it was decided -- she site -- cited
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many insush -- insufficiencys in their petition. >> at tthe budget committee, th commit triis sending this for the negative recommendation for the board. this were in the presentation of the petition -- there were many, many unanswered question bts budget and in particular, there were issues about the teacher's salary and -- it looks like it would be equivalent to our district's teacher's salary. houves i believe there were additional -- however, i believe there were 38 days they work for the same salary. so, that was just one example. thank you. >> may we have a reading the resolution by miss richards? >> good evening, commissioners. my name is sue. district staff, my name is mary
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richards. i'm executive director in lead with focus on high school, support and charter school oversight. i with the permission of the board will read. i submitted a copy to miss casco and i submitted to members of the board, it is a green stapled sheet in addition to the pact that you have that has the original resolution, the completed matrix for review and the complete final report of factual findings from the staff. so, at this time i request that i be -- i could read the amended language into the record of the resolution. thank you. superintendent's recommendation regarding c-5 international school. 1011-9 fp 1 authorization to deny c-5 international schools petition for a new charter, whereas the international school
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submitted a petition for the international school new charter school on november 1st, 2010. and whereas, the c-5 international school is requesting that the board of education make a final decision regarding the charter by january 1st, 2 -- 2011, pursuant to the recently minded time hein for a proposition 39, offer of facilities. a new charter school would need to be approved by that date in order for sfusd to meet the february 1st deadline for preliminary offers. whereas, the san francisco -- the san francisco unified school district staff has complete the review of the c-5 international school petition and submitted its final report and recommend days entitled staff written factual findings regarding the c-5 international school charter petition to the board of education. next two paragraphs are stricken. therefore, be it re106ed that the board of education here by
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adopts the findings of fact set forth in the staff written factual findings regarding the c-5 school charter petition dated september 14rks2010. be it further resolved that the board of education here by finds that the charter school presents an unsigned -- unsound program for the pupils to be enrolled in the charter school. the petitioners are dem strobbably unlikely to implement what set forth in the petition and the petition does not contain reasonably comprehensive editions of the program and operationings as required by the education of code. be it further resolved that the board of education here by denies the charter school's petition. i have a comb of -- couple of notes that i wanted to highlight and then i will be available for any questions. in your pact, and it is again at the bottom of the original
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resolution, i wanted to note the process for review that this was referred based on first resolution and public hearing on november 9th. to the curriculum and budget committees. the second part of the process is -- it was taken up at the budget and business services and we got a report on 11-29-10, november 29th, 2010. it was also taken up by the curriculum and program committee last night, december 13th, 2010. then with the culminating decision this evening. i just wanted to clarify one point. of discussion last night. we did focus in addition to the educational program, the curriculum focus, one of those program areas that it over laps into and it was cited for the review and also in the continuing neats of the factual finding that you have in your pact. on page 12, it is the second portion of the pact, not the mate tryst but the playertive
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portion and it is in the area of student discipline. i wanted to clarify some of the discussion around that and some of the comments that were made. so, just going to read that. it is number -- letter d. it student discipline, charter schools are not required to follow the educational code when disciplining students. they are required to provide due process to students assured under the federal and state constitutions. those -- those constitutions are cited. this includes providing clear thoy to students and their families of conduct that subject to discipline. the petition fails to provide a system for informing students and their families of conduct subject to discipline. for example, student impaired hand books and letters to families and other forms of communication. in short, under the cart petition student discipline proposal, the students and familys have no prior notice of conduct that is subject to discipline there by violating
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the student's constitutional due process rights. in addition, the petition fails to state that the charter school's jurisdiction for discipline. for example conduct occurring on school grounds or while coming and going to and coming from school. conduct occurring during the lunch period on or off campus and conduct occurring while going to oar coming from a school sponsored activity. finally the petition provides an expulsion appeal will be heard by a fair and impartial panel of representatives assigned bit board of directors. however, the petition fails to further describe the membership of such a hearing panel. that was just to clarify the points we were talking about. -- we were talking about. that's the end of my comments. i'm available for questions. >> thank you. before we take questions, i want to open it up for public comment. i don't have speaker cards.
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as for this item. please come up, two minutes. any other public speakers for the item? good evening. >> good evening. my name is bill and i have two daughters currently who have been >> who have been part of the c-5 program as a preschool. my older daughter graduated two years ago and my 3-year-old is in the program currently. and i'm currently serving on the board of the preschool and have adviseed the team on the development of the charter proposal. i want to raise an issue that was raised as a criticism. i'm educational researcher. i have to say we amied to the preschool precisely because we know and believe that from research evidence that project based and emergeant curriculum
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can improve student learning. this is not just at the preschool where the model focuses but all levels of the school system. projects provide an opportunity for children to develop subject matter knowledge and skills in the context of authentic problem solving. the emergent curriculum works because it builds upon and rather discounts students' interests. we seen our children develop all of the readiness skills that a teacher would want to see. especially literacy and number skills. that's because they're skillfully guiding young children toward the skills and the broader project context. i think one of the hopes that we all have in this educational system with the new common core standards coming on board is there are fewer and higher and clearer. with fewer standards, i think the children can pursue their interest and master subject matter at the same time. more importantly they could go deeper and master the additional skills they'll need at the
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workplace of tomorrow. i just want to say that about the educational program. there's a stronk case to be made for religioneo model here and -- i look forward to -- to having the opportunity to revises in proposal and come before the board hopefully depending on the outcome. >> thank you. >> so i guess we move on to board questions and comments. >> do you have come all the way up, otherwise i won't know you're coming for public comment. two minutes. >> my first time here. i'm the parent currently of a -- of a student in public school who was at the c-5 preschool and i -- it was hard to hear the school described in sort of a very sort of technical small, not -- not small, some issues that -- may not have been addressed because we have seen our children blossom under this
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program. and -- have comments in the public schools such as, the ability to work with other children to be self-direct, to make good choices for themselves and i think these are -- you know, nobody is against that. but they're all things that have -- i will give very due credit to c-5 for developing in children. i think these address many of the issue that is we have in our -- our public schools for kids -- knowing how to -- to get along with other kids and work and develop ideas and be excited about learning. i would like to see a model increased. i think it is something, i'm proud of our child in the public schools. i think -- this would be a wonderful, wonderful addition the religioneo approach. >> could you state your name? >> my name is lonny way.
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>> okay. at this time, board questions and comments. board president, membership dose is a. >> i wanted to briefly say, i had the at some point to go to c-5 and i thought their program was well run and it was a nice program and very happy children. i did however -- di leave with concerns that i shared with the directors and -- unfortunately didn't see any -- for the being a -- addressed in the application and so, i -- i unfortunately won't be supporting the charter this time around. hopefully we could work toward solidifying the description of the actual school and especially around the rejio piece which i'm familiar with. it would have been nice to hear more clarity to that. >> eanl other comments? >> question, commissioner wynns.
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>> is this not the same type of approach that is uted -- used at creative arts charter schools. it was in the charter when we granted the charter. are we monitoring that? supposed to be a rejio program. do we pay attention to what is in the charter and whether they're actually following it? >> we actual deloy in the sense of -- because we're not, we're not technically as a charter school, we're not technically there to evaluate their program -- the success of their program implementation but that they're actually following through with their original charter intention. so around the program. so as far as monitoring this -- the specific results, those would be -- the result that is we monitor are based more on the a.p.i., so other standards of performance that they're obligated to -- >> i understand. >> but they do -- >> i don't talk about -- >> whether they actually
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implement what is in the charter. the charter is supposed to be a form of contract. they're spoffed to do what is in it. -- they're supposed to do what is in it. they don't, maybe we need a report about that. >> uh-huh. >> any other comments from -- any other comments from board members? any other sites? jook on roll call, please? >> fewer commissioner fewer: i'm sorry, the recommendation is to -- to deny, right? so yes. >> thank you. maufas. mendoza yes. norton wynns. aye. yee aye kim yes.
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thank you. that's five ayes. >> thank you. that brings us to our next item. that is 1010-26 a 1. closing the opportunity gap, adopting a vision statement and policy to establish sfu school facilities as public assets to support our strategic man and our community. this is already moved and seconded on october 26 and may we have a report from buildings and grounds and budget committee? commissioner yee? >> i'm report frgget budget committee? >> uh-huh. >> the budget committee heard this item and passed it out of committee with positive recommendation and amendments added to it. that's in your -- that's included in the second reading. it is -- is somebody going to read it out dore we need to read
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it out? >> we'll read it out. the other thing was, also added to -- to as a -- as a coauthor of the resolution. >> yes. i'll look to add commissioner yee as coauthor to the resolution. >> commissioner mendoza? a report from buildings and grounds. thank you. we actually move this -- this for at positive recommendation, had discussions about what is currently happening from the buildings and grounds committee and the direction that it is going and it was -- very much in alignment with -- with the resolution itself. so we -- we are moving this with a positive recommendation. >> thank you. we'll have a reading and then public speaker is then comments from board and staff.
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vice president mendoza, would you like to -- >> like for you to do the hopper. it is your last resolution on the board. >> okay. i will. i'll skip through some of it. it should therefore be resolved. whereas the san francisco unified school district recognizes in a plan that the opportunity gap in san francisco's low income neighborhoods affect the overall achievement of students and s.f.a. commits to using all resources to close the gap. the board of education has passed resolution in support of closing the gap and promoting green school construction and healthy school nutrition prms and whereas low income neighborhoods in san francisco suffer high rates of poverty which affects the students abilities to meet their basic needs. where public schools are not adequately funded and there's inequity in the schools and
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creative policieses and practices can create and support closing the gap for our children and one of the greatest underutilized assets is the real estate and the school district properties. one of -- one, i'm sorry, they're an important asset that could serve fam leis close the opportunity gap by raising revenue and providing vital resources such as increasing food access and community empowerment and engagement. and we're in support of housing resolutions, 0-25 a and 0-29 a 4 have been adopted by the board as well as the need for teacher housing being discussed numerous times by the board and board com plitities. whereas the sfu sees many grass roots communications have addressed the comprehensive needs of students and communities that the district serves and whereas the school and community partnerships
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provide tremendous opportunities to teach students about sustainability and economic empowerment and support students to become leaders to create healthier and more ecologically friendly communities. therefore, be it resolved that the board of sfusd here by requests that the superintendent develop and adopt a vision statement to develop our facilities and real estate as public assets that support our strategic plan, beyond the toss in order to fully utilize the assets to close the achievement gap. be it further resolved that s.f.u.d. define policies and procedures for community use with guiding principles as the foundation. and further be it resolved that the plan include but not be limited to projects including school and community gardens, development of school and community gardens as hands on learning tools that promote good nutrition and stewardship of the hand, as well as proving increased access to healthy food for students and fam leis the communities surrounding public schools. the community empowerment
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programs, the development of community partnerships that support the economic health and stab belt of the families and the communities served by the district, such as flee markets and car washes and resource fairs. the family and educator housing, educator housing allows us to retain our teachers and para professionals and low income families who may heave san francisco because of housing prices. we have vacant sites that could be utilized as low income and educator housing. the stability of the families and educators will support or schools. we also will establish a budget and revenue plan for procedures involving the public school buildings and grounds. healthy safe and well maintained and that the superintendent immoment one pilot program for low to institutionalize partnerships and where school district properties could be an asset for closing the gap in
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2010-2011 school year. such as a community empowerment program partnering with a community organization on underutilized school district property and be it further resolved that the board of education asks all schools and administrator departments to put the following in to practice and in collaboration with the support of the facilities real estate department, by the end of 2011, 2012. i have read the aend mr.ed language from budget committee, thank you so much for that. we have public speakers signed up for this item. lauren. che. sansal and sharon brown. >> good evening, board members. my name is hannah.
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i'm the youth organizer, people organized employment rights and residents of bay view hunter's point. i'm here in support of the school district public assets because i believe it develops stronger relationships between community members and community organizations and school sites. by allowing us access to underutilized school property, we could create positive and empowering communities, spaces that could allow a community like bay view to provide for itself and have young people lead the projects into success. this policy can help close the opportunity gap and the achievement gap by allowing community organizations like power to access -- the access we need it create projects, pilot projects like community gardens and economic empowerment zones and like flea markets and affordable and teacher community housing. bay view like other low income neighborhoods is a food desert which creates environments where people are more likely to have health issues and some of our
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young people will -- will talk more about that. in talking with other allied youth organizations, there's overwhelming support for the policy because of a lot of time community organizations across the city have a lot of ideas and have a lot of ideas to put forth. there's not always the space to do that. this policy would allow them that space to create the spaces. we ask for your support in getting the resolution passed. if we're grant granted with the underutilized school property, we could teach students about sustainability and economic health and empowerment and a way to support young adults in creating leaders that create healthier and more united communities. thank you. >> thank you. good evening. mihm name is laura dangerfield. i'm at the school for equity. i am a member at power and i'm here to support the schools of public access policy today
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because i believe kids should have schools if they deserve it no matter where they live. kids are not getting the proper nutrition that they need like fresh food on a detailly basis and in community bay view, there's liquor stores and we have only -- actually have one food market, and they don't always have the freshest food, for like -- and residents in bay view hunter point suffer from higher rates of health problems related to poor nutrition. i went to a conance from in detroit, michigan where i witnessed the garden movement because they were like bay view, they may -- and there weren't any healthy food options and the detroit community do whatever they have to do to make sure that the community was find solutions to their problems, so they added a big abundance of community gardens, now we have -- we in san francisco are asking for the same opportunity. we as an organization have to
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support an interest in starting community garden projects. unlike detroit, we have a lack of space. we're here today skgget board to have a policy that could give us access we feed that could be saved by power and other cleaning members, so we ask you to support in getting the resolution passed. so thank you. >> good evening, board members. i'm a 12th grale grader and a member of power. i'm here to support the school, the public access policy because i think it is important that we ads a community provide for itself and make changes that will benefit the whole community put biputting old school properties to use. policy gives us a space to create a -- a program that address needs that have yet to be made in the neighborhood. no grocery stores in the community where most youth are located. we have a community garden project that can and will
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empower the committee -- community to makes changes will bin get the community and get everyone involved. the campaign is a perfect example of that, the potential of this policy. -- as organization, we identified a problem and community need, healthy food. we educate ours about it and now we're looking for ways to fix the problems ourselves. all we need is the space to do it. projects such as the one we're proposing can give youth and -- an outlet to stay out of trouble and teach them in responsibilities and they doo have a say in the community. we get this resolution passed because their support in the bay view community for it and there could be many possible benefits for years to come. thank you. >> good afternoon, school board members. my name is ethyl. i've lived in the neighborhood for over 50 years. so, i am here to -- in support
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of our young people and all -- also asking you to please allow us this privilege to -- to have gardens in our &. we do not the have froshe vegetables in our area. we to go to other locations in order to get food if you would allow our young people this privilege in order for them to have something to do and to see how their food grows. when i was a young lady coming up, we had what is known as the voyage club. we had these opportunities to see and it know where things were grown and where they came from. the young people in san francisco and other cities, they do not have this privilege. they think everything comes from the store. it doesn't. the we have farms and we have
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other areas -- we have so much land here, in the bay view district that is not being used if -- if you would allow to us the privilege in order to -- to use this, instead of just letting stay there unused, i think it would give our young poem a great opportunity. it would make them understand, hey, this is where it came from. we did it ourselves, we're helping our neighborhood. they're giving something back. they really want to do this. so, if you will allow us to -- us the privilege in order to -- to utilize the spaces, i know one area, willie brown have a beautiful area for garden and -- i know about that. then the other areas up there, that have space that is available and not being used. so please, consider us tonight and give our young people the
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opportunity to -- that they need in order to achieve. thank you. >> thank you. >> is it okay if i speak if i'm not on the card? >> my name is sharon brown and i'm here with the employment rights. waint to start by thanking the school board members, kim mendoza and yee and the amendments that fewer added. this is a pools that been brewing for some time. we been working on it for a year. i want to thank you the deputy superintendent and all of the input that helped us craft this idea. also that we recognize this is a building on the work that you have been doing for some time and the study done on underutilized properties and the green schoolyard and the plan that orients the entire mission toward closing the opportunity gap. so what we are really looking at this policy of schools is public assets is about bridging the work that community organizations and grass roots
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