tv [untitled] December 18, 2010 12:00pm-12:30pm PST
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roll call please casco. ms. fewer? >> here. mr. yee? >> here. ms. maufas. >> here. >> if you would like to join us for the pledge of allegiance, please do so. >> thank you. approval of board minutes. i need a motion and a second. >> second. any corrections? >> no. >> roll call, please. >> ms. fewer? >> yes. >> ms. maufas? >> yes. >> ms. mendoza? >> yep, ms. norton, mr. yee and
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ms. wynns? >> yes. >> the thoughts for the evening? >> thank you. since the agenda is a little bit long, i'll keep my remarks a little bit short. you might be aware that or governor-elect terry brown hosted a meeting in los angeles to talk about just how bad the deficit is in the state of california. and as you recall, just a reminder of people that before te elections people said that the deficit was somewhere between 15 to 18 billion dollars and after that election went to $25 million. now they're starting to talk about that it's more in the neighborhood of $3 1 billion. i know last year we made humongous cuts and furloughs and we've reduced the school year by four days. we still have a long ways ahead of us. i want to remind the public of
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that, as january rolls around it's just around the corner. we're going to need the input of our entire community to speak with our legislators because the cuts will just be tremendous in the future years. just a brief reminder. i also wanted to congratulate and i believe later on she'll be here president kim. as you recall she's no longer going to be with the school board. she's moving on to be a superviser. and we wanted to congratulate her on her election. also want to congratulate some of our own folks here. i want to congratulate vice president mendoza and commissioner maufas for being re-elected. congratulations or my condolences. we know it's a lot of work. and we want to congratulate emily.
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another big highlight, i think is that we have a grandmother, commissioner maufas this weekend had a granddaughter. congratulations. that's really exciting. i would like to highlight a good piece of news because we hear all the horrible things. the newspaper highlighted it. when you look at our school year, our drop rate has been declining and the california education has released the drop out rate. our rate declined from 17.9% to 9.4% which is one of the lowest in the state of california. i really want to thank all the great teacher,ed a minutes stray tors, schools and partners. and everybody all the employee who is work so hard to make sure that our kids stay on track and that they successfully graduate.
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i want to wish our students and our family, staff and administrators a warm and a really warm and joyful season. good luck to all the student who are in the midst who are taking end of the semester finals. we wish you good luck. do well. we want to congratulate everyone. black friday right before winter break, we're going to finish first semester. big work for everybody and thank you for the great work. and happy holidays. >> thank you, carlos. we don't have any resolutions but we do want to welcome marly to the family. unfortunately our student is ill this evening or taking exams one of the two. our current advisory council so if we could have our pac representative. if there's no objection from the board, we'd also like to move up out of order the
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special order of business which is the opponent of four pac members on to on to the pack. we'd like to do this all at the same time. so no objections. michelle, we're going to allow do you do that. michelle? so you can do your pac -- is it nominations or are they the four that are coming on to your pack? >> yes. they've already been chosen? >> yes, they have. >> we have no objection from the board members. so you can do that. >> thank you very much. good evening, superintendent
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and members of the public families. my name is michelle, and this is my younger daughter gabriela who attends cotton elementary school. and i'm joined by fellow pack member marco. and we have another pack member who's going to present this evening. she's not here yet. it may be because of the park situation. we'll go ahead and proceed. once we give that then, we'll move into into the nomination of our new members if that's all right. so marco, do you want to go ahead with the transportation stuff? >> yes. >> ok. >> [speaking in spanish]
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>> good evening, we know that the district is talking to with c.i.f. and the after school programs about these issues and appreciate what is being done to make sure they are part of the process >> excuse us, elise was going to proceed marcos. so we have been discussing at the pack proposed changing the policy. so the pack has been involved about changing transportation for the past couple of years. when the original proposed options were brought to us by district staff and this is how we became involved again as new proposals were developed. they have been talking about the objectives being proposed and the community meetings
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about proposed changes. ms. o'keefe came to the pax meeting and presented information about the goal and the revision that you are considering later this evening. we recognize that cutting both service will be a hardship for families who rely on the service. it's already challenging to get your kids to school on time. this is just another obstacle for that. parents who know transportation is changing whether the school bus will be there for the next year. and on the pack before hearing about the priorities for changing transportation, people were very skeptical and concerned about the reasons for doing so on the impact on families already struggling do get their kids to school. we were much more supportive of the overall plan. i also know that family who are
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touring, if that also comes up. in relation to going to school to after school programs and such. so pack members agree that goal number two, support quitable rangement offered to students is especially important because we want all families to have the choices to go to schools outside of their communities or attendance areas. low income families should be able to attend higher performance schools that are not in their part of town. pack members have had questions about cutting transportation. one concern is about equity. the telephone survey show that many students didn't participate in their school's after school program but went to one that's actually closer to their home. there was no transportation to get home from the cool's after school program laettner tevpbling. so they could catch that bus later in the school. they could get there that was closer that's more convenient
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for their family or that they could get home. it's especially true for the family. and now i'll let marco finish his comments. i think they'll make a little more sense now. [speaking in spanish] >> we know that the district is talking with d.c.i.f. and the paragraph programs about these issues and appreciate what is being done to make sure they're part of this process. [speaking in spanish]
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>> we also bring the n.c.a. into the conversation to make sure that people planning muni services know that wire continuing on puck blick transportation to get our kids to school. [speaking in spanish] -- continuing on public transportation to get our schools. [speaking in spanish] >> it's important for us to receive information about the proposed routes and stops that this service will offer. [speaking in spanish] >> we would like to know when
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and where and how would you let parents know about these changes and about meetings regarding the transportation. >> thank you. and i think also just making sure that it's part of that whole enrollment process as parents are in this time of change. it's not in your written report but this was brought to our attention that we should mention now. we actually discussed the proposed changes to the school calendar for the coming school year, the 2011-2012 school year. tommy ruiz explained different proposals to the school year calendar. the main issue we talked about was when the furlough days might be. this goes back to what the superintendent was talking about with the financial situation of our state.
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based on the unfortunate cuts, we focused on when they might be. we understand that furlough days are are a hardship for students, children losing time from their education and families who have to figure out a place for them to be after school. we propose to have it in the second half of the semester because the fall semester is shorter and we're trying to have that balanced school year. we didn't take a formal position on it but talked about different concerns and questions related to these primary options. in general, it seems the parent who is put their programs -- children into programs such at park and rec, boys and girls
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club, favor clustering the day because it might be more efficient or make more sense to be in operation during those times for them to have staffing and sort of set that up. however family who is don't put their children into formal programs who rely on share care or families, for those families actually spreading the days out and putting them into the strategic spot makes more sense. so there are some pros and cons in that way. the main impact was children missing four days of school and what would be the least impactful. we also expressed some concern about staff, after school staff who are not allowed to operate during those days. those people are paid hourly. do we cluster that at winter break when we can do one big bang? but then they're looking for three weeks for not getting
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paid. there are some different concerns. lastly, we would like to respectfully ask the commissioners of the board of ed to appoint four new candidates for appointment to fill vaycansy. their term would begin january 2011. and expire january 30th, 212. we do have biographical information about the members. this action we felt it was a big accomplishment. we will fill all of our seats. it's a total of 18 members. the four seats open at the beginning of the school year we can have qualified candidates representing communities that are under represented. this outreach was done under family school partnerships, organization in the parent-children involvement. sometimes at board meetings and other places where we would
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interact with parents. so we've received a total of seven application. interviewed five of the applicants. >> through the process we kept several factors in mind, issues facing the drit. our roll to represent parent perspective. we're committed to have the cultural backgrounds and aimed to reflect the family population in the district. so why we underrepresent chinese-american students we do include members from this community. then we discuss the candidates and our process during our regular meeting during december p 7 and voted unanimously to approve these candidates. and our candidates are -- who has a son in hoover middle
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school. he lives in engel side. he works with children in youth and performance arts. jeannie gonzalez lives in the bay view. she is an ultimate member and has an afternoon program. she speaks several languages. i'm sorry. patsi. if you're here. come on up. has a son in high school and lives in the ocean view merced interview. she's a member of the samoan community development center. ewie, has daughter and lives in the port lynn neighborhood. she participates in the valley neighborhood to the parents association. and her primary language is cantonese. >> great.
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thank you. are the other two members here? ok. so i need to a motion and a second on a appointment of the advisory council to serve 18-month serve from january 2011 to january 2012. >> so moved. >> thank you. superintendent do you or your designee have any report on that? great. do we have any public speakers on this? seeing none, any comments from the board for the superintendent? >> we move this forward. is that what you're talking about? so we move it while they're doing the report. >> right. >> and no comments from the board? >> i have a comment. >> commissioner fewer and then commissioner yee. commissioner fewer: tow the
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existing pack members. for the recruitment it looks like i'm looking at the members. and it looks like it's very diverse. when we first started this, we think there would be so many wonderful parents stepping up. on bhad behalf of the thousands of family, i just want to say thank you for representing the parents. >> commissioner yee. commissioneree: every year it's gotten so routine that i don't want to take it for granted. the fact that you're recruiting these great parents from diverse groups is just remarkable. i want to thank everybody that's impact and also congratulations to the new people. >> thank you, commissioner maufas. commissioner maufas: i can't resist. welcome. welcome. this is really great work. i can't begin to tell you how
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proud i am at all that the pack does when i think of mine joining it in its infancy. so pleased to see you here speaking. thank you so so much for being a member. and the new members coming on. it's a wonderful thing. >> thank you. and i want to express my gratitude as well. this is an important demea helps us understand what's on the ground when we're not anal to be there. we really appreciate the time and energy that you're putting into the community. roll call, please? >> ms. fewer? >> yes. >> ms. mendoza? >> yes. >> ms. norton, ms. maufas, ms. wynns? >> yes. >> welcome to the pack. >> we have a final closing comments. >> hi. thank you, gabriela, you need to go to bed now, honey.
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public comment and consent items, members of the public can address them but cannot sever them. she was going to wait. >> thank you. board discussion on the consent show only across the board of the superintendent in their discussion severs the item for discussion. public comment on consent items? i don't think we have. mr. kelly, do you have?
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yep. >> thank you very much. i'm dennis skully from the united educators of san francisco. and i've taken a number of items that i would like to call your attention to. and i grouped them. and the first grouping from k-24 through 44 i believe i added, 59 to it, items that include they come from grants that have to do a safety or equity for the most part. and i raise this to ask because of the ongoing concern that the union has over the cut of the hours for the security age, the t-10s. if there's anything in these grants that could be allocated to supply the missing hour that has been taken away from those 10 -- t 10s.
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you'll see that you're ex-fending $2 million in these grants. we believe it takes 230 dollars to restory all of the t-120's and we're hopeful that program some of them can be picked up through some of the -- the next items that i had were -- which numbers? >> 249. 49, there is -- it talks about the student support services department to assist in the expansion and coordination of resources that are currently not offered in the school community and there is some explanation in the longer -- the longer segment about why this -- this wasn't done last year and why it needs toe be
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done now. but the question is what kind of services are we talking about that were not taken care of in the past b, that need to be taken care of now. >> my next series is 5 o 5, 57, 19 9 or 58, 59. these again, these have to do with money that is being saved. and is not being allocated at the same sight. for instance, in 55, you're going to support continuous improvement efforts taking it out of the school and put it into the instructional cabinets. in what way is the instructional cab get a professional learning community in the same way that it's called for in the school sights.
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if you look at k-53, which i had as a stand alone. the one thing that this does is it allocates money for a summer school program. and so the question we have that i think the public deserves to know about is whether we were planning for the superschool program for this -- for this coming year because we have not been able to do that in the past. what else do we have. -- we have? >> 58? 53 i just dealt with. 58 if you'll look at the -- it calls on providing sap to keep within the 20-1 ratio. and we like the 20-1 ratio. but we no longer have that in k
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-- three. but is in anything particular that mandate as 20-1 ratio and except if he also can't have a 20 will have 1 ratio in k three. so those are the items that i have decide to look at. when i talk about 575 that applies to 75 and 62. the question is whether's the application of those savings. >> item three is the consent california. i need a mokes and a second on the consent calendar, please? >> second. thank you. any items corrected or withdrawn by the superintendent. >> we'd like to make one creation to adam -- tony a.
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albert should be withdrawn from the list of retirees. we would like to draw one item, item 498/14 k 17 on page 116. >> thank you. seeing none any item severed by the superintendent up for discussion tonight. item eight is the superintendent's proposal. this is from item 108-2491, general transportation policy. this was moved and seconded on august 24. we will deal with the quick report from the ad hoc. >> so we'll read it into the
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