tv [untitled] December 21, 2010 2:30am-3:00am PST
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defined as a retail use whose primary function is to prepare and provide ready-to-eat specialty foods to a high volume of customers to carry out the food. how do you define high volume of customers? is it especially about food? it also says it is typically open for weekday sales during daytime hours. the sponsor has proposed monday through thursday from 10:00 a.m. until 10:00 p.m., friday and saturday from 10 a.m. to 11:00 p.m. may contain no more than 10 seats, including sidewalk seating. there is a 30 foot line inside. i do not know what is going to happen to all the other people queuing up. are they going to end up on the sidewalk? are they going to end up in front of tangerine? are they going to block the doors of the apartment houses next door? i do not know. there is a lot of people that support ike's and come there.
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and they stand on the street. please do not grant this conditional use. thank you for your time. president miguel: chris rollerson, kenneth cohen, sam black. >> hello. i am chris rawlinson. i live two blocks from the old location and half a block from the new location. a few years ago, there was a cafe, and they tried to put streets on -- i tried to put seats on the street. we appeal the decision and one to keep the tables and chairs of our street. -- we appealed the decision and won to keep the tables and
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chairs of our street, so our street was quiet. that changed after ike's opened. on weekends, we had people sprawled on the sidewalk eating food. i have had people sit on my window sill. it is ridiculous. now they will be a half block from where i live. i do not know if they realize how much business comes there. it is not from the neighborhood. there is no parking. our street is just an alleyway. there will be double parking constantly. it is a great business, but this neighborhood is too small for such a huge volume of people coming there. there is no parking. it is going to be a repeat of what happened before with people sitting on the sidewalk at all hours. it is just too much for the small neighborhood. we are not market street. we are a few blocks away. it was a quiet neighborhood. now it is going to happen again if they open up.
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please do not allow this to happen again. >> good afternoon. my name is kenneth cohen. i live a 246 sanchez street, just around the corner down the block. in my opinion, ike's was not a good neighbor at its past location on 16th street. i question whether he would change his behavior now and become a good neighbor. look at his past behavior. listen to what he said. watch what he does. look at his behavior. he has already men on record on violating the conditional use permit and his lack of an operating permit at the old location. his track record is not a good one. even if a conditional use permit
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is granted with conditions to ameliorate the issues, i am not convinced that he will comply with the conditions based on my observation of past behavior. likewise, i am concerned about the traffic in the entire block. what he does affects not just in front of his building, but the entire block. repeatedly, i have come out of my front door to find cars parked in my driveway, and also the double parking in front of the business. with the extreme volume from the bridge and tunnel traffic, many people who go far from across the bay. they are not even from the immediate area. they need to find a place to park. this raises a major issue for
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the neighborhood and for how we want to conduct a business that is beneficial to the neighborhood and not just to his pocketbook. thank you. >> i am sam black. i am speaking today to officially protest the proposed conditional use permit. i have been a resident of the area for 10 years and have firsthand experience with mr. ike. a live directly above the prior location. the proposed location is 300 feet from my apartment and i can see it from my front window. ike's place opened in 2007. while was happy in encouraging the business when it first opened, 4 million problems
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camrose. the garbage is problematic. the crowd is unruly. i often had to call after 10:00 for noise concerns. i had to call dbi regularly for obstruction issues. if you look at the permit violations, it is a laundry list. living above the place was very difficult for me. i was subjected to insults and had difficulty coming and going with the crowd. i do not look forward to the return. i can attest to the lack of cleaning and the vomit. if you look at all the permit violations, there is a ton. there will be a new location with many nightmares. thanks. president miguel: alimila welindez, ellen parker.
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>> i am the general manager of iike's place. i worked there two years. we have made a lot of changes. i will just touch on them. it seems a lot of people have issues with the crowds and the line in general. the previous of them was about three minutes for is a much. we are one minute 5 seconds. it is a third of the time. in the office building, we have no lines. people pick up their some of his incredibly fast. i do not think there will be issues with people on the sidewalk. we have done a good job of that. thank you. >> i appreciate this chance to speak on behalf of ike's place as being a fabulous never. as the library campaign
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organizer for the library campaign, we reopened the eureka valley branch after a renovation in october 2009. as a nonprofit, we always seek the most cost-efficient way to feed the large crowds we see at these events. we solicit donations and discounted food from our neighbors. we saw a lot of generosity in this neighborhood, but not as much as from ike's place. with just a phone call, we had 100 sandwiches with which we were able to feed 1000 people. that must cost at least $1,000 for ike, for which he sought no recognition. he was just happy to provide that to the neighborhood on what is an extremely important and exciting neighborhood celebration. i am just here to speak on behalf of ike's as a wonderful neighbor and a community member. my name is mary aubler, friends
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of the san francisco public library. thanks. >> i am alan parker. i worked in the office of economic workforce development. i have been working closely with ike and his business manager to make sure they are aware of the concerns they had before and that they take active space -- active steps in their next vacation to make sure they do address all the issues with being a good neighbor. they should get an android application so they can be a good neighbor. we support them in our office to make sure they can move forward to retain the jobs they have of what is only a temporary location but has become a successful business in the city. we can make sure san francisco is a good and friendly place to do business.
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we know that they have worked really hard to look at all of the concerns the neighbors have laid out to make sure they are walking into this new location fully aware of all those issues and making sure they are going to address them very well. >president miguel: jimmy young, stephan atomdams, donald sambuk. >> my name is steve adams. i am the president of the merchants of castro. we're the largest merchant organization in the city, with 300 members. i just want to sit with police support -- i just want to say we fully support ike's. he contributes to organizations in the neighborhood. some neighbors had some concerns. i get phone calls all day long in my voice mailbox. when i addressed those, i went
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down there. i personally saw people picking up trash. the community benefits district between -- they were cleaning the sidewalk. he is a good neighbor. to address the issues, he was on top of it. we support this conditional use permit. >> i would like to indicate the castro location in that general area is a internationally recognized landmark. yesterday, i was at ike's place and touched base with him to find out what this new transition is going to be, moving from market street into a more familiar location from 16th and sanchez. ike was really responsive about
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the issues with the wind. he said was going to be bringing the people from the outside inside instead of standing them on the street. the reason that happened is because there were so many people coming in there. there was not a lot of opportunity for people to go into the shop. this provided an opportunity to expand ike's place and become a better neighbor than they were before. but providing a new location that is bigger than before, we are now offering an opportunity for ike's place to be able to modify that. previously, there were limited to constraints that were physical constraints. -- previously, they were limited to constraints that or actual physical constraints. on the business model, and when
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to -- i went to ike's place a few years back. it was a good so much, but i thought nothing of it. there are plenty of sandwiches around. this is san francisco. we have a lot of variety in foods, cultures, and socioeconomic development. then it came to me. i thought to myself -- what is the hubbub about ike's place? what is so fantastic about it? it did not occur to me until i was over at city college. it was during finals. we were stressed out. we were trying to figure out the best places to eat and unwind and be able to relax from all the stresses of the day. somebody says, "i have got the best place. ike's place." i was like, "that sounds
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familiar." he said, "i am going to take you over there." we grabbed one of the menus, one of these images that was off the menu. it was called the change. the change was in some which that was not developed -- was a sandwich which was not developed commercially. it was developed by somebody in the neighborhood, a testament to the people of the community of the castro district. these were sandwiches that were made by the community for the community, for the people that not only lived there, but for the people who come in and experience a little bit about what san francisco and our internationally recognized landmark is about. my personal experience then became phenomenal. it became phenomenal because i
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had an opportunity to check out the online reviews and experiences people were experiencing. president miguel: thank you. >> with that, my time is up. i hope i was able to share a little bit of experience. president miguel: thank you. donald sambuke, mick lee, star child. >> good afternoon. my name is starke child. i am out which director of the local chapter of the -- my name is star child. i am out reach director of the local chapter of the libertarian party. i live across the street. in this crazy system of regulations we have, that makes
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me a stakeholder in this issue, although i would stand for the right of a business to do business in any case. in the case of ike's, i have to say it saddens me to see a business become so unexpectedly successful. when it first opened, i was going in there because i had seen several different businesses in that location fail. i thought, "great. a sandwich shop. they make good sandwiches." i tried to patronize them in the hopes they would stay open. i did not expect the would stay open. two months later, the word started getting out. pretty soon, i could not get a sandwich everytime. there was a line down the block. personal inconvenience of not being able to enjoy the sandwiches as readily is just terrific. i am sorry that a number of my neighbors seem to be so
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inhospitable. frankly, i have not seen these problems people are talking about. i live right there. the only issue i can see is the traffic. the cars, yes. people sitting around on the sidewalk, sure. vomit? i have never seen that. i do not know who would be crazy enough to vomit up these good sandwiches. you live in a city. this is the middle of a city. it is this kind of vibrant business that makes or neighborhood more workable and lovable. you go to europe, the streets are smaller. it is more compact. there are more different activities going on, and noise and so forth. people love these areas. this is the kind of thing people come to san francisco for. we should be glad people are coming across bridges and through tunnels to patronize the businesses we have in the neighborhood. this kind of thing improves our city. i will tell you. it is not just the food. it is friendliness of not just
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bike but his whole staff. -- not just ike but his whole staff. his employees know me by name, and i do not even remember their names. they let me put up fliers and stuff even though they have very little when the space. when i said, "can i put up a flare for the community? -- flier for the community?" the answer is always, "sure. go ahead." i do not know why people are so objectionable -- so objecting to what is simply a successful business. if you say no to this, you're punishing a successful business. that is the bottom line. president miguel: is there additional public comment on this item? please step up. >> i am dr. mick lee. i happen to live in the heart of
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my opposition. i wish i could simply say ditto to what the previous speaker said. i stand behind everything he said as well. i stand here unfortunately in a little bit of fear that i am about to jeopardize my relationship with my neighbors, because i stand in full support of ike's place. if i had a commercial space available, i would read to this gentleman. he has been a good neighbor. every time there has been an opposition to this business, he jumps on it immediately. he is a hands-on business man. he lives in the building to which he is trying to move into. he is not going to be an absentee owner. any time there has been any concern whatsoever with his business, his customers, he addresses issues immediately. we have a neighborhood annual party that he attended this last year. he handed out free sandwich coupons to all the neighbors. the constantly impresses me.
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i have a dog can walk past his business three or four times a day. i have not witnessed the things my opposition unfortunately has said. i have seen him send up people to clean up the trash. i have seen him play power steam washer to wash the sidewalks in front of the business. i see him of trying to put upper -- trying to put up movie theater roping to try to control the line. we have businesses near our location at all have alcohol licenses. he is offering a service to try to help sober some of those people up. those are the people who are vomiting on the sidewalks, the people coming out of these bars. he is giving an opportunity to sober these people up. i wholeheartedly support ike's place. [laughter]
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>> i am in full support of ike's coming in and am looking forward to it. president miguel: thank you. >> i only building two doors down from ike's previous location and i am strongly against it. i like the business, but i feel it is too high volume to be in our small neighborhood. i feel like it makes more sense for him to be where it is all commercial shops. i am especially concerned about parking and traffic. in the old location, there were two lanes. there were always people double parked. if there are delivery trucks, no one can get around. i am also pearly certain people end up eating the sandwiches on my doorstep. the other issue -- i do not know how he is classifying himself as
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a self service specialty food business. i am not sure what it was just a fast food restaurant, but i do not know a lot about that. i know he probably has a lot more people coming into his business than a lot of fast food restaurants in san francisco and that would not be allowed in this location because within 500 walking feet of an elementary school. -- because it is within 500 walking the of an elementary school. i do not think this is suitable for our neighborhood. president miguel: thank you. >> mining is -- my name is lori erickson. i and the architect to submit to the drawings that you have viewed. -- i am the architect who submitted the drawings for this project to have you. they have made a couple of changes since the drawings that were submitted. one is the flue currently shown
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on the first floor roof is now going all the way up to the third floor roof and above. it will be venting above the building. second, they have suggested that in line fans in the exhaust flue -- having them in the building as opposed to outside will reduce noise. those items will help with the odor and noise at the location and the fluing, the way the air is pushed out. i also want to make a point that in the old location they did not have this could there will have in the new one, nor did they have the ovens they are going to use. the hood takes out and exhausts the odors. really, the odor is going to be eliminated from the space. that was not in the old location. the new equipment triples the time it takes to make a
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sandwich -- i mean it decreases the time to a third. it is much quicker to get a sandwich now, to make a sandwich. that will impact the amount of line and people waiting to receive their sandwich. this new location has space inside to cue the line to order the sandwich. the old location was so tiny the line could only be outside. there wasinside to have a line. now we have a place -- there was no space inside to have a line. now we have a place to have a line. this will eliminate a lot of problems at the old location. thank you. president miguel: thank you. is there additional public comment on this item? >> my name is karen rothschild. i live one block away from the current location and proposed
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location as well. i have been living there for approximately a year. i have a great experiences at ike's. i have had many friends come in from out of the city. also, many friends from the neighborhood go to the restaurant on a regular basis. it feels like there has been a holder. i am looking forward to it coming back into the neighborhood. coming back into san francisco from a different city, it represents something special about san francisco. it is a small business, a small restaurant. it is unique, just like our little neighborhood within san francisco. i think that's sort of thing should be supported. i think turning this down since the wrong message to businesses and people in the neighborhood. that is all i would like to say. thank you. president miguel: thank you. is there additional public comment on this item? >> i am a resident of 35 sharron
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st, half a block up from the old location and half a block across the street from the new location. i have been going to ike's since day one. i was one of the first customers. from a very small business during the recession and all that, he turned into a big, growing business. he has helped a lot of people with employment opportunities. a lot of people my age -- i am attending college. i know a lot of people need these jobs to pay for tuition. to pay for their rent -- san francisco is a very expensive city. he is a good neighbor. if there are problems, he does not just pressure off. he is not just a businessman. he tries to resolve the issue. he talks to you. he says hi to everybody. he comes up to me and says, "are there any problems?"
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he is very courteous to the community. he has tried many times from the old location to basically try to resolve the issues that many people had that opposed him. they talk about the lines. he hired people to fix the lines, to take them off the sidewalk. you talk about the trash. he had a team of people that picked up the mess. he also installed tons more garbage cans. he has tried and tried. a lot of people keep downing him. they say it is not good enough. he is not doing anything wrong. he is a successful businessman. he's a good neighbor. this is san francisco. another is a lot of noise and things. i have lived here my whole life. this is san francisco. i am sorry, but there are restaurants next house is on top of each other, from the side. wherever you go, you will see a business next to residential.
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that is san francisco. i love it. i live basically half a block from market. i hear noise all the time. i hear chatter all the time. it does not bother me. this is the city of san francisco. we should be able to be very involved and cultural. a lot of new people meet. a lot of new friends meet. i am sure if you approve this that this will be a lot of good -- this is a good thing for the community and is helping a lot of other people, and a lot of other organizations. i am in support of it. president miguel: thank you. is there additional public comment on this item? >> john bascel. i live a block and a half from the restaurant. i never do public speaking, but i feel like to have to speak up on behalf of ike's.
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they have been a plus to the neighborhood. i think from what i have seen, the people who complained to live right across the street, i do not live across the street, but i have lived in the neighborhood for over 20 years. i have seen more trash generated from the subway, from bars, from the creamery. i am blocks from places and stuff and so on my block. people walk around and do things. as far as traffic, i cannot speak to drive is being blocked. that can happen. we have star belly and frances. both of those have made it 45 minutes to find parking by my house at 7:00 at night. for different residents that live adjacent, they complain about the same thing. but we're happy to have successful businesses in the neighborhood. that is the point. someone who grew up in san francisco, went to grade school here, still lives
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