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tv   [untitled]    December 21, 2010 5:00pm-5:30pm PST

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>> this ordinance is fast -- is passed. >> item 57 of aids the community fee and the fund -- item 57 is the community and find. -- fund. >> this is passed on the first reading. we now go to roll call.
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>> today i have an in memorium for jonathan simmons. jonathan was an artist whose personal story can inspire all san franciscans to become their best when making the most of their individual talents. jonathan was told he would not make enough money to support himself. he traveled to new york and learned the skills of photography, painting, and eventually engineering. this man became a technical illustrator who worked to design
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the lunar module, designed in ejection seats from fighter planes and solved numerous problems. all the while his sensational -- insatiable quest made him a collector of rare items from stamps and coins to pocket knives. jonaan moved to san francisco asking the children to search for the perfect place. he is the sort of san franciscan who not only loves the city but also understood and appreciated its unique beauty and wonderment. it is with heavy heart that his wife and two remaining sons and
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their family bid farewell to this husband and father. i want to say my family's thoughts and prayers are with the family. abraham is a remarkable person and someone i respect greatly, so it is with great condolence we will keep them in our thoughts and prayers this christmas season. >> thank you. supervisor chu? supervisor daly? supervisor dufty? >> the first ordinance authorizes the reward to john doe, an anonymous citizen who provided information that led to the arrest of a criminal defendant -- mark ashley was killed in the early morning back
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in the summer of 2007, so i want to acknowledge the cooperation for providing information that has led to the persecution of a defendant, and we extend our continued condolences. the first is for ruth white, and together they provided leadership for 48 years. ruth passed away on the fifth of december common -- fifth of december, and she was a mother and also has 16 grandchildren and 18 grandchildren, brooklyn-
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born and had a promising career as an actress and seeking to be a star on broadway when she decided to change her life and instead become a religious leader, joining her husband, who was a rabbi, and she was involved in many programs and services provided to young people and performances done, and early in her career, they wrote a review of a production calling her the high point of the play, and her children and grandchildren say that is how they remember how her. i am also submiting a memoriium for jim acevedo, who passed away
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at the age of 60 after a valiant fight against pancreatic cancer. he began a long career of service, and he joined the police department. he was rewarded the bronze medal of valor and was promoted to the rank of sergeant in 2003. he was a scuba diver and training coordinator, and he is survived by his wife of 21 years. several of -- he was -- while he was a resident, he was born and raised in san francisco.
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he served two years for the u.s. marine reserve, two years for the army, and when don who have a distinguished career at the community college. he was the president of the faculty, and among his contributions was a developmental program for students with disabilities. he was a sports enthusiast and was a lifelong 40 niners fans. he also wrote a fiction novel and obtained several patents for inventions used by golfers. i do want to note that his brother was the chief of police. lastly, edward walsh was one of seven children who grew up here in san francisco and considered
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golden gate park to be their backyard and experienced all the great things happening in san francisco. he was a huge 40 niner fan and a longtime member of the olympic club. he served in germany, where he met the love of his life. in a telegram, he asked her to marry him, and they were married in 1958, and they have four daughters. he was a very respected member of the legal community, a 46- year resident, and his daughters left him with 10 grandchildren and a great life, and he will be greatly missed.
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>> thank you. supervisor maxwell? supervisor mirkarimi? >> thank you, madam clerk. i have several items quickly. following up on a number of items we had engaged in on trying to reform work force laws and concentrating on strengthening local hiring requirements, i want to start in tackling more of this issue that remains to be tackled. i am going to ask for a hearing to review various avenues. this includes private projects that are subsidized, those
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governed by the redevelopment agency, and the mandatory local hiring issue that has been passed. incorporating local requirements in the project agreements and local hiring policy with city support and redevelopment agency is not currently covered in the legislation we have passed. i believe it is time we have a healthy conversation about ways we can continue to answer these questions. next i am submitting an ordinance that allows voters to offer alternatives pamphlets similar to the laws we just passed on allowing the government to save trees, papers, money, and not inundating the public with so much information. so goes the question about the
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voter information pamphlets. the board has been criticized in the past for some of our ideas. i am introducing ideas that will save us money while modernizing how we deliver material to voters. this will allow local governments to develop procedures to allow voters to receive voter information pamphlets by e-mail instead of five snail mail. voters will receive election -- instead of by snail mail. voters will receive election material by mail. in november's most recent election, san franciscans and $436,000 on printing and mailing voter information pamphlets. the department enthusiastically endorses this idea. charter section 13.1 07, which
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states they should been mailed to each elector is one we should address. next i am submitting an ordinance for commercial uses on fillmore street between bush and mcallister. we inherited the fillmore corridor from the redevelopment agency, different versions of land use protocols that have allowed store fronts to be used for non-retail purposes. we have a problem that on the west side of fillmore street between gary and mcallister, many of those businesses are used for non-retail purposes. i want to make sure we have land-use protocols that helped reorient that practice. the rest i will submit. i just want to inform you
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something weird is happening tomorrow. the coastal commission is meeting in the chamber. it is meeting tomorrow and friday. thursday we will been coasting with david shute -- co-host thing with david -- co-hosting with david chu. it is one of the strongest land use bodies in the united states if not globally, levon hundred miles of jurisdiction along the coast and consider -- 1,100
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miles of jurisdiction along the coast, and they will be deliberating every month starting tomorrow morning. president chiu: i have two items, the first is from mrs. rose. she served in our u.s. army nurse corps. she raised a substantial family and will be dearly missed by her friends and families in north beach and throughout san francisco. i am also introducing legislation that is part of a package of tour bus policy proposals i made a number of weeks ago. as we know torus around the world came all over the world --
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tourists from around the world come to san francisco, but things are negatively impacted. in particular, lauan amplification -- loud amplification often destroys peace and quiet. i want to thank the city attorney's office for drafting legislation that requires tour bus operators to discontinue such systems by the middle of next year. many tourist destinations have been using headphone systems. goothe rest of my items i will submit. supervisor campos: i just have one item. in memorium for an officer.
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we just learned of his passing, and you may recall back in 2009 this board actually recognize his work. he has been associated with recreation centers for the girls' basketball club. now that rick -- that club has created an athletic base for young women and girls. that has had tremendous impact in the city. goowe heard from a number of parents who said practically every high school has benefited. many of them went directly to varsity level.
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when the sacred heart high girls' basketball team made it to no. 1 in the country, that was because of the work of him, and we have just learned he was truly an icon in the nation, and his work touched the lives of young people, and we will be forever indebted to him and his family, so our thoughts and prayers are with his family. thank you very much. >> thank you. mr. president, seeing no other names on the roster. >> what do we move to -- why don't we move to general public comments?
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>> speakers using translation assistance will be allowed twice the amount of time to testify. if a member of the public would like a projection, please state that. >> why don't we move to public comment? first speaker please. >> thank you. a crucial aspect for the public library is an understanding of how little the public-private partnership actually contributes. if the friends do not raise $16 million, the public will be sitting on the floor. does this mean it will be contributed.
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-- does this mean it will be contributed? it has increased to $188 million. for nine years, 60% have been completed, and it has expanded to 69.3% of the total. but the friends of the foundation has expanded -- expanded 6.1% of the pledge. how does this compare to the finances? the salaries of the directors total of 1.493 more than what went to the executive salaries. the entire income of the friends
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foundation was for 31.7 million. the portion that demonstrates directly was 0.3%. if you ever went to one, it would be three quarters of 1/10. >> next speaker. >> supervisors, thank you for your hard work of the years, and thanks for all your work. thanks for your work, and ♪ chigoe bells, jingle bells --
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jindal bells, jingle bells -♪ jindal bells, union square ♪ ♪ what a swell time to rock the city time away ♪ ♪ it is a swell time to be writing in the horse in polo fields of yesterday ♪ ♪ jindal bells, light on your feet ♪ ♪ do not ever stop, that is the city hall and jingle bell civic center rock ♪
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goodbye, and thank you. >> next speaker. >> my name is jamie allison. i am a producer of the morning show, here to speak in favor of the resolution that urges the foundation and staff members to work together in good faith with the community workers of america said represent the workers. it is an independent media source that has been covering local issues, many that you cover every day, that are key concern to your constituents, and the morning show is one of the few places that give in- depth coverage to the issues
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from communities members that would not otherwise have an outlet. the morning show has been very valuable in terms of educating the community about issues and providing an so for those of you who are sponsoring this resolution, i thank you and ask the rest of the board of supervisors to vote in favor of this to protect kpfa in a time of great crisis, local coverage means that the work you do here in san francisco in city hall gets to your constituents and engages the community, and this is the time for everyone to come together to find solutions. thank you very much. >> thank you. next speaker. >> good afternoon, supervisors, peter warfield, library users association. several weeks ago at a library
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meeting the program manager was giving a report and referenced a quarterly report. this was not listed on the library's agenda and to my knowledge has not been listed. however, there were copies available for the public at the back of the room. so there was something very interesting in this report, i think its previous speaker has mentioned some of the figures. as many of you know, ever since the branch library improvement bond which passed in 2000, we have heard repeatedly over the years that the friends of san francisco public library planned to raise $16 million for the library for furniture fixtures and equipment. what we find in this report on
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the second page is that the budget is shown as $16 million, but that the actual expenditures through september 30, 2010 for this portion are less than $1 million, less than 1/16 of the total that was projected in the meantime the library completed 60% of the scheduled projects. there are a number of questions here, is $70,000 per average for branch, what the friends spent for the completed branches or that several were nearing completion? how much of the $16 million did they actually raise and what percentage was turned over to the library? and finally, in terms of a city having budget difficulties, how much of what was raised --
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>> for who so ever >> for who so ever shall keep the whole law and yet offend at one point is guilty of all, for he who said do not commit adultery shall not kill. if thou commit adultery and kill, thou becomes a transgressor of the law. i think of the j.f.k. assassination, jesse ventura conspiracy theory j.f.k. and how he has the testimony of the c.i.a. agent e.e. howard hunt saying he killed j.f.k. the statute for limitations of murder never runs out. and it's amazing. it's absolutely amazing. but, you know, jesus is going to get them, all the wicked, all of the unsaved on the last day and he's going to raise e. howard hunt up and he's going to get him. he's going to get obama who is
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a baby killer and when he's on the senate floor he said if a baby lives through an abortion, let it die. that's what he said when he was senator. but, you know, the thing is this, j.f.k. of course was an adulterer, like bill clinton. so he's going to be raised from the dead and punished, along with bill clinton all of the wicked. the amazing thing is that the assassination of the king of babylon was dated to the precise year and the assassination of the lord jesus christ was dated to the precise year. did you know that? the angel gabriel himself said it would be the 487th year and the messiah would be cut off, killed. think about that, in the dead sea scrolls 200 years before jesus, i said in the dead sea scrolls, 200 years before jesus, they talk about the fact that the messiah would come in 10 jubilees and quote the angel
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gabriel who said it would be 70 sevens or 490 years, i see i have five seconds. it should be february 9, next year, judgment day. >> thank you. next speaker. >> hi, my name is antonio ortiz and i'm a union steward at c.w.a. local 1495 over at kpfa and in regards to the resolution you have on number 60 and i hope that it passes. there have been layoffs at kpfa and according to our contract, it's a breach of our contract from the union's perspective and we want to have negotiations with management to talk about those issues. unfortunately we're at this point where we have to have done some grievances have been filed against management and that's where we're at and they've all been denied and now we have to go to arbitration and the union wants to work with managers to have a solution that works for
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everyone. unfortunately, there aren't any -- we're in good faith negotiations with the union at the moment. most of everything happening is via email and the responses we get from pacifica management is speak to our lawyers. when we have had meetings, there's been lawyers present on their end, and to our understanding that is not negotiating in good faith. that's all i have to say as a union steward. one thing i want to say, too, is actually our news directors gave me this to say to you and i want to just read it. dear san francisco supervisors a as a long time news directors of kfpa f.m. we urge you to support avalos, campos, marr asking pacific radio to enter in good faith negotiation with our union, the local of 9145 and reinstate the morning show. we've served as union stewards at points in the past and are extremely disturbed by the actions of