tv [untitled] December 22, 2010 12:30pm-1:00pm PST
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which was well supported by the mayor, registering our strong interest in competing for the prospect of hosting. it was not that long ago. in a compressed manner of time parts of the city family have been working with moving forward in a press -- proficient and unique way. should america continued to win, be the whole overcome with
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strangulated compass readings on costs and benefits. we want to make sure that we absolutely set the direction in the right direction to make sure that san francisco and its people benefit as well as we possibly can from this particular prospect. but i know that there were a number of colleagues here that had also been instrumental in the questioning as well as us moving in the direction of hosting the cup. but what of those in particular and in is the plan of the
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central waterfront. that is the plan that has been vetted the most so far with their guards to those are great questions. they have helped us to narrow down how we want to have these and the west that when we compare as well as supporting the notion that the northern water from auction house in the resolution before us is supported with a simple
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administrative amendment, a copy of the file these would be the only two house few measures and and if in the conversation -- i want to be careful, it is important to reflect on central waterfront options, but there is also learned -- northern outpost options. many of these questions have received focus. we have a robust list of different and i see that you
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also want to weigh in. supervisor elsbernd: i decided to come to this hearing for a number of reasons. first of all, to reiterate my support throughout the city on the importance of bringing the entire world here to see america's cup. which is a significant agreement upon. if this were to come to san francisco it would mean at least $1.2 million.
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the second thing i wanted to mention was to echo the comments from the supervisor. i am excited about the possibility of changing our bid over to the plan keeps it will be better for the event itself and has driven another number, expense to the city. driving it down. that is the right direction. hopefully we will discuss more today. the third thing that i would like to mention is that i plan
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to offer a couple of short modifications related to an agreement that we will hopefully enter into with the america's cup organizing committee. we received a letter yesterday to the committee and the committee agreed to prod the fund raised before $32 million to reimburse the city. obligations that would cover departmental expenses related to police, fire, public works, etc.. the committee has agreed on this reimbursement, and i want it clear what would happen. i would like to particularly thank the committee and its leadership for the work that has done. frankly i would like to thank everyone around the city who has been a part of this conversation. here on the board there was
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obviously an important conversation started around budget and city costs. i think depth the supervisor and others have helped to eliminate those aspects of those issues that we have to address and moving that conversation forward in a good way. obviously, the mayor's office and our budget analysts have done so much to move this forward. obviously i would like to thank folks for being a part of this conversation. an intense conversation that we have been helping to push but hopefully the wind will be behind our backs and we will move this forward. >> just a question on your amendment. supervisor avalos: if the authority is not provided, then something happened of that funding does not come in? >> the language i am proposing
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states a couple of things. first, it would be the organizing committee committing to raise the money for the expenses i mentioned. also in this language there is a clause that states that if the committee fails to meet these obligations, the city could terminate this agreement without any further obligations. that is something i hope to make clear as part of the overall agreement. supervisor avalos: thank you. supervisor elsbernd: -- dufty: thank you. the fact that the board is very interested in working in partnership with the rest of the city family on the america's cup, i believe that what we will hear today is a presentation from the city team
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that strikes the balance will looking for, creating unique opportunities for the city and the region to be at the center of an international event. today is certainly another step and there will continue to be opportunities through city government and the legislative process to discuss. before we understand the implications of the steps we are taking as removed forward, the city has marshal resources to prepare the best possible proposal featuring san francisco park, allowing world-class been used and restaurants on the beautiful waterfront to be displayed to route the world. i want to add that our city has had a tremendous history of hosting major international events. particularly sporting events.
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[lists events] martha is on the team and i have known her since 1974. she is one element of what i consider to be an all-star lineup. did i understand that there might be an amendment to this narrow focus on the northern waterfront? was that something we were going to do before the presentation? >> the president and i were just talking about that. supervisor mirkarimi: we are bundling any modifications and amendments on the northern waterfront. pretty soon after the formal presentation begins. is that all? very good. again, we have a well structured hearing with a number of people that we would like to bring out. first of like to start with the
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office of economic workforce development. please help us to start this process with a number of representatives from city family. we will do our best to get to the most salient points and then we will open it up for public comment, which will obviously be a sizable audience. >> good afternoon, supervisors. just as an outline i will ask my colleagues to come give the presentation on where we are before you discussed the term sheet. that is what we had taken to develop a host city agreement with continued negotiations. we are here and prepared to talk about this northern waterfront alternative as it is the option that we have negotiated with the team as the preferred alternative moving forward. we do have detailed descriptions
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of what that alternative looks like as a program and what it will cost, as well as benefits and developments associated with that program. afterward we would like to invite the president of the american cup organizing committee to say a few words. we would then like staff to discuss in detail how this program will be accomplished on the waterfront. brad will leave that presentation. afterwards we welcome the conversation, organized as you see fit, between the budget analyst and the office of the controller around the reports generated on the impact of the america's cup. again, these presentations are geared towards the northern waterfront. thank you.
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with that i will turn it over to carry. >> thank you. good afternoon. since we have not been before this committee i thought we would spend a few minutes to discuss the opportunity, its impact, the process, and just as the directors suggested we are at the helm of a incredible opportunity. not only for the city, but also the america's cup. the opportunity to invest in these areas would be tremendous. key areas that have struggled in the past to secure public and private investment. the opportunity for the america's cup would be bringing the world's best sailors and sailing in the world's best racing venue. it would be a delight and draw
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for spectators from the bay area and beyond. there has been consensus, as the president mentioned, in agreement that the city and region would likely seek larger economic impact. i think that the comptroller will speak to this further. in this context we have endeavored to negotiate first what is before you today to secure the right to host this 34th america's cup. it started this summer when we were in competition with rhode island and san diego. we secured the rights to be the sole u.s. city under consideration. we understand that they continue to negotiate with other countries and we will be discussing that as well. we are on the home stretch of this process and we have come to appreciate what the process has brought to the offer. being in the public realm and
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having these conversations has really allowed the offer to improve, as well as getting direct public comment. it has given a greater level of certainty. not only for the team, but for the competitors. they have seen very publicly what is on the table. we have also demonstrated our ability. we have shown that san francisco can come together, show understanding, a just and crossed the finish line. this has been no small task and it is one of many tests we have been put through to show that we can do this. spending just a minute on the principles of the offer, first and foremost the opportunity to create a world-class facilities. the city would make land on the waterfront available
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understanding that this land, especially with respect to 30 and 32, would require infrastructure improvement. it is important to allow for mechanisms of leases to repeat that investment. it is the give get principal. the public would get -- excuse me, this would give the public and improved asset and the team would get an improved asset. third-party approval. because so many of the approvals are outside of our jurisdiction, whether it is the coast guard or the fcc, the city does not oversee or controlled these. we had to demonstrate to the team that we would be able to secure this in a timely fashion with the level of confidence. we have set up the organizing committee with all levels of government included to make sure
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that we could get this state and federal cooperation where necessary delivered on time. additionally, the third principle was corporate and community sponsorship. since we are local government facing a significant deficit, the host city agreement would protect general funds. this has been a key tenet of the agreement as further clarified today. we want to make sure that there are no undue obligations placed on the city. the city has partnered with the america's cup committee to secure the necessary commitments in ways that we would be able to help them fulfill their obligations. it will give you a feeling of the level of caliber people already engaged in that effort. it is no longer a paper effort. they are fully functioning and operational. in addition, we have worked to add language and corporate
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concepts around community corporate involvement, the use of community labor and workforce. that was some of the key comments we heard at the last board meeting. we worked to include them in the host city agreement. a little bit about the process -- since the term sheet was adopted back on october 5, since then, and during our host city agreement negotiation, the america's cup event authority and the america's cup race entity merged, and we are in full limit to the process. the experts that have been brought on board have shared key information with us that has affected our negotiations pretty quickly. it has also affected our understanding of what the direct cost would be. we now have a better understanding of the formats, the daily schedule of the races, and that level of organization
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allowed us to go to policegomuni, -- police, muni, public works, and fire. the budget analyst has done that as well. i will skip over it because i know some of the other members will get the team to talk about exactly what those numbers are in terms of departmental impacts. the other thing that the team -- the event a story, and the race management brought to us was an understanding of how the race would function. with the 72-foot catamaran, our previous notion was that we would have breakwaters in some key areas because previously, the votes required breakwaters -- the boats required breakwaters. with the decision that they would go with catamarans, and with the ceo of america's cup race management being in san francisco, walking on water front and looking at what
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facilities were available, he came back to as midstream in our negotiations and said he was not sure that they would be necessary. he said they could be an impediment to the catamaran's functioning. we had to fold that into our understanding of what the access would be and what the necessary improvements would be, and that was very helpful, and very illustrative, and somewhat challenging and frustrating that this was all happening in real time. i share that with you to help understand the dynamics we have been facing as we have been negotiating this. starting with the term sheet, we have been engaged in active conversations with key stakeholders, both within city hall and outside, and a number of them are here to speak today about their support. when we were last at the board, we had a complete list, and since the term sheet's adoption, we have had support come forward
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from the various sports organizing committee, the united states sailing association, treasure island sailing center, telegraph hill dwellers, the bay planning association, san francisco state summer youth sailing and kayaking program, and the association of disabled sailors. in addition, i think you will hear today from one of those real-time things we have been solving, working with the maritime unions. specifically, this came up at the port commission. there have been language previously in the agreement talking about possibly the need for legislative or regulatory relief from the transport of spectators relative to the races. in particular, the foreign flag racing yachts and. there have been some concern that this might be undermining the american cabotage laws or that we would be seeking jones act exemptions. thankfully, with the help of the city attorney's office, we have met several times this week and
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resolve this issue is, and i think you will hear today directly from the maritime unions that they stand in support with the city and have every confidence that this event can be done. we have added and changed the language of the host city agreement to reflect that this can be done in a way that is to the benefit of all and reduces their concerns. i want to briefly walk you through what is before the committee with respect to the venue uses and described a little bit of what the activities would look like. i apologize the math is a little small, but, hopefully, folks can digest this. starting with piers -- i will mention pier 80, which is on here, but you cannot see it. this is the chime iran that is a marvel of technology.
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that won the 33rd america's cup. they would like to bring it here and how's it at pier 80, possibly for fleet week and others, and you can appreciate that the wing is so large that it could not fit under the golden gate bridge, so it will be brought in on a boat, and this will be yet another signature opportunity to showcase the technology on the bay. pier 80 would be used in some of the world series events in 2012 leading up to the america's cup in 2013. starting with 30/32, this would be the area where the race soon the kids would be located. each of the competitors, and they hope to have eight to 10 teams competing. the adjacency walleye is where the tv compound would be, the media center. also, moving to the north, 28 and 26 would be hospitality, and
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possibly also some media in here. these are concepts. this is ideally what would go into these uses. this is part of our proposal. we will work with the team to ensure that each of these facilities meets their needs. if we need to adjust slightly our use under what is considered here, we would. between pier 14 and 2.5, there would be a potentially got center and mooring area. prior to the america's cup race management being in existence, we independently had tried to conceive of were the best place on our waterfront would be for these boats. with the america's cup race management coming to town looking at our waterfront, they felt strongly that that area would be a prime location that would really support these negative votes -- these mega boats. not only relative to the race,
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but leading up to the race. piers 19 and 23, just south of pier 27 would be storage of the offices. 29 to the north would be the media center. 27 really would be -- if you recall in the original vision, we had skidmore, owings, and narrow creed, this iconic image that captured what could be, and that any activity conceptually would now be located at your -- pier 27. and so that would be where conceivably at the tip of pier 27 the races could start and stop. you could envision a grandstand of source where the public would be able to see these boats start off on to the races. maybe there is a large tv screen out there, a real place for the public to gather, to come down, in joint the waterfront, and i
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know the board will speak in greater detail about this as to its synergy with the passenger cruise ship terminal. two other points i just want to touch on, and then i will be completed. one is that this is just the beginning. of the public process and the discussion around the use of these facilities and the necessary approvals. we included in the materials that were launched with the board on november 9 a full time line, as anticipated, with future of rubles. i just want to touch on the fact that part of why we need to get this done now is we need to initiate ceqa. we have made commitments in this agreement that we will be 3 ceqa next year. we know we can do this because with the san francisco general hospital -- supervisor avalos: supervisor
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elsbernd has a question. >> i am almost finished. in the file is a complete timeline of the venue approvals. not only for the venue uses, but the long-term development rights would also require future ceqa. that is a really important point for folks to understand. the leases would go to the port commission as well as to the board of supervisors. the question has been -- why now? why are we moving so quickly to get this decision through? i will answer it hopefully very clearly. protocol states in section 12 as well as section 25 that the team will make a selection of a host city for the 34th america's cup by december 31. they will also have the course determined, and they will show that with the competitors who have taken out papers. i believe there are at least four of not five competitors. the challenges open on november
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1, so those folks are already wanted to design their boats and get their corporate sponsorship program under way. this data is not arbitrary. it is stated in a protocol that they will make a decision by the end of the year. additionally, it is stated that if there is any way we are going to succeed in our commitment on the ceqa front, we have to start. we have to finalize the event description, the project description, and initiate ceqa. the planning department has been exceptional in advising us not only how quickly we need to move but what we do need to do to get going. the ports staff and our office are ready upon adoption of this agreement, hopefully next week, to finalize the project description. so with that, happy to have marked the you'll come up, or if you have questions on my particular presentation -- have faded have mark -- happy to have
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mark buell come up. supervisor campos: 94 the presentation and for the great work that has gone into this project. my questions have to do not with whether or not we should post america's cup -- i think that the board at least a supermajority of the board has made it clear that we are interested in doing that. and as someone who voted for that resolution, i remain interested in making sure that happens. it is just a question of whether or not we have a deal that makes sense with the city and county of san francisco. with that, i want to ask if i may get a little more clarity as to why we need to act by december 31, 2010. my sense of this deal, if you will, as someone who is
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