tv [untitled] December 23, 2010 3:30pm-4:00pm PST
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thank you. next, i would like to induce a woman that really needs no introduction, our own fire chief, joanne. >> thank you for being here, everyone. this is the fifth annual christmas tree lighting, different from other lighting, but just as important. we want to show you that holidays can be safe for us all, however, a tree can quickly go up in flames and cause damage to property and lives. i want to thank st. francis medical center for partner with us every year. the care that they have for each and every patient walking through the door is amazing. the burn center does great work for people who are burned, either through fire or scald injuries. it is the holiday season and we want to ensure a happy holiday
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season, so we have this demonstration for you. we want to make sure during the holidays you do not leave those candles unattended. certainly, you want to keep those trees hydrated, as they can cause great damage. i want to thank engine company 38 for coming out to provide the vigil. we have the fire chief battalion here with us. once again, have a healthy and happy christmas, holiday season, and 2011. thank you very much. >> next from st. francis memorial hospital burns center, we have our medical doctor. >> thank you everyone for coming here this morning. i also want to thank assemblywoman mauck for being
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here this morning. i also want to thank the wonderful firefighters that keep our city safe. as we celebrate this holiday season come as a reminder from the st. francis memorial hospital burn center, we would like you to keep your family's safe and free from fire. take a moment to think about the safety warnings and please take care of your family. this time of year, we see increases in the incidence of structural fires, especially in spalding's. make sure you check your christmas trees, that they are well hydrated, and with the kids, make sure that they are well guarded from dangers, including candles. we want to wish you a very safe holiday season from here at st. francis. thank you very much.
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be engulfed in flames. you can imagine most of these trees are placed in areas with lots of furniture. you can see how quickly it can like anything that is combustible around it, such as drapery, furniture, and other things. so within 90 seconds, the tree is entirely burned. as i said before, a lot of times, it will catch furniture, clothing, draperies, so we want to make sure that you keep your tree watered daily.
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that tree was fully engulfed within 30 seconds. you can see the kind of damage that that can cause to property. just a reminder -- visuals are good -- that we need to keep ourselves safe over the holiday season. thank you again to engine 38. [applause] >> thank you to all of you for coming. we will be back again next year. if any of the news media has questions for any of the individuals, they are available for comment. thank you.
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please note that the committee members -- two of us are present, myself and commissioner mendoza. also, commissioner norton and commissioner fewer are present. we have four items on the agenda not noted. they are all informational items. last, i think we have already recommended to the board that they adopt the substitute new general education transportation policy. there will be no action items this evening. first, the staff presentation on the transportation policy, then an update from the parent advisory committee and ppf on the middle school pathway program. then board discussion and
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feedback and public comment. >> i have prepared a brief report. there are copies for the audience. there is a power point. another document is a copy of the questions. it is an overview same transportation will be the same next year. this is a document which has been in circulation since early november. it has key information and background information i will not go through in the interest of time. it is a good point of reference. tonight, i was going to give a brief overview about who is currently using transportation services, health services will change, and how we will engage and inform families. we, as you know from past discussions -- there is no centralized system that captures the names of students that ride buses. we sent out to schools in november class rosters with checkoff boxes that each teacher
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could say whether a student writes the bus in the morning or the afternoon. that was designed to give us an understanding of who was riding the bus for a couple of reasons. one, we could do an analysis to get a better understanding of who we are serving with our current infrastructure. the second is so that we would be able to follow up and have direct communication about any changes that are coming. we heard back from 49 schools. we plan to continue to capture data from the remaining schools. in total, there are 59 schools where there is yellow bus transportation. the transportation department, although they do not capture the names of students, do capture information about the numbers that get on and off at every stop. we know about 3300 students ride the bus. the responses from the school capture information for 2800 of those writers. -- riders. while it is not 100%, it does
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give a general sense, and we will continue to capture information. we created pin maps that we hope will tell lot more than quantitative data. they tell a story that it -- they tell a story visually. this first pin map shows the students -- where the students live that ride the bus in the morning only. because there are some students to catch a bus just in the morning. there are some who just use a bus in the afternoon. and there are some who use a bus morning and afternoon. so, the students to ride the bus just in the morning -- it is about 11% of the students. these red dots on the map show you where the students live. you can see from the patterns of dots where the students live. you can see where there are concentrations in some areas and it is less dense in others. >> is it 11% of the 3300 riders?
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>> thank you, commissioners. it is 11% of those who responded. this is a snapshot of the folks who responded to the survey. it is 11% of the 2800 students we have information about. in the afternoon, you can see this map here. there are a lot more children who just use afternoon services. so, of all the 2800 children that use transportation, 32% just use transportation in the afternoon. again, you can see here from the concentrations of students. that is illustrated. the next can map, the green dots, show where the students tried in the morning and the afternoon. 56% of all students to use services use services in the
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morning and in the afternoon. you can see from the patterns here were those students' lives that are using morning and afternoon students. -- you can see from the patterns here where those students live that are using morning and afternoon students. the color scheme, although it is not easy to see, it is the three lawyers put on top of each other so you can see where the -- the three players put on top of each other so you can see where the -- the three layers put on top of each other so you can see where the 2800 students live. race and ethnicity -- 48% of the 2800 are kindergartners. 16% fourth. at the middle school level, these are from the k-eight schools. some of the k-a schools indicated they have students riding the bus that are in sixth, seventh, and eighth
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grade. that was 5% of the writers we heard back from. in terms of a racial/ethnic breakdown, 22% are african american. 24% chinese. 24% latino. 11% white. 19% other. that is just to give an initial sense of who is using our services. we will continue to get the data from the rest of the schools. that will allow us to send direct communication to families about any changes that are going to occur. it will also allow us to capture more information in terms of why families use services and stuff like that. the next part of the agenda is designed to give the board a sense of how stuff is actually going to create the transportation service plan under the new board policy. the handout that i gave you, which talks about transportation
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will not be the same -- it is the word document. on pages four and five of that, you can see the kinds of questions that we are asking to help us determine the routes. and we know that we are looking at a 57% reduction. this is a slide we have seen before. that is by 2013. we are looking at phasing out stops over a 23 year. so it will not all happen immediately. that would give of families more time to have information and plan. this is to show you how we are using data and questions to guide development for information for schools. one goal in the policy is to provide equitable access to the range of opportunities to students. some of the questions we are looking at our our language programs for english learners.
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are they available in areas of the city where high-density english lerner's live? our new programs available in areas of the city where the students live? does every area have reasonable access to citywide schools and programs? the next few slides show some information, tell a story as we are exploring those questions. the first shows were all the cantonese by literacy pathways -- biliteracy and immersion programs are in the city. it also shows the ctip 1 areas. that are shaded. it also shows where the cantonese student lives. this shows for the cantonese english -- where the cantonese english learners live and where the programs are located. we did the same for mandarin, for spanish. we did the same for the
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filipino newcomers, spanish newcomers. the next slide shows the ctip1 areas and where the city-wide schools and programs are located. the first few slides included the citywide programs that are newcomer programs and biliteracy programs. the english learner space does not include them even though they are supplied -- even though they are citywide. they are in another part of the analysis. the board policy framework which we are hoping will be approved tomorrow night -- once that is approved, that gives us the certainty that we should go ahead and build routes using that framework. by mid-january, we would have dropped routes available. >> i am sorry. i am looking at the city-wide schools and programs map.
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why is bright -- breet hart eighth citywide program? >> they are building a spanish emergen-- immersion program. the key question -- we have been having community conversations over the last month and a half with different city and parent organizations sharing the policy from work and getting feedback. one of the key questions we get is when will people know about the routes for 2011-2012. our goal is to have by mid- january the vision for 2013-2014 school year developed. the approach we are taking is the board policy framework, the questions, the data will help us develop a sense of which schools from which areas of the city should have services. from that, we will be able to
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map backwards to figure out -- if that is where we are going to be in 2013, what should the changes for 11-12 look like? we are proposing that most changes would occur in year two, which is 2012-2013, with incremental change happening in the first year. that is designed to maximize the lead time for families to have an understanding of what transportation services will be available. the graph showed earlier -- you can see we are anticipating a greater jump in the changes and services. i will just remind folks of the slide. it is like 11. -- is slide 11. the blue bar -- this is theoretical to illustrate. we are looking at phasing out some current routes, but also adding new routes to support the policy goals and objectives. we are imagining that the
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biggest change will begin to happen in your 2012-2013 -- the year 2012-2013. in terms of how families will find out about the changes, we are looking at capturing information about who is riding the bus. we will be able to send direct mail to families currently riding the bus. we will be able to have materials at each school site that will have more detail about the changes. through the school sites, we would have discussions with families. rather than doing what we did with the middle school feeder programs and other community engagement processes over the last few years, where we have had town hall meetings and used the board ad hoc committee meetings as a forum, which will work more directly with the principles -- principals and at the school sites with a focus on any schools that might no longer receive service under the new plan. we do anticipate there will be
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some schools that currently do not have service that would get it, and other schools that do have service that will not get it, and other schools that have service where the routes will change in order to be aligned with the policy framework. we will want to work closely via the school sites with that. our next steps are to complete the analysis and develop the transportation service plan. again, having the overall vision for full implementation by 2013-14 and a phase-out and phase-in of services for 2011- 12, we are hoping to have that available for mid january, so we can start gathering feedback from current writers in school communities. -- riders and school communities. that concludes our presentation for this evening and we are happy to answer any questions the board might have. chairperson wynns: i have one question. can you tell me where this is available and how it is being
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distributed? presumably, there are pieces of other documents and information are available. i just want to know what kind of outreach we are doing institutionally. >> thank you. all of this information is posted on the web. it has been since the beginning of november, including all prior board presentations and discussion documents. they are all under sfusd \enroll we have disseminated them at all of the conversations we are having. we had them at the enrollment fair. we have kind of been trying to use multiple avenues to get that information out. chairperson wynns: on the -- when you go to the district home page, maybe we need a "do you have questions about
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transportation changes," or something like that, as well as a link for the new student assignment process policy. maybe you should not have to go to the general site. you could go directly to transportation. people who are still in the same schools are going to have questions about transportation too. commissioner maufas is in the room. commissioner norton: i see in both the policy and the faq that we are saying our new transportation policy will provide transportation to after- school programs in limited situations. our new policy will support the district vision for after school. i am curious. what are we saying? is there anywhere inviting -- what are we saying to families
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who will either use their yellow bus transportation at their schools entirely, for morning and afternoon, or lose their after-school transportation? what are we saying to them that we will offer them, or what their options are? >> we have not actually started those conversations yet, because we do not know what the schools are, who the individuals are. we are doing the analysis to develop the vision for the future and to get a sense of what the impact of the new infrastructure would be and who would be impacted. we are then going to have direct communication with families. through this information we have gathered from school sites, we will be able to let them know very specific information. that is what we understand families need. they want to know how the service they are using now -- will it be available in the long term? if not, when will it be phased out? we will be able to share with them why. the information that is here in terms of why we are changing
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services, how we are changing them -- commissioner norton: i see we have done a good job of starting to sketch that out while we are making these decisions. but i am still pushing on this. because as soon as it announced in mid-january which routes are going away, there is going to be a lot of people down here, telling us about how horrible this is a joy to be for them and how impacted that are going to be -- how horrible this is going to be for them and how impacted they are going to be. how do we say you are losing this bus? are we going to offer a place at another school where they can get transportation? we need to have some kind of guarantee or some kind of solution. otherwise, it is going to come back to us. we are going to be sitting here at board meetings saying "sorry." from the perspective of a family, it is not good enough to say these are tough decisions
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