tv [untitled] December 24, 2010 9:30am-10:00am PST
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programmers to create a work, writers, thinkers, musicians, and without any interference from outside agencies. through the life history of this institution, over last 60 years, pacifica has gone into ups and downs but a few times, forces from outside have tried to take over the station and tried to mandate what they think they ought to serve this community. i think at issue is the freedom of expression of this community and to reflect ideals in the institution of kpfa radio station. and for that reason alone, i think that somebody from thousands of miles away, completely oblivious to the needs of the community to come and yank out one of the most forward programs on the station and put in turmoil, i think it's -- this resolution is so mild, i think it ought to be
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amended and perhaps even put stronger language in there to look up pacifica national board know that this community and its value will be upheld. >> thank you. are there any other members of the public that wish to speak in general public comment? seeing none, general public comment is closed. madam clerk can you read the adoption without the committee reference count p l. items 59-66 are for immediate unanimous adoption. these items will be acted upon by a single roll call vote if a member requests an item will be called separately and matter considered. >> colleagues, would anyone like to sever items? supervisor alioto--peer. item 59. >> yes, please. item 59 and if supervisor avalos does not sever 60 i'd like to sever 60. >> supervisor avalos [ >> item 60. >> any other items?
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if we could take a roll call vote on item 61 through 66. >> supervisor alioto-here. >> aye. >> supervisor avalos? >> aye. >> avalos aye. supervisor campos? >> aye. prosecutor president chue? >> aye. >> supervisor chu? >> aye. >> supervisor daily? >> aye. >> supervisor dufty? >> aye. >> supervisor elsburnd aye. >> supervisor mar [ >> aye. >> supervisor maxwell of >> aye. >> supervisor markarimi. >> aye. >> there are 11 ayes. >> the resolutions are adopted. item 59. >> resolution condemning the anti-italian remarks made at the planning commission. >> supervisor alito-peer. >> colleagues, last week we discusd a little bit the anti-cy civilian technically remarks made at the planning
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commission by supervisor suguya. i would like to say he has apologized both publicly at the commission meeting and privately through a letter he has i think pretty widely disseminated. it was a very gracious apology and would like to thank him for it and would like to table item 59. >> supervisor alito peer, made a motion and seconded by supervisor dufty. colleagues, can we do that without objection? without objection item 5 will be tabled. item 60. >> item 60 is a resolution supporting the kpfa morning show. >> supervisor avalos? >> thank you, colleagues. i would like to actually have this voted on today. i'm a long term listener and member of kpfa radio, probably over a decade and i've been an aindividual listener. -- the avid listener. the morning show brings coverage to a lot of the issues concern to us and our constituents across the bay area and the world. i can't think of a better
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source of information to provide the constituents with knowledge what's happening around the world. so it's difficult for me to see the station having such difficulty. i would agree with mr. brooks who spoke at public comment and said there's been disruption at the station much earlier. yes, there has. but this latest layoffs of the morning show and cancellation of the morning show created even greater disruption especially the listener audience who come to rely on the morning show for their news. and information and is an innocuous resolution and had a original resolution much more strident in its urging and concern about what happened at the station. this to me is really expressing concern and calling on the parties related to the crisis
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and kpfa working things out and is something we should support here in the board chambers. thank you. supervisor alioto-pier? >> thank you, president chu. i respect respect supervisor avalos' feelings about it and personally don't want to vote yes on this particular item so i would like to make the motion to have it continued for one week. we do need six votes for that but i'd rather not have to send it to committee but this is not something i'm willing to support. >> supervisor alioto-pier made a motion to continue the item to january 4 seconded by supervisor dufty. is there any discussion? supervisor mar? >> i'd like to urge a no vote on that motion, like supervisor avalos, i'd like to see this settled today so that we can vote on this today and not delay it for a week. >> if i may, i can send this to
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committee without a vote. i can do that as one member of the board. so if we don't vote to continue this item today, then i'll send it to committee. >> supervisor daly? >> i support the item, largely because i'm a really big fan or was a big fan of the morning show but i think given our roles we should definitely support the continuance until our next meeting in january. >> supervisor dufty? ok. supervisor alioto-pier, supervisor mar? >> i will support the continuance but just say that as a former programmer the department at kpfa in the 1980's and went through one of the first apprenticeship programs for women and people of color, it pains me the station is tearing itself apart with different factions and this is a very simple resolution that calls for unity and coming together to protect
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an important progressive institution in our community. the morning show -- i'm so glad brian edwards tikiert is here and i remember criswell of and andrea lewis, the late andrea lewis and others that have a tremendous tradition and for people to say -- urge us not to support something like this that supports progressive unity and strengthening the station really pains me and i would just urge those that are asking us to not vote for this to think about how many of us are allies that want to strengthen the station as well? i applaud supervisor avalos' efforts to change language to make it more of a broad call for unity to defend the station but i'm going to be supportive in a week when we vote on this. thank you. >> supervisor avalos? >> i forgot to mention, colleagues, i'll be supporting the continuance, of course but i do have an amendment, very slight apartment i put on your desks and emailed it to bos
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legislation as well and just some cleanup language and took out mediation and work together and didn't want to there to be an illusion i'm calling on a, body to deal with the labor dispute. but working together is what this is calling for and think it's pretty innocuous and can support it january 4. thanks. >> supervisor alioto-pier, if i could ask or suggest we take the amendment as a whole and move on your motion to continue. supervisor avalos made a motion to amend the whole seconded by mirkiami. can we take that without objection? that should be the case and now supervisor alioto-pier made a motion to continue to january 4 selected by supervisor dufty. can we take that motion to continue without objection? that shall be the case. and if we can now go to the last item, item 56. >> item 56, ordinance amending
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the administrative code to provide for appeals to the board of supervisor of certain environmental documents and determinations under the california environmental quality act to clarify procedures and to provide public notice of environmental documents. >> supervisor alioto-pier. >> thank you, president chue. we're still working out a couple little things and would like to request a one-week continuance on this item. >> i'm sorry, not a one-week continuance but a continuance until january 4. >> supervisor alioto-peer made a motion seconded by supervisor dufty, can we take that motion to continue without objection. without objection that shall be the case. madam clerk could you please read the end memory yams for today. >> today's memory will be adjourned on the following individuals, on behalf of alioto-pier for jonathan simmons and on behalf of
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supervisor dufty, gill white, sergeant jim acivedo. on behalf of president chiu, for the late rose santimno, for richard johnsonton, mr. john crawl, on behalf of supervisor campos for mr. jimenez. >> i want to thank everyone for your hard work in 2010. certainly this month as well as obviously the entire year we only have one more meeting of our session but i hope everyone has a very happy holiday and look forward to seeing you over the coming weeks. madam clerk, do we have any more business in front of this board? >> that concludes our business today, mr. president. >> at this time we are adjourned.
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thank you, mr. secretary. next item, please. secretary housh: roll call. commissioner caen is excused. madam president, the next item is the approval of the minutes from november 23, 2010, and i will call your attention to a minor amendment to clarify the intent of summer marks. -- the intent of some remarks. president vietor: may i have a motion to approve the minutes as amended? all in favor? opposed? thank you. next item. secretary housh: general public comment. this is an opportunity for
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members of the public to address the commission on matters that are within the commission's jurisdiction and are not on the agenda. president vietor: public comment? welcome. all of the hard work filling out the card there, mighke. >> commissioners, my name is francisco. first and foremost, i had to go to the board of supervisors, and i would like to thank commissioner crowley for the work that he has done. i told him that now and then, i participate in those deliberations. i was on a radio show talking
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about water resources all over the nation, and millions of dollars are expended, but much of the water resources are being taken over, so this sends a signal to us. the san francisco public utilities commission, they are one of the largest agencies having a large amount of water that we distribute to over 2.4 million customers. we are also fortunate, as i state again and again, that this water, the hetch-hetchy, within
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the granite rocks, it is one of the best in the world. when you mix it with the of the waters as it comes over here, and i do not know if that was the original concept, but that is how we have it. it is not available to everybody, but it is a pretty good documentary that shows out california will have difficulties distributing good water. i say this because you know that spending $4.60 billion on our clean water system, and we get some according to reports, and we still need empirical data on
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the quality of the water, and today, if i am not mistaken, i sent a document to you, general manager, from the environmental protection agency, so i am here from time to time to remind you that these resources are -- [bell] we have to respect those resources, and we have to be thankful that we enjoy them. thank you very much. president vietor: thank you very much. >> hello. president vietor: hello. >> my name is barbara, and i am here to talk about the unresolved issues at the golf course. i am here on behalf of the wild equity institute, the national
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park conservation association, the audubon society, and others. many of these groups provided public testimony to the commission in the recent past regarding problems at the golf course. there was a 60-day notice of an intent to sue. it is a belief that resolving these concerns will require a short-term changes to the land use of sharp park. because there was a decision to move forward with the sharp park program, that is associated with our 60-day notice. we wanted to be sure that the sfpuc's future decisions are
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informed. as always, members of these groups are willing to meet with you should there be an interest in the commission. thank you. i ha coffee -- copy for you of the notice. thank you. president vietor: thank you for your comments. anymore? mr. secretary, next item, please. secretary housh: this is involving agenda item 10 as well as other items sent electronically. also, this item covers the advance calendar. this would be the time for any questions about any items on the advance counter, and there are the staff report. -- reports. president vietor: commissioners?
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commissioner: i do not know if this is the place for it, but one thing that is clear is that we will have a very busy january. we want to make sure the electronic copies are the same as, not similar to, but the same as the paper documents that come to the commission, as well. we're going to be getting an awful lot of information, in disparities will cause problems. -- and disparities will cause problems. commissioner: -- secretary housh: i am looking for a little more feedback on whether the
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meetings should start at a certain time. dj am, 1:00 p.m., or a different time, -- 10:00 a.m.. and we're also looking for the planning commission to have a hearing on calaveras. it is the first item on the planning commission's tentative agenda. if the commission is meeting in the morning of the 27th, we are not sure you will still be in session by around 3:00, and this could be coming to was around 3:30, so there could be a special meeting on the 28 -- could be coming to us around 3:30. so there could be a special meeting on the 28th. president vietor: i prefer the
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morning, and i could even go a little bit earlier, but i do not know, commissioner caen is not here and does not like to start early. mornings were quite a bit better for me. -- work quite a bit better for me. we have got all three of those thursday's -- thursdays. commissioner: that would work for me. secretary housh: on the 27th, if we started later, a working assumption is that the planning commission, since this is the first item, we would probably be finished within the first two hours of their meeting.
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president vietor: at 1:00 on the 27th. commissioner: that is not good for me. do we require a quorum for this meeting? secretary housh: they all do, but commissioner caen will be available. president vietor: maybe we need to do another poll. secretary housh: why not 10:00 a.m., and on the 27th, we will check. this includes both budgets and calaveras. president vietor: will the 28 work for you? commissioner: know. -- no.
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president vietor: i will have to check for me, too, but the afternoon of the 27th. commissioner: and we do have a room booked in city hall than already. president vietor: and our fifth commissioner has been nominated, correct? commissioner: it would be unlikely that he be sworn in until the middle of the month, at the very earliest, but most likely at the end of january. secretary housh: we can check.
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president vietor: ok, great. anything else on communications? next item, please. president vietor: -- secretary housh: other commission business. president vietor: seeing none, next item, please. secretary housh: a report of the general manager. >> this is our first meeting without fx crowley. we will talk about the financials and start getting your thinking about budget priorities and the budget situation that we have for the puc. >> good afternoon, todd r
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ydstrom. as you know, we work on four years at one time. what we have before you write knelt is the last year's financial audit, we do what we have before you right now is the last year's financial audit -- what we have before you right now is the last year's financial audit. i am very pleased to report to show you on the screen the last three years of results for all three financial statements, and, again, in the fiscal year 2009/2010, we have what equates to a very strong that bill of health, and that means that we have had -- there were no findings of any deficiencies,
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and an audit manager will go well. we time these audits with others. what this also means is that for the first year, what they directed us to do, we created a separate component for the financial statement for hetch- hetchy water and also hetch- hetchy power, so that was part of the steps we took to get independent credit rating because of the hetch-hetchy operation. sfpuc and the finance team, in particular, got the distinguished and excellence in financial reporting award.
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that is for the comprehensive annual financial report. the audits again, as i mentioned, were all clean audits, and we went to get this back to you, soon, commissioner moran. we are getting very good value for the rates that we're collecting from customers. we are looking to finalize that. it is city. -- soon. we will discuss the budget situation later today and the outlook of our selection, so with that, i will turn it over to the audit manager, karen, and
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she has the presentation for you. >> good afternoon, commissioners. i in the city manager, karen. -- i am the city manager. this is for one cycle. we have completed the audit of the water enterprise, the waste water entity, and as todd mentioned, hetch hetchy broken out. as he also mentioned, we had clean audits. so going into the slides that we have prepared, there are the
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required communications, beginning with our responsibilities under generally accepted principles. we understand to plan to perform the audits to obtain reasonable not absolute assurance that the papers are free of the statements -- missstatements. things are described in detail in two of the financial statements. as part of the process, we look at the quality and consistency with industry standards, and we found them to be consistent. in terms of estimates, we spend some time -- spent some
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