tv [untitled] December 25, 2010 1:30am-2:00am PST
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is if they have made any agreements with other grocers and stuff. i want to make sure those have been monitored and adhered to as well. i know that in some other cases there were some complaints that they were not lived up to as much. i want to commend prado also for their car sharing. this is something that obviously when we as the mopcac , for you next month with our joint report from the planning department -- when we come before you next month with our joint report from the planning department, urban car sharing has become a trend in the last decade. all the parking lots and gas stations in the market octavia plan -- if they go away, you're doing away with something that has had a proven fact of
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replacing on average a ratio of 20 individually owned cars for this service. as we build new developments, and a complement -- i compliment prado for use in cars sharing -- this is something you need to pay attention to. affordable housing -- i compliment them on their land acquisition. but deferral will complement and mitigate that. [applause] [laughter] >> mining is -- my name is chris hegland.
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i am here to file support letters from the lgbt center, san francisco architectural heritage, the castro neighborhood association, castro area planning in action, and the san francisco chamber of commerce. thank you. >> good afternoon. i come as a private citizen for once. i will be brief. my interest in this is somewhat selfish in that i am a very strong supporter of this project. it is largely because as a native of san francisco who is lived here for almost 60 years i am very familiar with that location. i have been a market street thousands of times. it will be immeasurably enhanced by the development of this project. a lot paraphrase the eloquent words of our representative -- i will not paraphrase the eloquent
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words of our representative from "spur." i have spent a lot of time on 24th and have seen the impact of the whole food store on noe valley. i must go to the street three or four times a week, sometimes on my car and sometimes to shop at the whole foods. i want to assure everyone in our experience whole foods has been a model never and has very effectively and assiduously -- and modeled neighbor and has very effectively and assiduously in force -- has been a model neighbor and havs very effectively and assiduously enforced their parking policy. thank you.
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i am andrea -- >> i am andrea inquist and represent the hoa of market street next to the project. while we are in favor of some development going into the space, our building is strongly opposed to this particular project on environmental and safety grounds we do not feel have been addressed adequately for us to feel comfortable with it. i know we are obviously a little more biased than most people because the project literally wraps around empowers over our building. we have huge concerns other people may not feel are worth addressing. our main concerns at this point are the large-scale excavations of naturally occurring asbestos and the effects of the traffic cuing which have obviously been talked about.
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in terms of traffic, it has been acknowledged from the planning department that the traffic study did not take to win into account -- not take queuing into account. we have not seen ways to eliminate it. just a list of possible measures. we assume this means there will be queing for up to a year as this is worked out and there will be a huge increase in traffic around our area, and traffic idling, which will lead into an increase in airborne pollution from car exhaust. since this was not taken into account in the traffic study, i assume the was not addressed in studies. this is probably going to push our pollution level beyond anything that is acceptable. all residences which he fumes.
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personally, i'm very concerned about emergency vehicles being able to access the building in a timely manner. we have had one large fire in our building so we are incentivized to have at fire trucks able to get to us. we have not seen a traffic measures that work in san francisco. even if they follow mitigation in the report, it will not be enough. we are concerned about asbestosis. we don't feel that these surge stringent enough and given that this is close to other
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buildings. just the general size of the project and others which would expose residence to asbestos. we feel that sponsor should provide a specific plan rather than general measures. bernanke. -- thank you. >> i am a member of the neighborhood association. i'm here to raise concerns regarding the time frame of this approval to to unresolved issues regarding -- and commercial loading management. while i support the proposed solutions, the language is vague and does not call for backup measures if parking fails. the specific measures leading up
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to parking is not well defined and finally the circulation of traffic around this problem has not been addressed at all. in any community meeting this monday night, many of the members of our committee had questions regarding traffic and the developer was unable to bring any specific solutions. a couple of things that they did say was that they would close the garage possibly if there is not any spaces available. it is not really a solution because when you close the parking garage, then you put foot traffic out into the area. we have seen that there is a trend that people wait until someone leaves so that they can get in this was a perfect example to me of the fact that
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there are not well thought out solutions here. the measure that was suggested by staff, this was not a plan by wholefoods. the other issue regarding bodie management, the traffic study was conducted between the hours of 4:00 p.m. and 6:00 p.m.. the loading of the tractor trailers is to occur between 6:00 a.m. and 9:00 a.m.. peak hour trip generation for the supermarket use occurred -- this was between 6:00 a.m. and 11:00 a.m..
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this is unrelated to those used in the transportation analysis. the traffic volumes are low and impact is not anticipated to be significant on 14th street. there is no data to support to this. when i directly asked the developer this question, they did not have an answer and all of these studies were done on the evening peak hours and that is not when deliveries are happening. thank you. >> good afternoon, commissioners. to take a moment to think the product group, they work well with the community and a number of changes were influenced in the building design.
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we are surprised by the lack of housing. this is a big disappointment to us. one thing that has not really been touched on, there is a number of pedestrians on improvements. we would like to see the project sponsor take responsibility for those improvements on market. those are things like -- correcting the current crossing across market and straining this out and if you other things that are in the community plan. putting the building aside, we have some significant concerns about the whole foods so this really relates to the large part of the retail.
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the traffic and load in concerns have been raised and well- discussed but we are concerned about the timing of the loading. i personally believe that the hours between 7:00 a.m. and 9:00 a.m., this will be a disaster because that is when the traffic exists on that street. we believe that the project sponsor should be held responsible for mitigating traffic and issues that are operated by the project and that is why we support the initial staff recommendation to lay out some specific mitigation efforts that the sponsors should be responsible to try. we also strongly ask for a hearing in a year after the opening of the store to come
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back and look at the loading and queueing issues to see if the project's sponsors negations have been effective in dealing with these issues and if not, potentially modify the conditions of approval appropriately. are less concern is about the effects of all foods are nearby merchants. we don't have a specific recommendation but we are concerned that this project will adversely impact the neighborhood merchants and we hope that you will consider this in your deliberations. thank you. >> i will not be a dead horse over parking and traffic, i will just request that we take
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another look at to the issue of asbestosis and mitigation plan that it is in place and have that be more stringent and have a plan place that we have a course of action to follow. the epa has a zero tolerance policy for asbestosis and if it was up to them, there would be no digging in the ground. i would like to have something to monitor units. thank you. >> i am a worker honor at a remote retreat and i have been there for 18 years. we are a local and homegrown business. we have been around for 30 years. i am concerned about wholefoods and how this will affect local
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businesses. i have asked why your of not asked a local business to go in there. they are a union busting chain. local businesses, some seem to be able to get the upper hand here. you could use a lot of imagination. i am sure they would love the opportunity to expand. many home grown businesses can go in there. as i have said, they have been around for 35 years. i want the supervisors and the commissioners to think again what this is you are going to put in there and explore other
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options. there is a committee put together. i feel like we have been disrespected and businesses who are across the street, down the street, will also be affected. please, please, reconsider and also reconsider the lack of middle income housing. we are losing the middle income community. all these things should be considered. thank you. >> good afternoon, commissioners. i am a member of -- and i'm also on the board of the
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delores' neighborhood. this is directly across the street from this building so personally, i will be affected as much as anyone that has been in this room because i live across the street and i have to park my car in this area. so, this is going to change my life, believe me. one of my concerns is the mitigation. l development, we have three others going on literally within 200 feet of my window. i will be living in dust for the next five years. they will probably stagger these developments out. we will live in a construction zone with trucks coming at whatever time. not only will i be living in the building but after the whole foods is built, then you have
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the trucks and the parking. if that st., i know it will affect my life and i like the idea that you will come back in a year after the store opens and check on whole foods, because believe me, we have heard that the parking and the killing up for that start this -- for the store is sometimes really horrible. to keep them honest, i would like you to do this a year later to check. the size of the store is the next thing. we have a lot of small stores, i think that they will be impacted by this. if you are going to give this project and go, at least limit the size of the store so it does not overwhelm everything in this neighborhood. we all frequent these stores
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since we live here. i think it is good that the -- group has been very open to everyone. we have talked with them. i has been a part of the different groups. we have had a pretty good impact on what they are bringing as far as the building. i agree that it should be looked at as far as what goes in. everyone has been pretty much exercising their right to to tell you what their big concerns are. thank you. >> good afternoon, president miguel, members of the commission. i live on 14th street just east
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of delores street and i have been a homeowner there for over 27 years and i am a retired transportation planner. overall, i support the project. there was a few concerns and i agree with a lot of the prior speakers. one of the concerns is the truck loading in the morning. also, understand from the material for this hearing, the project sponsor has chosen to pay the markets for the infrastructure impact fee but might decide to pursue a future which would have streetscapes improvements and pedestrian improvements. i would have liked to have seen that resolved before we got to this meeting. there is some concern about
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potential improvements such as reducing a laying on delores street. i also agree that it would be good to come back in a year and assess the project and the effects on the neighborhood because i know some the projects in the city like get market and castro, one block was closed rather than the steady forever and ever. this was done to see how it works. there has been a lot of questions about lining up. it is good to come back in a year and to see what actually happened and see if any improvements need to be made. i think you for your time. -- i thank you for your time. >> definition, commissioners.
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thank you for taking the time to listen to everyone comment on this. i have mixed feelings about this project. on face value, i think that this is a model project for san francisco. i like mixed use, i like density. this is a better use of this space and what is there. what i have a struggle quantifying is the impact it could have on the local businesses that are in the neighborhood. not just including myself, there are many other businesses in the immediate neighborhood that are frankly worried. we know that after another wholefoods opened up, they saw a drop in sales. from what we heard earlier,
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during the -- portion of the hearing, we want to encourage locally-owned small businesses. we want to support them, we want to see them to rise and succeed. that is critical to the life blood of san francisco. i have been in the neighborhood since 1964. i know that a grocery store does not need 31,000 square feet to serve a community. we have 80 employees. all foods will have 175 communities in a space twice the size. i think that the developer can put it more variety in retail space in the project to encourage more diversity and locally-owned businesses to go
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in and drive off of the traffic that wholefoods brings. i think that businesses and grocery stores can thrive without parking. the transit density and a living density is so great, maybe there should not be parking said that the traffic and congestion issues can be mitigated very simply. all in all, i think that this is beautiful. i think that the developer does an incredible job of reaching out to everyone. he and i had many conversations about the project. they have done all of the right things but if there is going to be a one-year follow-up, the survey will be done of the local businesses to see the impact so that if any conditions need to be added to help support and
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maintain the thriving local businesses, that they can be done and also to inform us for future projects that could impact local businesses. thank you for your time. >> this is the first real test of the community, exemptions for area plans and that came out nearly a year ago there are hazards such as transportation. the main thing that you get when you were following the normal procedures is a transportation study. transportation study a month before is not enough. you have heard questions, how can people ignore the 14th and
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15th street -- and not understand that 14th street is the way people get on to the freeway from this area. so, you have what everyone who is in this neighborhood says, you do not have accurate information on what the peak is. that is a huge issue you have between seven and nine. you also have a loading area which is taken over from a residential building. this is a transportation study issue. i would like to switch now and talk about my plans. because housing will have to be inflated from the whole earth -- wholefoods operation, we assume that they will take care of the noise impact. however, when the other projects are on the other side of market
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street came through, there was a real concern that the new owners would be formally notified in writing by the property holder or developing -- developer of the existence as a recycling yard. there has been other instances where people say, i did not know that there was a recycling operation there. this degrades my ascetics, foot traffic. there are people who do not like to see this in the area. we had a big brouhaha two weeks ago from the haight asbury population. we would like them to put in written notices that there is a recycling operation and whole foods can use and will not have to do on-site buyback because of the existence of one of the committee recyclers. i forget the latest, 3 miles, i
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believe. you don't have to have this in your building. at the same time, the people that lived there should be notified that exist and they are a good neighbor but we just don't want any complaints. thank you very much. question afternoon, commissioners. -- >> good afternoon, commission. we have watched this of falls over time. this project is right within our sweet spot. we like two things about it that are significant to us. as you have heard extensive amount of community of reach, we like it when there is extended conversations with neighborhood associations to improve the
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project. that goes beyond anything that we can do and that is notable. the second thing is not going through the -- for parking. and our experience and in the projects we see, that is highly unusual and i suspect that this project might have made other developers uncomfortable by doing that. i think it is important to support a project when they stick their neck out in moving in the direction that the city so plainly needs to move. we think that not going for the -- is absolutely the right way to go. i will confess that the housing action coalition is likely to plagiarize the bicycle plan that they presented on this project. i will ask that we incorporate this to use in other projects that come before us. what we want to see
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