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tv   [untitled]    December 25, 2010 2:30pm-3:00pm PST

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county office of education where he worked for six years. i would like to offer my thanks and congratulations to president kim. it has been such a great experience to work with you. as you know, all of us are really happy about the success you had on election day and look forward to working with you in the future. >> my pleasure. thank you. president kim: now we move onto a board member reports. we have a report from our adhoc committee. commissioner maufas: as i
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understood, the reason why our newest addition to the staff was here was to hear about mark components of this report for school moves. that is not my phone. this item has been carried forward to the next meeting. it was a combination of our labour partners and family members in regards to the implementation of the school loans. to rule out what is happening on the time spent. there needs to be more coordination between school sites and which staff is using it. ok. carryforward.
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i will let them know that they can come forward and speak again. because there are so many questions about what is happening with the budget crisis and how it affects our staff and the concerns that families bring forward and staff members bring forward, it allows an opportunity to discuss publicly with as much transparency as legally can be allowed, oftentimes we are in negotiations with the labor partners, what we can speak on is that the committee has an opportunity to speak about issues in as much capacity as weekend and to hear from the public on many issues. as issues and then flow through the district and that relationship with personnel and labor often generates topics for a meeting. the meeting as every other month
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instead of every month. if we need to have a conversation on the labour matter, we try to meet more frequently. the vice president of the united educators of san francisco, they come to an agreement with our school district leadership. that will work out for our professionals. we are very happy about that. a for discussion was the discussion -- and finding funding just to restore a little bit. we are in discussions between a labor partner and the district and what we have accessible to us in terms of money. are we able to use it to restore from what is a 14% cut for 2010. that is the security guards.
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we all had to accept a certain cut. as it turned out for them, it equaled about 14%. we are still in discussion. that item will carry forward to the next meeting. discussion of the t10 work schedule. scie brought forward a concern. this is the perfect opportunity to bring forward a concern regarding that the school had made cuts to its staff regarding the budget plans. labor had some concerns about certain personnel doing the job of other personnel. under our contracts, that is not permitted. that was brought forward to school staff. they investigated it. there was something in the area that was not clear.
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in that conversation were our parent volunteers. when do they stop becoming volunteers and start supplanting some of the work that was previously done by an employee that is the logger budgeted at the school site? there was a clear message from our labour director ruiz. because we have these cuts, and to be mindful that parent volunteers are much appreciated. community volunteers are appreciated. the level of their volunteerism, there is a line. sometimes it is blurry. we have to make sure that they and the school staff understands that. the information was brought forward and addressed and
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publicly been noted the results of that. the memo went out to all schools about that. president kim: i am going to take the liberty to take our city and school district reports. they are both on student assignment. most of the action items have already been reported. i know that there are updates that each of the meetings. the next is the service committee. vice-president mendoza. vice-president mendoza: we are going to be going forward in november, 2011. that has been an ongoing discussion to finalize. we would love to support going out in november for the alumnus. -- alumnists.
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we talked more about the property development on teacher housing and brought up the child development facility on k street. there were some proposals brought forward by affordable housing developers. we also have an update on the demographic for directions. i was really pleased with the report. it indicated that we were actually going to have a very large increase over the next few years. that is a very different report than what we have gotten over the last several years about the increases in enrollment. there was a lot of affordable housing that would include the ability for many of our families to stay in san francisco. that was a discussion in
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november. >> could you provide us with whatever information was presented about the child-care issue up here? i would like to hear more. i was not able to come to the meeting about the paige street issue. vice-president mendoza: if i could take two seconds to address that briefly. we have been hearing quite a bit from the child care community about wanting to open the facility. supervisor mirkarimi and michelle rutherford from hsa came to provide support for the school district. we had bryant from our office who was born to make a first
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pass about whether or not we need space. that is not necessarily preschool. then how the ties to the current plan we are doing with regards to student assignment. they are going to provide us with some templates on an rfp and what we should look at if we were to have somebody from outside the school district to come in to look at future challenges. we are not interested in putting in dollars that we do not have into opening a new facility. >> before it is over, we will get some sort of feasibility discussion. >> we are doing preliminary conversations on what this would look like if we move forward.
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>> i want to go deeper into what commissioner mendoza just said and that was not part of what was said at the other meeting. it was somewhere else that you have the discussion. i want to be clear about that. president kim: the next report is from commissioner yee. commissioner yee: we overheard the action item results. one of the items as being the overview of special education and financial issues. i am going to make this quick. the result of that discussion was what was presented actually raised more questions than answers -- or it raised a lot of questions. there was an agreement for the
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committee to take this issue up again in a few months so that we could further explore in more detail some of the issues in regards to the budget around special-education.
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conclusion. we are anticipating the bigger deficit and the problem. the third item was the rebuke of the resolutions that we will do monthly. i think -- >> thank you. >> most of the meeting was discussing the new transportation policy that we adopted. i also want to say that we got
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an update from the advisory council. this was about a community engagement process that they are in the middle of designing or developing which will include different models than they have used for all of the other engagements. this is more targeted, this is addressed with discussion in the middle school feeder patterns. you should expect that a schedule of community events will be forthcoming in the beginning of january, may be in san jury in march -- in february
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and march. ha there will be a proposal in april. there will be some discussion about how there is meaningful opportunities for corporate committees to investigate -- appropriate communities to investigate. there was some discussion, a perception out there that sort of deals are being cut or individual communities will have a decision made just about middle school pathways for them
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outside of the open process. we have to be careful that this does not happen. we appreciate the staff and other communities out there participating in the discussion but it must be clear that the plan will -- and no one is authorized to make an agreement with an individual school or community. >> at this time we will recess the regular meeting. the
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>> haniya coming back to our regular meeting, the report of our closed session action items. from the september 9th, 2010 closed session, the board approved the contract of one assistant principal. the board approved at the stipulated expulsion agreement for one high school student. the board approved the expulsion of one high school student can tell -- and one high school student. the next item is on the acceptance of gifts. on the board of the board of
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education, we wish all of our staff, the staff, -- families, and students, and holidays -- happy holidays. >> i wanted to make a brief announcement that i think all of the board members received an invitation from the united methodist church which annually does a day of remembrance for the students and staff that have died. i know have all been invited to that. that occurs on sunday, january 16th at 10:00 a.m.. this is for the city leaders to have knowledge -- and left us.
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i wanted to take my moment and really think the president for his leadership, it has been a pleasure and an honor to serve with you and i look forward to you and your new role. we will come to you often. >> just for the sake of transparency, i and a few of the people on the delegation to china, it was pretty rewarding to see what is possible when you put your resources to use. the government does not give us much resources and the way.
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our philosophy is to make sure that everyone gets resources. i heard more about the volunteer teachers program that they have. if things go right, i am pursuing some information. >> thank you. i look forward to working with everyone next year. congratulations for the new grandchild. as long as we are announcing be
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an operation for mendoza and our new school board member will be at 6:00 at the tenderloin elementary school. >> before i turn the meeting, i would like a heartfelt thanks to president kim. it has been made treat serving with you these last four weeks. hopefully we will have a continued friendship. >> we will see each other more. i will be behind the german in memory of a few people that have been a part of the school district. -- passed away on november 11th. he was the former president of
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hartford elementary and a teacher from july 1997. he was a champion of all students, especially those who have behavioral issues. he had a way of getting under their skin. he opened up his son to school almost every afternoon. all were welcome. he held very high expectations for his students including the requirement that they were all college bound. after school, you would see students are working hard with him. we will be adjourning in memory of my english teacher at george washington high school who was a teacher and coach for 37 years. he passed away on december 21st,
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2010. he is the u.s. army veteran and a charter member of the homeless center. he was a co-founder of the washington sports foundation. the county committee of the -- foundation and a proud member of the san francisco -- office. first the board of education expresses there's severe -- sincere condolences to the family. meeting adjourned.
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>> welcome to culture wire. we're going to take a look at one of the biggest and most significant public art projects
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today. ♪ on june 26, mayor newsom and other officials gathered at the hospital to cut the ribbon and welcome the public into a beautiful new state-of-the-art facility. >> 3, 2, 1. [applause] >> in has been 10 years since voters approved the measure for the new building. >> when they cast the vote, we have an exciting opportunities to rethink how art is done in a hospital setting. >> replacement program generated
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approximately $3.9 million in art enrichment funds for a comprehensive art program that contributes to the quality of life at the hospital by enhancing the environment and supporting the hospital's needs and therapeutic goals. artists were commissioned to create 100 original works of art. as was for the gardens and courtyard areas. >> be artwork does more than just hang on the wall. it will enhance the therapeutics of the hospital and will include sensory stimulation, orientation, social interaction. >> it was set into like boxes to create color filled areas in the
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hospital. inspired by nature, the signature painting of native san francisco birds, clouds, and the surface of the ocean waves were translated into a variety of media including glass mosaic and tapestry. the playful clock encourages memory stimulation among the patients. they used the theme of the four elements as they relate to vocation. it is a direct homage to the historical murals in the original laguna honda building. it features to large tile walls. by observing residents, the
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gardens created a public artwork in the form of the handrail. in one of the outdoor courtyards, the circular grouping of -- with a smooth finish. this features ten unique button sculptures with different pastel colors that function not only as a place to sit, but also as a touchstone to something recognizable, familiar, and comforting. another key component included an art project that responded directly to the hospital's rich history. using archival images and artifacts, had designed 16 intricately woven tapestries that are inviting of significant
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events that shaped the hospital and the community over time. a >> it attracts a lot of visitors, and they are all and all - -in aw -- in awe over the variety of mediums used. >> i think we have given the city of san francisco and the residents an incredible art collection. it really encourage people to come and visit the new facility, also to see the arts. >> for more information, visit sfartscommisis
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