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tv   [untitled]    December 27, 2010 5:30pm-6:00pm PST

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be affected on the supply. the allocation, as well. bulls customers are approaching their water supply situation very serious. they are approaching conversation -- conservation measures aggressively. the targets they have to be are tougher than the targets we have to meet. they are already doing that.
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there are a couple of amendments of would propose to make, to effectuate that. i will hold those. president vietor: thank you. i, for one, appreciate your comments, particularly in regards to east palo alto. if we do proceed with option 5 and with the market transfer arrangement. i just from my environmental
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conservation seat, i also hope that there was a change in the guarantees as a result of the market transfer arrangement or option five. there would be a high value placed on water conservation and per-capita use, because i think it is something that east palo alto has been doing and should be awarded for. this is in regards to the recognition we want to give east palo alto. i also want to a knowledge everyone for their conservation efforts, and what they have been doing, because it looks like we might be in pretty good shape as far as 2018 goes. the real issue is going to be 2018 on, and started to think about that and looking at what that is going to be for all of us, but i just want to acknowledge the good work that has been done and staff, as well, in presenting the options. i think it really has been quite
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remarkable, and a lot of that has been because of the input of the customers and the back and forth and the dialogue, and it is really great to be able to have that input into the government process and the decision making body like this, so i just want to recognize that, because it has worked well in the situation to really try and see all of the ways this very complicated pi could be carved up. -- pie could be carved up. if there are no other comments, perhaps we can entertain a motion that commissioner moran had? commissioner: there is one that is not a component.
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>> city attorney's office. i think you should do this. commissioner: then i will do that. it would be resolved with an individual supply guarantee. this is also pursuant to a certain section of the code. president vietor: so is there a motion to adopt?
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thank you. any further public comment on this item? hearing none, all of those in favor? commissioner: i would like to have the motion restated and an explanation. president vietor: maybe the commission secretary can do that, unless, mr. moran, you are comfortable? commissioner moran: what was distributed to the calendar, amended in three respects, one dealing with option 5, the second to delete a final resolved clause, and then there's the isg transfer. commissioner: that would help east palo alto? commissioner moran: it does not
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help them today, but, frankly, that problem is been there for decades. president vietor: but i think in that light, the record should state the conversation we have had in regards to east palo alto and the acknowledgement that there may be other equity issues involved. so i will call the vote. all of those in favor? opposed? the motion carried. thank you, commissioners, and think you all for coming to speak. we appreciate it. mr. secretary, next item, please. secretary housh: madam president, item number 11, a discussion and possible action to authorized. approve the amendments dealing with irrigation, clarifying definitions and terms of compliance.
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ritchie will present. >> it went to the board of supervisors. the board approved the ordinance. there was a discussion with stakeholders to try to clarify matters, tried to reflect this with the rules and regulations. rules and regulations are yours to amend. they do not need to go to the board, so maybe we would just clarify a few things and make it simpler to implement. president vietor: questions? comments? the motion? all of those in favor? thank you, mr. ritchie. secretary housh: we have no speaker cards on this. president vietor: 12 and 13 together? secretary housh: a discussion of
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possible action to authorize the general manager of the san francisco public utilities commission to execute on behalf of the city and county of san francisco by in between the san francisco public utilities commission and other members of the alameda creek fisheries restoration work a group to continue phase two and a further authorize the general manager to allocate funding for beat pitt -- for the sfpuc portion of the flow studies. item number 13, a discussion and possible action to authorize the general manager of the san francisco the dita von teese commission to negotiate and execute a memorandum of understanding, for operations at half moon bay gauging station, and the administration of b.p.-- of the pilarcitos creek
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integrated watershed management plan. there was a different amount that was in some of the posted versions of the agenda, but the item itself was always posted as correct at the other amount. president vietor: thank you. are there any comments or questions from mr. ritchie? i will entertain a motion. all of those in favor? opposed? think you, mr. ritchie. the motion carried. next item, mr. secretary. secretary housh: the next item is item number 14, a discussion and possible action do authorize the general manager of the city is the scope of the utilities commission to execute on behalf of the city and town of san francisco with the cell -- with
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the county of san mateo for trailer improvements on the crystal springs regional trail. this is on the peninsula watershed. president vietor: questions or comments on this item for mr. ritchie? all of those in favor? opposed? the motion carried. thank you, mr. ritchie. next item. secretary housh: item number 15, a discussion and possible action to approve the plans and specifications and a warm water enterprise water system improvement program funded the san joaquin pipeline system, to the lowest qualified responsible and responsive bidder, mountain cascades, to construct approximately 10.3 miles of new pipeline. >> i and general manager of new infrastructure for a recent project.
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we have a 11 bidders. we are exceeding our goals. questions or comments? -- president vietor: questions or comments? all of those in favor? opposed? great. thank you. the motion carries. next item, please. secretary housh: items 16, a discussion possible action to approve my vacation number one to water and a price of the contract number wd-2639, for new circuit breakers, longer reaches of plumbing/avandia, additional restroom carpentry, and additional rowling of condit to read data panel -- rallying of -- routing of conduit to a data
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panel. president vietor: any comment? all in favor? opposed? fat thank you. the motion carries. next item. secretary housh: item number 17, a discussion possible action to approve the plans and specifications and a warm water and apprises water system and provide program program funded to a group, in the amount of $17,360,400. >> they exceeded the goals by 12%. this is another good news. president vietor: great. is there a motion to adopt item
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17? commissioner: where is this? this should help the area there, $17 million? $70 million should help the area there? >> yes. -- $17 million? >> yes. president vietor: is there a motion? any public comment? all of those in favor? opposed? ok, the motion carried. next item, 18. secretary housh: cuw37302,
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rehabilitation of existing san joaquin pipeline projects, authorizing the general manager to implement the project in compliance with the charter and applicable law and said to the board of supervisors approval where required. >> this is a simple one, which is outlined in the proposal. president vietor: there are no questions or comments? all of those in favor? opposed? thank you, mr. kelly. next item. secretary housh: item 19, a discussion possible action to approve the terms and conditions and authorize the general manager of this in the cisco public utilities commission for agricultural land identified as assessor's parcel 096-0420-005
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intercounty of alameda -- in the county of alameda, located southeast of the san antonio reservoir between calaveras road and vallecitos road in sunol. president vietor: all of those in favor? opposed? congratulations, mr. ramirez. >> i just wanted to say that you buzzed off eight or nine items related to the water, and whenever it adds up to, we do
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whatever it adds up to, again, a tremendous effort in times of -- terms of getting this done. president vietor: thank you. we appreciate it. we appreciate all of your good work, too. secretary housh: madam president, we're getting ready to move to close session. a motion to invoke the attorney- client privilege. president vietor: all of those in favor? opposed? the motion carried. secretary housh: give me a moment to read them, and then we will move into closed session. item 22, item 23, and we will
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now moved into closed session -- moving to closed session. disclose. >> second. all in favor. opposed. thank you. commission secretary, next item. >> next item is 26, authorize the utilities commission to negotiate and execute a seventh amendment to an opposite agreement pertained to the sale of s.n.p. property located between weisman road and terrell avenue in mountain view, with
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k.n.g. extending the term and the extension fee from december 30th, 2010 to june 30th2011 and authorize the general manager to negotiate can k.n.j.l.l.c. and amendment to the option agreement to reduce the purchase price from 1.2 million to no less than 3.6 million, subject to the p.u.c. receiving 150,000 per unit for any entitlement authorizing more than 30 units and grant the ability to purchase six month extensions for 75,000 each and authorize the general manager to execute an amendment to the option agreement, if approved by the san francisco board of supervisors and mayor. >> commissioners, thank you, gary dod, real estate services. thank you for that -- for that in-depth description of what we're doing here.
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rile give you a couple of reasons the commission might consider an and reduced price. the current housing market and the economy being what it is. you're well familiar with that. as a commitment of staff money and resource that is k.m.j. development that put in the project. we're told it is well over a million dollars to date. the unforeseen difficulty that is k.m.j. faced with the city of mountain view at this development of the project -- the fact that k.m.j. offered a million dollars over the appraised val to you the public utilities commission. the public utilities commission has 600,000 dollars of deposit money. it is nonrefundable for k.m.j. should you not choose to go forward. the community relationship that is k.m.j. that evidently created in the city of mountain view with surrounding neighbors. and the belief that the project will in fact be approved for a -- approximately 5 to 40 units. i'm happy to answer any question
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this is you might have, the developer is here. if you have questions, specific for them as well. thank you mr. dowd? motion to adopt? >> second. >> public comment? anyone like to comment on this item? hearing none all of those in favor. aye. opposed? thank you. the motion carries. >> thank you. >> madam president, the only other item remaining is any new other business items that any commissioner might have. >> new business? >> new business? no new business. hearing none, the meeting is adjourned.
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