tv [untitled] December 28, 2010 9:00pm-9:30pm PST
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maritime law? >> no, it does not. >> to other regions have these subzones? >> yes, the valero refinery is adjacent to the port of los angeles and is set up as a subzone. >> that has proven to be a good way to go? >> it has. i think the region is benefited by the jobs that have been created at the refinery. commissioner crowley: thank you. no further questions. commissioner brandon: there's no cost to the port? >> there is cost in terms of staff time. that is covered by the administrative cost, the application fee. and then the $10,000 application >> so that would be the anticipated revenue for the port. >> the anticipated revenue would be $20,000 per year,
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which is for our foreign trade zone tariff, that is what chevron pays us today. >> by the benefit to the port is what the tenant will be benefiting from? >> yes. it gives our foreign trade zone more visibility. i think the fact that we have some high visibility customers like chevron and valero may help us sell the foreign trade zone benefits to additional users as well. >> are piers 19 and 23 foreign trade zones? >> no. >> so just sub-zoned? >> right. if somebody is looking to set up a sub-zone or a purpose zone , then we can set these up
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using this new alternative site framework that the board has set up. we have been approached by a company in san bruno, who is importing semiconductorors through san francisco international airport. they are considering applying for a subzone to cover the distribution of the semiconductorors. that could benefit them and provide economic benefit to the area. >> thank you. >> you're welcome. >> in here i didn't see the term as to how far out this resolution would carry in years? >> we will be separately negotiating a sub-zone operate can't agreement with valero. we are anticipating matching it similar to what we have with chevron, which is about a
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five-year term with opportunities for extending for threes three five-year periods. >> thank you. >> all in favor? >> aye. >> resolution 1078 has been approved. >> thank you very much. >> item 7-5, request approval of lease ahn ahn, a california corporation, for a seven-year restaurant lease for premises located at 27890 taylor street. good afternoon commissioners. jeffrey bower, port leasing manager. i am here to ask your approval for the item as read by the commission secretary, which is a seven-year lease with andre -- ahn
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sometime ago andre-boudin bakeries approached the pors -- the port, and port staff has analyzed that proposal and determined that they do meet the criteria outlined in the 1993 retail leasing policy. in these discussions we developed lease 814, which offers a seven-year lease. during the period of the term, there is a six-month construction period where no rent is charged. they must start construction by march 1st, 2011. the initial base rent is the greater of either $8,007 .53 or
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9% of gross sales, whichever is greater. there is an annual adjustment of 3.5%. and they can make investment in the amount of $335,000. andre-boudin bakeries is required to provide all completion performance and guarantees. an element in the current lease are the public bathrooms in fisherman's wharf, which have been in discussion for a long time. they are the only public bathroom facilities outside of the j.d. decoe can i cossack -- kiosk. they provide an important amenity, and they allow tourists to extend bhamp
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visits. they want to apply a credit to andre-boudin bakeries of up to $20,000 off the base rent. at that point they will provide jantorial services at a predetermined level. they under that running a bub path room at fisherman's wharf that gets 15 million visitors a year, and they have indemnified andre-boudin bakeries. however, it is only after they have competely exhausted their insurance. in no event will any claim that the port pays exceed $100,000 and in one year exceed $300,000. the lease does require andre-boudin bakeries to maintain a inter13 million excess liability policy -- a $13 million excess liability policy. we feel confident in that.
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it was approved by the port's risk manager, so we feel confident there. if i can speak to the retail leasing policy. there are four criteria. tenants must be in good standing. tenant is committed to making a significant investment in port property, and they have a term that is insufficient to allow them to amortize this improvement. it is in the best economic interests of the port, and the tenant has a good record of non-discrimination in hiring and retail practices. we have determined that andre-boudin bakeries does meet the criteria in the leasing policy. andre-boudin bakeries is a ten and in good standing. they are on a month-to-month term, and this current lack of term does not allow them to execute their business plan, which entails them making a significance investment into port property. in exchange for this
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investment, the port will offer a sole source business opportunity. there are no other represent credits outside of the six-month construction period that the port is offering. there are substantial and quantity final benefits to direct negotiations with andre-boudin bakeries. they have good will in the community. they are willing to make a significant investment during a predetermined time period. they also have been successful in the restaurant-rich fisherman's wharf and of course committed to nondiscrimination in hiring and its retail practices. the existing lease again is month to month. the monthly rent is $2501 .36. the new proposed lease is a 225% increase in the base rent.
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port staff also anticipates a corresponding increase in the sales given the level of investment that they are making. staff is requesting that the commission adopt the resolution for the lease for a term of seven yoirs between the port andre andre-boudin. happy to answer questions. >> so moved. >> second. >> any public comment on this item? commissioners? >> i have one question. how did we happen to go four years on month to month? one of those? >> one of those. yes, one of those. [laughter] >> they were maybe not in line. i can say that these negotiations do take time. my city attorney and i have been working with andre-boudin bakeries for maybe about seven
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or eight months. >> we have had this item ready for a couple of months now, but we didn't have a quorum for it. >> the bathroom took quite a long discussion. >> what type of credit were we giving them for the bathroom? >> well, we were not. the way that it was is the triangle parking lot, when it was run by the fisherman's wharf merchant's association, if we can go back in time, there was a cost that was deducted from the moneys made that went to the bathroom maintenance. it was inconsistent. there were a lot of mixed reviews, and we got a lot of complaints about that. that was about a $60,000 deduction. we are not only giving them a
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credit but saving the $60,000. andre-boudin bakeries is going to step up and manage the bathroom and maintain it properly. >> who is managing the bathroom now? >> well, they are because we have transitioned from the triangle of the fisherman's wharf to the new operator central, and in that interim time we have museumly agreed that they would maintain the bathroom at their cost. the utilities, which may seem minor they will pick up, and that does add up. that is another $30,000 or $40,000 that the port will save just in water and sewer. every little bit helps. >> thank you. >> all in favor? >> iowa. >> resolution 10-76 has been approved. >> thank you. >> eight 8-a, informational presentation on proposed
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embarcadero promenade design cry terry use, establishing specific criteria that can be used by the port to create a consistent design approach for this corridor and access way to the port's pier facilities. >> good afternoon, commissioners. i am dan with the port's planning and development division. i have a short power point presentation. we'll wait a moment for that to get going.
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>> a balancing act. i guess commissioners are used to that though. again, i am dan with the port's planning and development division. it is my pleasure to be here to talk about the embarcadero promenade design criteria. it is a design to improve what is becoming the most popular space in the city. the promenade is the continue was waterfront walkway along -- i am technically challenged.
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one hand over here. the promenade is the continue was waterfront walkway along the port's northern waterfront on the base side of the embarcadero. it was designed, started in the mid 1980's and constructed between 1993 and 2000. as part of the waterfront transportation project, a $700 million public effort by city, state and federal aiming says that replaced the embarcadero freeway and beltline railroad with an urban boulevard. the promenade extends from third street of the at&t ballpark at its south end, and with the upcoming edition of the pier 43 promenade project, bidding approved earlier in this meeting, to the entry at pier 45 at its norton end, it provides over 16 acres of public space and is within the embarcadero waterfront national register historic district, which is made up of numerous
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wharfs, see walls and bulk heads. that is south of the china basin channel. for the past 150 years, the embarcadero has provided access to the port's marry time -- mari time pearce and businesses. the promenade continues to provide access to pearce and also to the newer public orbited uses. as such, the promenade is not designated as a city sidewalk only fore streans. it is a multiuse pathway for maritime functions, recreation, and bicycle transportation. since its construction, the promenade's popularity has created a need for a tune-up or a conferencive approach to future improvements. as an example. the central corridor of the promenade is restricted in some
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areas with light pole signs, litter recent ackles and public art. port tenants and developer partners vie for public space with proposals to add benches, outdoor cafes, and waterfront visitors request greater public amenities. it provides direction for the future alteration for improvement of the promenade to minimize these conflicts. so address needs, the criteria promote the following objectives. one, clean up the promenade so that it functions and appears its best. that means determining what furniture and improvements are appropriate and where they should be located. second, organize the public and private improvements. and third, define specific design criteria for furnishes and other improvements that support public enjoyment. the study has been in the background for several years. it was first presented to the port commission on january 10,
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2006. the promenade criteria were then expanded and refined based on understanding and analysis of existing conditions, functions, comments from the commission and the public. the promenade criteria were again presenteded to the port commission on february 24, 2009 and have undergone public meetings held by the waterfront advisory committee, the bay conservation and development commission, and port citizen advisory meetings. the promenade criteria also are under review by the california state office of public preservation. port staff is coordinating with the san francisco planning department to craft promenade criteria consistent with a better streets plan recently approved by the planning commission, which provides recommendation for a broad
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range of street and sidewalk improvements. the roadway is considered a ceremonial street with the promenade criteria taking the lead in its recommendations. the content of the document before you organizes the promenade into three zones, the curb area, the circulation corridor in the center and the building edge zone and provides direction for character and types of furnishings in each stobe. the criteria require that the central circulation corridor be maintained as a 16-foot width. to accomplish this, the section of art ribbon with glass block in its center that has raised sections and flush with the promenade, would have some of the raised sections made flush to achieve width. there would be a number of other improvements done to maintain the circulation corridor. in addition to the description
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of the zones, criteria include guy ands in several other categories. promenade furnishings are standard side furnishes. they are standard to the embarcadero used throughout. they are benches, litter containers and signs and would state where they would be placed. for tenant furnishes to allow tenants to have individual i'd if i -- identification would be there. ferry building cafe criteria. this applies to the 30-foot width zone on the city side of the ferry building. the two cafes have their zones and the market uses take place. it provides direction for how overhell railings and
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conversation may be used. also for covered outdoor dining areas adjacent to bulk head buildings partially encloseded so that cafe diners can extend the season and time of day of use of those while being outside of the primary dining structures. there were five sites designated within that along the waterfront where those structures a could bed added adjacent to bulk head buildings, an example being a structure adjacent to pier 5. it also addresses how entry canopies, awnings and signage would be addressed. having this information would speed up the processes time and design time when applicants come forward and look for direction on these issues. as for next steps, within the come months, port staff will present this revised and expanded version of the criteria to the port advisory
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committees and various other stakeholders. well continue to work ith about the state office for historic preservation. after that, a final draft of the promenade cite tear ya to the waterfront access elements of the land use plan, which is the document that contains policies for urban design, policy reviews and criteria, design decisions along the waterfront will be considered for possible adoption by june of 2011 along with the applicable environmental findings. thank you for your time. i am available to answer any questions you may have associated with this. >> thank you. >> we do have a speaker card. corinne woods? >> corinne woods, wearing my hat. we are about to move into the
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next phase of the design guidelines for the blue green way project. i'm not saying we echo the same wayfinding elements, or signage or bike racks, but it would be nice if the embarcadero promenade guidelines at least related to what we are planning to do on the blue green way to get an identity all the way along the port's waterfront. the signage, for example, along the embarcadero isn't great. it is not easy to read for way-finding. i think because we are going to have a consultant hired for the blue green way project, we may be able to take advantage of some kind of more creative ideas. we also want to be sure that we are talking to the bike coalition about the type of bike racks we use. they don't like the ones we are using on the port property now, and they have some ideas for improvements. as we move forward, i also hope that we can look at the west
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side of the embarcadero. the planning department spent a lot of time looking at the embarcadero on the other side, and i hope we can echo some of the ideas for the promenade on the other side of the embarcadero. thank you. >> thank you. is there any other public comment? thank you, dan. that was very informative, and we look forward to the final outcome next year. >> item 8-3, request authorization to advertise a request for proposals for soliciting service for the pier 70 crane coffee park planning and citizen, funded through proposition a.
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>> i'm not going to try to balance this. i am david with planning and development. i want to recognize norman nelson, who has been assisting, steve, the engineering project manager as well as the rest of the pier 70 team. prior to going into the context of the request for approval to issue an r.f.p. for the design and planning of crane coffee park, i thought it would be worthwhile to put it in the context of a couple of other projects, including the blue green way planning, the clean and safe general obligation bond and the planning to date on pier 70. as you know, in 2008 san francisco residents and voters passed proposition a, the clean and safe obligation bond, $33.5 million to the port, of which
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$22.5 million was specifically identified for the blue green way planning process. i'm sorry, the blue green way projects. the blue green way is a city project to complete the bay water trail and a network of open spaces along the southern waterfront between mission creek and candlestick state point. this is one of the sites along the blue green way for crane coffee park. to help frame and allow the public to better understand what the blue green way components are, i have broken it down into five components, including the individual open spaces such as crane coffee park, linking and connecting streets, which are the treats that connect the open space network. so illinois street, cargo way, hunter's point boulevard, signage and interpretation,
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furnishing, which dan and i discussed. we are addressing some of the concerns that corinne just mentioned, and then two other components are the planning and prioritization, which we are in the process of, and establishing and continuing the interagency coordination among the various city and state agencies that have jurisdiction over the blue green way. the 2008 clean and safe general obligation bond identified specific projects along the blue green way that could be funded with the bond money. several projects were identified for early implementation, including the blue green way planning and design guidelines, way finding and interpretation along the port's portion of the blue green way. improvements to the park entrance, and improvements to the pay front park shoreline within the mission bay area.
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in addition, other projects are identified for potential funding, and we determined that through the planning process we would prioritize which projects get funding and at what levels. what this also illustrates is the distribution of fundings as it is today, which is about $7.6 million for the projects that were identify for early implementation, with a remaining $14.8 million that can be distributed between three parks. there is also -- just to make a point of it, there is also a constraint on when the funds need to be spent. we need to spend most of the funds within three years of the time of the sale, and right now we have scheduleded four sales for the bond funds. crane coffee park is probably the most complex, as was demonstrated through the pier
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70 process, and i will cover that in a little bit as well. now providing a little bit of context of where crane coffee park is located. it is within the city's central waterfront within the port southern waterfront generallyly between mariposa and 19th street. it is in the pier 70 area, which is a 69-acre site where we recently completed a three-year communicate planning process to complete the pier 70 preferred master plan. in the master plan we identified a seven-acre site on the northern shoreline portions of pier 70. this is the plan that was created through the pier 70 planning process. can you see crane coffee park is on the northern shoreline. directly ajavenlt to it is the ship repair facility. the red, pink and salmon-colored buildings are the historic buildings.
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illinois street is on the west. you can notice there is some future development sites directly west of the crane coffee park area. this is just an aerial photograph looking at the future crane c omp ve park site . the ship repair area is to the left of the screen. illinois street and third street to the right. the park would be generally an extension of 19th street generally to the norton to mariposa street. >> as i mentioned before, a significant amount of planning has occurred. in looking at crane cove park, it was looked at as a part of the port's land use plan. it was identified in the central waterfront plan. it was prioritized as a part of th
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