tv [untitled] January 1, 2011 1:30pm-2:00pm PDT
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and in the afternoon. he's taking beet in the morning and the afternoon. it occurs over the next three years. the process is to ensure that they are well communicated when it comes to their trance por -- transportation. ensuring that families are not left out. and we will work closely to m.t.a. to be sure that options are available to all of our families. where more comments that anyone wanted to add it. i wanted to add that also so commissioner suggested that we have counseling sessions at school where trance por fashion will be compleetsly eliminated.
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we allegation explore the nomination of our ability of students wrying. they ride on the bus too and making great use of our bus base. >> a reading of the resolution. >> subject 108-144. this is the subject motion. the requested action is that the board of education of the san francisco unified school district don't the attacks on the transportation polingsi. since there was a roo readout. i yount go through the background policy. >> ok. thank you. so public speakers on transportation i think i have one. so i only have one public speaker, williams spags on the
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transportation piece. you have two minutes if you bress testimony button and the red light will come on. >> hi, i'm am parent of two kids. i was in the mission. and we are probably going to be greatly affected by the transportation policy that's been adopted. thevpb though i believe according to the way the policy's written, our bush has made it in many ways. it's a butt that gets filled up every morning. in my case to clear the landfall and it's most important for me to say here since this policy has been important. some parents will be making decisions about moving based on this policy. my own case, you know, it's an hour and 30 minutes on public
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transportation. -- to get to the school my kids goes to. it's kind of mean hard work san francisco schools. and if we don't have a bus, i don't think we'll be able to, it's a pretty shark voice for me and for -- oh, i don't know, 4030 or 50 people. many said they were not in position to drive. we have an early start there. like i said i just wanted to come here and say, will you communicate those decision are extremely important because people need to have threed time to run their lives, make job
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decisions and moving decisions. that's it? >> any other public speakers on this issue? i'm going to allow you if it's ok with the court because this is an important issue. so you have two minutes. >> my name is paul stein. i'm your new local 1741. we trept school bus driver, but i am one. is it partly because we're losing jobs ourselves? and partly because many of russ residents and parents of kids who ride the bus. we delay off kids. they we feel we will -- i think i feel very confident in sing that the school bulls drivers strongly support the program.
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there was a couple of things i heard at the ad hoc meeting. one of the alternatives would be to have bicycle trains. i want to advice you not to do that. it's very dangerous and i think you should take it off your policy. the other thing that was disgusting,er we have special ed kids. and we said being able to ride with your iep is a good idea. it sbhowled reinstited item. that's really all i want to say and thank you. >> thank you. since there's no other public
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speakers, we want to move for a -- introductions. are you speaking on this item? >> yes. >> please come on up, quickly. >> thank you. >> my name is frank. i'm welcome moore public translate. and it will be be pasted around h left let. >> i'm sorry is this -- i have your speaker card but is this on this particular yte. it's the public transportation. the thing you're did with the school's choice. >> we're talking abblet the school choice, the yo bow buses. you do have one. >> ok. thank you. >> so the reason i bring its up is that some of the conversation and also pack had just mentioned that they're going to have it in the muni
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and the e.m.t.a. as you well known with the state cuts an everything, they're going through they're own problems and there's actually a big deficit that they're still recovering since last physical year which is $23 million. they're having their own struggle. and so we're start toing this company because which free passes for you because just like the school district is facing huge executes -- cuts that are affecting the most vulnerable of our society. particularly in the earth. for you don't know muney has special educations where there's a law in fran that if you don't pay their past. so they actually get sighted by the police.
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and in some cases with some youth. there's something about youth they hope will be taken into consideration. mueni is it's on beef. and it is going through its own issues. i hope that the conversations coming are being clearly stated to the parents who are here. all these are already packed as tfments and you bearly get a chance to get on. i hope swuven in the district, i hope families who have been sbrusde from it can learn more from it buse you would have to go somewhere from 140 to $20. hopefully it will take time to
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re-- read. >> thank you. next speaker? [speaking in spanish] >> good oning. my name is anna hillona. [speaking in spanish] >> i'm with the public transit. [speaking in spanish] >> we're here today because we not only talk here with the board members and with m.t.a. but also to have the community be informed of what we're doing and what's going on.
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i think it is important that we can consider the budget with m.t.a. and not only have the children pay you know, this public transportation but how are we going to support them and help them to get to school? i would like to note that we work as a team, you know, work together so we could help our -- our students get to school and
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help them. thank you. >> thank you. there's no other public comment. any comments from the board or the superintendent? commissioner? commissioner fure? commissioner fure? commissioner fewer: for members of the public, i want to make a couple of comments. very brief. mr. stein i hear you loud and clear that our bus drivers are taking a double hit, with the furloughs and think it is a travesty and crime to our students that we're so underfunded and with the budget, our state budget, depending on the state budge wet are -- we are forced to do this and must do this in order to keep things
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like class size low, keep vital services during the school day and also employ our teachers and the rest of the district staff. it is with a very heavy heart we do this. if we had the money, i believe we should give transportation to everybody but that isn't the reality today. and it probably will not be the reality for many years. the superintendent opened up with the statement abousuperint with the statement about state budget. it is very dismal. we're doing the best that we can here. but we are -- we are committed to protecting the education of students during the school day and so, we are forced to -- to eliminate some of our transportation gradually. we know it will have an impact on our families, great impact. i think it is a very good suggestion that we meet with
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m.t. and ask them to help us. i respectnie request that we have this -- respectfully request that we have this item held at the select committee with the board you remembers m.t.a. to work collaboratively with us to get our students to school in a timely manner and in a safe manner also. i am going to ask the families of the public schools to be patient with us. if you feel the same outrain that we do, then we need to -- we need to really voice it in sacramento. once again, we are -- we are faced with hard, hard budget cuts. again, i mention that as a board we're committed to protecting the vital services and the quality education at all of our schools. >> thank you. >> commissioner maufas. commissioner yee? commissioner yee: during our
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budget cosm mittity, we heard the report -- budget committee, we heard the report out from the state government in terms of the projection for the next few years, it is terrible. it is worse than we thought. it is -- it is just not transportation that has been tick -- taking a cut but almost every aspect of our district has been dealing with this for the last two years or more actually. so this is something where we're not going to do away with all transportation, but we have to look at -- how we could trim it with the least amount of damage to our students right now. i think that's where we're at. i'm happy that when we had this discussion several years ago, the way we were going to do the cutting was much more with a -- much more severe and with a hajj
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et approach. i think what -- with the concept that -- the framework we put forth, it is going to help us. we do a review on it, it is going to help us understand and help the public understand why we're doing this and how we're doing this. again, like commissioner fureks have patience with the district and the board. we really don't want to be doing this. but at the same time, if we don't do this, then we're talking about other things we have to cut. whether it is teachers or administrators or whatever it is that we been cutting for the last few years. so -- i'm also glad to see, although i was a little lukewarm with -- with one of the policies or -- statements here. i'm glad that it is in this anyways in terms of -- taking into consideration some of the transportation for after school
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programs. again as we look at the after-school programs, hopefully we will look at whether they're for-profit type of after school programs or not. one last thing, up for commissioner fewer, your select committee. if you bring this back, i probably won't go to that meeting but it doesn't seem like it would cost the district -- i mean, the -- the -- the public transportation that much more if you allow students during -- during the -- the time they go to school and durget time that they have to leave school tree transportation to the public school kids. many of the -- many of the students that can afford it, with the parents driving to school won't take public transportation anyway. to be frank. when you look at the costs. somebody should do a study of the real costs to the city if we
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give our public school kids transportation during -- going to school and going home from school. so that's by recommendation. if it doesn't cost the city that much, who knows? maybe we could -- all we need to do is for the school district, our public school district to provide every student of the public school card, card for a student from the public school. it shouldn't be that difficult. thank you commissioner maufas. >> thank you. i'll keep my comments brief. they have been along the same lines i've been talking with the city side for many years about what -- this is just in the context of the m.t.a. strand of the conversation regarding transportation. in -- a parent came here and mapped out what it would be for her child to go to school. i think there are many opportunities for familys to participate in this conversation. i think there are opportunities for -- from what i have heard
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and again this is very anecdotal and nobody said it publicly, but i know it exists, the commission for the m.t.a. drivers that are age out and they're looking for drivers as well. so as we know, we must decrease our transportation, i think there are opportunitys for our -- our families to participate with the city conversation, not just leave it -- the onus up to the board of education. you're citizens and members of this city and the citizenry and have as much as voice in that conversation about helping the m.t.a. figure out how to assist families get to the places they need to be in the city. if -- if school is one of those places, for students, then i think that -- that -- that is absolutely appropriate for our families to participate in that conversation and express their desires a and concerns. also i thought it was an opportunity for the para professionals to be on the buses, especially during the peak hours in the morning, but
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we may have more students riding in the morning and in the afternoon. i think that heaves -- opens up a conversation in regard to putting familiar face, faces familiar to families on certain bus routes. especially with younger children. i absolutely believe it is do-able. the idea that we wouldn't have put a young child on public transportation -- i see young kids riding safely on the public transportation in this city all the time. with -- definitely with the eyes and ears of other adults that are looking out for our young people riding to school, i think that's a do-able conversation and our family should participate. i love to see that partnership approach instead of -- i'm sorry, what i'm hearing a lot of is no, no, no. where are we going to get to this day? we're going to get to this day where unfortunately we have to cut our school transportation. we put it off and put it off and put it off.
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years. this is the next step and hopefully we could m this is the next step and hopefully we could move through the step together with our labor partners, but also with families in partnership. it is difficult, yes, but i know we could get through this and help the city help us. >> thank you. com -- commissioner wynns. >> i want to apologize for being late, i was at the governor-elect budget summit in los angeles and the weather made my plane return two hours late. it took me an hour and a half to drive here from the airport. and i appreciate that -- that a report was made from the com tithe my last night. i wanted to reiterate something that we talked about last night. that's that we don't actually know what the impact of this might be until some of the other things that are coming online actually occur. so, the first thing is that the new student assignment process,
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we hope and -- think will result in fewer poem having to go longer distances to school. especially elementary school kids. i'm hoping and trusting that we are going to be able to really pay attention to helping people get through this as those -- that information is known about who is getting into what schools and what the -- what the transportation changes might be. but i also have to agree that this is something that we just have to do. we have to do this because it is -- it is absolutely not affordable in the current situation and maybe always was not the best use of our resources to spend this much on transportation. i'm glad we got here and the process is deliberative and careful and too long. now this is a step that we have to take. >> thank you. so, i just want to make a couple
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of brief comments. to understand that this conversation started as the transportation piece that actually fell under the student assignment piece and a lot of decisions that have been made around how we're going to structure student assignment has always taken transportation into account. we have heard you know, closer to home, so perhaps closer to home will help us to phase this in and eliminate the transportation issues that we had. i also wanted to piggyback on the -- the goal of afterschool for all. the idea that the school district would love to be able to have on-site after school for all students. that's a goal. i want to note the special ed dation piece. we want to be able to maximize our buses. and when we're not allowing siblings to sit on the bus with the special education students, that i think is not a good policy for us to have. we're looking to push to make sure that -- that shared buses can happen. with that, roll call, please?
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>> seale fewer. yes. maufas. yes. mendoza yes. norton, wynns. aye. yee aye. kim yes. six ayes. >> thank you to vice president mendoza for sharing the beginning of the meeting. i unfortunately had a conflict so i'm here late to our final board meeting of 2010. i'm sure i'll be here. just not sitting here. so we have -- we have another -- [laughter] i'm going to come from public comment. so we have another item under superintendent's proposals. this is 101-nsb 1, this
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authorization to grant or deny the school beat pe tigs for a new charter school. this has been moved and seconded on november 9th. may we have a report from curriculum and budget. commissioner fewer. the curriculum program committee from the board of education heard this item yesterday. they passed it on to the full board with a negative recommendation. if you'll note in the -- in the report from miss richards, it was decided -- she site -- cited many insush -- insufficiencys in their petition. >> at tthe budget committee, th commit triis sending this for the negative recommendation for the board. this were in the presentation of the petition -- there were many, many unanswered question bts
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budget and in particular, there were issues about the teacher's salary and -- it looks like it would be equivalent to our district's teacher's salary. houves i believe there were additional -- however, i believe there were 38 days they work for the same salary. so, that was just one example. thank you. >> may we have a reading the resolution by miss richards? >> good evening, commissioners. my name is sue. district staff, my name is mary richards. i'm executive director in lead with focus on high school, support and charter school oversight. i with the permission of the board will read. i submitted a copy to miss casco and i submitted to members of the board, it is a green stapled sheet in addition to the pact that you have that has the
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original resolution, the completed matrix for review and the complete final report of factual findings from the staff. so, at this time i request that i be -- i could read the amended language into the record of the resolution. thank you. superintendent's recommendation regarding c-5 international school. 1011-9 fp 1 authorization to deny c-5 international schools petition for a new charter, whereas the international school submitted a petition for the international school new charter school on november 1st, 2010. and whereas, the c-5 international school is requesting that the board of education make a final decision regarding the charter by january 1st, 2 -- 2011, pursuant to the recently minded time hein for a proposition 39, offer of facilities. a new charter school would need
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to be approved by that date in order for sfusd to meet the february 1st deadline for preliminary offers. whereas, the san francisco -- the san francisco unified school district staff has complete the review of the c-5 international school petition and submitted its final report and recommend days entitled staff written factual findings regarding the c-5 international school charter petition to the board of education. next two paragraphs are stricken. therefore, be it re106ed that the board of education here by adopts the findings of fact set forth in the staff written factual findings regarding the c-5 school charter petition dated september 14rks2010. be it further resolved that the board of education here by finds that the charter school presents an unsigned -- unsound program for the pupils to be enrolled in the charter school. the petitioners are dem
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strobbably unlikely to implement what set forth in the petition and the petition does not contain reasonably comprehensive editions of the program and operationings as required by the education of code. be it further resolved that the board of education here by denies the charter school's petition. i have a comb of -- couple of notes that i wanted to highlight and then i will be available for any questions. in your pact, and it is again at the bottom of the original resolution, i wanted to note the process for review that this was referred based on first resolution and public hearing on november 9th. to the curriculum and budget committees. the second part of the process is -- it was taken up at the budget and business services and we got a report on 11-29-10, november 29th, 2010.
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