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tv   [untitled]    January 3, 2011 10:30am-11:00am PDT

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subordinates, i have all come together. and one of your earlier directives, this led to a sign the accord nader's, and this actually worked out to be well -- to the basics for a lot of what we do right now. i did want to ask the people who were here if they wanted to add on to anything. the departments -- if they saw things that were mentioned that were not mentioned that or an asset to the city. -- that were an asset to the city. >> the mayor did a great job of walking through the things, and one of these was the elevation of the council. the cross sector communication, this has made my life and the work that we do much much easier because of the council. and i want to thank you for
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that. the embrace of the entire government, the response and the preparedness has been amazing. this is something that the cities should pay attention to. and the many different committees, the different aspects of disaster, if you take red cross office, this has been made to be fantastic. we know what is going on because of the engagement from the department of emergency management. and you have the best fire chief on the planet. there is the public health department and we did a lot of collaboration during the flu scare, and the people that you have working there have been amazing. and human services agency, they just make our life so easy as we figure out how to take care of things. the partnerships have been amazing.
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i want to thank you for providing great leadership. >> this is an obvious segue, now that you mentioned this. she was very helpful. we're trying to find someone to replace her. there is the temptation, where we go to somebody with a cigar, or name some general as the leader. and this is not wrong, but this is not always right. and it occurred to me, we are so blessed, with the fire chief and the police department, with all the work that is done here. the public safety people are incredibly organized. we thought about health and human services. and when there is a major disaster, this is the health that i am word about. this is the shelter that is in place, and these concerns about
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distribution. resources. and this was very helpful identifying some one that fits the bill. and so, we have very proudly offered -- we have accepted anne cronenberg. she could not be here today but she will appreciate all of those who have applauded her. so reach out to those of you who did not. and, she will be taking the job. she did a lot of work in the early '90s. she had a wonderful reza may then i had not seen in 20 years. this is the right person. at first, i was not certain, to
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make certain that this was the right thing. i am very pleased about this. they were working with all those people out east. we are looking forward to hold first in the country. the recovery plan. we started to go back to the health side, and go back to the human services side. we go to the cigar, in general. we just think that she is going to be fantastic. you are wonderful in terms of your enthusiasm. i had to mention this. >> this is very appropriate.
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this is the day to highlight some of the things that the court has been able to do. we were partnering on a number of projects, the security grant funding for the state and federal level. this is one of the biggest things that we have done, what people see with the infrastructure. this is the most challenging. there is the training, identify the people to fill in with the emergency operations center, the exercises that we do and the planning. they made great plans, and then they will sit on the shelf and gather dust. we have been exercising improvements and this is a continuing cycle. and we appreciate the operation plan, the assistance that we have and we are partnering on
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the continuity plan, not just for the report but also across the other courts in the area. thank you. >> my staff can talk to quite a bit on this. one thing, we're also in charge of the 911 emergency services. this is a big part of what we do. the deputy director in charge of emergency communications, i want to thank her for all of her help, and the chief financial officer, and the person i really depend on, in the other divisions. he could not be here today. but i was wanting to thank him as well. thank you.
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>> most of the other cities emphasize a faster response. all the funding and the grants have allowed us to open a new category that people have not had the time to touch. the newness of this is there. i also think that when we talk about the disaster, everyone is very negative. the recovery is actually, this is giving the hope that everyone will be there. everybody has to roll to advance the recovery. and then you talk about this, this is a great advance for san francisco. with your leadership, we're hoping to begin a dialogue on recovery. this is helping us come together and figure out what we need to do to mitigate, and make the recovery.
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this is one of the things that we have done in this disaster council. we are trying to do a lot more because of this. this is very exciting to look at this level. i do not know if anyone knows this, this is one of the principal players in an emergency planning. the continuity will continue with a lot of the work that we are doing. maybe we will be able to extend this the last -- the rest of the state. >> this is not my department. >> i would have done this differently. >> there was not an earthquake.
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but as a nation, hurricane katrina, one of the lessons that we learned was how poorly prepared most parts of the country are to work with people with disabilities. this was responding to this, and recovering this. they were doing this in every area of the work. and i just have been so impressed with their support, hybridizing people with disabilities, and funding the people with disabilities in the office. we have gone from having three accessible people -- accessible services, and we have gone from the siren system, people who
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have been desperately hard of hearing, people did not know the hurricane was coming into the water. this is accessible for people. we have identified the triple liabilities -- with the finding that they have provided. the vulnerable buildings, and the vulnerable populations of people with disabilities in the area. there has been a huge amount of work that is happening under the leadership here i want to thank you. we have a lot of people coming here after hurricane katrina. we all have to come together and
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so many different agencies come in, and they will connect to the data base together. and we have all these different private partners. we are trying to set things up at st. mary's. as if this was a project can act. we have the intake process, and we knew how to deliberately organized. and this is an important discipline. this is almost an exercise in and of itself. >> i would like to say that under your watch, what has been impressive is the emphasis on activating the service center. they have been invaluable, and indispensable. i think that this will play on having people compare themselves beyond 72 hours. this makes us more confident in the ability to weather whatever
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happens as long as we're able to take on the town, and the quality of activating, in a gratitude kind of way, and organized response by the citizenry, and this is something that you could be very proud of. >> going back to what he said about the intake process, they are really focusing on logistics'. doing purchasing supplies. the training has reflected the response, taking into getting the purchasers, and other logistical people, involved in reacting to an earthquake or a tsunami or other disaster. >> we had so much money to
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spend, at the beginning. we're trying to get the equipment here, and i'm wanting to thank you for putting this in place. yahoo! >> when we got all of this driving down, the question is, if you were spending this. we have the process, to spend money. and not everyone in that sector of the economy necessarily represented at the valley is. and we had to figure out some ways in a strategic way to organize and get all the equipment purchased. and in the money would disappear. >> go ahead.
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>> since everyone is saying thank you, i would like to offer my thanks for the efforts and shepherding these contracts, and this is a system where you can employ these workers. i help the most of the received that call. this was for the closure of the bridge, perhaps one year ago. this system is a very important to us. and thank you for helping us to get this contract. we did do a crosswalk, of the categories. they're working with the departments for the doubling skills and training information. this may be uploaded into this course, and we will utilize another level of efficiency, for
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these employees. this is a real achievement for the city. and the emergency volunteer center plans are coming through. we're trying to find more efficiencies every day. we cannot have done this without this. >> one thing i take away from this is how we started out with the emergency management being our problem. this is the first responders. this is part of every department, in terms of what we do every day. this is part of the everyday culture. this is one of the most important things to take away, from hearing what everyone has to say today. thank you all, very much.
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>> good afternoon. i am the assistant deputy chief of the fire department, and i would like to say, as a veteran of the fire department for 22 years, with nine years in the police department, i have seen the face of disaster preparedness change dramatically. i have this with the other department agencies, we have been able to enhance the level of response and readiness. prior to this, we were basically on our own. we were going to take the lead and we are not going to work with anybody. this is how everything was.
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>> i have seen things change dramatically. are like to thank you, mr. mayor. congratulations. >> i would like to thank everyone. >> i've been exposed and emergency response through fires in my neighborhood. one of the things that keeps us up is that we have to rely on you to deliver services when things got wrong. we do wake up at night wondering
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what could happen. everything you are doing is so important. vicki, thank you for what you have done. she had a list of things she promised to deliver to me and she continued to check of all the things. i would like to thank you for your attention to details. you will be missed. we all have worked closely with her. that is very exciting. >> i did want to tell you that my last day will be january 7th. i will be visiting every once in
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awhile. i thought that you might want to know that. is anything else? we have two of our scholars. i would like to thank both of you, but you come to every meeting. isn't -- is there any public comment at this time? >> seeing none, i think that we can adjourn. >> thank you very much. [applause]
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>> i think it ae's public and private property. i'm against graffiti. >> who can get it out the most who can be noticed the most. >> i i've seen seniors doing graffiti. >> the city is art, other people who have their names tag -- >> [inaudible] our unit there are 2 sections we are doing one is abating and others are notice of violation to private property. all the utility boxes in public right-of-way we abate.
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>> we abate calls that come within 48 hours. >> we are a small group in g f graffiti. we don't have enough help. >> i have a group in town down and china town and the north tunnel. [inaudible] the graffiti we abate everything is coming up to the areas now. >> i'm willing to take it on. i think -- >> you are telling me you are ready for this? >> i think so. >> okay. >> there you go. >> all right. >> all right. >> ready to do it. let's go. >> want to get the gray signses this over here and the garbage can and normally we don't do private property since it's on
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the corridor route you can come with me we will use black. >> we had a lot of changes in the graffiti unit. we do private property if someone moved we remove it and send it to the attorney's office and they take appropriate action. >> damage their property there. it's important to write the color in case they want to say what part of our house you abated the graffiti on. >> using your safety glasses the gloves. >> you got it. >> you know some places we gashi, people appreciate that. you know, a lot of timeses they
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say, thank you. >> the time where it's visible. a lot of people put it on the ground. >> i like when tourists come and say, you do this for your city and you get paid for that? >> we use the [inaudible] for the holes and the retaining walls. [inaudible]. white on the fire hydrants. fire box red for the fire boxes. our brown for the pg and e poles. >> we are not painters we do
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our best. >> i'm assuming it has to do with gang activity. >> if it's territorial i mind. >> in case it's gang related and they are marking our territory i would like to paint it over. >> anything with numbers like x iv or x 13 west side mob and the bay view those are gang related. with gang related or profanity we will abait it as soon as possible. >> i consider it an art. there are circles of people that form around it whether or not they should ruin public property. >> this is art work i'm for it. unless it's on someone's property and they don't want it
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there. judge kids with silver paint expressing their ego needs doesn't belong on our property. >> graffiti is when you don't have permission to write anything on their property. >> eighth street is part of your regular rout? >> yes. >> everyday. >> eighth street. divisidero street. irving street. every block they going through they paint 3 or 4 streets in the block the poles the utility boxes, mailbox. >> thank you. >> okay. >> put the drop cloth. come on around. >> there you go. force for we have to remember we
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are not painters we abate graffiti. we are abaters not painters. get that out of the way and keep moving. >> how many of these do you do a day? how many poles we do a day? >> yeah. >> depends on the location. may be 20. >> do you like working with the team? >> yes because i'm a people person. i like being outside and interacting with the public and i like the response we get especially from the good job we do in the community. >> goodbye.
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