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tv   [untitled]    January 6, 2011 12:30pm-1:00pm PDT

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for your service, and i feel lucky to have senior here today and be able to express that, so thank you very much, and good luck. i also want to let you know that i'm supportive of leslie katz in all of her public service. i think she would be a wonderful complement for commissioner, at -- to the current four commissioners, and particularly at this crucial time, we need someone with that experience and with the ability to negotiate and understand public service, private sector coming together for such a big event, but there is a theme, for me, that means true with lesley, as it also has done for the other appointments that i'm here to support today.
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mr. courtney, ms. bridges, and ms. katz has an incredible an uncanny ability to reach across the boundaries of political spectrum, community spectrum and engage in the discussion in the argument in the conversation, and that is why i'm here standing before you to support her. i wanted to let you know that i'm in support of her nomination. thank you very much. supervisor campos: 9 you, commissioner. next speaker please. >> good afternoon, commissioners. i've been a resident of san francisco for 55 years, and for 24 of those years, i've been a supervising deputy attorney general. i've done litigation, appeared before many boards and commissions. i know lesley professionally and personally, and i have to give you full disclosure -- she is my
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daughter-in-law. there are probably not very many mother-in-law's who would come before you advocating for her daughter-in-law, which shows what a quality person you have before you, and i volunteered for this. leslie is a fantastic person, the most competent professional person i know. there is a running joke in our family. anytime anybody need something done, call lesley, and she gets it done. you have heard from her, and i've heard from you. she's enormously devoted to public service. she's worked tirelessly in all kinds of things with no compensation at all. she loves san francisco, and i know she wants to do everything possible to help san francisco. on a personal level, she is just a wonderful person, would be fantastic to work with. she is very collegial, very easy to get along with, and i would enthusiastically add my voice to
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all of you who supported her nomination. supervisor campos: thank you. is there any other member of the public who would like to speak? yes. >> sue hester. may 1, there were three seats open on the port commission. the mayor did not do anything with them for an awfully long time. then one commissioner moved on to i believe the fire commission, and after he had been confirmed, the president of the board commission was surprisingly moved to the planning commission. that shocked everybody. we have had these rolling vacancies. this is the last appointment made by the mayor on this very powerful, extraordinarily important commission. at the beginning of this hearing, you said you were
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going to defer making a lot of decisions. this nomination was made the first of december. this hearing was notified thursday. for today. no one knows about it. you have to be really obsessive to find out about a hearing over a holiday weekend. i really think that's a port commission, given its magnitude -- there should be a little bit more thought given to it so that people can have a chance to really raise issues, and you can ask the full range of questions. i do not see why this has to be voted on tomorrow. that is my point. thank you. supervisor campos: thank you. is there any other member of the public who would like to speak? seeing none, public comment is closed. colleagues? supervisor alioto-pier: i would
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like to make a motion to send this forward to the full board as a committee report with approval. supervisor campos: we take that without objection. thank you. madam clerk, is there any other business before the committee? >> no, mr. chair. supervisor campos: thank you very much. the meeting is adjourned.
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chairman ford: good morning, i would like to call to order the meeting of the transbay joint powers authority december 9 meeting of the board of directors. madam secretary, please call the roll.
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>> mr. chairman, you have a quorum. chairman ford: let's work our way through the agenda. >> note communications. chairman ford: let's go to the next item. >> new and old business. chairman ford: any new or old business? director daily? director daly: just because of the timing of this, i wanted to mention some of the things happening with child-care, specifically in the plans and programs committee. there does seem to be serious
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movement there to figure out this issue. i know our staff and this board has discussed this item previously, and i have taken a look, and it seems to me, in terms of goals of building a complete neighborhood, obviously, the best transit serves neighborhoods, but also includes things like child care. i think there is no disagreement on that point. where there may be conflict is how to get that done. i think, what i would like to ask the board is to basically work with staff, members of the transportation authority, as i am still a member of both agencies for a few weeks. i am willing to take a stab at
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trying to figure out a way to move forward and deliver child care, share the burden fairly, in terms of making that happen. i think, perhaps, we can consider looking at some space that we may have access as perhaps our contribution, perhaps, the transportation authority, if they're interested, can figure out if there is money, where appropriate, to spend on that sort of thing. of course, the city's child programs does have some capital dollars, on going, supplemental dollars for operations, subsidies. i just wanted to bring that up because it was not on the agenda. chairman ford: also, in the same vein, director daly, i
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understand the board of supervisors has passed an ordinance related to local hiring. i would like to see at subsequent meeting, discussion and staff on what impact, if any, it has on the tjpa, in terms of the work that we're doing. i would also ask that we get a full briefing as it relates to small and local business participation. i think it would be important for the public to see what kinds of activities have occurred in that regard to ensure we have small and local business participation, in terms of programs and projects. i think you may be addressing the issue regarding bathrooms in the temporary terminal in your agenda, so that is also covered. i think that closes any new and old business. we can go to the next agenda item. >> item 5 is the executive
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director's report. >> good morning, everyone. since our last meeting in november, as you know, we have achieved a number of other milestones. we started demolition of the front of the transbay building. many of you may have seen that on television. we also received the first $25 million in aero funding. in addition, you may have heard this and this is the board of supervisors passed a unanimous resolution of necessity to allow certain properties to construct the project. i would like to thank the san francisco board of supervisors for their work. we have 86 items -- in agreement with the state historic preservation organization -- to preserve such items and then provide them to museums.
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the department of transportation in oakland will also be using them as interpretive exhibits. you will be seeing some of the pictures later. with respect to the transit building, we expect tell the court palais to issue as a document on december 20. that will begin the review and common process, and it will take approximately 13 weeks, as agreed on by everyone. we also, as you know, issued a request for design proposals for the design and build glazing package. all bidders attended a fee proposal conference on the 18th. the initial design proposals are due tomorrow december 10. then we will have a series of meetings with the proposal is in january to make sure they meet our design our design criteria and intent. after that, the ones that meet the intent and criteria will be
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asked to submit formal bids. in terms of the bus transit, we were given a presentation a time ago. the bus transit line team is updating the designs, and we should have more on that next year. on the rail component of the program, on november 5, we issued a design variants request for variations to the california high speed rorail authority. they have to approve these requests before implementing certain portions of the design element. we have also continued coordination with high-speed rail, caltrain, and we are also coordinating with the san francisco county transportation authority to see where we can get some collaboration. directors, you mentioned a presentation on sbdbe.'we are prep
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we are prepared to present that today. first, i will invite nancy to give you the funding of state. >> good morning. not too much of an uptick since last time we met, other than we are working on aerial and -- on a rail grant. the other of things we are doing is related to your core mission of our founding partners at mtc and ta in san mateo county to get our acquisitions through. we are also discussing the possibility of looking into the state's grants for parks which might be applicable to the rooftop park or other small parts in the area. those are due in the spring. we are looking at whether or not that seemed to fit our needs. >> now i would like to have
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sarah present our financial quarterly reports. she will also give a presentation on small business participation. chairman ford: good morning. >> good morning. you have before your standard quarterly financial reports. they show budget to actual status of contract and our investment. today's report goes through september 30. all of our expenditures and revenues are within budget. procurement activities are included in these plans. i wanted to note, on the contract status report, you see our cbe goal for fiscal year it 2009, 2010 was 24.5%. we actually awarded 25.3%. 36% for sbde.
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i also wanted to address director ford's inquiries. we are at 20% both awarded and paid to dbe's and sbe's. so far, through september 30 we have paid $4.8 million to those businesses. we have 45 prime contractors total. four are the e, f three r l v. we have 154 subcontractors, 34 are dbe, 29 are sbe, and 42 are lbe. i can break that down for you by cities as well if you like. goals. every year we have met, we have
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come in or exceeded our dbe goal each year. some of our highlights contract- wide, financial-services contract has a dbe prime at 55%. our commission agent is at 100% for dissipation. there is an sbe prime on that contract. this was our second contract with them. on their first contract, they had participation at around 49%. right now, they are at 62% on their second contract. with our parsons agreement on dtx design, 20% dbe and sbe participation. they have 10 lbe's.
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although we are not tracking local participation, i know they are an issue of concern. there are 10 on the program. the temporary terminals have -- to focus on that for a moment -- they had female dbe, lbe, and two department of california sbe's. the construction management, as you know, we have day dbe lbe prime, so that is a 90%. the construction, which is not quite complete, so far at 29% with asian-pacific dbe lbe on the construction as well. we have awarded two trade packages for the cmgc contract.
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both are one of the% dbe. the utility package has a female lbe crime as well as five other lbe's for a $4.7 million contract. today on your agenda, you have two more utility relocation packets. both are 100% lbe. it is the same pride in both cases, dgs certified, and both contracts have two female dbe lbe's, another california sbg, and minority. the green wall packets you have awarded are lbe prime and four other lbe, including one black, one asian, and another.
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site logistics packages that are out for procurements now are also set aside for 100% sbe. there is another utility relocation package issued for bid today that is also 100% sbe. in terms of of reach, we have attended dozens of offense. -- events. i have presented personally at both the business outreach committee, networking events that have been held this past year. we are having pre-bid meetings for every package. we have had 141 attendees, just on the site logistics and utility relocation pre-bid. for the bsb pre-bid, we had 190 attendees. we made that demand ta mandatory
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requirement. we put all of our plans to run the bay area. they are available at no charge for sbe's and dbe's to look at. as i mentioned, we did some on mumbling with the -- unbubdling. chairman ford: thank you for that. what i would like is for the executive director, can you summarize that in a memo to the board? get all of those statistics and numbers in one written documents so we can take another look at it. clearly, both you and the executive director realize there has been a lot of discussion regarding sbe dbe lbe participation on this project. we just want to make sure
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everyone has the actual information as to what is occurring, versus what appears to be occurring in some people's minds. thank you. >> now i would like to have webcor give the sbe update. >> good morning. i will go over some of the statistics that sir just mentioned. what i wanted to start off with is talking about our overall business initiative for the last eight months. our goal has been to obtain as much sbe participation as possible in these early packages. our strategy has been two fold, unbudling the packages and then going after aggressive sbe goals. a lot of these packages were going after 100%. as you will see in the upcoming
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weeks and months with site and logistic packages as well. we are continuing to hold pre- bid meetings and workshops. we have had a package meetings with 70 attendees to date. we are continuing extended our reach with our partners at the bayview. additional external of dense, we continue to participate with the business out rich community, -- out reach community, various events, and recently as of this october, we were part of the mega construction events. we were awarded two contracts, both 100% sbe totaling $5.6 million. we had a busy month of november. on november 12 we had been openings for 4.3 and 4.4, both
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going to sbe, and both are awaiting your approval today. we also had a bid for the budget excavation package. that is also before you today on the regular calendar for approval in terms of additional activities through the month of november and on going through december, we continue with our pre-bid meetings for the various packages you see. also, there is a correction on the upcoming bid openings for 4.1 and 4.2. that is happening tomorrow and will be before you for approval. >> now i would like to have steve from turner give our monthly construction update. >> good morning. turner construction. another great month. work getting done on the
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demolition contract, something to celebrate. over 20,000 craft hours without incident out there doing have a demolition. we think there are a abnegate trend. we continue to salvage work. we continue the existing terminal building abatement. a couple of small issues there but we are getting past those. we completed the demolition across first street, the overpass, so that is all done before the holiday moratorium took place on the streets. as the executive director pointed out, we had a successful start to the central terminal building demolition last friday. on the utility relocation package work, we got started in early november. we are starting this to which
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work now on first street. 301 mission, we had our pre- construction meeting. that work will begin on january 3. a reminder about demolition phasing. we are well into the pink and into the blue. the only remaining work we have not gotten to yet is the orange ramps going out to the freeway. update on utility packages. 4.1 is the package that was previously approved and underway. 4.3 and 4.4 will start work shortly after your approval today. some photographs. the salvage operation was mentioned before. we continued work on the first street overpass. that was three consecutive saturday closures to get that
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work done, even into the evening. there is the underside of the overpass, getting ready for work. the utility work began with investigative pot calling -- holing, manhole excavation on first street fo. there we started to take down the central terminal. happy to report, with those over 20,000 hours of work, 20,500 craft hours, at last report, 19,000 had been completed by local bay area labor. 93.2% of total crap hourcraft h.
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just a time when we are continuing on. recycling will begin after the first of the year. we will be finishing up the basement between beale street and freemont. then we can begin pilot removal. the next phase would be the buttressed shorn wall. there is a timeline for the utility. in november, utility work again. now they are into the minute street. next month, all that will continue. if there are any questions. chairman ford: 1 question. in terms of local hiring -- can get that broken down by county? >> yes, i can provide that
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information right now, if you would like. we broke it down into the nine bay area counties. alameda county making up 39%. contra costa, 19%. marin, napa, under 1%. san francisco, a 11%. san mateo, 7.3%. santa clara, 10%. solano, a 11%. sonoma, 0%. we can do that in the future as well. >> thank you. now, directors, i would like to have the public out rich conducted by courtney. she will also address the temper terminal. -- temporary terminal. >> good morning, directors.