tv [untitled] January 7, 2011 3:30am-4:00am PST
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officials with courtesy and dignity, setting an example of how government can operate successfully in respectfully, led now be resolved that the members of the board of supervisors for the city and county of superbug -- san francisco on behalf of the employees and others of the city do hereby gratefully recognizes supervisor michela alioto-pier, and we wish you the greatest success in your future endeavors. thank you for everything. [applause] >> thank you, michela. supervisor alioto-pier: thank you.
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let me start by thanking the president of the board, david chiu. i want to thank my colleagues, including some that sat on the board a few years ago, mcgoldrick, peskins, sandoval, gonzales. i know i am for getting a number of them. but the people that i really want to thank are the citizens of district two. it has been an honor and distinction to represent them. i would like to think mayer brown for appointing me to the port commission, mayor newsom for pointing me to the board of supervisors. it was the position that i never sought and won the i was frankly surprised to receive. i would like to thank my staff over the years, including stefanie and bill. they have been fabulous, and i would like to thank my
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my husband tom, my parents, my brothers, sisters, and my huge family, who without their love, affection and support, this would be a tough job, but it has been a true honor and distinction to serve the city and county of san francisco. i thank you for the experience, and i look forward to the future. [applause] >> soua riser elsbernd -- supervisor elsbernd? supervisor elsbernd: i just want to thank you for being such a great friend, being someone who has provided such tremendous council, here in this chamber and as someone who is a little viewer, you have been fantastic
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in that regard, and especially what i will miss beyond your friendship and counsel and integrity, when the time got a little tense, nothing brought me as much joy as whispering something in your ear to get you to laugh really hard and obnoxiously, and that was a lot of fun, and i am going to miss that, but you have been a great friend, and your contribution to this city will absolutely continue. >> thank you. many things have been said about the things you have worked on, but i will miss your laughter. it was the one thing before the meeting started triggered we could all -- always count on a big laugh from you, but more than that, i will miss your tenacity and your fiery
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speeches. we could always count on you to deliver what you felt in your heart, and you were never afraid to say it, for the many young women who are out there, you really are a model, so i want to say thank you for that. and thank you for your service. >> i am definitely going to miss, and i have appreciated being able to have nonverbal communication. i think you are a woman of courage. any woman can look at you and say, this is what i am going to do, no matter what, so you are certainly a role model and someone a lot of us can emulate. thank you for being who you are and for having and courage to do
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that. supervisor campos: shocking as it may seem, we have not always agreed on the issues that come before this board. often we find ourselves on the same side of the vote, but i do respect and admirer of the fact of when you do something you are passionate about it. there is something about latin culture with that passionate connection, and i respect and appreciate the sincerity and the force with which you abdicate -- advocate the positions you have, and i will miss that. i wish you and your family the very best. supervisor mirkarimi: i want to
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thank you for your greece and for -- grace and for being a spirited partner in debate when the issue truly matters. it is clear we do not always agree. that is why we strive for our best to put forward the best analysis we possibly can, and i want to thank you for carrying on the tradition. supervisor avalos: congratulations on serving for district 3. you and i did not always agree on a lot of things, but i actually admire your work and respect you and your opinions, your presentation of your ideas and york issues. i know that came from your heart, and this is a difficult
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job, and i think you have weathered its very well, and i look forward to seeing what you do next, and on behalf of all your work, congratulations on your job. >> i want to thank you for your friendship, and i am the best best buddy you can ask for. i know you are going to be around serving the city for many more years, but it has been a pleasure. thank you very much. >> our next supervisor we are going to honor, and each of these resolutions are truly unique in terms of impact, but it is to our colleague in district 6, supervisor daly. whereas supervisor daly served
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for 10 years, first elected in 2000 and with the extinction of being elected twice more, where a supervisor daly was a community organizer, continuing his activism. he represents the versa constituents, including homeless people, immigrants, and low income families. whereas supervisor daly was never afraid to challenge the status quo to improve the lives of everyday people, housing advocacy and transit just as coalitions to strengthen the progressive movement of san francisco. whereas he was an effective legislator passing almost 400 resolution sent 12 amendments. including single occupancy hotels, building a school in the
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park south of market, preserving a 365 print unit controlled plaza, creating the civilization fund, pushing back against the conversion of rental units, prioritizing the city's surplus properties and affordable housing sites and securing millions of dollars from the budget for affordable housing. whereas supervisor daly served in several regional bodies including air quality management district, the metropolitan transportation commission, and the joint policy council to advocate improved air quality, public transit, and affordable housing, and whereas during his term he was equally committed to being a loving husband to sarah daily end a committed father. let it be resolved that the board of supervisors recognizes
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supervisor chris daly for serving the city with the utmost talent, intellect, and passion. congratulations. [applause] >> thank you very much. i am not sure all of my colleagues read it before they signed it. we will see how the vote goes. i was not exactly prepared to give a final speech like this, because i do not feel done yet.
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in case you are one that comes to watch these deliberations, you will see me pacing back and forth, and i have been doing some of that today, and i am not just talking about the unfinished business of appointing a successor mayor to san francisco, and i should change that to saying we are not yet done, but in 2000, 10 years ago when sophie and i and the others arrived here at the board of supervisors, san francisco politics was very different, and despite some of the detractors who write columns in some of the newspapers, the politics 10 years ago in this building was much worse than you can even
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imagine and much worse than i could offer from the board of supervisors. there was not a debate that included all segments of san francisco. entire swaths of the city were cut out. it was nice to hear from commission people come and talk and have a few of us listening to what he had to say, because tanner 15 years ago, that is not how it went down. the votes were called in. they were done before the meeting started. he is nodding his head because he was here. it did not matter, and in the last 10 years, we have opened
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the doors to city hall to homeless people and poor people, folks in the residential hotels, and immigrants, and young people, seniors, and renters who were shut out. i remember when i was an activist and we would not on doors in the corridor. they would lock the doors so you could not even get into the office. that culture has changed. it has not just been me. many more are community stakeholders. i would be remiss if i did not they -- thank people who have been with me along the way.
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let me thank yomy parents, who have taught me unconventional love -- unconditional love. they were in the trenches, and there were battles, but i think i got unconditional love when i realized it was my dad cleaning the toilets in the campaign office every morning at 5:00 a.m., because it was nasty, and i think that taught me unconditional love and what it meant to be a truly great father. my wife has endured more than
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any human being should have to endure, not even from me, but from others, and i love her so much and could not have made it this far without her, and my kids can only watch this for a few minutes, so they are probably not watching. on an unrelated note, i know he has been here three out of four days. jacob and tony are working of there, but the folks who have really done the work here in city hall -- he has been with me for eight years. that is the equivalent of a for your life terms of legislative assistance -- of four life terms of legislative assistance.
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april and tom jackson, and i did not mention supervisor avalos, who has been for nearly four years in the district 6 supervisor office, but a short message to those of you in the progressive political copier in san francisco -- political camp in san francisco. there is honor in our political movement, and the honor is to focus on acting from a position of conscience, of knowing that we can be better as individuals but especially as a community
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and as a society and that poverty and racism and oppression and and sexism and homophobia -- that is not ok, and as long as people around us are suffering, we have work left to do. it is incumbent upon us not just to try to ease the suffering but to address through causes that it created in -- that have created those conditions in the first place. 10 years ago when i talked about affordable housing and why it was so important and is still important and there is still work to be done, i did it because i saw those who are
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living in squalid conditions. kids and infants laid out on the floor of a suitor it -- studio apartment in the mission district with no bathroom, infested with mice and cockroaches, bedbugs, in san francisco, calif.. if we allow that condition to exit and if we allow our neighbors and community to suffer the gun violence and the number of young men, many of them african american, who have been gunned down, while what we see here more often than not is
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folks trying to get an ideal -- a deal so they can build something or have some sort of contract, and that is fine. that is the business of the city, but to do that without the appreciation and resolved is to continue the business as usual that has created in justice, and that in justice cannot be allowed to continue, and four years ago at my last inaugural, i talked of a sale of two san franciscans. -- tale of two san franciscans. to the extent we do not
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continue of passion and fight against injustice is the extent we condone it and that we are a part of the problem. to my progressive colleagues, i call on you, and i charge you to continue your fight for the disadvantaged. not to alleviate suffering, but to change the conditions that create that suffering in the first place. i am not yet done, and that does not mean that i am running for any office, but i will be here. hopefully, i will be our resources at times.
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i can mix cocktails and serve some ground, and you are invited to join me after the board meeting in the hopes we can go there with our heads held high, proud of what we have been able to accomplish and even prouder of what we are going to do, because if we cannot fight injustice in san francisco, i am not sure there is a place in the united states of america that can. thank you. [applause] >> we wish you good luck. supervisor avalos: i have two bottles of champagne, and i think i am going to give them to
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you. i want to thank you for your service for the people of san francisco and congratulate you on surviving 10 years in a difficult place. i have learned -- i was your legislative aide for about four years and saw how much its war on you and really did not get a sense of what it was like -- how much it wore on you and did not get a sense of what it was like until i got here, and seeing how the establishment treats you, voicing those concerns is a lot to put up with, so i want to congratulate you on that. working with you and your
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current staff, i saw there are remarkable achievements you have made in san francisco for affordable housing, tenants' rights, making sure people have mailbox soon -- mail boxes and that their mail did not get lost. people had to be treated like human beings in places where people did not consider them human beings. that is where your legacy is really bringing things forward. certainly the budget we worked on together, working with you, we were able to establish the immigrant network. that has had are remarkable defense of immigrants in san francisco, not just in any one community buckner any ethnic group that comes from all over the world. that was something we work on
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together with community groups. your passion about being in able to work to develop your legislation is something i have taken with me to do my work on the board of supervisors, and that is something i take to heart, that we are only as good as the people we are serving, that we are only as good as the ideas from the community. that is something i will keep not too hard as i work on the board of supervisors in the years to come, so i want to congratulate you, and i will give you this champagne. it is chilled. the one i brought your office years ago was not stilled, but this one is, and i hope you enjoy. [applause]
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supervisor mar: i would like a glass of the champagne right now, and i look forward to celebrating for our colleague, chris daly. i do want to say i am going to miss being around office with april and, and chris. i felt like chris daley's office was a place where everyone could feel comfortable. people were about building a social movement that could change the city. chris mentioned he worked to change the political culture in the san francisco government, and that is the biggest legacy. changing the culture is empower into the first people but especially for people and community organizations. your legacy is helping people
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that struggle every day. i think the media missed what a great father and human being you are as well. you are a great dad, and i hope you have much more time with your family like others will as they leave the board. i also want to say that to me the most important contribution and is grass roots organizing was placed as a priority to what we do, and 20 years ago or maybe 18 or 19 years ago, we walked in together. i saw a young person with a tremendous fire in his belly and a huge heart, and i am thankful you serve the people of san francisco and will continue to do so. i look forward to working with you in the future.
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supervisor campos: thank you. today is a very interesting they. -- day. i have been on opposite sides of the campaign and on the same side, and one thing that is true regardless of what side you are on is that chris daly is a formidable person in what gov. role he is playing -- whatever role he is playing. i think of the government in terms of how it addresses the concerns of all people, and i often think about my parents, because as immigrants, i feel that often times government's white san francisco are not responsive to those needs and those concerns, and i think even
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though my parents lived in l.a. and do not live in san francisco, there are many people who have benefited tremendously from chris daly's advocacy, so on behalf of those people, i want to thank you, because you have given people who at times did not feel like they had a voice of voice. [speaking spanish] what i said was that on behalf of the latino community, i want to thank you for always being there for their concerns, and it is not just those communities.
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it is every benefit in san francisco that has benefited, and as an attorney and someone who really appreciates intellectual discourse, i always enjoy and appreciate having a discussion with chris daly and seeing chris daly in action at the board of supervisors, and i am amazed you are not an attorney. watch out, san francisco if chris daly becomes a member of the california bar. your tenacity is simply impressive, and i think we have yet to hear the last few things about chris daly. there is a lot more work that needs to be done, and on behalf of the progressive movement, i want to thank you for everything you have meant to that movement
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