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tv   [untitled]    January 11, 2011 2:30am-3:00am PST

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and elected in 2000 and reelected in 2002 and in 2006, one of our largest geographical district, and whereas supervisor maxwell plan to come -- to improve the quality of life through the city. is the feet 17 years in the making. it has resulted in a stronger program institutionalized in our government, whereas the engagement in the intricacies of contacting has benefited many small businesses, whereas as a senior states person, supervisor
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maxwell's bearing and respect for her colleagues has set a tremendous example, and whereas supervisor maxwell has created numerous have forced end bodies including the food security task force. whereas supervisor maxwell has represented the city well in her numerous appointments, whereas during her tenure, supervisor maxwell has worked to increase economic development opportunities and nurturing and of powering the most vulnerable residents while continuing to advocate for clean energy and children's health. what could be resolved that the members on behalf of our officers, employees, and citizens, do gratefully
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recognizes the contributions supervisor maxwell has made over the past 10 years to the welfare of our community, and we express our greatest appreciation to our highest quality of work, and we wish you the best for your future. congratulations. i would like to thank my staff. we could go on and on. i just want to thank all of you for being here. i would like to thank all the people in district 10. walking down the street, they
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support me. sometimes i was driving and i was feeling really proud about something and someone honked and said, smile, smile. they think that i have to drive down the street grinning. i would like to thank all of the citizens of san francisco. it has been an honor to serve as a public service. i called myself a public servant. i have believed in collective leadership and a lot of my constituents have been the leaders of many things and i brought forth the resources that i needed. i would like to thank them for their leadership and all they have done to make our city better. thank you. [applause]
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>> supervisor dufty. >> thank you. i would like to thank sophie for being a legislator and inspiration to me. she was undaunted. she was my boss. she forced straight ahead and did more than i thought was possible in her district. she will enjoy seeing the fruits
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of her work and the difficult work that she had to do and sheet was strong and phyllis. more -- she was strong and fearless. she offered me advice that i was not expecting. sometimes it was tough love, sometimes it was a totally different perspective. she might bring her background as an electoral engineer into the mix. i always wanted to hear what she had to say and she was an incredible colleague to me in his body. we traveled to israel to get there. we have shared a love of all things vegetarian. i really treasured every moment and i have to enjoy the scene you here. i will always see you here accomplishing great things and knowing that the best is yet to come. for a city that has struggled so vitally to have a more vibrant
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black community, also to reflect the diversity of district 10 and make everyone feel welcome. i think that you have been an architect of some many things that will come. >> thank you. it is an interesting feeling to come to this room every tuesday and to put it type of time and energy, physical and emotional into a job like this, and then come to 8 day when all of a sudden, this is it. i have had this conversation, we have talked about it earlier. it is a weird feeling to be
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leading this big beautiful room and more importantly, the job that we are honored to be able to do today here around these tables. it has made me think a lot about the conversations that have taken place, over the past six and a half years. one of the first was a hearing that you called was about children who were killed in gun violence. i believe that this was a precursor to -- law. this is a remembrance of what we have done here. it was one of those hearings that has really stayed with me.
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this is my first experience of mr. tan and at different this is from other parts of the city ought. -- of the city. this is a more complicated place to represent. the conversations we have had over the power plants have been heated. i don't think that it any of us will be able to leave without an accomplishment of that size. your the only woman on the board when i got here. frankly, that was and relief
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that someone understood and lot of different things that take place around city hall. i love you all. this is a male-dominated place and you can see it. when mayor news some -- when mayor newsome appointed carmen, and we were through the roof. i always look get you to see how you react to how i vote. i look like seeing you when we are outside in the real world doing some things. congratulations and all the best of luck. ha ha [applause]
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>> when you leave, i will be losing my compass. you are my compass in here when things get heated and i look over there and i can tell, i have crossed the line. i would love to play poker with you some day. beyond the benefit to me, you have educated me in so many ways and about a lot of the opinions and a lot of expenses have that or not something with which i was terribly familiar in the san francisco that i grew up in. i spent time in district 10 and not the time that you had. you opened my eyes to a lot of things and i'm very grateful to you for that. i am thankful for the demeanor
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with which he represented yourself. you truly stood up as someone -- you are an example of what a supervisor should strive to be. bilthank you. >> i don't know if you remember this the one of the first times that i had a long conversation with you, at the time i was fine me for a street. there is a very passionate and clear way in which you indicated to me on how important an agency was, something that really stuck
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with me, your level of commitment. this is something that i think about because this is the kind of supervisor that i want to be. this is something that has guided me and many of the things that i do. i would like to thank you. communities that are perhaps different from your own that i think that latino community and -- have a great deal of gratitude. we are indebted to you for many of the things you have done. i would like to thank you for
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that. i appreciate the sense of style and grace that you have presented. you provide a compass for the rate in which we do this job and reminding us that there is a way that we compassionately advocate for something. thank you very much. it has been honored to serve with you. [applause] >> i will also miss you. i wanted to thank you for the work that you did to support the chinese progressive association over the years and environmental justice struggles throughout the city. we have had our ups and downs and been pulled into different conflicts among chinese and
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african-americans over school coaches but what i've learned about you and working closer with you is that it is hard to replace the dignity that you brought. i hope that i could do similar work that you've done to continue at the mar mental justice and awareness and committee -- that you have done. who think you for your service to the people of san francisco. the [applause] >> it has been an honor an incredible experience to get to know you i met you probably 11 years ago. i knew about you when you are first running for supervisor in
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2000. your mother always likely until she found out that i was at coleman advocates and then she did not like me. i look at you and her legacy and your commitment to the district. this is a district that is incredible difficult to manage i cannot imagine how you represented a district where there are a million different neighborhood enclaves hon. this is part of district 10 and this is completely isolated from other parts of the district. that is have your district is cut apart and that leads to how difficult it is. this has been through your own personal struggle with environmental racism, environmental justice, with
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naturalization, how we have changed our economy in san francisco. now we are dealing with unemployment. when i came to you when i was running for supervisor in 2008, you asked me what my priorities were, and i mentioned jobs. you said that you really have to be taken by your constituents it in a different way and did not support me and i respected that. i thought that your own experience was really true. the more i've got to know you and working with you, there was no luxury in representing your district. every decision you have to make is closely based on concerns of real people and real tradeoffs in policy. none of the decisions have been easy.
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i expect many long years ahead of year ahead -- ahead of you. i wish you all of the best for you and your family. [applause] >> i appreciate the different influences. i just have to say the common thread at of the comments here are spa on because you are classy and we know that you are a warrior who is regal. we appreciate the tenacity with even the most common exterior, the way you have set your sights on getting critically important
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things done in your district and across the city. i appreciate the kinships that you and i have developed over the years. i know that you take an intimate interest in my son and how he is doing and i appreciate having those conversations with you. we represent distressed areas. we have been comrades in trying to figure it out. those have been very important discussions to me. and as trying to sort out something that looks very challenging, and this is renewal
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and urban development. >> i want to say a few things. thank you for being a wonderful seatmate. we have shared laughs and sometimes frustrations. i would like to thank you for your tremendous service to san francisco and also your district. there are many things you have accomplished with regard to economic development, jobs, helping to improve the community. you are always in the middle of the most contentious issues and oftentimes i look and wonder how you did it but you were always steadfast. this is something that i admire very much.
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>> we had been joined by our city attorney who has distributed a number of legal opinions. >> thank you, mr. president. on behalf of the 330 employees of the city attorney's office, i wanted to thank a congratulate the four departing members for their tremendous service to the city and county of san francisco. one of the pleasures of being the city attorney is having the opportunity to represent the hundreds of clients that we have from city departments to commissions to elected officials and helping them achieve their variety of policy objectives. i think that is especially true for the four departing members some of the board of supervisors into whether it is
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small business for fiscal responsibility, neighborhood issues, code enforcement. all of you deserve so much credit for contributing to what is the patchwork of progressive policies that we pursue here in this city and county of san francisco and make this place work. all of you have not to serve the residents of york district you have done a tremendous service to the 800,000 residents of the city and county of san francisco. your legacy will be bright and will outlive your time here on the board . thank you so much for your service. i will miss the interplay that i had with all of you. sometimes it was not easy to be
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the lawyer for elected officials because you are all strong-headed sometimes and you don't always agree with what i have to say but you always treated my office with the utmost in professionalism and do all carry yourself with incredible integrity and grace and it was a pleasure to say that you are all our clients. i does want to say thank you for your tremendous service. thank you. [applause] >> i spent a number of minutes reading resolutions but i want to offer my personal thanks to the four of you were leaving. i will miss your humor and charm. i will miss sending my russian help constituents over to your office. thank you for the work that we have done to get there. i will miss the fact that you
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have been an incredible child. we are constantly fighting for the disadvantaged for the homeless and our youth and seniors. i would like to thank you for everything you have done in teaching has had to build bridges and how to bring different interest together, different competing interest together. sophie, you have taught me and some money as on how to be states person and how to carry ourselves and difficult situations. we probably represented the most difficult districts to represent. it has been an honor to work with quality. thank you for your collective work. we look forward to working with you if -- as you go off to make
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service impact on the rest of the world. we look forward to celebrating your time with us. [applause] >> with that, why don't we proceed to the next items. that would be to the adoption of a committee reference calendar starting with item 46 which would entail the motion that we can seen as the committee as a whole to discuss taking the nation's to appoint a successor mayor.
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>> from november to december, i consistently argued that this board needed to begin the process to discuss a vision for the future of san francisco. this is through the discussion of the process and procedure and the legal issues and concerns. some of us thought it better to take a path that was safer to avoid specific discussion and certainly where it will lead it
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to anyone in this room being considered or interested in this position and in potentially a legally precarious situation. for many different reasons we find ourselves here today and while i don't think that the irony is listed on my certificate of appreciation for 10 years of service on the board of supervisors, many try out the irony of the last meeting of the board of supervisors. i do not believe that we are prepared to appoint a successor may year-to-date and i don't say this because of the shenanigans.
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i am very concerned of the entry. this morning, i heard of two new potential names. i know these candidates and i have a familiarity of the names that have been discussed. if we move forward and to take a nomination and take a vote which could potentially have been with just a public comment that is here right now, no other discussion, no inquiry to find
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out positions on issues, it would be a mistake to move forward. if it was limited to the people who are here now with the familiarity that we have in the session over the last two years, then a tough hollywood makes sense. i do believe that this board probably should be in a better informed decisions than the next board of supervisors. we could take a look at potentially continuing these items into the next session of
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the board of supervisors. i love to be in the middle of these things and i will probably make that motion and it will pay me personally if it passes and i don't it to be a part of this. if this is better for the people, city, county of san francisco, that is more important. the other option is that we need to have a conversation about new names that are merging to continue this meeting until later in the week to allow the vetting process. to move forward with a lack of discussion, a lack of betting that as happen to would be a mistake