tv [untitled] January 12, 2011 5:00am-5:30am PST
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candidate for this role, and i think we could move this particular candidate out today. supervisor campos: let me begin by thanking all the members of the public who have come out and spoken on this item. it is always great to see involvement from members of the public. you saw that this has been a very interesting roles committee meeting in that there are large issues that go beyond the particular issues i will deal with. there are many issues that have to do with the authority of the board as to why some items were continued, and i stand by those continuances, because i think it is the right thing to do to protect the integrity of this institution. that said, when i look at what is happening with the mta, i
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have to say that i am really frustrated with the mta as an agency. it is nothing personal against the very dedicated people who work there and who on a daily basis try to serve the people of the city and county of san francisco. but i think that you can tell a lot about a city by how it's public transportation system works, or does not work for that matter. and i do think that if you look at the performance of the mta in terms of addressing the needs of all san franciscans, that even though there has been progress a lot is left to be desired. and because of that i think that having the right people on the body, on the governing board, is really crucial. i think the right thing to do with this appointment given interest from the members of the board coming in would be to continue this item, but i have to say that you learn something
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new when you go through this process. and i was really struck by what i heard from the community in terms of the need for that community -- for this community, the african-american community, but beyond that working people in san francisco, to have a voice on that board of directors. and i heard from the transit group that spoke, i appreciate the sincerity with which i think the individual expressed a need and an interest in hearing more from ms. bridges, and i hope that happens. but i do think that oftentimes transit advocates do not fully get the point that transit advocacy cannot work if the people who are involved in that movement and are not reflective of the diversity of our city. and as a person of color myself,
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i will tell you that time and time again i have been frustrated that when we have those kinds of policy discussions and conversations that that diversity of our city is not reflected in terms of who is seated at the table. i think there are very reasonable minds that can disagree in terms of the approach and how continuance conservative -- can serve a purpose. i do think it is important to have an african-american representation on that body as soon as possible. notwithstanding the approach we have taken with respect to other appointments, i will be supportive of moving this forward today. [applause] supervisor mar? supervisor mar: one of the things i have learned is coming in with an open mind. here ms. bridges speak about her
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qualifications, and all of you speaking in a strong voice for better representation of african-americans and working- class people of color on commissions and in leadership of this body -- i am learning as i go. i am a new supervisor. i also want to say a woman supervisor -- i will miss supervisors dufty and alioto- pier. we have to dialogue more, but in has to be from a position of equality. i would hope that ms. bridges and the transit advocates all sit down and think about how we work together and not have a one-way street, but a two-way street, as others have said. i also want to say that when you talk about taking three buses to lincoln or san francisco state, i can relate to that and my family can as well. but i think your experience as a lifelong writer is critical.
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some of my colleagues -- as a lifelong rider is critical. you bring a sense of what young -- of what muni means for young people in our communities as well. the financial management experience to bring is something i was not looking at as significantly as i am now. i do think that is really needed, in addition to a strong watchdog for our communities on the mta board. like my colleagues, i am proud to stand with african american communities and many other communities in supporting your leadership on the mta board. i about to move it forward as well. [applause] supervisor alioto-pier: i would like to make a motion to send forward ms. leona bridges with recommendation to the full board. supervisor campos: and sending that as a committee report, i
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take that without objection. thank you. congratulations. [applause] colleagues, if i may, can we take a two minute recess? thank you.supervisor campos: wek from our break. please call item 12. >> item 12, confirming the appointment of michael kim to the port commission. supervisor campos: mr. kim, please come forward. good afternoon. welcome to the rules committee. thank you for being here. >> thank you for having me. i live and work in san francisco. i moved here in 1997 from new york city. i worked for morgan stanley
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during the internet bubble. i ran a lot of complex transactions. i started a venture capital firm in 2000. as part of a venture-capital firm, as an investor, we created thousands of jobs in the bay area and the city of california. i think a lot of those companies have flourished and are now part of a strong economy and help strengthen the economy. in 2009, i left my firm to start an investment management firm, based in san francisco specifically, and look forward to investing in other venture- capital funds with the fund i have created. while i was doing that, i was appointed by the mayor in 2004 to the position of the retirement board. i served five years, from 2004 to 2009. i served as the president, the
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vice president, the chairman of the investment committee. i led the effort around the succession, planning for the executive director, and served as chair of the finance committee. so i was overseeing the budget process within the retirement board. i would also add that while i have lived here in san francisco i have become a lot more active in the community. my wife and i have been very active leaders within the san francisco symphony, having chaired a number of events from them, most recently the 2000 opening gala. also, the enterprise for high- school students, which is an effort to bring business experience to high school students through the san francisco antique show, where my wife and my chair. i am on the board of the art museum and have led efforts to bring younger trustees and develop a pipeline of people in the next generation of trustees. i have also spent time with
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their branding and their strategic long-term planning. i want to make a few points here. i do not want to take up too much of your time. first, with regard to the port commission, i want to be clear that i did not seek it. it was presented to me by the mayor in early october. i have actually been on the schedule for a while. second thing i would say is that i think i bring a strong track record and reputation of integrity and transparency. i have people here who probably will talk to that element from the san francisco retirement system. third, especially with the complex issues around the different financial elements of the board, certainly the america's cup and other initiatives going on recently, i bring the relevant financial transactions fell set. i studied international politics and economics at
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georgetown, studied finance at wharton for my mta, spent 10 years working as a venture capitalist with strong companies trying to grow small businesses, and spent time on the retirement board, which i think it is my second and final point. i will wrap it up. the time spent on the retirement board opened and eliminated a lot of issues for me, particularly in terms of having a fiduciary duty to the city and to the system that we oversaw. as a member of the board, i felt that really strengthened my understanding and recognition of the importance of the role of a fiduciary. i think that is an element that needs to be emphasized here. the second one would be good governance, understanding how keyboard works, working together to understand the public process. -- under an how -- understanding
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how a board works, working together to understand the public process. i would like to add a final point, which is i love san francisco. i have been here since 1997. i feel deeply ingrained in the community. but we have here is the opportunity to shepherd the public trust in ensuring that san francisco remains the beautiful, world-class city it is. i think i have the ability to do that for you. thank you for your time. >> thank you -- supervisor campos: thank you very much, mr. kim. colleagues, questions? i want to follow up on your presentation and thank you for your present -- for your patience. as you indicated, you were nominated back in october. it has been a pretty crazy schedule for the rules committee. i have to say that you do have a very impressive background in terms of your work experience, your education.
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the question that i have, though, to be honest, is why the port? what is the connection, given what you have done and the port of san francisco? >> that is a great question. if i may, i think the port is a great microcosm, a microclimate of exactly what i have done in my background. i think it is a good place where i can bring forth a lot of varied skills and experience sets. i think through my financial transaction background doing mergers and acquisitions at morgan stanley to serving on the public retirement board to volunteering in the community through the asian art museum, through the san francisco symphony -- i think one of the treasures of san francisco is intangible. it is the beauty of san francisco. i think understanding how different stakeholders have a perspective on how they want things done, i think that is important.
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and being able to incorporate that is important. i think understanding how to solve problems is extremely important, particularly in view of the different projects in front of the board. ultimately, i mentioned the word stewart. i think it is very important to have a person who is objective and has no hidden agendas. i am here as a private citizen. i was asked to help out, and i volunteered. i am a person has, i think, high integrity and a very strong track record of transparency. i think those elements also combine to helping, i think, you and the citizens of san francisco take comfort that i would actually be acting on the best behalf of the city and the people. supervisor campos: thank you for that answer. i do not think that anyone here would question the integrity and commitment. the think any time that someone of your level of accomplishment wants to serve the city and
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county of san francisco we have to be grateful for that and recognize that it is a great sacrifice. you are not doing it for the money. but again, for me, we have a situation where the port of san francisco is at a very critical juncture. we are about to embark on a very exciting project to bring in the america's cup to this city, and i want to make sure that the people who are on the board of directors of the port of san francisco are going to have the expertise and the background to provide the kind of oversight that is needed to make sure that kind of event is successful. so it is not a question of in any way challenging the integrity or the qualifications or overall professional experience, but really trying to understand what is the connection to the porch. is this the right fit? that is the main question. >> if i can just follow up on
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it, to specifically to answer your question with regard to the america's cup, it is a multifaceted question in terms of why it is coming to san francisco. partly it is marketing. partly it is financial. partly it is getting the tourists out. partly it is getting sponsorship and raising money. i have a strong track record of doing very well in that. it is unique to have someone, i think, of my skill set, where i can bring experience and value and judgment to each of those elements, and not just "i am a real-estate guy," or a marketing guy, or a tourism guy. i have a relevant experience for all of the facets. in my mind, that coupled with my very strong perspectives about being fiduciary and being a steward for san francisco, i think it is the perfect combination for this position. supervisor campos: looking at
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the background of commission kimberly brandon, she has, like yourself, experience in the financial services arena. and i think that that kind of experience would be helpful. but what is it -- what is different about what you bring that the current commission does not have? that is what i am trying to understand. >> for example, this is a narrow slice -- talking about branding and marketing for a large public organization. i am on the committee at the asian art museum for brandon. we have gone through a to your exercise for how to position the museum for the next 100 -- i am on the committee at the asian art museum for branding. we have gone to a to your exercise for how to position the museum for the next 100 years -- a two-your exercise for how
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to position the museum for the next 100 years. well i do not have specific real-estate experience, i helped as a member of the board of the retirement system and a real- estate fund. i have a strong understanding of the dynamics that impact real- estate, the impact realistic has on communities, and how to work with a number of community organizations that had an interest in certain properties. supervisor campos: thank you very much. colleagues, any other questions? thank you, mr. kim. what'll we open it up to public comment? if there is any member of the public who would like to speak, please come forward. thank you again, mr. kim. >> good afternoon, supervisors, members of the rules committee. i encourage you to support the nomination of michael kim to the port commission. ever commission, every
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department is unique. in an international city such as san francisco, it is a valuable piece of the city's operations, not just because there are so many immigrants and children of immigrants, but because the city depends on the part for a lot of activities. i am not simply talking about the beauty of the embarcadero to walk and roller skate, but our fishing fleet is there. tourist boats come in. san francisco is dependent on the tourist industry. we need the port to operate very carefully. you have seen michael kim's was a may and the education experience he has as well as time in the banking industry. the key experience i would draw your attention to is that he has operated as a lead general partner in a venture capital fund. people are often aware of the success venture-capital funds generate, the rates of return they are able to share with investors and partners. however, what good partners and venture-capital lists do is not
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simply invest money in companies they find all over the country. the work all over the united states as well as international connections that come from that. they work with chief executives of those companies to build those companies, to build the personnel, to build the sales and revenues to have success. it is the strategic implementation of any operation that leads to success. that is what michael has been doing. i have been wary -- able to work with him in the last several years because i am also on the city retirement system. one of the testaments to his skill is the fact that i have been able to talk to other general partners. they also had a great success. supervisor campos: think you very much. next speaker. we are happy to welcome ms. murphy back to city hall. it is great to see you. happy new year. always a pleasure. >> happy new year, supervisors.
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it is an honor to be here and it is the first time i have been in the position to approach the podium in city hall in a few days short of a year. [laughter] i am here to -- in the capacity as the recently retired executive director of the san francisco employees' retirement system to reinforce the comments which proposed port commissioner tim and joe driscoll have already made you aware. proposed port commissioner kim is an individual i worked with for the five years he served on the retirement board, and he brings an amazing capacity not yet mentioned of bringing consensus and allowing a body studying and addressing public policy concern to actually come to a decision, which in a world
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where all of public policy making is in fact public it is before cameras for the world to see. he is able to assist his colleagues in determining where they have come to consensus but may not yet be in a position to voice that. i think that was a very important aspect of his service on the retirement board. and as an executive who worked in the direction of december -- the seven members on the retirement board, i think it is very important and i think the port director will appreciate commissioner kim, should he be confirmed, as a person who works effectively to move policy into action, which is a critical follow-through of all the public policy making activities. i believe he will serve the city and the port well, and i commend to you his confirmation.
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supervisor campos: thank you, ms. murphy. feel free to come back anytime. next speaker, please. >> sylvester -- sue hester. i have been dealing with the port in a land use context for 30 or 40 years. the part deals with balancing a variety of issues. it balances real-estate. it balances maritime needs. it balances the public interest. what is troubling to me is basically two things. the mayor sat on a port commission seat for an extraordinarily long time. that seat became vacant the first of may. the mayor let two of the three seats laps. the other one he put on to the planning commission very recently, rodney fong.
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the port has major demands on it. it has to sort out realistic things. and i did not hear anything that leads me to have comfort on this. if you go to the backside of the b section today, there is an enormous obituary on kay kerr. she was one of the founders of save the bay. save the bay was created because of the pressures on the waterfront all around the bay. we have issues that no one has really talked about, and now we have this big thing on the waterfront, the america's cup. the real-estate pressures are going to be immense. i think not only is it the right thing to continue this one because of general policy issues. i think the port nominees really need to be discussed in the port
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context by supervisors more than something where you get notice of a hearing over a holiday weekend. thank you. supervisor campos: thank you very much. any other member of the public would like to speak? we have been joined by the executive director of the port. i do not know if you want to add anything. great. any other member of the public? seeing none, public comment is closed. colleagues? if i may, i want to thank again mr. kim for coming forward, for his presentation, for his comments, and to the members of the public who spoke. i do think he has a very impressive background and i'm appreciative of the fact that he wants to serve the city and county of san francisco. i will respectfully submit that i do not believe this is the right fit. that is nothing against mr. kim.
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a lot of respect for his accomplishments and what he has done. i just don't see that with respect to this nomination. supervisor alioto-pier: thank you, supervisor compass. -- campos. i have known mr. kemp for a while, years, more socially than anything. i think very highly of him. i am 100% behind the mayor's nomination in this particular case. having been a port commissioner myself, 60% of the waterfront is really about real-estate. it is a balancing act between trying to figure out how we are going to bring maritime to the san francisco port, but how we use that real-estate to reflect maritime interests. it is one of the reasons why the america's cup was such a huge victory. i do want to thank ms. moyer while she is sitting back there for all the hard work. without an executive director like ms. moyer, we would not
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have been able to get the america's cup to san francisco. it is a very important place, and it is a place where we need financial acumen, someone with financial acumen, who is smart, who understands real estate interests and where san francisco could go in the future. i will be supporting both mr. kim and ms. katz. supervisor mar: i just wanted to thank mr. kim for the service on the retirement board and the breadth of experience to bring. a lot of the community activities have been since 2009. you have been more active on different boards with the symphony and the asian art museum. i do not feel the spark of why you want to be on the port commission. that is one of the gut level reactions i have. the mayor sought you out, and i think you are fitting nicely -- a lot of your great qualities and experience you would bring. but i just cannot feel that
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enthusiasm and spark to serve on, as supervisor campos mentioned, the critical time in the port commission. i will support your leadership in the future, but i will move that we continue this item to the call of the chair. i hope you find that spark with community service and work, but also, if not the port commission, other commissions and appointments. there is enthusiasm. and i guess motivation -- i did not find it in your presentation today. supervisor campos: we have a motion by supervisor mar, and i will agree with that motion. i do not know, mr. kim if you want to -- please go ahead. >> thank you, sir. i have been involved with the symphony since 2000, so it has been a long time. i was appointed to the board of
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the asian art museum in 2004. not just 2009. supervisor campos: thank you. again, along the lines of what supervisor mar indicated, i also believe this is not the right fit. do you want to add anything? supervisor alioto-pier: i just want to say that, you know, i think that for the part it is a good fit. and as mr. kim stated earlier today, i think this is one of the appointments the mayor submitted quite a while ago, unlike some of the ones we have been dealing with where there is a borderline. i just want to say that. because i think there is -- he is someone i have known. i think what is getting me are the comments about sparked and excitement, simply because i have known mr. kim and i believe
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the excitement and the desire is there. i think people respond differently to questions, but i do not think that should be something comes into a determination on this particular appointment. and if we're going to continue this item, i just ask that we are open-minded when mr. kim comes back before the rules committee at a future point. supervisor campos: thank you, supervisor. i think the committee will continue to be open-minded, but i think it is important for us to also note that our perspective as of today. so if we can take that without objection, the item will be continued to the call of the chair. thank you. if you can please call the last item on the agenda, item 13. >> item 13, a motion confirming the appointment of leslie katz to the port commission, a term ending may 1, 2014. supervisor campos: we
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