tv [untitled] January 14, 2011 3:30pm-4:00pm PST
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completion of the 2010 audited financial statements. we produced two documents as a result of our audit. we have a short report to the board, which is a summary of our results. financial statements contain both a financial and compliance audit. the financial audit on page one shows our opinion, expresses an unqualified opinion, which is the highest level of assurance we can provide as your auditors. basically, it just means the financial information that management has put together is in compliance with the generally accepted accounting principles. the second half of the document contains the single audit which is your federal awards. we are happy to report there were no findings, exceptions. quickly moving to the report to the board, which is our summary of the audit. there are three things that i
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could point out in the letter. in the second paragraph, we talk about no new policies or practices adopted during the year. that means no changes in the consistency. there is another paragraph that talks about difficulty of standards. we are happy to report that everything went smoothly and as planned. finally, there were no audit adjustments during our process, which is a good indicator that management did an excellent job closing the books and prepare for the audit. we are happy with the results and there were no exceptions or findings to report. director ford: questions of the board? director ortiz: motion to approve the audit. director ford: no need for action on this item. i would like to commend the staff, the executive director,
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as well as staff, for doing your diligence. thank you very much. next item. >> item 9. approving an agreement among the tjpa, ac transit, and linc facility services for ac transit passenger access to restrooms in the temporary terminal. >> i wanted to acknowledge that ken from ac transit is here. he worked closely with the transbay joint powers authority since our inception. in fact, before the authority was created. on behalf of the authority, i want to thank him for his support, his excellent work, guidance over the years, helping us to get to where we are today. he was an and valuable partner
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to the project, committed to the project. it is my understanding that he has retired as general counsel. i just want to thank him for everything. now i would like to have emilio cruz present. i believe this was the last thing he signed for the tjpa. >> good morning, mr. director, members of the board. program manager. we would like to present to you a plan for restroom operations for the temperature terminal. as a background, phase one of construction began on november 1 of 2008. went into operations in 2010. the opera to accommodate a move up from the building so demolition could begin. it covered approximately 62% of
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the site because of the existing ramps that needed to be demolished. there is a drawing showing when phase one went into operation and the old east loop ramps in existence. once we close to that, we were able to demolish those grants and start construction of phase two. that began september 20, 2010 and operations began december 11 of the same year. operations accommodated 18 buses within sight and laid out three crosswalks. the site is visibly open and easier to monitor now that the construction activities are completed. here is a photograph of what operations look like to date. the site plan here shows the location of the proposed to restrooms, that is in the center of the site. more specifically, there is a layout of where the restrooms would be. these would be available for all transit riders.
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sides would be posted only to transit riders using the terminal. any passenger using our facility would be able to use the restrooms. operations would be monday through friday 7:00 a.m. through 7:00 p.m. the restrooms will be key controlled by on site personnel. linc is our property manager. they will implement a secure system so that the restrooms remain secure in the event of a locked or lost keys. the doors will be self-locking, so after someone is done using it, the facility will lock itself, only accessible with the key. if there is someone in the restroom and they are in need of help, they will be able to call out and the sound will be able to carry through the doors. and next to a security camera will be added to our current
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system that will monitor the entrances to the restrooms to ensure there is no one that is hanging around the front. security personnel will be able to monitor that visually and through the camera system. security, janitorial maintenance, and repairs will be the responsibility of linkec as part of their agreement with the tjpa. linc shall be responsible for indemnifying the tjpa or ac transit for the cost of passengers using restaurants. if the agreement is approved, our next of would be to implement the order and installation of security camera systems. the implementation, fabrication, and installation of new doors. restrooms should be operational by march 4 meeting. director ford: questions? director ortiz: an ac transit
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representative, when the temporary terminal opened, there was a lot of criticism about the lack of that term. i want to thank rare for fighting a solution. motion to approve. director ford: public comment? no members of the public have addressed -- >> no members of the public wish to speak to you today. director ford: all those in favor? opposed? the motion carries. >> moving into item 10. approving a resolution supporting child care centers in caltrans transfer parcels 5, 6/7, and f. >> emilio cruz will also present on this item. >> as part of the redevelopment
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of the plan for the transbay zone, we will be adding 206 new homes to the neighborhood. we recognize this will add to the demand for child care within the city and county of san francisco. the resolution before you today recognizes that need and sets out a plan to help create the opportunity for child care within the area. under the resolution, we would require, in the disposition of development agreements, four blocks 4, 5, 6 and 7, and ask, that the developer in food in their proposal an area for child care centers that are consistent with all required state and local laws for child care facilities. we would work with the city and county of san francisco, and if the department of youth and families commit irrevocably future impact fees from section 4 of 14 from the planning code
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for construction of said child care centers, then we would use those funds for the construction of the child care facility. what is important in the resolution is we recognize the funding for our work is still ongoing and planned. the resolution before you is a resolution to work toward planning and helping to create an opportunity but does not obligate the tjpa funding for that use. in fact, the construction cost would be covered by the impact fees and would require that any use cover 100% market rate rent so that the developer, when they propose to us, proposes a full market proposal for the land itself. we would work with the developer, the city, and communities to identify child care operators and inappropriate business plan to cover the 100% market rent.
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if we were unsuccessful in identifying a child-care operator and business plan by one year's time after receipt of occupancy permit for that building, then at that point, the developer would be allowed to put that used to retail and convert, accordingly. director ford: director cohen? director cohen: is there a reason we did not look at putting this in the terminal? >> we looked at a number of technical reasons. as i referenced, there are specific laws and code requirements that relate to child care facilities. primarily, direct access to open space. secondarily, as it relates to emergency egress in the case of fire. we did look at the building itself. it did require a change in vertical circulation because we needed to create independent,
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vertical emergency egress for the child care center. we looked at including in the same article core plant in the building but still found we would need to widen and separate them because of the way the code is written. as it related to the use on the park itself, there was consideration for flexibility that would create an opportunity where the open space would be dedicated to the child care center during the operational use of the center, and then flip to public use. we received some public indication that that is less desirable for operators, because if there is a public use, they are responsible for making sure the public did not leave anything behind that would be dangerous for the children. secondly, they desire for -- that the child care center operate more than typical hours. if that was the case, the open space would end up being
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dedicated to the chalk pericenter longer and less available to the public. we spend consume -- a considerable amount of time looking at it. because of the code requirements, because of the change of vertical circulation requirements, and access to the open space requirement, we do not recommend this. the last piece was of issue. we did receive an issue indication from the fire department that they would prefer not to have child care centers on anything other than the ground floor because of the emergency access issue. while they acknowledge they have previously permitted child care centers not on the ground floor, they have also acknowledged that it causes a problem for them and they would prefer us not to do such. we have parcels 5, 6, 7, and f still in front of us. we would recommend keeping the
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facility outside of the transit center. director cohen: that is helpful. director ford: all those in favor say aye? post? >> item 10 is approved. no members of the public have indicated they want to address you on that item. item 11 is approving the minutes of the december 9, 2010 meeting. director ford: moved by director lloyd. seconded by director cohen. all those in favor? >> that concludes the items on the agenda today. director ford: thank you very much, madame secretary. that concludes our meeting for january 13.
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i kid you not. i was thinking we could do this in my office. we would have only been able to get a 10th of you in there. i am grateful that you took the time to be here. i thought this would be my last swearing in as mayor but i have two people, supervisor dufty, tomorrow that i will quietly swear in. this is the last public swearing in of my tenure as mayor. i do hear some claps on the other side. i am glad i do not hear any on this side. somebody picked up on that. -- some of you picked up on that. [laughter] i am appreciative of department heads being here. of course, our city attorney
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dennis herrera, who has taken the time to be here, phil ting, bevan dufty, the ubiquitous supervisor, and so many leaders, particularly from the labor community, chief of staff, and particular, the rank and file of my favorite local, 261. [applause] truly my favorite. they are here for you, vince. i am pleased to be swearing in six individuals and i am honored that two were recently and overwhelmingly supported by the board of supervisors as a member of their other
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applicants were rudely rejected for purely political purposes. but i am over that. but i needed to state that publicly. that is sometimes the way people act when they cannot make the right decisions. sometimes they make the wrong ones. in this case, they made the right ones with the two of you and supported vince courtney to the public utilities commission -- [applause] i guess i should have appointed him four years ago. little did i know. i should have mentioned him last time. that is unfair to the other commissioners. i know jason does not even have a friend here. [laughter] he does, jason elliot,
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department of the environment. leona bridges. we are proud of her as well. [applause] >> how many have dealt lta sigma theta in the house? [applause] >> our collegiate expert, supervisor dufty. we talk about behavioral health and mental health, and i say that in the context of anyone who wishes to serve on the mta
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board. leona clearly passed the test and i am glad she did. it is pretty remarkable with all of the warfare as it relates to public transit in our city, dealing with $220 million in state cuts over the past few years. we have been running surpluses at muni had the state not gone in and drawn down nearly a quarter billion. that became the biggest challenge in your biggest frustration in the last few years. so we are navigating through that. that has been the struggle. we are going to be on a much firmer footing in the future. leona will be a big part of the new direction, particularly with the transit effectiveness plan. we have a real information to which we can make decisions
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about augmentation and changes, and that is the first time in over decades. ed harrington was a big part of that as comptroller. i really do feel more optimistic than ever about muni. that is a hard thing to say, right? but i do have faith about its future. beverly, hang on. a big round of applause. [applause] this is a big deal. the mayor gets one appointment to the ethics commission. the ethics commission is a big deal, particularly when a lot of elections are going to take place, mayor's race, all of the public financing. we had a great meeting yesterday to talk about integrity, honesty, calling strikes, even if your friends are on the other
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side. you have to stand up and do the right thing. beverly was ahead of me on all these things. i gave this a lot of thought and did not make a precipitous decision in terms of this appointment. i am very grateful that beverly said yes, and i am also grateful if you would also give her a round of applause. it is her birthday. [applause] happy birthday, beverly. [applause] i have known lorna for many years. she has been around since the old days of the school district. those were challenging days. we were on not getting along. it was challenging. lorna always stood out as
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someone trying to bridge those gaps, try to work for all those challenges. she has done some amazing work with an organization that only does good work, focuses on best practices, mckinsey, a great think tank. we have talked a lot about how great she would be. she has been an advocate for women's rights, advocate for girls. we thought it was appropriate to appoint her to the commission on women. thank you for your willingness to serve. [applause] finally, i see francesca, our first department of the environment. there was an opening at the department of the environment and there wasn't a young guy that has driven a lot of us crazy because he is eager,
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enthusiastic, engage, and he plays above his weight, figuratively, not literally. that is jason elliott, whom i am honored to have served on the commission of the environment. he has been my policy guide. i am just going to -- at peril of being judged -- to be bragadotious. i will put up our record that we have done in the environmental commission with any others. i am really proud of the work that has been done. i have great confidence jason will continue that work well beyond my tenure. which expires soon. [applause] the swearing in. i will ask each of you, if you could, to stand up, sit down if
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you must, but raise your right hand, which i insist upon. i will say i -- you will state your name, and then we will go down the road. you got it. vince, you got it? i -- do solemnly swear that i will support and defend the constitution of the united states and the constitution of the state of california against all enemies foreign and domestic and i will bear true faith and allegiance to the same, that i take this
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