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tv   [untitled]    January 16, 2011 7:30pm-8:00pm PST

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is going to be great. and red, red wine daly, stay close to me, do not let me be alone read, read city wine, it is up to you, supervisors and president chiu do not let me be alone here we go, once event -- once again red, red wine let mayor lee take the lead ♪ president chiu: thank you.
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next speaker. >> wow, only a cheerleader can follow that. i am cheering on the auburn and the ducks. all of the people, come to the san francisco general meeting tomorrow on geary. we'll be talking about a declaration of human rights and about stopping social security cuts and about writing the muni. the other reason i am here is to remind you, because i know the martin luther king march will be next monday, and you will not be in a meeting, but i want people to come out in march. we should remember and celebrate. and you know what? i am inviting the days, the chinese, aladdin's.
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all over the world, people say thank god for civil rights, what happened here, and yet, we do not show up on that date haute to show what it means to you and how we are carrying on the drain. that is what martin luther king's birthday should be, and we want everyone to come out and celebrate and enjoy. when you do not deal with racism, it goes to bigotry. bigotry affects education. but america, you know we need mental health. not only to the troops in the mental programs. we need a psychiatrist, and massage, and build those tugs and install them for all americans and that a good night's rest. we could do so much in this country besides taking and dividing. what is going on between washington and hear, we voted for our new interim mayor.
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[bell] president chiu: thank you very much. next speaker. >> good afternoon. the library users association. welcome to the new supervisors, their first business meeting of the board of supervisors. politics as a way of being nothing if not tribal, but i do hope, as the previous speaker suggested, that you keep your year's open, your eyes open, and listen to what comes before you, no matter from whom it comes war how it is presented how professionally or not so professionally it is presented to you. also keep in mind the city's
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activities. when, for example, my group worked to stop the outsourcing, where the recovery of long overdue materials of the library, which included a possible credit reporting of people led lost or misplaced $50 or more in books, there was a wonderful letter of support for our position, and it came from an immigrant activist group, and it described the possibility of an immigrant breadwinner seeking to get a job delivering pizza or some other thing and having difficulty or even not getting a loan to get a car for that job because of it lowered credit rating as the result of perhaps his or her children having
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misplaced books, and they did not get back to the library. it would give them a bad credit rating, so a great deal of what goes on is not just about a particular library or library issue. [bell] [bell] thank you very much.
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president chiu: home speaker -- next speaker. >> a number of concerns about the smart meter exist. there had never been a health and environmental study before. the cpuc had voted against the investigation. on january 7, there was an independent study, which finds that smart meters can violate federal safety limits. it is typical to appeal of elevated levels in rooms adjacent to the meter,
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comparable to living within 200 to 600 feet of cell phone towers. pg&e is beginning a large scale rollout. i am urging that san francisco adopt an ordinance, calling for an emergency measure. there is enough evidence that smart meters can cause harm. there was more radiation than in an adult. we ask you that you take a stand to protect the children of the city with an ordinance that will temporarily halt smart meter installation.
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thank you very much. president chiu: next speaker. >> this is seen as a way to save money. the special police.
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i believe one-third of the police force will be eligible. >> this is almost like a civil war. i believe this is already taking place. there also attacking arizona. it is speculating to see them.
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it is the during nine. the king of babylon was given 70 years in advance before it actually happened. it is interesting. even though he was a gentile, this is the exception to the world. he began a countdown to the killing of the assassination of the lord jesus christ, the king of kings, and i think him. jesus did not die. we are all doomed. but just a fire of him who
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believes in jesus. -- the justice fire -- justifier of him the believes in jesus. the angel gabriel appeared to daniel and said to know therefore and understand that by a command to restore jerusalem, under the messiah, there would be 487 years until he would be cut off. [bell] president chiu: thank you. next speaker. >> my name is michelle. clerk: please speak into the microphone. >> i wanted to add to that last -- this week. this was based on the constitution.
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i can tell you from personal experience that the constitution is not in existence in this country anymore. courts are making rulings and doing things in the courtroom that have nothing to do constitution, have nothing to do with the law. there is no equal protection under the law whatsoever. the supervisors spoke last week about their not the charges against debra maddon. this is not unusual. any government employee, especially associated with the police department, a judicial officer, is above the law in the united states of america today, and i urge the supervisors to take action to bring the constitution back and the law back an equal protection under the law to all citizens. thank you.
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president chiu: 60. next speaker. >> i am happy to be here. i have not been here since 1998. i am really happy to see all of the new board my supervisor dave campos as well as john, thank you. congratulations. are want to reiterate quickly. and we spoke about this 15 years ago, and it has become a reality. what we did was to make sure technology was successful to everybody. i want to reiterate that today,
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because i heard them talk about electromagnetic resonance that can be part of the process, and you can look at using scientific evidence to make sure there is access to all of san francisco. there are still areas of san francisco that do not have this, i ask that you submit it in your application, and have the new year. -- happy new year. >> i am an activist in the city, and i want to welcome all of the supervisors' to the board, and i want to say and i
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hope you will keep democracy alive and well. keep set francisco -- keep san francisco honest. thank you again, and have the best to run new canaan, and make a difference in san francisco. -- the best run its can, and make a difference in son francisco. >> thank you. final speaker please. >> i was one of the candidates but runs in the district, but i am very happy to let you know that mark pervez won the election. to all of you on the new board, malia cohen, kim, and to all of
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the succeeding members of the board, i hope this will be a better group of supervisors then in the past. a more civilized group, a very good group. that is all i have to say, and i want to welcome our district attorney and the future mayor of sand francisco. -- of san francisco. i thank you. >> are there any other members of the public who wish to speak in public comment? final speaker please. >> welcome to all the news of supervisors, and have been a year.
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-- have been new year. what went on the last few weeks is off the hook. you would have made a wonderful mayor. we should have followed the order it should have seen in, but wherever it goes, it goes. please all you knew board of supervisor people, please keep san francisco soccer-free -- sucker-free. >> my davis is francisco de region name is f-- my name is francisco. i have been coming here many years.
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the deliberation that to place in trying to create some process for interim mayor was despicable, so now we are here, and i see some of you that i know too well, and there are a few i do not want to know curio -- new not want to know. -- do not want to know. there are some people that are part of the machine. people will come here and pat you on the back and say what
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they want to say, but if you have the intelligence to do the right thing, you will take this city to a better place. in the last administration we favor the pacific heights mafia and the developers. a good thing is that this economy has hit everybody, including this city, so soon you will have a budget deficit of about maybe 600 million. good luck to you. i will be monitoring of view. >> thank you. general public comment is closed. if we could now go to our 3:00
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p.m. special item. i understand now item two has come before us. could you call item 3? >> the motion to ratify a successor mayor due to a vacancy for a term expiring january 8, 2012. >> given that only the committee as all whole took a vote last week, my understanding is that we need to amend the motion before us rather than ratifying him. if i can ask if that is the case. >> it is a. >> i understand there have been amendments regarding the motion we have considered a. >> i would recommend the following six amendments be made. line one would be the appointment of a successor mayor.
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line three would be the motion to apply its the successor mayor to do of vacancies -- due to a vacancy. line 9 is clarifying section. two line 13 we added edwin lee. line 15 is a the graves of the board has received notification that gavin newsom has been sworn in, creating a vacancy in the office of the mayor, and finally, the curve would be amended to read it that we moved the support of non -- the next one would be amended to read that it would support the office of the mayor for a term expiring january 8, 20123 rec and p f