tv [untitled] January 16, 2011 9:00pm-9:30pm PST
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>> thank you very much. board of supervisors for this fantastic opportunity. i also want to make sure i thank the mayors that i've worked for that are standing with me. mayor brown, wonderful years working with you. i learned a lot. and i want to really thank you for the tutelage you've given me, for the guidance, the leadership you've given the city, really appreciate that. to lieutenant governor gavin newsom, you're bold, your ideas have inspired me to go beyond just the bureaucratic jobs that i've had and your lessons about not being fearful and taking risks have all been absorbed. thank you very much for your years. [applause]
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charlotte, you're going to be with us, aren't you? thank you very, very much for all yours years of service. and we hope that you will continue and help us out. to the board of supervisors, each and every one of you, i am ready to carry out the duties of this office and to do it in a way in which you will be proud. and to specifically supervisor david chiu and sean elsbernd who really had a lot to do with the pivotal discussions we had about this office, thank you very much for that strong and continued encouragement. i very much appreciate that. and to our communities, to all of you who have come today to witness this, i want to thank
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you. because it is really for your behalf that we are doing this. and i want to say to all of you, i make that pledge that i will do my very, very best to represent all of the communities that you -- that you live in, that we cherish, that make this city a great city. and to my good friend, rose pack, thank you. we have done it. i thank you for this enormous honor and the enormous responsibility to serve as your mayor. it's a responsibility i take with great -- a great deal of humility, enthusiasm, and determination. i must say it's been a whirlwind for me. i left town over a week ago as your city administrator, a career civil servant, looking forward to a new year of
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promise and challenge in the job that i love. and now just a few weeks later, i stand before you as your mayor. [applause] that's quite a journey. but in many ways, this wasn't a whirlwind. it was a journey decades in the making. i spent the past 21 years in and around these hallowed halls , beneath this glorious dome, working to make this city a better place, working for people, working for justice, working to get things done. i believe that i stand before you today not because i was the preferred choice of one side of the aisle or the other, not because i was a safe choice,
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but because i was the consensus choice, the trusted choice. i believe that if you're able to build trust, if your word is your bond, then it doesn't matter if you're down the hall or 17,000 miles away. people know where you're coming from. i was personally gratified by the show of support demonstrated by the board of supervisors moments ago. as well as that shown by your predecessor board last friday. and let me take a moment to thank former supervisors sophie maxwell, evan dufty, and michelangelo alioto-pier for your -- michaela alioto-pier for your support and trust of me. i am grateful and inspired by
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that show of support. but more importantly, i was inspired by what it portends. a new era of trust. a shared sense of purpose and commitment to this city that we all love. a sense of unity. i may be your interim mayor, but i intend to utilize this year and office to tackle our problems with resolve and seriousness of purpose. this is an unprecedented opportunity and perhaps it is just what san francisco needs at this time and in our moment of history. ness an opportunity to come together -- this is an opportunity to come together, to roll up our sleeves and go to work on the significant challenges we all face. for the benefit of all san franciscans. i hope to move us past the labels that have pigeonholed us at city hall or at least to not
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be bound by them. because if you're a so-called moderate, then i'm a moderate. i've spent the past two decades trying to make this city work, to work for all of us. for its entire history, people have flocked to san francisco with their hopes and with their dreams. they've invested in this city, not only with their money but with their sweat and with their blood. i understand that not only do people need to flourish here, but business needs to flourish here. i understand what is at stake. what is invested here in all senses of that word. it's our responsibility to see that this investment isn't squandered. but with all due respect to the talent of many leaders with whom i share this
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responsibility, i was a progressive before progressive was a political faction in this town. [applause] years ago, years ago, i fought the establishment to make this city function better, to make our communities more inclusive. i fought for justice. when i left bolt hall and joined the asian law caucus i sought to integrate the san francisco fire department. i fought to protect the rights of blacks and latinos and gays and lesbians and other marginalized groups. i fought for tenets. i fought for senior citizens.
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i fought for the powerless. i was part of the city's first whistleblower program. i made sure our domestic partners and minority and women-owned business ordinances were successful. i helped establish our recycling program. now the nation's most successful. i ensured equal access to government services for all our citizens, including our immigrants. documented and undocumented. [applause] in other words, i am my own person. [applause] decades ago, i was about as anti-establishment as one could be. today, like you, i am trying to make the establishment work for all san franciscans. and yes, i am quite aware of
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the significance of being san francisco's first asian-american mayor. as a chinese american, i'm well aware of my community's long and troubled and proud history in this city. the san francisco of old was directly involved in racism and neglect. the san francisco that i fought as an attorney began to change. and now today, our struggle is here and it's succeeding. [applause] i am humbled to stand before you today on the shoulders of giants among many flagbearers on the day we moved that history forward. and i'm committed to move all san francisco, all of us, forward.
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and that is why i've accepted this awesome responsibility. so i hope you will join me. i intend to reach out to you, my colleagues, to my fellow citizens across all political lines and all potential barriers. there are so many talented people in this building and in this city. i know we can move san francisco forward together. and in the coming days, i will reach out to every member of the board of supervisors and meet with you personally to discuss my ideas and my agenda. and yes, president chiu, i will sit down with you, shortly, to work out the details of our question-and-answer session. i will seek your advice and counsel as we immediately begin to confront the challenges that lay ahead. starting with tackling our budget deficit and finding a new police chief. to the members of the board, i
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see you as my esteemed colleagues. and i look forward to a relationship based on mutual respect and trust. to our fellow citizens, i'm not going to change. i'm going to open up that room 200 for everybody, daily, and make sure that you know what that is. i present myself to you as a mayor for everyone. a mayor for the neighborhoods, for downtown, for business, for labor, for the powerless, and the powerful. for left, right and everyone in between. for everyone. i will be a mayor who tackles things head on and moves the bar forward. i will be your mayor. thank you very much. [applause]
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>> mayors invite each and every one of you to join him and his family in the south light court for some libations and some enjoyment courtesy of mccall's. so please feel free to wander on over there with your cameras and get your photographs and do whatever you like. but thank you so much for coming.
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>> welcome back to the board of supervisors meeting on tuesday, january 11. colleagues, at this time, why don't we move to our special orders. why donalt i first suggest that we call items through 11 which is an item that will be continued. >> amentse eight through 11 -- items eight through 11, item eight is a public hearing of persons interested in the decision of the planning department dated april 8, 2010. at a project located at 134
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through 136 ord street is exempt from environmental review under the environmental california environmental act. the motion affirming the planning department's determination. item 10 is the motion reversing the planning department'si conte determination, and item 11 iraq suckler to prepare findings. -- item 11 directs the clerk to prepare findings. >> i asked that we continue on march 1, a 2011. >> is there a second on that motion to continue? is there any public comment to continue, and is there any member of the public who would like to speak to that will not be able to come on a future date?
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seeing none, public comment is closed. can we take the motion to continue without objection? these will continue on the first of march. can you receive -- please read item 4 through 7. >> item 4 is the public hearing of her sense for the planning department at the project at 10 lundys lane is exempt from environmental review. item six is the motion reversing the determination by the planning department, and item seven directs the clerk to prepare findings. >> we have an appeal that the project is categorically exempt from the environmental review. we will be considering the adequacy and completeness of the determination that this category
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is exempt. we will hear from the appellant, who will have 10 minutes. we will then take public comment from members of the public who wish to speak. we will then hear from the planning department, who will have 10 minutes to describe the grounds. we will then hear from the party of interest. each speaker shall have up to two minutes to present, and the appellant will have three minutes for a rebuttal. any objection to proceeding this way? the you have in the opening comments? >> i do not have any comments. we look forward to hearing from
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the various parties. >> my wife should be here, but she is feeling ill at the moment. we are affected the most by this permit to carry good our family has long term concerns about what is happening as a result of this permit. i am also seeking four other house and -- speaking for other households that are affected. the attorney previously argued that the permit is a redundant set it covers all important issues of the main permit. he also argues of the permit does not need an exemption at all, but planning gave it an
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exemption retroactively. this is very important because it allows owners to demolish something previously repaired -- previously built and to put in an illegal unit. because of environmental impact on neighbors, you cannot just demolish and rebuild something that is not currently of to code. in our brief, we pointed out a list of inconsistencies and it seemed to operate, granting things likes to get hearings, stiff fees and legal extensions, and the ninth proper
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forum for their voices to be heard. -- denying proper forum for their voices to be heard. the owners have consistently claimed financial stresses of the reason they should not be required to follow procedure. we are sympathetic. what is a permit allows is mostly dirt now instead of foundation. the modification would not be major. owners insist all households to approve their plans in february and later changed their minds. the statements say thus -- say that they are incorrect.
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owners admitted there was a separate unit. they were required to take of this precision permit. fair process is all in a neighbor wants this ruling was not appealed by owners until it became final. owners are ruinously said net the permits were legal. they support the final city action to on reasonably qualified it as legal.
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they further established the legality for the environmental quality review. they stated that it received categorical exemption from environmental review. they said they did not need review beyond the main permit. later, they applied a retroactive extension. this will hopefully have the effect of allowing for environmentally reviewing the permit i would like to put
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something on the overhead if possible. >> just laid down on the overhead. >> this shows the alteration work and the results of an extension now i want to put up the sanborn map. this has 60 feet and only seven parking spaces. here they're building is short enough not to borrow an -- to bother neighbors three good -- the neighbors.
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it will stick out, blocking light, son, access to view, and in shooting on the privacy of the house. imagine this facing your bedroom at close range. this shows neighbors, and they are the ones most directly affected. this is our house. it depends on reflective light much of the day. here we are at midday and later in the afternoon.
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my final exhibit, here is the illegal units being phillips -- being built without parking. also, this victorian is in your 1978 special use district. it is undergoing major changes. this includes enlarging and reshaping to accommodate. this should have triggered a historical research review. the inconsistencies in this have
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resulted in an unfair process work community is deprived of its place. all he ever wanted is for neighbors to follow these codes. they also do not want to do reviews for financial reasons we ask that you do everything you can to set this process right and restore our rights. we request you to exercise your
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-- to exercise your rights. quality of life is being adversely affected by this. thank you. >> any questions bowman -- any questions? why don't we proceed to anyone who wishes to speak on behalf of the appellant. now each public, enter should have two minutes. >> i am one of the neighbors to the property, and i strongly proposed the building of any illegal structure and request
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that the city and force its zoning laws as written. the proposed rebuild seems to be an expansion of the previous illegal structure. this requires a massive new foundation and new windows. the previous structure had no windows, and they are looking directly onto my property. i am upset about losing my privacy. i believe the requirements promote privacy and allow homeowners such as myself to enjoy my light and air. i do not see anything so you need for special about the properties that would exempt it from the rules everyone else has to follow. i believe that the rebuilding and expanding of the a legal structure would and would
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