tv [untitled] January 20, 2011 2:30pm-3:00pm PST
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nomination as i did on january 3. supervisor kim: supervisors, and comments? -- any comments? without objections, i would like to move forward item 5 and table no. 6. madam court, may we hear items 7? >> resolution concerning the appointment of harry kim and herb cohn to the san francisco relocation appeals board, terms ending january 2, 2012. chairperson kim: i want to thank everyone who came to the discussion with the supervisors. nearly half the applicants come forward? -- may we have of the applicants come forward?
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-- may we have the applicants come forward? separately, please. mr. kim, good afternoon. >> good afternoon and happy new year. congratulations, new supervisors jane kim and mr. farrell. sean elsbernd is district 7, where i lived a long time. i was here many times. the relocation appeals board -- i was appointed in 1993. i was a director from 1998 -- from 1992. i assisted dianne feinstein when she was mayor.
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the appoint me with some many civic duties. -- they have appointed me with so many civic duties. it is good to see some dear good friends back there. i see that we have eugene flannery, the secretary of the recreation appeals board commission. they are asking me to come today, so i am here. anyway, have the new year. -- happy new year. thank you. >> good afternoon, supervisors. first of all, mr. kim, you are a hard act to follow. the first thing i wanted to say is that it is very unusual for me to be appear advocated for myself. i am usually advocating for the needs of small business, a
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parking restrictions. it is a twist to be up here to talk about myself. i want to talk to you a little bit about the relocation appeals board and why i feel i am a good fit for the board. i started out as a neighborhood person. i got very active in neighborhood issues in the castro, where i live. i understand neighborhood needs. from there, and moved on to citywide small-business groups and have worked with a variety of small business groups citywide. by profession, i am a cpa. i have an accounting background. finally, i am a commercial real estate owner, so i understand the needs of property owners. all of those things meld
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together to make me a pretty good fit for this board, i think. i don't want to talk too much about myself, but thank you. chairperson kim: thank you. are there any comments or questions from supervisors? seeing none, we will open up for public comment. three minutes, please. >> it is going to be less than that. chairperson kim: if as before, people can come with support first, then opposition, to help us with the evening -- with the meeting notes. >> congratulations to madam chair kim and supervisor farrell for being elected. i am very happy to support harry camps -- kim to continue his good work on the relocation appeals board. he has served four years and years. the institution has always been
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fair for all parties. i can also testified that every christmas he gives a christmas dinner to us veterans, and most of us were in the caribbean area -- korean area when the fighting was started. we're very fortunate meeting each other. we went through the cold winter and the hot summer in the korean peninsula. everyone was fortunate to return home in one piece. i am one of those. i urge you to reappoint harry kim as the relocation appeals board. thank you. >> this will be my last testimony today. i wanted to speak about both mr. kim and also heard -- herb cohn. harry kim has had a unique place
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in city hall. he has been very involved with the city committee. he has a tenure with the relocation appeals board. he has been an important part of the civic fabric, recognizing there has not been strong petition -- participation with the korean-american community at city hall. he has been part of the process and deserves continued service. herb cohn i have known for 10 years. he was providing assistance to the merchants of upper market and castro. one of the things that has distinguished his participation is his level of positivity. he is proactive. he is looking for solutions, not to blame our be negative. brought people who had not been participating in the district merchants into it, but stepped up and is now a resident of the
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council. he is an incredible member of our community. he is doing great work citywide. the thing he will do wonderfully on this panel. i will have to step away. at the earlier hearing, i did support ms. kong's nomination. i also will support mr. elliott's. thank you for allowing me to be here. >> my name is stephen cornell. i have been involved with small business for many years. i have been on many different boards and president of them. i met herb 15 years ago. he served on many boards with me. he is president of many things i used to be present of -- president of. he is a businessman, a cpa, involved in real estate. these are all qualifications that would be an asset to this board. when i see him on the various boards that i serve, and a to
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see can deal with professionals, merchants, and nonprofits. he does it real well. he hears everybody. he comes up with reasonable solutions and tries to bring people together. this will be a real asset to this board. thank you for your time. >> my name is eugene flannery. i am the relocation appeals board executive secretary. congratulations on your election to office, and welcome. i want to open my comments with a brief overview of the relocation appeals board. it has high impact. it hears appeals from people and businesses dislocated by city projects. it is mandated by state law for any city or county that has a
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redevelopment agency. we are handling appeals from the central subway and trans bay terminal. we are very much in favor of these appointees. they have a background in business, public service, and nonprofits. it allows them to work very well with the type of appeals we have before us. we'll be hearing appeals from residents of condominiums in the transport district, as well as a gas station near the central subway, as well as stores and apartments in chinatown. i think they bring considerable expertise to the table. thank you. chairperson kim: thank you. seen no other public comment at this time, public comment is now closed. comments? commissioner farrell: i would just like to say things for all the members of the public it came up to speak, particularly those who reached out before him. there was a letter i received
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from jim maxwell in support, who i consider to be a great friend and a stalwart of our small business and neighborhood community. unless there are other comments, i would make a motion to move items seven to the board with the committee report. chairperson kim: thank you. very quickly, and want to thank mr. kim again for his continued service to the city of san francisco, i believe for 22 years on numerous commissions. thank you very much. you are very present in all our committee meetings. it is great to see you here again. and mr. cohn, i look forward to working with you. there is a motion to move forward item seven. seeing no objections, the item is now closed with committee report. madame clerk, mainly now here item eight? -- may we now hear item eight?
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>> the appointment of florence kong to the city hall preservation advisory commission. >> my name is florence kong. i am appearing for the consideration for the city hall preservation advisory commission. i am honored to be nominated as the commissioner of this commission. as a san franciscan, i am proud to have a city hall dedicated to national landmarks. as a walk through the doors of city hall, i know the importance of welcoming. our city hall should be an example to make all people feel welcome, not only to all the tourists, but for all the people who make use of this facility.
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i can make firsthand testimony, because i was married here. i have also been a licensed contractor in structural steel, as well as a general contractor that has successfully completed preservation projects and structural products. i hope to bring with me some understanding of the importance of historical preservation. san francisco has a rich tradition of diverse people of different cultures. preserving and understanding our city hall and it's significant cultural values will bring civic pride to our future generations. as a member of the city hall preservation advisory commission, i hope i can help maintain our city hall's reputation as a friend for all people for many generations to come.
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chairperson kim: thank you for being here. are there any questions from members? seeing none, we will open up for public comment. three minutes. >> evelyn schumer, head of the city hall preservation advisory commission. we would love to have florence kong on our commission. she has an incredible background in structures of historical landmarks. she would be an asset to our commission. she would also fill the fifth seat, which has been vacant for a fairly long period of time. we would welcome her with open arms. thank you. >> thank you, supervisors. my name is richard dow. three years ago, i know florence kong.
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for the last two years, she has been all over town. lately, she is very present in city hall, and very active. she is still considered a new immigrant. she came in here just a small business contractor, and becoming larger and larger. currently, she hires about 100 people, mostly doing ironworks overtime. she has the contract of building the community college in chinatown. it will be another two years. it will be in operation. it will be teaching 5000 students, learning english and other job skills. she just came off the immigrant rights committee commission. in that commission, she helped
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the immigrants to find their first jobs, to find their homes. all the other immigrants will look forward to her as a point lady or ideal person. she really rises and drive san francisco. she will do a good job in serving our city hall. i urge you to appoint her to the city hall preservation committee -- preservation commission. thank you. chairperson kim: seeing no further public comment, public, it is now closed. -- public comment is now closed. thank you for being here. i am excited to support your nomination, just knowing your work, both to support new residence in san francisco through your radio show and
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charity work, but also your tireless advocacy for immigrant rights issues and creating more local jobs for san franciscans. i know you have done that through your work in your company, hiring and training, and bringing many new san franciscans in to the trades, but also for your work on local hire legislation. thank you so much for your work. seeing no objections, we will be moving this item forward. this item is now closed. madame clerk, i would like to continue items 9 and 10, if there are no objections. >> would you like me to read those items? item nine, motion approving the mayor's appointment of jason elliott for the commission on the environment. motion 10, motion rejecting the
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mayor's appointment of jason elliott to the commission on the environment. chairperson kim: i would like to open up public comment at this time. >> my name is larry bane. i work with the san francisco food system council, which endeavors to bring local food and sustainably produced food to our community. thank you for the opportunity today to speak in favor of jason elliott's nomination to the commission of the environment. he has a true insight into the links between our food system and a sustainable environment. the city of san francisco has a strong commitment to creating a food system in the bay area that offers equity, access, and food that is produced and distributed in a way that supports local families -- local farmers and
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small businesses in a friendly environment. we have begun an initiative with the national health department and national parks service to increase the public's awareness of the importance of help the children in an import -- in a healthy environment. we seek to sustain a san francisco citizens in a diverse and vibrant ecosystem. chairperson kim: thank you so much. >> cheryl bronfman -- brinkman, speaking in support. i was recently appointed to the mta board. one of the first big things i have done is working with jason on the mayor's executive directive on pedestrian safety. i can say that jason was absolutely instrumental in getting all of the ideas and groups together and coalescing that into a workable form. i know he will be an asset to
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the appointment he is nominated for. thank you very much. >> good afternoon. i am here to speak in favor of jason elliott. i do not know him that well, but i don't think it can hurt to have him on the commission. let us look at some of the current environmental ordinances. ordinance 246-00 is the california quail. has anyone seen a quail in the city? you have not. there are not in the coils in the city. also, i'd do not know if the commission is aware of this, but the quail is already the state bird. our city board should probably -- city bird should probably be the california pigeon. which brings me to another ordinance, one i am sure you are familiar with. the feeding of wild birds ordinance is completely draconian. there is nothing in this
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ordinance about enforcement. i would like to show you a picture of an elderly man eating about 100 pigeons -- feeding about 100 pigeons. those are pigeons on his arms. i had to run away because i was pretty sure he was going to command them to attack me or something. if the city does not do something about this, there is a point to be draconian consequences. the real reason i support jason is his love of football. i mean, he knows what a national embarrassment the niners are. i would go so far to say they are an international embarrassment. take this e-mail i received from a woman in the u.k. "i do so want to come to california. we would have a grand time. you were in the strangest dream i had less by. for some reason, you had a crutch --" something about fruit and a tree
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and her mouth. "i was looking at activities to do and i saw san francisco has a football team call the forty- niners. i bet a football game in san francisco would be absolutely lovely. what is this raiders team i hear about, and why do they have a better record than your team, but aren't even in san francisco proper? the weakest division as well, yes? and the niners did not even make the playoffs. it sounds like rubbish to me. come on. the raiders. love, sophie." in conclusion, it jason love the environment half as much as he loves football, -- if jason love is the environment -- if jason loves the environment have as much as he loves football, i think we have a winning team here. chairperson kim: i would like to continue this item to our next full committee meeting.
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i will ask commissioner lee at the conclusion of that to weigh in on anything. >> i am the project manager from the business division. the item you have before you today is a construction project for design build services, the west harbor renovation project. we are recommending a word of the contract to -- a board of the contract to -- award of the contract to [unintelligible] the preliminary design package was advertised to a group of pre-qualified contractors. we received 2 the ball bids. the apparent low bidder has been approved by the human rights commission. we are recommending the award of
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the contract. if this contract is awarded today, we anticipate it is to proceed in february. this is a 20 month contract. it will be completed in approximately october 2012, in time for the america's cup. i am available to answer any questions. >> thank you. commissioner lee? >> we heard this in committee about a week and a half ago. we had testimony from the public. some questions were raised regarding the numbers. that must've been satisfactorily answered, in terms how many slips in the and the project will deliver. the were some questions from the public regarding the financing mechanism.
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staff has provided that information to me. we have had a chance to review everything before this meeting, as was requested at our committee level meetings. i think this is a project that was a long time in coming. it is something that the community wants. certainly, the boat owners i have heard from, the tenants, have been waiting for this for a long time. the fact that this is going to be ready in time for the america's cup in for the events that are being planned i think really is a credit to marry hobson and her team for bringing this together. you are never going to be able to satisfy everybody. having met with neighborhood residents in the last week or so about this project, given what we have -- what we have is fact
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, what this project really entails -- i think we would be remiss if we did not move along this very worthy and long in coming project. i urge my colleagues to approve this project. >> thank you, commissioner. >> is there any public comment on this item? >> my name is courtney clarkson. i was a tenant in the marina from 1977 until last march. in the late '80s, my boat, a small wooden racing sailboat which was in the outer west part of the harbor -- it was pretty much destroyed by the waves and
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