tv [untitled] January 22, 2011 6:00pm-6:30pm PST
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that is why i would be much more interested in a shorter license agreement, just so that there is a mechanism by which the department could hold the department of technology accountable, so, i mean, i really want to see that timeline. i understand technological needs. i think that probably, this mission probably have happened a long time ago -- this move probably should have happened a long time ago. with a differential over 20 years, down to $28 million with city-owned property, to me, i really want to explain that a little bit more. the 10-year plan for the city, whether we have talked about this, to be able to have up- front costs for the city
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property, because i think in the long term, the cost differential, this is not insignificant. i understand having two different ones, but that makes sense to me. also, i kind of want to hear more concrete terms about what is planned to put in the airport, but that is what would make me more comfortable about supporting this in the future. chair chu: thank you, supervisor. is there anything you can add about funding, whether that is part of a capital fund for a city-and facility? -- a city-owned facility? >> i appreciate the supervisors comments. historically, the request has been in the capital plan, and we have yet found a way to fund the program. chair chu: any other comments
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from the mayor's budget office? >> madam chair, there is a question about whether the intent is to provide funding in the budget for the consolidation of data centers at the plant facility. c -- planned facility? chair chu: no, i think it is about a future data center. we talked previously from the comptroller's office above the cost potentially of having to make investments to retrofit a facility. is that part of the capital plan at this time? >> absolutely. supervisor chu, capital planning staff had been involved since the beginning, and actually were part of the leadership in some of the early studies on data centers, the issues, and
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facilities, and investment, so it absolutely was flagged as part of that capital planning discussion, and i think it is viewed similarly by the capital planning staff from what you have heard today. chair chu: thank you. supervisor mirkarimi? supervisor mirkarimi: again, what is the differential? >> it is approximately $1.90 million total. i have a monthly in front of me.
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i have that off the top of my head. what we are currently paying in one market is closer to $1 million a year annually. however, i will say that we are on a month-to-month agreement in one market, and the rent has fluctuated. if we have played up to $1.50 million for that place -- and we have paid up to $1.50 million for that place. supervisor mirkarimi: this is not an overlay of apples to apples, but to show sort of the ongoing concerns of frustrations, we had passed a law that said we would want them to implement at a cost of $75,000 per year, not a month, a year for the ongoing stream before the committees and commissions that exist at the board of supervisors and city government, city hall, that are not covered. dt helps us develop the legislation.
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it was passed, a super majority passed by the board of supervisors. three years later, it still has not been implemented, and yet the cost was 75,000 per year. actually, it was less than that. and now we're talking about a monthly expenditure. it begs the question that i think speaks to the larger concerns, why cannot we actually really make the package division of what we want, in a way that i think we had launched, even several years ago? and that is what i feel like, you guys and we are in kind of a jam, where you need to make a move. there is very the option to not make that move, and i think this is indicative of how things have sort of been in this transition towards consolidation. i am hoping that this is coming to an end, as soon, of what your
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transition has been. this has been a long transition in some ways in consolidation, and it would be nice that along the way, seeing whatever blossoms from the final product that you look back to things that have not been implemented. and, frankly, that $70,000, on an annual, which is why we are sort of scratching our heads about doing this on a monthly, so if it means increasing access to the citizenry of listening it to the committees and commissions that are not well covered, neither by sfgtv or any other medium, television access, then at least, the very minimum is that i think that we turn back to those on realized proposals that are really cheap on a dime and make them happen, and then i think it makes these kinds of questions a little more palatable to us.
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does that make sense? >> it does. supervisor mirkarimi: thank you. chair chu: thank you, supervisor mirkarimi. number one, we have a motion to amend the motion by supervisor mirkarimi, to allow for and require that there is a reporting that is done by dt in terms of consolidation efforts every six months, twice a year. can we take that without objection? [gavel] so the item has been amended. there is also concern with regard to making a recording that is now required as part of the amended legislation. just a general update at some point in time about future consolidation efforts. i think supervisor kim pointed out about -- concretely wanting to know what that looks like, which departments will be part of that consolidation efforts,
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also about the staffing that is associated with that, so at some point in time, i would like to see that update come back to this board. perhaps, is as simple as getting information about what was passed in december as an initial starting point for this committee to hear what that consolidation looks like and to start to move them forward, so i would be happy to work with supervisor kim on that, so with that, we have a final piece of amended legislation. do we have a vote to send this forward, as amended, knowing also that supervisor kim would also like to have further conversations about the lease provision before the vote? >> if the chair would not mind, i just want to apologize for a mistake i made in basic terms. i think it is important that we have this correct. my apologies for not getting this correct. it is an ability to exit after two years, not three.
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my apologies. two years, with a nine-month prior notice. this is a little different than we discussed, and it is a two- your exit, not three. -- a two-year exit. it is a fairly significant advance notice, but yet, we do have an earlier that discussed exit provision. chair chu: ok, i believe that supervisor mirkarimi had the motion to move it forward reluctantly, as do i, knowing this could result in a consolidation in the future and a better facility. why do we not take the role on that? -- roll on that? clerk young: [reading roll]
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the motion passes, and this will be recommended to the board. chair chu: thank you. are there any other items? clerk young: that completes the agenda. chair chu: thank you. we are adjourned. we are adjourned. impossible. announcer: when you open a book, you can explore new lands... [bird screeches] meet new friends, and discover new adventures. there are amazing possibilities when you open your mind to reading. [roar] you can log onto he library of congress website and let the journey begin. >> this is a meeting of the
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recreation and parks commission. i'm going to ask the secretary to make some announcements. >> welcome. as a reminder to everyone, please turn off all pagers, cell phones, or electronic devices. we ask that you take any secondary conversations outside in order for the meeting to proceed as efficiently as possible. if you would like to speak on an item today, please complete a blue card, on the us announced by the president of the commission, anyone wishing to speak will have three minutes on each item.
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please address your comments to the committee -- to the commission during public comment on items in order to allow equal time for all. neither the commission or staff will respond to question term public comment. the commission as questions of staff after public comment is closed. commissioner buell: please take the roll. >> [roll call] two changes on the agenda. item 13 has been removed from the calendar. two, item 20, a second portion of the general public comment will be heard after item 12. we are on item 2, president's report. commissioner buell: let me make
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a couple of comments. we initiated this year the committee structure to try to improve the opportunity for the public to weigh in on matters before the commission and give the commission and staff time to respond and be more responsive to the concerns that are raised during the committee. so i am pleased with the way that capital and operations committee have gone forward so far. it is my hope that staff will be making presentations on items, and when that is concluded, to have the committee chairs simply weigh in on what the committee did or did not do, --do we have public, then? is that the procedure? ok. with that, let me make two other
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observations. as many of you read, the golden gate national recreation area has released some draft rules regarding lease rules for dogs. it seems to me it it will be to no surprise that there will be lots of testimony and people weighing in on that, but i am going to guess that the results will impact the city parks. if they restrict areas that are now being used, that will put more pressure on the recreation and parks department. so with that, i'm going to ask staff to be cognizant of that and to be reporting back to the commission once we see those rules and see if we need to be responsive in how we look at the
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use of our parks, the greater demand that will be placed on them. now, i have a certificate of appreciation that i want to present. i am not going to read the entire certificate because we would be here longer than you would like. but it is an important one. it is a certificate of appreciation to the gay and lesbian sierras. this group, for many years, since 1993, donated more than 2000 hours of public service to the corona heights park area. they have done a stellar job. for more than 17 years, they have been dedicated to the conservation and restoration of natural areas. historically, corona heights displayed one of the most beautiful arrays of wildfires in
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san francisco. however, erosion and the abundance of the invasive species threaten the corona heights grasslands. gay and lesbian sierras continuously remove these species and reduced plant native to enhance the small pockets of wild flowers on the hillsides. their approach to welcome people back month after month. this consistency makes it one of the most reliable and long- lasting habitat restoration volunteer groups in the city, as i said, over 2000 service hours since 1993. so with that, i want to present the form of a certificate of appreciation and we will probably have a photograph taken in the process. do we have someone here to receive the certificate? [laughter] will i be standing all alone?
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commissioner buell: let me make one more announcement as part of my report. the neighborhood park council, as you know, we initiated with them, four meetings per year in an effort to get community feedback and listen to the community about the recreation and park programs. the next town hall meeting that they are conducting will be january 29 at the gene friend recreation center south of market. that will happen at what time? >> 10:00 a.m. commissioner buell: for all those interested in participating, we welcome your attendance. >> is there any part public comment under the president's report? seeing nothing, public comment is closed. we are on item three, general
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managers report. >> good afternoon, commissioners. happy new year. speaking of community meetings, as you know, a new budget cycle is upon us. later in the agenda, katie petrucione will be making the first of several presentations to this commission about our budget for our submission for the next fiscal year. part of our process also includes meeting and speaking with an hearing from our community and park advocates. we have ample you were community meetings scheduled -- four committee meetings scheduled to discuss our budget, which does require us to reduce our general fund support by approximately $6.8 million. the four meetings are scheduled for tuesday january 25 at the rec center from 6:00 to 7:30
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p.m., wednesday january 26 at the gene friend representative center, again from 6:00 to 7:30 p.m., wednesday february 2 at the richmond wreck center, same time, and thursday february 3 at the joe lee recreation center. we encourage everyone with interest in our department to come and join us and share with us your ideas on how we navigate next year's budget submission. a bit of good news. i want to announce that the united states soccer foundation has awarded [no audio] 4 sports lighting admission playground. we have an asphalt soccer [no audio]
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when the new turf field open this fall, because of this grant, we will also have many features that will increase play opportunities for soccer players in the evening, also helping to keep the area safe and active. i want to take a moment to thank the u.s. soccer foundation for their generosity and for the city's foundation for their support. i also want to commend our partnership resources development team and my team for continuing to pursue these opportunities. we are aggressively pursuing grants and philanthropic opportunities in a variety of ways. this is an example of how we are support our operations with external resources. as has been reported yesterday, the city's historic preservation commission began a discussion on the potential landmarking of golden gate park. golden gate is an historic park,
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it is 140 years old. with several landmark features, nine, i think, within it. we certainly is acknowledged the support and interest in preserving the character and historic nature of the park. however, we will be watching the conversation and collaborating in the conversation as park uses change and evolve. we need to balance the notion of history and timelessness in the park with adequate adaptability so that we can make sure the part can meet the needs of changing park uses common changing desires for amenities, and changing maintenance strategies. so this is the beginning stage of this dialogue. i believe the planning department's staff and hpc
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representatives will be coming in february with an information update on the process. we will be working with the planning staff and hpc and the community closely to make sure that we are focused on the best interest of golden gate park over the next 100th 40 years. more good news. we just received our second quarter park maintenance scores from the comptroller's office under proposition c, which i will talk about in a couple of minutes. another reflection of the hard work and commitment of our staff. our scores, which is a combination of staff evaluation from the comptroller's office and rec and parks, were at 94.81%, an all-time high. congratulations to our amazing staff. also at the six-month point, i want to share with you some exciting statistics about our new recreation model, which this commission supported in our last
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budget cycle. while we have had to do more with less, as we said in the budget process last year, and as we discussed in the development of our recreation model, which was done in partnership with seiu, we all felt we could build a better engine as it relates to public relations. the data has been very positive. in 2009, 2010, one year ago through six months, we have 14,005 london 39 people registered in our programs. after six months of this fiscal year, registration has increased to 15,158. after six months of last fiscal year, we had 20,336 hours of programming in the fall and winter seasons. this year, 31,775 hours. so we have increased the
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programming available to the public by 10,000 hours. course revenue, which you will hear more about as part of our overall budget solution. in 2009, 10, after six months of programming, we generated $207,000. after six months of this fiscal year, our recreation program offerings have generated $549,000 in revenue to the department. lastly and perhaps most significantly, in 2009-10, through six months of programming, we offer $22,000 worth of scholarships to purchase of bids in our programming. through six months of this fiscal year, we have offered $124,000 in scholarships. we will talk more about this next month at the next meeting when we begin to share with you
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our collective efforts to create community recreation councils. i wanted to give you the update on the first six months of data from our recreation programs. this past monday, iraq and park played -- rec and park played a significant role in the celebration of the martin luther king holiday. first of all, swimming at the martin luther king pool was free. wheat partner with the african- american complex on a number of activities. we had three activities, planting new trees at lake merced, working in the tenderloin, as well as various parts. i want to thank everyone involved, dpw, the police department, for what was really a great day of service in our
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parks last monday. speaking of volunteers, next wednesday, january 26, from 10:00 until 2:00 p.m., we will be posting the volunteer fair. it is it an opportunity for citizens to learn about how they can volunteer. the event is free to the public and it kicks off in the conservatory's orchid room. that is january 26, it 10:00 until 2:00 p.m. volunteer fair for golden gate park. i also want to note as part of the mlk celebrations, one brick, one of the clearing houses, recognized leaders of community
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change. i am proud that our own kristen bowman was honored for her effort in meeting our part volunteer program. we are proud of her, who is also doing double duty as our park service area manager. through her efforts, others, volunteer programs, we have generated over 20,000 hours of volunteer time last year with a belly to the department of over $3 million. -- value to the department of over $3 million. on january 29 we have an exciting event at keys are pavilion. pearls are invited to join us for national women and girls sports day. it is a free clinic that we are calling taster's choice. it is a free clinic designed for
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young girls to learn new skills in basketball, golf, kickball, volleyball, and track and field, and to develop an understanding of girls and sports. to register, parents can log on to our website. my last announcement today -- it is time to announce that our quarterly recognition employee awards. our department honors a member of our team every quarter. nominations are submitted by staff. the award winners are selected by staff. so this is truly a peer-driven recognition. lydia, if you could stand up. she is our principal administrative analyst for the part division. she is the winner of this month award. [applause] lidia started with the rec and
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