tv [untitled] January 22, 2011 7:00pm-7:30pm PST
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approved by the human rights commission. we are recommending the award of the contract. if this contract is awarded today, we anticipate it is to proceed in february. this is a 20 month contract. it will be completed in approximately october 2012, in time for the america's cup. i am available to answer any questions. >> thank you. commissioner lee? >> we heard this in committee about a week and a half ago. we had testimony from the public. some questions were raised regarding the numbers. that must've been satisfactorily answered, in terms how many slips in the and the project will deliver.
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the were some questions from the public regarding the financing mechanism. staff has provided that information to me. we have had a chance to review everything before this meeting, as was requested at our committee level meetings. i think this is a project that was a long time in coming. it is something that the community wants. certainly, the boat owners i have heard from, the tenants, have been waiting for this for a long time. the fact that this is going to be ready in time for the america's cup in for the events that are being planned i think really is a credit to marry hobson and her team for bringing this together. you are never going to be able to satisfy everybody. having met with neighborhood
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residents in the last week or so about this project, given what we have -- what we have is fact , what this project really entails -- i think we would be remiss if we did not move along this very worthy and long in coming project. i urge my colleagues to approve this project. >> thank you, commissioner. >> is there any public comment on this item? >> my name is courtney clarkson. i was a tenant in the marina from 1977 until last march. in the late '80s, my boat, a small wooden racing sailboat which was in the outer west part of the harbor -- it was pretty
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much destroyed by the waves and lack of breakwater. i became involved in the harbor the commission at the time -- and the commission at the time authorized an advisory committee to be formed to look at getting a new harbor design. for the years that committee was in existence, i was president of five of those. those of you who were on the commission a decade ago remember that i spent a lot of time coming before the commission, trying to get the harbor moved along. i sat in meetings with various city staff, all different types of departments, trying to design a harbor that would really meet the needs of everybody, trying to design a breakwater that would be low impact and
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everything else. in that time, the project went from $1 million to three times that amount. the reason i am here today is that i want it on record to say how dismayed i am and how things turned out of how long it has taken. it really is a shame. the harbor absolutely has to be rebuilt. but it is not being rebuilt in the manner that really should have happened, thanks to delays from the neighborhood organization as well as delays through reckoned park -- rec and park. it is a disgrace. now the they do not go down there very often, i am astounded -- now that i do not go down there very often, i am
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astounded. on the subject of the breakwater, i do not understand why sheet pile breakwater that is this -- that is precisely within the footprint of the harbor cannot satisfy the requirements of keeping the 100 boats or whatever it is that will be in the outer was safe. as the project moves along, i hope somebody will again look it that. it is really important. my boat was pretty much destroyed. i did not want to spend three times what the boat was worth to get it back together. >> is there any other public comment on this item? >> yes. i totally agree with the comments of courtney clarkson. together with her and many
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others that spent many meetings down at the marina, trying to get this straightened out -- as it had been delayed more and more and more, the trouble goes on. it does not change in a timely manner. i would urge you to go ahead with it and make it the best harbor you possibly can. thank you. >> is there any other public comment on this item? seeing none, public comment is closed. >> commissioners -- >> i am sorry? >> i believe we are asking the commission if the have any comments. i am not seeing any. can we entertain the motion? it has been moved and seconded. all those in favor? hearing none, it is unanimous. thank you very much. >> we are now on item 9, sharp park recycle water memorandum of
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understanding with the public utilities commission. >> i am with the capital and planning division. i am here today to request the adoption of ceqa findings for the sharp park recycle water project, approving pay a -- an approving an mou and the letter for completion of the recycled water at the short park golf course -- sharp park golf course. this project replaces the irrigation source from domestic water to recycled water. the item was presented at committee meeting on january 5. it was questioned at the community meeting. it includes how these retrofits will be contracted. that will be to a formal bid and award of contract process like our normal capital projects, and
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a breakdown of the retrofit costs. the boy down of those costs have been provided within your commission packages -- the breakdown of those costs has been provided with a new commission packages. i have a -- that is my short presentation. we are available for questions. commissioner lee: we heard this item at the community meeting about a week and a half ago. i found the description from the puc very helpful in understanding why we needed to have this. is he here? do we have a representative? perhaps we can pocket little bit briefly about the background for my colleagues. the thing once i heard your presentation, it became much clearer to me why this mou is
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needed. >> i am assistant -- assistant general manager for water for the public utilities commission. we are looking at the sharp park recycle water -- recycle water project. -- recycled water projects. the would use water from a waste-water plant. this would sign an mou to take responsibility for certain things we have already committed to as a city, also to receive funds from the puc to provide for retrofits within the go course irrigation system necessary to receive recycle water, things like sign it and connections -- receive recycled water, things like cited -- signage and connections.
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the project is moving ahead already to serve sharp park and adjoining areas. one other note i would put in is yesterday afternoon i met with a member of the national park conservancy association, who had various questions. i reviewed the project with him to make sure it was clear that regardless of what land use occurs over time 15 or 20 years from now, the project we are proposing does nothing to disrupt any decision the recreation and park department might make in the future for that land use. commissioner lee: thank you very much. colleagues, i would urge you to support the mou. it makes sense. it has been a long time in coming. president buell: thank you, commissioner. vice president harrison: i have one question. this talks about rec and park
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employees will be responsible for applying to the laws and requirements on the application of recycled water. what does that mean? will they be trained to do this? >> as part of this project, we are creating guidelines for the staff and training for the staff for the application of the recycled water. that is part of this work. we will be contacting with someone to create those guidelines and train our staff. because this will be our department employees' responsibility, moving forward. vice president harrison: what responsibilities does that entail? >> some of the responsibilities of -- steve might be better than me at answering this. >> basically, recycled water is
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waste water that has been treated. it is protected for public health. but it still has to be handled carefully. stepup to be trained in recognizing there is a difference between recycled water and potable water. they have to be trained to handle the connections and disconnections, maintenance of signs and facilities associated with recycled water. these are spelled out in title 22 of the state board regulations. it is not a large deal, but it is a state requirement for anyone who distributes recycle water in any of their facilities. -- recycled water in any of their facilities. >> we have public comment. richard harris, richard mitra, beau leeks, and richard fong. come forward, please.
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>> good afternoon, commissioners. i am richard harris. we support the sharp park golf course. we have been looking at this issue of the mou with the puc over recycled water. golfers at golf courses are a common place where recycled water is used. it is good conservation use. golfers are familiar with it. they know not to drink it. they are well trained in it. many golf courses use recycled water. this project has support from the city of pacifica water
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district, the san francisco puc, the rec and park capital could city -- capital committee. we urge you to proceed with this. >> next speaker, please. >> my name is richard mitra. i am a resident of the excelsior district, an avid golfer for a short period of time, and i support the opening of sharp park in the use of recycled water, which is a good thing. not having been a golfer for a long time, i had an image of golfers being elite. havingx been one for the past five years, i find it is every man's passion, as is conservation in my family. i find sharp park to be one of the most beautiful places to visit early in the morning.
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it stuns me, the grandeur and beauty of the place, and how well it has been taken care of. i did not know the history of sharp park until i talked to richard. the way that it was developed as a place to nurture and nature -- to nurture nature, in addition to providing recreation for the fourth most popular recreation in san francisco, other than a dog walking -- other than a dog walking -- other than dog walking. it is an amazing place. i support whatever we can do to nurture it and the environment. >> my name is beau links. i am in san francisco golfer. i have been playing our courses for 40 years now, ever since
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1962. i am, by default, a golf historian here in town. this is a wonderful facility, the creation of dr. maclaren and alice their mackenzie -- alistair mackenzie. this step is wonderful. it is environmentally correct. i play on courses all over the country. people are doing this. it works. it is going to be phenomenal. i am elated that we are bringing this kind of environmental stewardship to such a wonderful property. it shows the commitment that we thank you for to keep these great courses alive for generations to come. i heartily endorse the project. >> richard fong. >> good afternoon.
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i would like to address this issue from an animal patrol welfare issue. i look at it from the monitoring of eggs, the problems with endangered species. i oppose the salinity in abatement. it will use groundwater and macaque filtration reverse osmosis. in all of it, as i learn more about it, they're going to monitor the eggs and looked at the eggs, see how big they are, how many they are. a lot of things that contaminate eggs might be in medicine. we learned that at uc-berkeley, where it was a permanent change in the embryonic stage from
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gour medicine -- gout medicine. that probably would be filtered and taken out through reverse osmosis. the part i cannot deal with is that when you chlorinate, you add in sodium chloride ions, bromide islands. -- bromide ions. you have chlorinated water, halogens. these are things that would be in the water. they go up to where they interface with the no. county water department. what i am asking or recommending is that there be left contingency points.
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you're going to need to decelerate the water. i tried to introduce electro chemistry and a mathematical model of how much energy it costs to take out bromines from the water. it eliminates all the halogens and it goes up in the gashes vapor read in a gaseous vapor -- in a gaseous vapor. if we add these recycled waters -- frogs are very vulnerable. we have sublimation -- salination, and ground water that people have found worldwide in of opera and ground waters -- in aquifer and groundwaters -- i
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hope we would have some contingencies. >> i will be very brief. i agree with the previous speakers and urge you as a conservationist and environmentalists to approve this mou. i also want to take this opportunity to contend my friend rick as an outstanding project manager in the recon park department. i urge you to -- in the rec and park department. i urge you to recognize him as such. he deserves the honor. >> is there any other public comment on this item? seeing none, public comment is closed. commissioners? president buell: we have heard from the chair of the committee. we have heard public testimony. is there a motion? >> so moved. president buell: all those in
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favor? it is unanimous. >> we are now on item 10, excelsior west sunset, margaret hayward's initiative to lead community organizations' revoke will permit. >> good afternoon, commissioners. i am the director of development for the recreation and parks department. i am here to present the recconnect leases. this initiative provides free dynamic recreational programs in the city's highest need neighborhoods. do this public nonprofit partnership between the department of children, youth, and families, the recreation and
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park department, and community organizations, this project in gauges 7000 children and youth in events and activities of each year. recconnect provides educational programs since 2006 to a joint mou to our department and the cbo. programs are open to the public and targeted to specific neighborhoods. we assess neighborhoods each year. programs directly address that needs assessment. given the budget crisis, by working together synergistic, our department can make the most of limited resources and develop partnerships like this. i would like to introduce the director of the department of children, youth, and families to say a little bit more about the relationship. >> good afternoon, commissioners and director
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ginsburg. i am excited to not only talk to you about our department, which does a lot of wonderful and innovative things with other departments, but to specifically talk about this partnership with the rec and park department. this is one of many partnerships we have. i think the first partnership we had with them was to leverage and enhance your youth work force program. over the years of partnering together, we have built a pretty comprehensive youth employment program that leverage as all the expertise and skills that your staff has in helping young people learn more about this career and field. what nicole was referring to was we go through a very
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extensive needs assessment and asked residents what it is they need for children, youth, and families. the access to quality after- school programs, access to physical fitness programs, access to cultural enrichment programs. we believe what other better place to provide and support these types of access? it would be to partner with the wreck facilities -- rec facilities. we have partnered for several years now. the operators of these programs -- we see tremendous bell you in this partnership -- tremendous value in this partnership.
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we believe that through this initiative we can build stronger relationships in other areas. through conversations with director ginsberg, we have talked about how to leverage other projects and initiatives you are doing. i look forward to building strong partnerships with you. but also look forward to coming back to the commission to present the next community needs assessment. we have been working for months in going back to the community and saying we have done this and this and this. do you see other areas we need to improve or other areas we need to continue? i look forward to that conversation as well. i will leave the stage for the rest of the presentation, but if you have any questions, i will be here. president buell: thank you. >> it has always been the intention of the department to enter a more formal arrangement with the cbos providing programs for the use of these clubhouses.
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these will be revocable permits for them to continue to occupy and provide free recreational programs open to the public. ymca san francisco is in the excelsior clubhouse. the sunset beacon center is in the west clubhouse. girls 2000 is in the gilman clubhouse. in response to feedback from the community at the last meeting we had concerning this subject, the operations subcommittee two weeks ago, we went with all the executive directors of the recconnect program. they have offered to host community open houses to receive feedback on how their programs are addressing the needs of the community, as well as to figure out how to best serve the community. i will describe a little bit about each program and in by the
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directors to provide more insight about the particular programs. ymca at the excelsior provides an after-school program that focuses on homework and academic support. there is a child observation course by city college of san francisco that takes place. there is a martial arts program which is non-combative. there is a summer day camp. the next community open house will be on march 5, from noon to 4:00 p.m. at the sunset neighborhood beacon center, they also have a daily after-school programs with learning in subject areas and field trips. there are science experiments and projects in community environment. there is an environmental leadership council where kids learn how to be green and politically active. the have hand drumming, they learn how to create nutritious meals, they all use the internet
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to study better. there is a robotics club where they build a functioning robots and enter competitions. there are community activities that include literacy classes and ping-pong, one of their most popular programs. the ymca at margaret hayward provides after-school programs that support arts, drumming, hip-hop, and praised vance, family cooking, and spring camp, which helps parents after work during things like spring break. girls 2000 is designed to meet the needs of girls ages 6 through 18 and their families living in the bayview hunters point housing developments. the underlying philosophy is that all children can succeed with proper tools and guidance. they provide youth education, art education, health the
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cooking, life skills such as nutrition, drug education, sex education, and pregnancy prevention. youth recreation include seasonal sports, friday night fun, cardio boxing, board games, lacrosse, yoga, man softball, and job training. i will introduce the directors of these programs to speak more fully. >> mining is rodney channel. i am the branch manager who is currently operating the programs that margaret hayward park. i want to thank you for your time here. we are really interested in giving the community what they need. the ymca
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