tv [untitled] January 24, 2011 12:00am-12:30am PST
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and we would give you a call, and it's an actual adoption and cost $107 and it will be your dog. >> the volunteers to meet are the unsung heroes in this field that take the animals to hope and nurse them to get strong enough to come down and rehome. without volunteers, i would have to be honest to say this wouldn't be much more than a pound. we thank god that we have the number of committed people coming down and helping us out, it makes all the difference in the world. >> when you want to come in and volunteer, you go through a general orientation, about two hours. there is a lot of flexibility. and the various programs
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available, are baseline dog walking. you can work with the cats. you can work with tony's kitty rescue, with the small animals and guinea pigs and birds and chickens. >> you always have an appreciative audience. >> do you feel that what you have learned here helped you with your own dogs? >> the training they don't have? yes. and it's things that you learn, we usually outlive our dogs and every time you get a new one, you have skills to teach them. >> one of the programs is training program and it's staffed by a member of the community and one of the programs she has is dog socialization. >> we started this program for
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canine socialization. and all the dogs available for adoption get to play for two hours. and it's a time for them to get incredible exercise and play with other dogs and we have remedial socialization. and it's incredible the dogs and they get exercise and run and tumble and when most adopters come to look in the afternoon, they are quiet and settled. >> and i want come and someone sees a dog and loves it, it's quick. and after three weekends, i saw him and he connected and i connected and came back. >> what is your experience of working with the animals?
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>> unbelievable. from the guy that is came to the house and everyone here, they are friendly and knowledge believe and -- knowledgeable and they care about the animals. >> and it's a great place to visit and look at the animals and maybe fall in love and take one home. and look at our grooming program and volunteer program program and volunteer program and many say, hey, this [horns honking] [siren wails]
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clerk: i think we are good. president newlin: should we start it again? clerk: i think we are good. [reading roll] president newlin: public comment. members of the public can address the commission for up to three minutes. is there anybody here? ok, seeing none, next item would be to review and approve the meeting minutes from december 14. i am sure we have a quorum on the minutes. commissioner: i move to approve.
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commissioner: i second. clerk: [reading roll] president newlin: ok, i have been requested to take an item of order, so the next item i am going to call is item no. 7. comments and questions. commissioner: item 6. president newlin: online, it says 7. it does not matter. >> good evening, commissioners. i am commander crenshaw. i will be retiring in a couple of days, and i does want to thank you for your assistance. we made a lot of approve minutes
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and advances in the last years. -- a lot of improvements and advances. considerable time and effort went into working on problem clubs. i think we have done a lot. i think we accomplished a lot, in spite of a lot of negatives. i think the standard be practices were the high point of our collaboration and hopefully will be able to define those in coming months. but i would just like to say that it was an honor working with you. hopefully, i brought some positives and the relationship that we can build on in the future. my replacement is a commander. he was not able to be here
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tonight, and then there is the captain, and we have worked together almost day-by-day the last year, dealing with the soma area, our largest nightclub area. i want to highlight a few things. we had new years. a multitude of events that went on. what we really had to address was the emergency closing of a club. club 181. i know there was a lot of press given this, some negative and some positive, but it required emergency action by us because we thought there was an immediate threat to public
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safety. it was really the first time we have had to take such serious action. audrey and another did an outstanding job. we would not normally have pursued that venue in the normal course of business, but we thought it was dealing with public safety, and that is why we took that action. dave will carry on everything that we hopefully established along with a collaborative work in the future. hopefully, i would like to see another summit, may be springtime of possible. -- maybe springtime.
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commissioner newlin and staff -- >> this is too much. i hope my wife is not at home watching this. [applause] does this mean you really like me? commissioner: yes, it does. in the old days, it would have been a bottle of scotch. >> i appreciate it. >> president newlin, commissioners, san francisco police department. i do want to knowledge commander crenshaw. i started years ago in narcotics, and he will be sorely missed. we have a very unique
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relationship. he and i kind of collaborated ideas, and it has been quite eventful over the last few years, and i think we have accomplished a lot. unfortunately, and the commander just alluded to it, we have another coming on board. he had a root canal, so he could not be here tonight, but he will be at the next meeting. a couple of comments about what was established over the new year's weekend, and the commander just alluded to what occurred at " -- club 181. seeing it works and seeing it through the process. -- seeing it worked. not only did jocelyn see our
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concerns, it was ultimately seen in the courts. the courts had to be opened on friday. we had to bring on the on call a judge and have a hearing of petitioners in their attempt -- thank you. stay. thank you. a stay on the judgment that your commission had imposed, and an independent judge saw the evidence and cited on behalf of the commission's recommendation, -- and sided on behalf of the commission's recommendation. the other thing i want to a knowledge on behalf of the police department's efforts, and i do not know if some commissioners have seen our work product yet, but we went above and beyond in a short amount of time to give documentation, so we are just not hitting you a
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handful of two or three partially -- reports that do not seem to have a relation which each other -- with each other. we tried to back it up with facts, and that is what we provided. it was challenged in the courts, and it succeeded in the courts, so to me, this is not so much about the club and their name, but we vindicated. i know in the last year, the commission has been challenged a lot about its capabilities as a police department, but it can work. this does not mean that this is a tool we should export take advantage of. -- we should exploit or take advantage of. frankly, to use a line that i heard chief gascon use, the fewer the rest, the fewer the citations. fewer shows things are working. that is exactly the case of what had to happen with this club that we can create i would
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prefer -- with this club that happened that weekend. i prefer to not do it again. it took a tremendous amount of time. we did a great job, digging deep into our data bases, and i think it showed, and we do have capabilities when put on task. that is not our preferred choice, and we want to underscore that. we would rather work with you to try to find solutions as a group. we always know that is the best choice, but what we ultimately agree to disagree, we also want people to know there are going to consequences. overall, i think we all feel good about new year's. it was a good event, and what the i will share with you that i was involved with is we action shot down and illegal party in
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the south of market, and i have to say that i think we saved lives that night -- is that we actually shut down and illegal party. this was very cavernous space. it was a four-story warehouse. it did not have any fire sprinklers. ultimately, the fire marshall responded. he made the decision to shut it down, but due to the efficient use of our resources, we took our time. it took about two hours to close it, but sometimes that is what i think you have to commit to do. actually, people understood. you should have seen this place, with all the parts that were put up and all of amazes. -- all of the tarpon -- tarps that were put up and all of the
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mazes, and they had doors that were not bridged way. -- not breakaway. the person running the event was well intended. it goes to our continued need to educate. this was not a person, at least in my opinion, based on what we found out so far, it was not their intent so much to run a rave or make a lot of money on the years. i do not think that was their intent. our continued need to educate the public, which i think this highlights our continued need to educate the public -- i think that just highlights our continued need.
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president newlin: is a ever considered to have the city attorney go after the owner of the building to recover some of the police expenses on that? >> absolutely, and that is something we will be taking to our city attorney for code enforcement. and actually, before i walk away, i think the commander mentioned it, and we want to bring up the captain of the southern district, we just want to make a few brief comments again in the spirit of coming to factual information. we do not want to speak in detail about what happened over the weekend, but we did have problems board at one club. we are not in a position tonight to say where the responsibility lies. we all realize that when you're in this industry, bad things happen, but we will continue to dig into this one, but you will be hearing from us again when we
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are more prepared to go into it. we did not want to rush into it and not be confident in our position, because we're hearing different versions of what may or may not have happened. thank you. >> good evening, commissioners. i am the new commanding officer of southern police station. as you all know, not only did we inherit a large district, we inherited a lot of nightclubs, and venues like that in the district. i went to work professionally and fairly with all of the owners of the businesses to make sure that the people who attend these venues.note have a good time and go home safely. -- the attendees venues go home safely and have a good time. -- the people who attend these venues have a good time and go on safely.
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president newlin: thank you, and congratulations. comments? step up to the microphone. >> i am with a group, and i am very pleased to share about all of the good work to keep us safe at nightclubs and parties. i am offended at the use of the word "rave" to mean any legal party. thank you. president newlin: they keep. all right, good luck to all of you, and especially to you, kitt. in case anyone is not aware, the mayor issued a press release confirm the appointment of joycelyn kane to the
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entertainment commission, so congratulations. >> thank you, commissioners, once again. some of the points that i want to talk about have been raised, but let me briefly go through my director's report. in the legislative and policy update, i want to on the registration legislation, and we discussed at the last meeting, which was december 14. it seems like a long time since we were last year. that legislation has now been signed into law. it was signed by the mayor on december 21. we have got the final, final version behind this memo, and i encourage you to take this home with you and read through it and get familiar with the as we are
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on to the face of implementation at this point. i have some meetings at least two months ago with personnel and dpyf, and this time, it is probably not fair for me to throw a number out. staff has worked with board president david chiu to make sure that the online registry becomes a reality in the very near future, so legislation itself does not stipulate a date certain, so it gave us enough time to make sure it is on line and is done right the first time. the ordinance amending the planning code regarding the van ness special use district, which i have mentioned in the past, it
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was approved by the board of supervisors on january 4 and signed by the mayor on january 7. it is one of the many things he did on his last day of work. so that remains to be seen how much entertainment we will see on van ness in that special use district, but given the fact that neighbor notification is not as onerous time wise as i think as special use authorization is, we could see some applications into time. and lastly, it ordinance that i spoke of last meeting regarding what the department of public works is moving forward, a delay in the changeover of the new board of supervisors, and this is at the committee level waiting for committee assignments. the new board members were sworn
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in, and a board president has yet to assign committee members, and was it today? i guess they snuck in the port assignment, so those should be up online, if not now, tomorrow, and we will find out what committees actually exist. we will continue to follow that for you. staff and office update. just briefly wanted to mention that the staff has a retreat on saturday january 8, and almost all of the commissioners were present, and all staff were able to attend. we spent about four hours assessing short-term and long- term goals. each commissioner took their time for their particular
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interest in projects for the upcoming year, and it will be for the years after that, including such things as updating commission rules and procedures, being involved in the academy classes that will be moving forward this year with sfpd, pursuing art tends to get permits on line, and something we mentioned previously, a neighbor's summit. we wanted to try something new and create a neighborhood summit, and we are working to strengthen the pre-application process. there were lots of other ideas put forward, and i am really glad that we did that, and we think we will achieve all the things we discussed. i included in your report here is continued list -- hear this
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continuance list. here this continuance list. it was started to ratchet up again. the weather is going to get better in the next couple of months. we will see lots and lots more of these. there will be higher numbers, and they will work in the office. leslie, i'm going to go through some of the more recent corrective actions that have taken place and things that have happened after, since we have not been here in almost a month.
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at a meeting, the commission ordered a new set of conditions be placed on the entertainment permit, as you might recall, and three days later, on december 17, the permit holder filed an appeal at the board of appeals. that is currently scheduled for february 16. in light of that, they worked with the permit holder and has a voluntary withdrawal of their entertainment permit from operation, which took place between december 23 and january 3, 2007, which took us through the new year's eve holiday. obviously, there were major concerns for public safety, and the conditions for the appeal were set aside kerplunked 32 were set aside, -- conditions
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for the appeal were set aside. there were safety concerns. the voluntary withdrawal i thought was a victory for us, and since that, staff understands that this was open only for the service of food as it negotiates a possible sale. at the end of this report, and if inspectors -- inspector falzon is still here -- i will leave that there. i think it is really important that i remind the commission with respect to this club that
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you might be hearing an appeal, so let me go through this briefly. on december 9, staff issued something to club 181. that suspension would have been effective from december 16 through december 23, 2010. the permittees exercised his right to an appeal, and that was initially scheduled for tonight, january 11. however, the venue has not been opened since the liquor license was taken away, and they have asked for a continuance of the appeal. they did not ask for a date specific, so i do note -- do not know it this time when that will come. also, as noted in inspector granelli's report, after granelli's report, after diligent work by the city
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