tv [untitled] January 25, 2011 3:30pm-4:00pm PST
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i am here today -- a few minutes the last two weeks. our supervisor campos, and my supervisor, my district, supervisor jane kim. the two minutes you give us. but wake up. give us your hearing. give us your eyes. we left our jobs to come here to say something. we need to tell you something. and we need to learn from you something. finally, as you know, 180 people get an injury.
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35 people have been killed in moscow. for the last 24 days, 28 young men have been killed in san jose in san francisco and oakland. now, i would like to ask each one of you, what kind of security we have now? what kind what our mayor -- the new mayor like to have with us? we are different than you. each one of these people -- you are here to represent us. you have rights to protect us. everyone of you. i do not care if you are new or old or whatever you are. we are all here, you 90. it does not matter if you are a jews -- we are all here, united.
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it does not matter if you are a jew. [bell] president chiu: thank you. >> good afternoon, supervisors. stop the destruction of the public library. this has been one of the great civic, gains of time. which one of the great civic con games of all time -- has been one of the greats of the con games of all time. -- one of the great civic con games of all time. there is the post occupancy of valuation scandal. the lower accreditation scandal. the staff whistle-blowers scandal. the fee-for-service scandal. the private space rental
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scandal. underlying them all, 1000 public records and sunshine violation scandals. yet, a private money was so important -- yet, private money was so important. the so-called philanthropists, who call themselves the friends of the san francisco public library, have no agreement with the city because they would not answer questions about their finances from your board of supervisors. they are not required to justify its philanthropy with any showing of benefits because the reason for the philanthropy is to maintain the privileges of class and the barriers to democracy itself. they advertise for money, but the money on the benefits themselves. like other institutions, they have acted to make sure that embarrassing disclosures are never revealed. the representatives of the
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public, yourselves, would rather have rich grants and responsible to the citizens who elected you. -- van be responsible to the citizens who elect you. -- van be responsible. -- than be responsible. [bell] president chiu: ok, we would like to move to our special accommodations at 3:30. you will be the first person to speak when that is over. the first will be provided by supervisor carmen chu. supervisor chu: thank you, president chiu. i would like to invite christopher of. as many know, one of the biggest tests we have is the graffiti. the city spends over $25 million
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in your painting over graffiti, and it is very likely -- $25 million a year painting over graffiti, and it is likely that it would be more. he has worked for nearly 10 years. he has met with hundreds of neighborhood groups, educate them on combating graffiti, establishing new programs to solve hundreds of problems. he has educated hundreds of juvenile. -- juveniles. he has worked with the department of public works, the graffiti task force, the public defender's office, and, of course, every single supervisor 's office, and he has an encyclopedia of tags. he put in a transfer years ago, and while we are very happy for
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him and his family, this is a very big loss for the city, as we have depended on your expertise in graffiti for years. we want to take this time to thank you for all of what you have provided, and the districts are very grateful. a person representing the san francisco police department as well as the vice chair of the graffiti advisory board. [applause] >> thank you very much. to also introduce who is present today is his wife, maria. as well as his commanding officer, from the major crimes division of the police department, and a lieutenant of the task force. and i would like to thank you, supervisor carmen chu and
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supervises, for recognizing him. as you know, he was selected to be a motorcycle officer. he has waited for many years. i hope that in his enthusiasm for traffic work, he catches an occasional tagger, as well. >> i am truly honored with the recognition you have given me today. it has been a lot of fun over the last nine or tenures with graffiti issues and working with community groups -- over the last nine or 10 years. they look at ways that this solves problems. it is an issue that is extremely important to every community in the city here, and we have a lot of wonderful members, and there are some really wonderful people in the city department. one has been nothing but
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fantastic as far as supporting us and our operations and trying to combat graffiti. john at the school district, just a host of other people. it has really been a collaborative effort, and i am honored to have worked with them, and i appreciate this recognition. thank you. [applause] >> good afternoon, mr. president, commissioners. i in the vice chair of the mayor is griffey the advisory board. -- i am the vice chair. of the mayor's graffiti advisory board. i have been on the board for five plus years, and he has assisted us in making great strides in addressing that $20 million graffiti problem affecting san francisco. his work, in conjunction with
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the efforts of the d.a.'s office, has been crucial to our efforts to pursue vandals and hold them accountable for damaging our beautiful city. he is well-liked by the members of the board, who as you know, represent all areas of the city, but more important, he is well- respected. if you asked me to design the perfect police officer, it i would use christopher as a template. he is the man you want to have as your next-door neighbor and your friend. he is a man of character, and he is the consummate police officer. quiet, efficient, honest, and dedicated to serving his fellow citizens. thank you for recognizing his achievements and for honoring him here today.
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longtime community activist. hopefully, what i say now will not jeopardize my getting accommodation next week for black history month, but i am here because my heart is hardened. particularly because of the situations of females in the homicide. i have been fascinated. i am appalled of my black ministers. i am appalled for my black community. as i look around, i see one or two commissioners. even out here speaking on the issue. i am appalled. i am a father. i am a grandfather. i am a great-grandfather. to wake up and see these articles here in the western addition, i went down but to confront the chief of police. i went to talk to the d.a., .and
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finally, i came here to speak to the supervisor. the black community are going to have to be accountable. here we have a homicide of females. what is the hell wrong with my youngsters? what is the hell wrong with the community. i am concerned about the public meetings coming up. speaking about supervisors, i warn, and i caution everybody, check your history. for anybody to come up here and defend the redevelopment, you need to check your history. i would be in your face over what they have done.
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[bell] [applause] president chiu: by the way, for those of you who are new to our chamber, we do not express applause or opinion. next speaker. >> how do you do, and thank you for this opportunity to speak. my name is josh wilson. i have a beautiful nine-one- malt -- a nine-month-old baby daughter, which might explain my appearance. excellence in journalism, and a volunteer from 1994 until 2002. i was a director and shepherding it through hundreds of campaigns and service agencies.
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this also produced and broadcast the most expensive -- and extensive interviews. i do not know if this is what the father referred to when he said the community participants were entitled or overly entitled. this is clearly a public service and civic informational role that we are fulfilling. furthermore, this is an extraordinary hub for music and arts and culture, including galleries. giving them exposure which would otherwise be unavailable to them. kusf is linked to others, including radio station around the country and around the world, and it is a point of
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entry for these artists and cultural leaders into the bay area. this is about the economy, local business, and san francisco role and status as an economically in the united states and in the pacific rim. this is not about a format change. this is about public assets and public trust. [bell] president chiu: thank you very much. before we have the next speaker, i would like to bring up the next guest that we have for the 3:30 special recommendations. if you could please approached the microphone? i will be providing this accommodation, so earlier this month, on new year's eve, early in the morning, in the district of north beach, where there were thousands of people who were celebrating and ringing in the new year, there was a fire, a
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two-alarm fire, that broke out on the roof of the building. the building collapsed. the building received great damage. there were people who were displaced, 17 families, many seniors, and many of these families were first-generation immigrants who did not speak english. we had dozens of residents who literally had to flee their homes with nothing on them except their pajamas, and a few blocks away, there is an amazing entertainment venue, the broadway studios, who was just breaking down after a party they had thrown, and a wonderfully agreed to open up their business to the red cross for the residents of this building to use as a temporary shelter. the neighbors from this building remained in the broadway studios as the firefighters were putting out the fire. they then provided shelter, food, drinks, and space heaters
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to keep all of these individuals warm for the next day and acted as a centralized location for the red cross, the fire department, and other city departments and agencies to provide emergency assistance to these residents. the residents were relocated first to a summer recreation center and then to the royal pacific motel with the help of an agency, and very recently, all of the families have as of now found a temporary rental units or have otherwise procured housing. from my perspective, this was the sixth fire i have attended over the past years in my district, many involving low- income residents and tenants, and it is because of a wonderful people, like the broadway studios, which help to redress the disasters that we have that i think make the city the wonderful place that it is, so
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if we can thank them for their amazing generosity, thank you very much. [applause] if you would like to say a few words, you can do so. >> it has been our pleasure to be a part of north beach, and for the last 21 years, we have been trying to be a good neighbor, and from the bottom of our hearts, we would do it again.
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francisco and providing local programming for and by the wide range of cultures and communities that help make san francisco the internationally respected city that it is. with programs in over 10 languages, including chinese star radio, the romanian hour, turkish programming, and public programming, like senior news and the disability report, these programs give marginalized communities a spot to have a voice. this is a spot on the dial which is a scarce public resources, specifically set aside for community service. a transaction done in secret involving a media conglomerate and a southern california station does not serve this community. as advocates of localism and the community you serve, i look forward to our crusade to save community radio in san francisco
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and to stop the sale of kusf. [applause] president chiu: thank you. again, for members of the audience, we do of a board world to refrain from applause. i know that it is difficult, but we ask you to refrain so we can move along -- we do have a board rules to refrain from a plaza -- from applause. >> i am a resident in san francisco. i would like to talk about the rhetoric here in politics, especially in san francisco, and why this board of supervisors has been known as the politics that encourages it to be called a bloodsport. white is san francisco politics called a bloodsport? what is it that you are doing that is making nitpicky --
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making it so heavy and anxious that we would describe it as a bloodsport? is it that you are passing bloody awful resolutions? or is it that you are an unstable bunch of supervisors? san francisco used to be a city that had a stable, so therefore, without a stable, we are an unstable city. but the fact of the matter is is the fact that we do have a constitution in america, and is the constitution being followed here in san francisco? we have a huge california deficit and a huge budget deficits, and is it appropriate to give illegal immigrants education when californians
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themselves cannot afford education? what kind of dream is that? or are you just dreaming? it does not seem like the right time to be giving away money to people who should not be here. i do not know what your dream as, but my dream is a happy and prosperous america, and you need only look -- [bell] president chiu: thank you very much. next speaker. >> good evening, supervisors. i am the co-chairman of a committee of the san francisco chapter of the recording academy. i am a entrepreneur and a resident of san francisco. local music must be heard. according to the note -- the sf gov website, we have to work for our citizens. kusf has been here for over 30
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years. they promote diversity and respect the exchange of ideas. be mindful of our past experience with the boom and bust industries, such as gold, shipping, and dot com start-ups, i urge you to not have this be part of history. many got their starts by playing in local clubs in san francisco. without them broadcasting, many broadcasts will go unannounced and unknown. a whole generation of emerging artists risks slipping into obscurity. we have been working with you, the board of supervisors, the entertainment commission, the california music and culture association, and many other groups. to revitalize entertainment in
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our city. we worry about our youth finding safe and healthy outlets for their energy, and yet we do this to one of the few outlets left to them. local music must be heard. the deeper impact of these event is to extend the reach of corporate radio from the south bay to san francisco, and in sanders a, another was purchased recently. -- and in san jose, another was purchased recently. [bell] president chiu: thank you. next speaker, please. >> i am in no rush to get yes' votes. knocking on doors, the obama
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campaign, i work from 5:00 a.m. east coast but, 12 to 15 hours per day for over eight months. i travelled to and from other offices vote to maintain my sanity, and those hours are not really included. before polls closed, they said i was one of the top 100 telephone bankers in the country. i believe i am number two. i was impressed with the tenacity, intellect of another person. i made the decision 1.5 months before the election to the phone bank, and to put out the same energy i did for the obama campaign. i never doubted she would win, and my phone baking numbers were
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phenomenal. this letter of victory as supervisor in district 10. i was nicknamed the secret weapon. thank you very much. president chiu: thank you. next speaker. >> thank you for your time. i had a show on kusf since 2001 and also a band. each city has a station on which they can express themselves, and for san francisco it do not have this, it is a travesty. why should southern california be allowed to buy this frequency when they have four others broadcasting the same thing already? why were the people of san
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francisco not offered the chance to buy it? it held the local bands and record pet -- and records. there are several ticket giveaways each day. it stimulates people to shop for new music and go out to local events. if we allow southern california to keep this, who will play local bands? who will advertise their shows, and who will interview them? 90.3, is ultimately helps the whole city, because it brings recognition to our city. as a fact, that is what san francisco is known for. i would go so far to say that 90.3 was driving our local music scene. there were many culturally diverse programs, such as the senior and disability programs,
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note which get them up-to-date on their rights and benefits. there was invaluable legal insight, which covered all manners of technology and science and many more. we brought you program guides, and we had shows in many different languages, chinese, armenian, french, and many more. [bell] president chiu: thank you. next speaker. >> i would like ross mirkarimi to get the yellow one and eric mar to get one. the yellow one is for ross, and whoever else -- jane
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