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tv   [untitled]    January 28, 2011 8:30am-9:00am PST

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raised in the central valley. he was incarcerated during world war two. last june, my late mother was in his last stages of cancer. -- and my late father was in his last stages of cancer. he welcomoke up yelling, "don't forget to pack tehe chopsticks." he was reliving the 48 hours the family had to pack up and leave as a result of executive order 906. i also want to have knowledge of the work of the institute, and the japanese american citizens league. and those that worked on the
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case. inobservance -- in observance, the struggle for civil liberties have been inspired by ordinary americans that have had the courage to stand up. he was one of the few individuals that refused to comply with the military orders issued under executive water - - - order 9066. and their internment in concentration camps. while the military orders of violated his basic rights and freedoms, represented by the american civil liberties union
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of california, chose to challenge the constitutionality of his arrest and conviction for violating the military orders. in 1944, the supreme court rejected his challenge affectively upholding the constitutionality of the internment of an entire ethnic community without charges of any crime or disloyal acts without representation. the commander had a reasonable basis that the japanese american community posed a threat to national security. the office of naval intelligence, the federal bureau of investigation and the sec showed that none of the thousands of reports and rumors were ever validated. no acts by japanese americans
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ever occured. they were overwhelmingly loyal to the united states into the community posed no security threat to the united states. he felt personally responsible for the validation of the internment and waited almost 40 years for an opportunity to challenge the supreme court decision. in san francisco federal court, charging that newly discovered evidence show that the supreme court decision had been secured with a deliberate fraud on the court. the destruction of the military commander's final report showing that his decision to return the entire population was based on
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race prejudice and the substitution of an altered a final report fabricated to show his decision was based on military consideration. and on november 10, 1983 at the federal court hearing, who he said to the court, as an american citizen being put through the shame and embarrassment, all japanese americans that were escorted suffered the same embarrassment. we can never forget this as long as we live. according to the supreme court decision, being an american citizen was not enough. you have to look like one or you can't tell the difference between ill loyal and disloyal americans. -- a loyal and disloyal american.
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this she'lled must not be used. it stands as a state of sclugs that must be prepared topre tekt all citizens of prejudices. we are at a decision influencing the passage the act was not justified but resulted from race prejudice, and failed political leadership. for the rest of his life until his passing on march 30, 200 #,
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he dedicated himself to the education of the public particularly school children and young people about the history and standing up for the rights of others. on january 15, 1998. president clinton awarded him the presidential medal of freedom on behalf of all rights and liberties saying in ii 1942 an ordinary american took a stand. after being convicted for failing to report for relocation, he took his case all the way to the supreme court. the high courtroomed against him. 39 years later, he had his conviction returned to court giving him what he said he
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wanted most of all, the chance to feel like an american once again. some names of ordinary citizens came from millions of souls. to that list we add the name of fred and specific days when students are able to conduct recognition history at leech level must reflect and integrate experience of men and women of different racial, religious and ethnic groups. the california assembly and state senate both passed ab 7075
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the board of education observed the day of civil liberties on january 30 of each school year and conduct activities and the meaning of his life and recognizing the importance. thank you. i failed to recognize bob who is in the audience. >> at this time, we'll ask the speakers since the section is up in front of the board at this time. i'll have karen and greg and
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janice kelly cards for those speakers. >> please come up, you have 2:00. >> thank you very much for president mendoza, the commission and supervisor garcia. thank you for your considerat n consideration. my son is an alumni of sfusd. i am a volunteer at rosa parks elementary school. i want to give special acknowledgment and thanks for asking my husband as members of the legal team to review and add to the draft of the resolution. it can be has ar douse to ask
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attorneys to add a few thoughts. we did expand the facts so that the resolution itself would be a resource document. we felt this was fitting because he believed that the matters at stack both in 1942 and in the 1980s went beyond his situation as an individual. that his case i am my indicated the justice in our system of law. at the outset, it was asked, his lawyers for assurance that he would not skr to speak in public. we assured him we were object asking him to do one press conference announcing the lawsuit. as the fellow legal team member puts it, we lied.
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but we were for given. he put aside his own feelings of public speaking to talk about his experience and how those experiences relate. the ability to education new generations about the jobs that were done. >> it rose to the occasion.
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his counterparts engaged in these orders. he had become a university pro if hessor and an attorney. he didn't set out to establish a test case. but educated in the public schools, he had a sense of his rights as a citizen. his attorneys gave him the opportunity to challenge the violations of those rights despite the ruling of the supreme court in 1943, he never lost faith in the constitution. 40 years later when he was approached to reopen his case, he was still determined to right a great young. he did that and more. >> in the years of the case, he
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not only spoke out of the past but applied the lessons of history to the issues. he would denounce the agitation of sweeping action. he reached out directly to those communities that were under suspicion and faced with government sacks. he supported their efforts to be treated justly. from the history of his case and who he was as a person, he left us a rich legacy. he would be tremendously pleased that this and other school districts would honor him with a day of education about the issues he held so deer. can i imagine him saying i guess this means i have to give
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another speak. he'd smile and go out the door anticipating sharing with a new group of students. >> thank you for honoring this man with this resolution. >> thank you. >> the san francisco chapter of the citizens league. been before the board a number of times in the past. very policed to be able to come forward at this time to thank you for considering this resolution. one of the things i look back on when i look at the history of the school board. it was back in 1906 that the school board wanted to segregate the japanese out of the public schools. the only thing i want to say is
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that the lesson here is that this is not a lesson about what the shame of the country did but a lesson about the strength of the constitution this is one of the ways we tell the story that the constitution may faulter but it can be rectified. we'd like to note that the institute has prepared some material we would like to make available to distribute to the classrooms and teachers in the district. >> thank you. >> from the united educators of san francisco. the first days that our first
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japanese supervisor of education is sitting in her first meeting. this is something students need to know more about. the entire situation will determine what happened with my neighbors. >> at the end of the war, legislatures naed motions to prevent any japanese from ever relocating or resettling in california, it was jack shelly
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who went to the hospital and brought the wounded soldiers into the senate to have them testify against what was going on. this terrible time gave many people the opportunity to stand up for what is right. >> comments from the board? >> i just want to thank the commissioner. i think we'd all riek to have our names added. >> any other comments? i want to thank commissioner for bringing this forward and for
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the i am put on this. this is part of the ethnic studies mees we talk so fondly about and getting to learn about cultures and history many stu debts know about. i had the opportunity to go to japan and really embrace the culture and the people of japan. the tremendous challenges and experiences they had here is just something that i don't. i can't imagine any of us ever going through. the super independent and i
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said, sadly, some things haven't changed. in different parts of the world, different cultures. i'm really honored to learn more and with the prif leblgs would be great for all of us. thank you. no other comments, roll call, please. congratulations and thank you. >> item f, the board members
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report. seeing none. i do want to just again congratulate everyone swoern in this past weekend. we all can probably dot oath off the top of our head, the swaering in the new board member, welcome to the board. we hope you come back. we had a district attorney swoern in on sunday and new mayor swoern in this afternoon. we'll have a city assessor swoern in tomorrow. a lot of new officers and leaders coming in to san francisco. i just want to remind all of our leaders the efforts we have been making to continue to build a
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really strok pant nership. i look forward to meeting with leaders to ensure san francisco has a fair base at the table and partnership and support is strongly built. >> they are calling me now to say, we are in. if there are no other board reports, then we have item t. >> i did want to report on the meeting of the school of the arts. i am interested in pursuing and thinking about the future of 135 ms. we had a brainstorming section on monday. earlier today, commissioner yi and i visited sherman elementary school to look there' mazing
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strategy bringing new excitement among the students and teachings. >> it really can be a model. the group would like to pilot their program it was a very informative visit. at this time, before we go to item t, we are going to resource this meeting and we'll be coming back to do a report back on closed session items and then we'll be honoring several folks. we'll recess this item and this. we are resuming the meeting.his. we are on item t, about
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revealing the items from closed session. the approval of the expulsion of one high school student was there. the suspended expulsion agreement with one high school student. existing litigation in the claim against the district, the board by a votes of six ayes approved a settlement. and the was the termination of a classified employee. another was authorizing litigation against phase to insurance services, phase two systems, and others. there were negotiations of 6
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ayes regarding the paraprofessional retirement plan. there was classified personnel actions, and item z is adjournment, and we will be adjourning in several memories. adam was a mathematics teacher who died after suffering a heart attack. he was only 40 years old and in good health. he was a phenomenal teacher and a good leader in the struggle for social justice. he only started teaching at that school in august, but already, he was a core part of that community. adam was also a pioneer in some work, and in late september, he taught a pre-out to class, -- pre-algebra class. also, a teacher at thurgood
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marshall high school who passed away during winter break on december 19. he worked at another high school and then marshall after about one closed. she was devoted to the students and a beloved and respected faculty member. she had no idea of the extent of her illness. she was suffering from a rare form of leukemia that presented itself as the flu. the principal will always remember her jokes, which always made her popular at the end of your dinners, and lastly, we would like to honor christina tichenor green, the 9-year-old third-grade student in tucson -- to honor christina taylor green. all of those killed on january 8 in a horrible act of violence, so we are adjourning on behalf of all of these wonderful people, and our condolences go
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to their families. meeting adjourned.
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