tv [untitled] February 3, 2011 5:30am-6:00am PST
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mandatory inspections for500 sor hotels. either we stretchout are your to make it 500 days, or these people will not have time to investigate to investigate and enforce all the complaints they have seen. i think it's a very good idea to bring together all sides. we have heard a lot of reactions from tenants that say, "we are not the problem." i do think the property managers or the property owners are the problem. this is a shared responsibility. that is key for us. one of the things that we glanced over its relocation, which would make sense. a lot of landlords do not provide relocation because the
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law currently, they would incur relocation costs. we need to look at that together. president murphy: thank you. >> thank you. >> john from the san francisco coalition for responsible growth. pres., commissioners, it appears there's an all-out war on the tiny, creepy, bloodsucking predators. it looks like they are winning the war. thank you, commissioner walker , for bringing the topic to conversation. i know that entomologist gail getty has noted that the problem is getting worse. we have heard that from all of the speakers. what she did not say -- it can
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be tackled through education. the president talked about training earlier. i would see that as fundamental. i would also suggest from listening to dr. johnson's presentation that he broke in 2008 that this should be one agency that handles this would complete indirect responsibility. that would be dph. of course, whatever input from dbi. i recall in the 1940's, my father told me problems he had as a young man with these bedbugs. here, all those years later, i'm
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back hearing about it in san francisco. i wish you all the best with tackling this. >> hello. my name is fully show. i live in a sor in the mission district. the management company is doing a wonderful job keeping the bed bugs out. we have 80 rooms. by now, we probably have one apartment with bedbugs. as i'm standing here, they're doing our rooms right now. they are doing a wonderful job keeping bedbugs out. when tenants move out, they take the carpet out. the mattresses are all covered with plastic.
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they do not put anything all in our building. when they bring things up off the street, are management checks everything. they checked it before you bring it in the building. the management is responsible for all the problems with the bedbugs. it is not the city. it is just the management. ok. presiden >> good morning, commissioners. i'm speaking about bedbugs. i hope i have jurisdiction. i also had an experience with bedbugs. after i was even if it illegally -- after i was evicted in legalllegally.
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[nthese people that gave me temporary housing were really aggressive. i went to the san francisco hospital. immediately, they were recommending to the landlord that they have to take care of this problem. they did very well. i feel that we all have to work together, not just, as someone said regarding the building inspection commission -- the notice of violation. if they do not take care of
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that, then we have to go to the building inspection commission. that happened to my case. they do not send one single instructor. i'm still demanding a public hearing. they're coming up with a new code that is going to change4dq. it is supposed to give me protection. president murphy: thank you. >> thank you. president murphy: next speaker, please. >> hi. i want to give preferencreferen. it showsúd) obama, dr. nathan hill, michelle obama, and madame
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j.c. walker. my experience with bedbugs -- i want to tell you, there are solutions. we have bedbugs in sor's. they even talk about bedbugs in the united nations. good night, sleep tight. do not let the bed bugs bite. i have found out that bedbugs could be sexual. it could be not getting proper showers. if you look at san francisco, all the shelters used to be back clubs. people walk around with bedbugs. i go to one hotel and i asked him to put plastic on the bed. in 9/11 at a shelter -- that was
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my first time to see bedbugs and lice. when i went to a shelter at 150 golden gate, there was a guy they could not make take a shower. i have long hair. i take the bedbug shampoo and mix it with a lotion. it could be invisible. they could be invisible. people never know. it is also cedar wood. we must use every idea to kill bedbugs in our lives. thank you. president murphy: thank you very much. i do not see any further speakers. commissioner walker: i want to
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thank you. i know it is a long hearing on this issue. clearly, it is escalating. i hope the department can work departmentdph, dpw, aps, in this group that is discussing how to move forward so that we can work as a team. i think/(ñ that dph needs our assistance. we're out there all the time in these hotels. we have very committed nonprofits doing outreach to this community. not just the tenants, but the landlords. i think education and may be more focused on enforcement and what that means. also, updating protocol as to how to get rid of them. that seems to be not happening. i would hope that we can commit to that.
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i will commit to working with commissioners to try to make sure we of funding for that, if needed. president murphy: what is the process for closing out a complaint, if there is a complaint and it has been dealt with? what is the process? how many cases have been closed out? >> i cannot tell you right now how many notices we have issued that have been closed out the that involve bedbugs. i can go back and look. the licensed ted control operator provides a report that they have treated the room. they give us that information. they do a re-inspection for the types of things you typically see in the room or apartment. all of that hooks to the dph
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rules and regulations that you have in your package. with respect to the reporting and all that further information, we leave that to dph. we might make an inquiry, but we also work with the health inspectors and the community groups to find out whether or not there's a reoccurrence. president murphy: thank you. commissioner walker: do we still have the sor task force up and operating? >> thank you, commissioner. we do and they meet tomorrow. the chairman has moved on to greater things. she will be greatly missed. we will be electing a new chair tomorrow. one thing did come up.
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the doctor was kind enough to give an updated presentation to the sor task force when we last met. one thing came up. it was fascinating to hear about the lady who did not have great luck withbce heat treatment. we are told it is very expensive. it is $1,000, as opposed to $150 a. as you heard, the pesticides are not always desirable. it has to hit the adults bugs and the eggs. we know that the animals can burrow. they can live up to 18 months without additional feeding. because of the expense of this, one of the questions i posed at the sor task force, if it is an effective tool, if it has done right -- obviously, we've heard you have to have the right temperature for the right amount of time. you have to seal the room.
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you have to close the room. if it is done properly, it's another tool to use in the arsenal to deal with a very tenacious pest. has anybody talked to the industry and asked them if the costs can be reduced because of the amount of volume of work that is here in san francisco that we know is pervasive throughout a lot of the residential hotels? that's one thing i hope will come out of the discussion at the sor task force. there have been continuing discussions about this issue. it is front and center. commissioner walker: maybe they can also interface with the supervisors' efforts just to make sure that we streamline this. i think they have left, but they are going to have a hearing. we have something scheduled for the 25th. i think that might be the sor collaboratives. maybe get our staff or somebody
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from housing and maybe somebody from the task force to be there so that we all work together. >> thank you. that occurred to me, as well. any of the supervisors are invited to come to this to be able -- there's a lot of good work that goes on there. there are property owner representatives, city agencies, and collaboratives, and tenants. a lot of people regularly attend that. commissioner walker: great. president murphy: [inaudible] that is something our director should do. commissioner walker: that is why they're here. >> i would like to make a comment. i would like to direct this to the department of public health, if i may. i think the bedbugs issue --
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it's safe to say that it is a citywide issue. we are all very concerned. i also think it's safe to say that the entire city is probably looking for the department of public health's lead on this issue. certainly, our department and other departments, like dpw, and maybe even the department of environment, can help. we need the department of public health's lead on this issue. if you feel like there's a limit to help, please say something. maybe this will come out in the board of supervisors hearing, which you will probably be asked to attend. maybe at that time we can discuss how we can all help. if the board of supervisors decide it belongs in another department, so be it. right now, i believe it is a
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department of public health issue. i would like to see more movement from the department of public health. >> thank you, commissioner. we will be looking deeply at that. the current group that has been put to another by the department of of the old and aging, are looking specifically into issues with bedbugs. we have made recommendations that we expand this to other city agencies so that we can come up with a more comprehensive approach. with my department, i'm going to be talking, probably calling some of the managers together to come up with better enforcement tools.
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there is nothing wrong with the tools already. they address the problems, but i think hearing all the feedback from all the tenants and people who have spoken today, clearly, there are ways we can improve our enforcement activities, and i think go out looking for areas of possible addition to staffing to make sure that we respond more quickly, make sure that we continue to get dpw involved, and if they see any items on the streets that have been disposed of illegally, that they should call us and probably start having a more stringent enforcement approach towards the problem.
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under the director's report, the update on proposed legislation. i know, it is confusing. >> good afternoon, commissioners, president murphy. there's nothing to report from dbi at the current time. >> anybody have any questions or any public comment? commissioner murphy: public comment on item b? seeing none. >> seeing none, item 3c is the update on the permit tracking system. >> deputy director, administrative services. i was so anxious to tell you this. the rfp was issued on friday, so it is out right now. with the blessing of the city
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attorney and the human rights commission, we did and outreach program where we sent out to the, like, 60 firms that might be interested that we got names from the international code council. we have names that we used last time. we have put an ad in the paper sunday and yesterday. the "examiner" will go out, i believe, tomorrow and friday. we have posted it on our web site with a link from planning to come to our website and purchasing to come to our website. we have done a lot of outreach to try to get people aware of the rfp. we have a mandatory pre-proposal
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conference on the 26th. then, what happens there is people come in and ask questions, and they also get to meet some of the people who are interested in doing the local business enterprise people so that they can partner up because there is a 6% goal on this. then, we have the actual rfp due on march 2, and that will give them sufficient time to ask their questions. it gives us time to respond to their questions, and for them to be able to do the proposal. so, you were interested in kind of an overall view last time. should we do a review for minimum qualifications?
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we do a widget -- written review of the proposals, and then they come in and did a demonstration that is estimated to be the week beginning march 28, and then, we go to the steering committee for their final evaluation, and that is estimated to be the week beginning april 11. we have not gotten any notification, but, i mean, we have only really have one day -- one-and-a-half days, let's put it that way. i have not gotten any notification that there is some fatal flaw. people had a couple of questions, but those would be addressed during the conference, so i'm hoping that all the time and effort that i put in and planning that in, and, you know, our technical folks did is
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really going to make this be successful. commissioner murphy: ok, [inaudible] >> the proposals are actually due on march 2. commissioner murphy: [inaudible] >> right, right, right. we do a lot to get to the evaluation stage way before they come in for a demonstration. we will await those that are not qualified, and we have them come and show us their product. commissioner murphy: [inaudible] >> yes. >> is there a condition of how long it should take for the installation to happen? >> we have asked -- we have told them that we anticipate it to take 24 months.
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>> it will take that long? >> it is rather complicated. it is really up to 24 months, but that is from the point of the actual execution of the contract. depending upon how their commercial off-the-shelf product meets the needs of everything we want, it can go faster, but it really depends on how things shake out. we are committed to try to get this done as quickly as possible, but as i have been saying all along, we want to make sure that what we want is what we get and what we get is what we need. >> thank you. commissioner murphy: thank you, tom. any public comments? i see none. >> cnn, -- seeing none, item 3d.
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>> i would like to continue this item until our next special meeting. it will be address with our budget presentation. commissioner murphy: ok, fine. public comments on this? the next item. >> item 4, public comment. the bic will take public comment on matters within the commission's jurisdiction that are not part of this agenda. commissioner murphy: no public comment. >> seeing no public comment, item five, update and discussion regarding the impact of ada requirements on small businesses and dbi's role. commissioner mar: can we move this matter to the next meeting as well? >> can i ask a question? we had planned in the past to
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have a joint meeting with the small business commission. is that rescheduled, and maybe this could be an agenda item we could talk about? >> yes, let's talk about that. >> that has not been set up yet. commissioner murphy: no date yet? >> no date yet. so we are voting to continue this item? >> can we move to next month's meeting? i would like to discuss what we're doing in our apartment before we go to the small business commission. >> ok. all in favor? we are continuing. any public comment on this item? >> so we are moving this to our next meeting, which is a special meeting on february 3. item six, discussion and possible action regarding proposed changes to administrative bulletin ab035, regarding procedure for
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assigning and/or changing street numbers. >> good afternoon. i have passed out to all of the commissioners and have extra copies of here on the table for the public the proposed street #address and procedures for internal use for staff that the commission requested that accompanied the address and procedure bulletin. i did attend the advisory committee meeting last week on this item. there were several discussions and several little things that were changed, and there is one thing that is missed in the current version, in your bulletin. under the responsibilities of the property owner, one of the words was that they should identify or notified the private agencies, and that word
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"agencies" was changed to be "entities." so we make sure the property owner is responsible for notifying everyone else outside of the public agencies and the federal agencies that the dbi is responsible for notifying. that is the only correction in that bulletin before final publication. >> the project sponsor will be told when he submits his application for a permit. at that time, he has to get the address certification. >> we are asking that they come in before they submit their plans so that their plans reflect the address that is going to be assigned to the project. >> what are we doing to notify the public? >> these are trapped procedures. they have to be approved by the department, and as soon as they are approved, we will notify that. we are dealing with project
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sponsors one on one as they come in. i had addressed at the public advisory committee meeting and ask people to get their address changes now. it was a policy in the department that new addresses were not assigned until the building was built, and that is a little bit late to go in and change everything with the utility company and try to get services supplied to a building that you have an incorrect address on. >> i think it is about time. commissioner walker: maybe to that point, maybe we could schedule this as a brown bag issue for that brown-bag public, because it is about notifying people with the change is in process and procedures, or something. the boy president murphy was making is how do we notify people who might need to go through this and want to know how to do it? >> right, and we want
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