tv [untitled] February 3, 2011 4:00pm-4:30pm PST
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very clear. it clearly communicates the commitment and need if creating k pathways and allow time for further commitment of the broader effort of middle school. it allows for leaders for the planning and effective implementation, especially around key issues including master schedule and inclusion and -- transportation, and finance and staffing. in terms of our next steps, our assistant superintendent, genie pon is going to bring it home. >> next up, we're going to make revision tots project plan based on the decision that you're going to have tonight and feedback from the commissioner. the district leadership project team, pps and pack and the middle school principal as well, engage staff and parents in providing feedback on how to create quality middle schools
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and also to -- to provide feedback on the proposed feeder pattern. the project team and middle school principals will also complete the quality middle school asset inventory chi passed to you at the last meeting and draft a feasibility plan. and -- will also keep the board apprised of the progress on the project at future c.o.w. meetings. >> just to wrap up, we included a appendix with a number of data points. we encourage you at your leisure to look over those charts. as many of them relate to questions that were asked to us at the last presentation. we want to thank you for your attention and we would be happy to answer whatever questions you may have. thank you for the presentation. are there quick clarifying
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points? i'm going to allow the public to make comments. >> commissioner? >> i had a question. if you could just go over again, miss wang how the sample pastor schedule -- i was a little confusioned about -- confused about what would that mean for students that are english speakers enrolled in immersion programs. that didn't seem to be -- >> if you look at -- i'm just trying to find there spot again. if you look at slide 10, you'll see the two columns. the first is for english learners. the second one is language pathway for english english only students. they're part of the same pathway, this is what a master schedule would look like.
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>> i get it. >> any other quick questions? >> commissioner fewer? >> yes -- commissioner fewer: misses wang, i'm wondering about the valley cantonees pathway. we won't -- we won't -- we won't trans f transition into mandarin in middle school. it stays cantonees. >> it would actually be a chinese dual language and the idea is they would be introduced to mandarin at the -- at the sixth grade level. >> so -- so, would there be -- so no cantonees. >> there it would be cantonees. we're working out the minutes. >> which schools would be in to
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that chinese language pathway? >> if you look at the pap, slide 14 -- if you look at the map, slide 14 -- so for visitation valley, we would have -- actually the visitation valley elementary school has a chinese bilitcy program. they would feed into visstates valley and we would also have students from the chinese ed center as well. we would be giving them two options, either francisco or the visitation valley. >> so -- the valley, chinese -- literacy. what was it? >> what is happening? i'm sorry. >> the middle school -- >> elementary has a chipe these program.
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>> bi-- chinese program. >> canton eagles biliteracy. and then -- then the cantonees speakers transition over to the middle school with some instruction and introducing mandarin? >> correct. that's the hope. >> so we wouldn't -- you're not looking at this valley, and beginning -- beginning with mandarin also at a younger age and then being able to transition over to -- to this middle school. is it a possibility that they would be -- there would be a mandarin strand. i'm wondering if -- if we do that -- that -- if we, we start other mandarin immersion programs over on the east side, then we would have a middle school that -- that -- those schools can feed directly in to. do you know what i mean? we're lacking mandarin immersion
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programs over on this corner of the city. >> right. >> if we were to develop more. the plan to develop more, so we would then. i guess. i didn't know who would be feeding into this. that's why -- >> right now we only have the valley elementary school slated to feed into. we're working with the existing brams that we have to really make -- programs that we have in order to make sure they have an articulation from elementary to middle. we looked at critical mass too. so right now, the programs, the man darren programs at ortega and at star king, they together have the critical mass to build a viable program. >> commissioner? >> i have go clarifying questions on the appendix. under the korean immersion, there's 63% other.
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it is not inclined to state. is that multi-racial students. any guidance on who others might be? >> i think that includes. those are ethnic groups that -- that have small numbers. so i can do the -- do the desegregation if the commissioners wishes to -- to understand exactly when that means. >> it is such a large percentage. then the other -- no category for japanese. maybe they're so small, they don't show up. i'm curious about that. >> other does represent very schull ethnic groups. >> this might be helpful to list what those are. >> okay. >> & question on page 34, slide
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34. in terms of the chinese immersion, does the 123e% include west portal which is a -- the 31%, does that include west portal which is a single imprergs program? >> that includes both cantonees and mandarin. it would include west portal. it would include -- >> the question is -- a single immersion, it is a little bit skewed to -- >> we did include yu. their demographics changed quite a bit in the last couple of years. it does have like a significant population of english learners at this point. >> okay thank you. >> any or clarifying questions? are there any public comments on this issue? does anybody want to speak? come up to the mic.
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before you start -- raise your hand real high so i can see who wants to speak. i see -- i see about eight people. that's all i'm going to take. two minutes -- two minutes each. >> i'm sally. i have a number of questions that -- it could be just because i'm stupid or i can't read the map. i can't tell where -- where, where these schools are being funneled into. and this -- i -- i think that's something that we need to have somebody go through. particularly because the map on the overhead is really fuzzy and we can't read it. it would be helpful to understand where these schools are going to. secondly, i'm wondering why it is that -- that -- at all for the transition of this period, siblings are not put as a
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priority over any middle scood school feeder patterns. it seems to me that puts an undue burden. really unneccessarily we're talking two or three years. we're talking about a small number of people. and thirdly, i really need to know what is the difrpbl between -- between the -- the -- the -- i need it articulated between what is the difference between -- between the third option that you outline add the second option. the phasing in. and i don't see looking at that, just by not offering somebody an immediate placement that is any different yet from -- from having it be a tiebreaker. you guys need to explain how that works. in order for me to understand it. thank you. >> next? >> hi. i'm here with parents for public schools. i just wanted to go on record for those people that are listening at home or watching this on tv that -- that the
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parent advisory council and parents for public schools are working very closely with the district team and that we intend to -- to take this information to the community, as soon as possible. we're working with the principle practicals also to set up forums in all of the middle schools and to start bringing this information about the implementation to the -- to the parents. and -- bring the feedback back to the board of education. >> and as part of that, we're about -- the advisory council, one thing that -- that -- that -- is a challenge and i'm sure you understand is -- doing really thoughtful community engagement takes time to really go out to people, to school sites, especially and to set up times that work for the school communities to come together to talk about this. we all had to pause for the last few weeks, while you guys very thoughtfully examined questions about what is the best way to move tard. which was really appropriate and
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a good time to do that. it means we had to pause in setting up our forum because we weren't sure what we would be talking about. really won't know that until the end of your conversation tonight. >> we're hoping that -- that you'll just keep that in mind as the next series of -- of community meetings and your decision making comes to a close that we're getting enough time to have thoughtful community participation. also want to really appreciate the presentation by the staff who said so many of the things that we thought we needed to come here prepared to say about keeping the focus on building quality schools and that -- this -- uses of equity and high access programs, it is so great to hear that put out up front instead of something we remember to say later. >> i'm judy hudson. i have students in the mandarin immersion program.
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i think it is great that the board has a policy for the multi-lipping yul program for every child. one of the questions is for milled school, how you going to engage, like g.e. kids or kids that don't have a language background so that they could also -- take part in -- in the language programs? i don't see that here other than in -- in other programs. the second question i had was if the elementary school, why are there still like separated out by hit raese and dual immersion, if you merge them eventually and one of the goals is to have more diverse representation, why not create more dual immersion perhaps programs. at star king, we had a diverse population and had trouble with retention. there's reasons for that. what i noticeded -- noticed is that socially and culturally,
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the chirp are isolated. why is that okay for them, yet we don't want that for other kids. you're feeding the by lingual problem is at viz valley, are you not complainting the isolation into middle school. i'm wondering why that is acceptable. i hope you consider for the g.e.d. kids, to offer for them. and lastly, i'm not sure how the loud program addresses russian, greek, veet tamees. we don't -- vietnamese, we don't have literacy programs for them. it seems there could be an imprergs program for the biliteracy programs. >> thank you. ly name is katy. i'm a parent in the mandarin immersion program. ly two questions regarding -- regarding the development of the plan. it looks like -- the -- the
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mandarin immersion kids will go to afta in this proposal. i couldn't tell from the map again whether all of star king would be feeding to afta or not. it would be interesting to get clarification about what happens to the g.e. and spanish by lipping yul kids from star king. and my second question had to do with the creation of the seventh period for the middle school dual language program, it looks like -- looks like, for both of the bilingual program and immersion program there's a philippine to add a seventh period. i wonder what happens to the g.e. students in the same school. is it just a zero period? that is only attended by the language students or is it a seventh period for all children? if it was a seventh period for all children, would that be an opportunity to add a language program for -- for the -- for the general education students. that's it.
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>> >> my name is diane. spanish immersion at monroe. >> i do want to voice my appreciation, i feel like the last two meetings i attended, my voice has been heard. even if it is not the voice -- i appreciate you getting community feat feedback. i know in our school, the parents can't come to the meetings. if we could follow ruth's suggestion and spend time to gather feedback, i think you'll get good feedback. and lastly, i wanted to say that i do really -- i do really -- as someone who started in the district with the choice of entering a language program, i fully intended to have that choice going through our school career and i would really appreciate that opportunity to continue, since we intered the district with that -- so or the of -- knowledge. and if you can consider phasing
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into that, it is a grandfathered program, for those that made choices from the beginning. continue to make those choices throughout our career. >> my name is julie jackson, i'm at parent in the immersion program. and i was -- i like to thank the staff for their -- their candid assessment that this is a -- an important decision and that it is something that -- that i actually -- need to have quite a bit of time to make sure that you're doing the right thing and it is going to affect a lot of kids. i appreciate that, i think the maps is very confusing. i think it would be helpful. i'm sure this will become a list showing the theaters and where everyone is going. i think everyone would appreciate that. i don't feel like clarification on -- on the been that vista proposal and -- it says something about the -- the -- the sixth grade, the buena vista program will have expanded seats and how that will be dealt with.
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just want to really encourage the district to think about consolidating these programs as much as possible so we don't end up with isolated programs in this time of very scarce resources. rereally need to think about -- about creating more programs like what is apparently going to happen with been that vista, which is where we're consolidating resources and not spreading our -- ourselves too thin. i hope the time is taken to really average this. and thank you. >> go ahead. >> thank you. i have a quick question. my name is visa fopping. i'm a parent of two children at the immersion program. i have a question about the considerations. and you know, uhming all -- assuming all of the classes, taking the seventh period. i was wondering if -- because it it looks like the men -- the mandarin immersion program -- at this point.
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would that -- would -- would that cost, that impact starting on -- on the year 2011, when it started, it starts at the -- 2012. and that's my question. thank you. >> thank you. what i like to do is -- there were several good questions that came out. several good comments. so, one -- one of them i like to say in terms of our policy around providing opportunities for -- for -- for all student it is learn to -- two languages, it was, it was -- the policy is to provide opportunities. and i -- i have always made it real clear when i coauthor that that it doesn't mean that every child has to do two languages. there are some families who prefer not to. but, but the idea is that every school should have programs to -- to allow for that eventually if -- if a particular child was to have the opportunity to learn two languages. i'm going to clarify that.
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so -- so you take about eight minutes if you want -- try to address any of the questions, some of them are more complicated than others. pick the ones you think you could defwreas in a few minutes okay? >> thank you. thank you. we're going to -- we're going to cherry pick questions we could answer. i wans to -- want to announce we're making copies of the -- a list, that shows the articulation patterns, we're capturing in a grid what is on the map. i like to ask if christina wong, i know she's got a number she wanted to answer. >> thank you. first there was a comment around why -- why don't we change the biliteracy programs to immersion so we could decrease social
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isolation. and at this point the man is very clear on enhancing existing programs and -- we have a long history of having those by lingual programs for english learners. and we are -- we are i think -- as the secondary dual hajj imm. that is an opportunity to mix the students so they are not racially isolated. there was also common around why not create more programs around other languages, and we wish we had the capacity to do that. as significant numbers of students come to our district with a common target language, we do consider that, but we do have a pathway that provide services for those in low incidental languages.
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there was a comment about option 3, and in looking at option 3, why was it listed as the first tie-breaker, and this is because we feel the we want to be able to use fetor patterns eventually, and this is an opportunity to use in amounts based on the patterns and allow parents to volunteer through the tiebreakers, but it is the importance in really stressing the middle schools are important to begin to create that coherent kafue.
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an -- password -- pathway. >> first i want to thank the parents, and we definitely want to hear more from our communities, so we did set up an e-mail account, so quality middle, so we look forward to hearing more from our communities. i have been informed is up now. you can set up e-mailed right now. yet also tonight's power point presentation will be posted on the school website by 8:00 a.m. tomorrow morning. >> is up now.
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>> it is of rights now as i speak. >> any other things someone -- any other things? >> can we address something about the sixth grade bowma? >> when a vis the house twenty- four's through -- has students in fifth grade, and our goal would be to open it up for 44 new students and possibly 100 kids, so that would open auctioup. our intent is to open it up for kids in other programs so if they have an equal chance to be in that program, which i think is a good model for us.
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>> you were trying to explain the middle school tie breaker, and i might have missed a few words here and there, so my interpretation is the for the third option, if we use the initial pathways but do not make it mandatory -- i am just making a logistical point. they have an immersion program that is going to feed into presidio commo, so basically i'0
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people want to go to presidio, so there are 50 kids from alamo that want to go to the presidio. as a tiebreaker, they would go in first. is that what is meant by this? >> that is correct. >> it also means -- it does not mean that the 100 kids from alamo have to go to presidio? it just means if they choose to go they will get priority. >> it would be a tie breaker. >> that is what i thought. any other discussions, questions, concerns? >> i am allotted 50 more minutes for this.
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>> let's just go to this side and come around. >> my question is, to implement k-8 pattern, one thing was that extra time may not be used for planning to two competing priorities. i do not understand that. would this be a priority? my question is what is up with that. >> a great question. what we try to capture and what we have heard from our community is that part of the mistrust
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that we perceived on the part of our stakeholders is that there seems to be conflicting priorities that arrived in our portfolio, and we are paying attention to the concern that has been voiced to us that if we are actually the laying this, there is always a risk that other things will come on to the portfolio. we want to assure you this will remain a priority, but there are other things we have to consider, the budget system not withstanding and other issues. we are in the process of a massive reorganizing of special education. our core curriculum framework -- is a recognition and there is a lot on our plates.
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>> thank you for the presentation. it is coming more clear to me every day. on page nine when we talk about who will immersion region in -- abourt dual immersion, are we making a choice that the students will be in equal places in terms of proficiency? >> that is what we are trying to build at this point. they will move up to one grade level common and that is why the time line is extended for the next five years. >> and i just wanted a clarification on a comment the commissioner made in response to a comment apparent
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