tv [untitled] February 6, 2011 9:00am-9:30am PST
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>> unless there are any other items to be severed. >> i would like to sever item 22. >> can we take a roll-call vote? >> supervisors chu? aye. aye. aye. aye. aye. aye. aye. aye. aye. aye. there are 11 ayes. >> these resolutions are adopted. item 21. >> item 21 is a resolution expressing opposing the sale of kusf and requesting the board of
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regents to reinstate the programming. >> supervisor mirkarimi. >> thank you, mr. president. i want to take the community and members of the public for speaking for their good work and drawing attention to this issue. i realize it might be easier for some if we continue this discussion. i would ask for a continuance. one week. >> supervisor mirkarimi has asked it to continue this discussion for a week. sentiment by supervisor elsbernd. item 22. >> item 22 is a resolution with the proposed changes to the fiscal year 2012 to eliminate the redevelopment agency.
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>> thank you. this has been an awesome beginning of the fourth weekend. beginning today, it has been widely advertised, at least on january 10, the budget includes the elimination of the redevelopment agency's ability to reduce tax increment financing. while details are emerging about how the governor would implement this proposal, i feel we should send a strong message to the state capitol that the wholesale elimination of redevelopment as a tool is unacceptable. the redevelopment authority is a tool. it is a tool for creating jobs and affordable housing. now, we must acknowledge that the redevelopment agencies have
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made poor decisions in the past. the development by urban renewal programs in the 1950's and '60's is evidence of that. this is not your father's redevelopment agency. we have used the tool of redevelopment to refocus public and private investment in ways that neither the public or private market could have accomplished on their own. over 1400 units of affordable housing and free development this year alone. 3000 construction jobs last year stemming from almost $300 million in construction activity. millions in biotech space. perhaps, most unattainable, without the use of tax increment financing is our ability to transform neglected and polluted tracts of land into healthy and
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productive neighborhoods. we have plans to revitalize hunters point and on treasure island. we have far too many important projects under way. far too many years of public dialogue and far too many commitments have been made to the community partners to suddenly change the rules in the game. i ask that you join me in opposing this misguided idea. >> i want to thank supervisor: for bringing this resolution forward. as many of you know, we have many redevelopment projects in the pipeline that are in jeopardy if this proposal goes through. i want to thank governor brown
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for bringing up the risky ideas in terms of how we can close the budget gap. i really do understand the importance of looking for funding were ever weekend to fund our public schools. many of our other public services that the state provides. i think that this resolution is important because it does not state that we are completely against the proposal. we want to be at the table to discuss the compromise is to work around the budget process so we can still fund public health services. we are keeping in mind some key projects so that many people in san francisco can find affordable housing. at least here in the county and san francisco is the future of affordable housing projects here in san francisco.
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i want to thank the supervisor for bringing this forward. i hope the governor will work with our city at finding a proposal that will allow us to continue forward with these projects. >> unless there is any further discussion, can we take this item? without objection, this resolution is adopted. are there any in memorials for today? >> today's meeting will be adjourned in memory of the following individuals. for the late mr. stewart everett. on behalf of supervisor mirkarimi, for the late dr. mildred mr. james howard. on behalf of president chiu, chang. >> is there any more business in
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madam secretary, please call the roll. -- january 13, 2010 meeting for the transbay joint powers authority. [roll call] mr. chairman, you have a quorum. >> item 3 is communications. director ford: ok, no communications. let's move on. >> board of directors new or old business. director ford: ok, none. >> item five. executive director's report. >> happy new year. what we are going to do, which is customary at the first meeting of every year is go through the mosque of we achieved through 2010 and give the board a look ahead of what
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we plan to accomplish in 2011 and beyond. what we are going to present today is our accomplishments in 2010, our cost and schedule status, planned for 2011 which includes plans for construction and design, and then an update on our sbe reports, out rich reports, funding reports, and where we plan to be next year. in 2010, that is the year that the last bus came out of the transbay terminal center. you can see a picture of the last bus that left the terminal that day. the subsequent day on saturday morning of august 7, we opened phase one of the temporary terminal. last december we completed case
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to. -- phase two. we then had our ground breaking ceremony which was attended by the secretary of transportation, speaker pelosi, and other dignitaries. you can see a shot of that wonderful event. demolition began on the existing terminal on august 14 with demolition of the east flu. we brought on board a facility manager, linc facilities, who maintain the facility. we also worked closely with the transit operators and riders. we have had a very smooth transition and now we have completed the temporary terminal but we still need to install some more benches. we will be reported today the condition of the restrooms for transit passengers that use the
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tab per terminal. in terms of demolition, you will hear more in the construction of date later, but we started demolition of the eastern station. we have successfully coordinated daytime and nighttime closures with multiple utility contractors. in terms of 2010 work on utility relocation, we worked with pg&e and other private utilities. we completed the design of six utility relocation packages. five of the six packages were bid. 3 awarded. construction began on the first package in november. with respect to the transit center, we completed the design- development, the excavation package, 50% construction documents, and we continued
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working with the seismic safety review committee on the implementation of seismic criteria and continue the evaluation of alternatives for their ramp design. we have done extensive archaeological investigations. we did a lot of that before we began demolition work. asbestos abatement was also completed. last year we were awarded the buttress shoring package. as you recall, the engineer's estimate was $206 million. we also released the rfd process and are in the evaluation phase. we also addewent into phase twof the webcor/obayashi contract. we were awarded $400 million to build the rail levels as part of phase one of the transit center.
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turner construction also started working with us in june 2010 and over 28,000 craft hours have been worked without injury to date. with respect to the bus storage, we have close coordination with caltrans on the seismic analysis and we continued coordinating with other state agencies, including the state fire marshal, fire department, and the pdpt. we continue working with high- speed rail and caltrain to finalize the design and growth structured to accommodate a growing population. we prepared design variances and will be presenting them shortly in the first quarter of 2011. program-wide activities, we have
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13 properties we have acquired for voluntary sale. last year, the board approved the resolution of necessity, in order for us to acquire the remaining 12 properties for the transit center. we also completed a safety and security management plan. we have also continued a successful internship program at the tjpa. we have been providing jobs to disadvantaged and at risk youth. we have been working with the california unified school district's and other organizations. we have seen much success as young people are reporting back that they want to become engineers. the current cost schedule, as of november 2010, phase one
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remained at $1.99 billion. that includes phase one of the transit center, the aboveground structure, the temporary terminal, a storage, and reims. phase two, $2.6 billion -- hear you can see the current budget, the notice to proceed, what has been committed, and what has been incurred to date. the overall program schedule to date, we give you a very high level look here but we have done from 2001. what we are looking to do with phase one is to have bus operations begin early in 2017. funding dependent, if we were to realize the money soon, we could start work in 2012 and have it
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completed by 2019. moving on from 2011 to 2019, we will be finalizing the bus storage design. we expect that to have that in construction in the first quarter of 2012. we continue our be location process. we will also be completed with our demolition of the existing terminal and ramps in may of this year. we will have the construction documents completed for the transit center in august 2011. then we will start bidding and award a trade packages for the below-grade foundation work, the superstructure, the transit center, the glazing, which will be a design-build package. if we are able to realize the
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rest of the funding for rail, we could have that by 2019. the plan for 2011, you can see here, we are doing a lot of utility relocation work. then of course, moving into the building of the mission shoring wall. then we will be moving into the buttress work. on the temporary terminal, as i have indicated, it is completed other than some benches we will be installing. additionally, we are providing restrooms for the patrons, pending this board's approval. we will continue on the bus storage facility, working with jacobs on the various items in that area. we will complete our real-estate acquisition for phase one this year as well. as i indicated earlier, we will
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start construction of the buttress and shoring walls, construction of the transit center in august, and finalize the ramp design and start the final design work. the rail extension will be submitting various is to the high speed rail authority, providing a cost and updating the drawings for consistency. on program activities, we will be looking for the board for approval on various street projects. we want to continue our quality assurance program. we are also working closely with the planning department, providing them with support and other information on their environmental plan. upon contract activities, what we expect to be bidding out this year, two utility relocation
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packages, traffic control, pedestrian barricade and walkways, pleasing design and build. we are looking for a temporary advertising bid and to award a public relations and community outreach project and financial- services project. now for the spt report, i would like our manager to give the update. >> good morning, directors. >i just wanted to give you a vey high level overview to date. we have awarded almost $84 million worth of contracts and subcontracts to dbe and sbe businesses. to date, through december 2010, paid almost 40 million out to those businesses.
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this is a federal fiscal year breakdown of the percentage awarded, goal, and payment for the federal fiscal year. in september 3, 2010, we paid $5.4 million. we will be continuing to look to increase these numbers. this is an outline of some of the average we have been doing over the past year. we will continue to be involved with the business outreach committee to hold pre-bid meetings as well as network opportunity meetings. we will continue to place plans in all of the rooms so that they are available free of charge, and we will look for opportunities to unbundle contracts and do sbe set asides where possible. >> now an update on the
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community outreach project. >> good morning. 2010 was a very busy an exciting year for the project, especially for our program out reach, as it became tangible to our neighbors and transit riders. some of our accomplishments included commemorating the old terminal by guiding historical tours. we also launched our ambassador program. and the moment we had been waiting for, the official groundbreaking for the program, which was attended by speaker pelosi and secretary lahood. other west does include supporting the demolition and construction efforts as we began construction -- demolition
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of the eastern ramp. we also had an update to part of our website, creating a 10-day look ahead to our e-mail distribution list, 2000 folks who live in the area, as well as hosting community meetings at the tjpa. we have secured sustained media coverage for all of the program's highlights. most recently with the use of "big red" the wrecking ball at the terminal center. we also had a successful transition to phase two operations at the terminal. looking ahead to this year, we will continue our outreach project as the work progresses with a specific focus on phase three and four demolition activities. we are now moving to a new area of the project, the western side
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of the ramp, so we are ramping up our outreach to those neighbors as well. we are also coordinating communication for utility efforts, buttress and shoring, and excavation efforts happening. we will continue our e-mail updates and continue to hold our monthly elkridge meetings at the tjpa. media efforts will focus on securing national exposure for our engineering and construction accomplishments. as you are aware, this is one of the most exciting projects under construction in the country and we will be pitching what it takes to build the first modern high-speed rail station in the country. >> thank you. now nancy will give the update on our funding. >> good morning. 2010 was a big year for us. we achieve two major milestones
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in the way of receiving a $400 million grant from ara for the train box, as well as completion of our loan. we also have grant allocations that are approved for bridge tolls. we also got the final amount of the san mateo tax money allocated to the program. fra allocated the $400 million. so we have a total of $568 million in grant allocations this year, so our biggest here yet. this is our funding plan as of november 2010. you can see the $1.59 billion in sources. many of those sources have already been allocated. there are only a few remaining
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that have allocation left, including the ac transit capital contribution, land sales, and tifia loan. we have had allocations to that program but we also have tifia loans and land sales that are not yet committed. about $2 billion we still need to achieve. to date, for both phases one and two, we have over $2 billion this year committed to the program. that includes the tifia amounts on the previous page. for 2011, the other funding activities coming up is to continue to seek full funding for face to. we have some pending
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allocations still to finalize some of those. we will get an allocation from ac transit this year, including transit security money. fra has a separate allocation to us. state monies as well that we expect to be allocated. we have about $7.5 million pending right now. the next activity is we are issuing rfp's for those parcels. those will be issued next month. that concludes my report. director cohen: this may be a better question for you to
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answer, maria, but what is our strategy to deal with the governor's proposed elimination of tax increments? obviously, if we lost the ability to collect tiff in this project, it would create an insurmountable budget hole. as i understand, senator leno has played a significant role in that. so i would request that we get periodic updates on this. there's probably not a single more important thing that staff could be working on right now. if that goes through, i am not sure how we have a project. >> certainly, we are tracking that. just this month the budget was unveiled and we're still looking at the details. i am pretty confident we will be okay. certainly, we will be tracking it, and as we get more details,
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we will report back. in terms of where we will be in 2012, january, as i indicated, we will have all of our construction documents completed, we will have completed our utility relocations, and what will be in process as the buttress excavation. we will have the below grade structure out to bid and the bus storage and rents will be in final design. that will be january 2012. before i conclude my report, i wanted to let members of the public know we are accepting applications for the citizens advisory committee membership. you can come get them at our office or on our website as well. or you can call and we can have them mailed to you. that concludes my report. thank you. director ford: any questions of the executive director?
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we do have one more item. >> that is right. we have steve forever construction of state. thank you. >> good morning, everybody. just a quick construction update. as the executive director said, we continue to do well in the safety area. around 28,000 hours in all without incident or accident. the demo phase 2 and 3 work continued in the area. the big thing there is we kept the wrecking ball going at the central terminal. that started on the third of
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