tv [untitled] February 7, 2011 3:30am-4:00am PST
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which was allowed to be inserted underneath it, that comes to the front property line. but that decision letter is missing and nobody can find it, so i guess we can't talk about that today. why did i have to ask four times for that document? why isn't planning looking for that document? look at the ftes over there. i am pro bono for 12 years. my daughters are in college. they were not even in school when this began. this is a historic district with an 1876 building. supervisor campos: thank you. president chiu: any additional questions to any of the parties? this hearing has been held and closed. items 14 through 16 are now in the hands of the board. discussion?
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supervisor farrell: thank you to everyone for coming today, in particular the appellant, mr. butler, the project sponsor, and the planning department. thank you for all your hard work on this project. i have to say i have been impressed by the enthusiasm on both sides of this issue. colleagues, given that 1269 lombard street is in district two, i have spent a good deal of time reviewing the project, meeting with the planning department and project sponsor, to understand all the issues. what we have before us is a request to overturn the planning department ruling on the cadx. at this point, the project has been in front of the planning commission, the historic preservation commission, the board of appeals, and now the board of supervisors. these bodies have approved the
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permits and variances. for me, the historic planning commission having unanimously approved or stated this is not a historic resource -- ultimately, i have not found sufficient reason to overturn their findings, and specifically overturn the cadx. this project will ultimately have some detractors. i appreciate the comments and enthusiasm. it does have support from the vast majority of the people i've spoken with, especially the russian hill neighbors, which is an important neighborhood group. in particular, we will replace a large eyesore that has existed for quite some time now. if there are any other colonists, notwithstanding -- other comments, notwithstanding, i would move to item 14 and table 15 and 16.
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president chiu: the commissioner has made a motion, seconded by supervisor mirkarimi. roll call vote? supervisor chu: ayer. supervisor cohen: aye. supervisor elsbernd: aye. supervisor farrell: aye. supervisor kim: yes. supervisor mar: aye. supervisor mirkarimi: aye. supervisor weiner: aye. supervisor avalos: aye. supervisor campos: aye. president chiu: aye. >> there are 11 ayes. president chiu: the cadx is approved. we will move back to general public comment. first speaker, if you wish to step up, 2 you won't minutes per speaker. >> i am irwin fornoss, one of
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the directors at kuss. i am excited for a resolution i hope you all will pass shortly. 90.3 is a scarce public resources. the sale made by the university of san francisco, with a media conglomerate that owns over 100 radio stations in the country -- they are now aggressively going over after stations -- going after stations on the left side of the dial. san francisco has nationally become a leader for the country as a whole. this is not ok. the community radio we serve deserves to have a voice i want to reiterate this is not about a format change or classical
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music, or about a community being robbed of its voice. the san francisco democratic committee passed an emergency resolution on our behalf. i am excited for the board to pass the resolution. president chiu: thank you. next speaker. >> my name is barb tangerry. i will share more on what i do to stay healthy. i do not consume iodized salt or processed sugars. no red meat, no smoking or alcohol. i drink a coolant water. -- i drink alkaline water. i exercise and do tight window.
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i live in a state-of-the-art building with a spectacular view, lots of sun, all the amenities, and walking district -- walking distance to a lake. i love working as a substitute teacher. i can occasionally escape. children like orderly classrooms. i do not watch the nightly news and turn off my computer at 9:00 p.m., after dr. oz. i stay away from nonsense. i strive for at least eight hours of stress-free sleep. if president obama is scheduled to speak at 3:00 a.m. in the morning, i will be wide awake and all ears. i watched the president's state of the union and the republican
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response. his reelection will not be easy, but we will win. we are fired up. district 10 voters, a champion unpaid volunteers would give us time in the name of democracy. this is supervisor cohen's first elected office. she promised to be there for you. i want you to be there for her. president chiu: thank you very much. you can actually go to my office. thank you. next speaker. >> is this on? i am sorry. i have gone to a traumatic experience and have a microphone issues as a result. my name is jet. i was born in san francisco. i have been a proud kusf volunteer for many years.
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please help us get our microphone back to serve our community. for over 30 years, we, the unpaid volunteers at kusf, have brought music, arts events, beliefs, and much more to the local airwaves, and to the world through the internet. now we find our station falling prey to the financial gain of an institution that boasts "educating the minds and hearts of the world." we have been forsaken. our radio voices have been silenced. please help give back that which has been unfairly taken away from you, you , you, me, everyone in back of me, everyone in the community, and beyond. more information can be found at
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we need you to rock our communities world -- community's world. thank you. president chiu: next speaker. >> my name is sky madden and i have been with kusf for five years. during my time at the university, the radius station was integral to my education and enriched my relationship to my community and my city. during my recent transition out of student life, kusf allowed me to remain connected to the university and to be surrounded by art and information. in its absence, i have reflected on what i have learned about public service in the music.
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we need your support. thank you. >> in tracking our online program, they discovered that kusf only had 15 listeners on line, as opposed to 50,000 listeners. kusf had been online for many years previous to the sale. kusf as followers in many states and countries. the quality has diminished so much since the sale that they can no longer listen. it is not just the community that is suffering from the unethical sales of 90.3. listeners around the world and the students at usf are
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suffering as well. if i were seeking a broadcasting career, i would not pay $50,000 tuition to learn to stream music from my computer. anyone can do that and no one is gone to get paid to do that. the online program is equipped to teach students how to run a real radio station. if i was a student interested in broadcasting, i would never go to school that did not have a real radio station. most schools that teach broadcasting do. every major city in the country has a college radio station. for san francisco to have no such station is a travesty for many reasons. it will help local students gain recognition and therefore bring recognition to our city. who will do public service announcements for small businesses and non-profit organizations? where else can we hear programs
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broadcast in cantonese, german, armenian, and many other languages? where can we gain insight into science, law, biotechnology, and human rights? in a city where arts and entertainment is important -- president chiu: thank you. next speaker. >> good afternoon. i am dj dan. i come back to see you guys because i am excited that you were going to vote on this resolution to support kusf, keeping community broadcasting in our community. really, do the interests of ncom and the university of southern california to reflect our cities interested? that is the question that is really before you. i believe supervisor mirkarimi
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has captured everything we are fighting for here in this resolution. i once again strongly urge you all to adopt this resolution and help us fight to keep community radio in our community. thank you very much. >> good afternoon, or should i say good evening. i want to thank the board for the opportunity to speak. my name is alec thompson. i am the representative from local 21. three of our bargaining units are at the san francisco redevelopment agency. i want to speak in support of the resolution urging the governor to oppose the dissolution of redevelopment agencies. local 21 members at the agency include architects, engineers,
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project managers, compliance that makes these projects possible. this includes the transfer a terminal and visitation belly. -- this includes the transbay terminal and visitation valley. this will have a devastating impact on san francisco. jobs will be lost in the city and county. keep in mind that a majority of these jobs are blue-collar construction and paper veiling wages. job losses mean taxes the city and county are going to use.
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chinese radio on kusf fm, 90.3. i sincerely appreciate your support. thank you. president chiu: next speaker. >> good evening, board of supervisors. my name is j.j. hollingsworth. i have a master's from the san francisco conservatory of music. i have been an occasional guest on kusf, and i am here in support of saving kusf. since my colleagues have spoken most eloquently, i have nothing more to add except that i would really like to see them pull the plug on rush limbaugh. [laughter] president chiu: next speaker.
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>> good afternoon, board of supervisors, and thank you very much for your time, or should i say good evening. i am here in support of the resolution to save kusf. by now, many of you know the federal communications act has been homogenized. somehow, this has encroached into the public have of the dial, left of 92. in the last couple of weeks, i have received letters and phone calls of support from my constituents around the country, amazed at what is happening in the unfortunate decision about how in san francisco we are standing up and fighting for
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what we believe is right. they said in new york we would probably not do that. we have too much going on in our schedule. in san francisco, this is something we will do. i am urging the san francisco board of supervisors to take the same position. i would like to draw a precedent and correlation briefly. back in the 60's, one of the largest protests that happened here went on for about 10 years. it was the opposition of the federal interstate and defense highway network. basically, it curved up numerous towns throughout america. when it came to san francisco, the board of supervisors and mayor alioto tried to put a stop to it. it said that if you want to come through san francisco, you should stop and enjoy it the culture and drive through small- town thoroughfares.
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i see the same for a pair of blowing through san francisco and not giving us the time -- i see the same thoroughfare blowing through san francisco and not giving us the time. >> i will speak to kusf in the second. first, i want to think the supervisors who voted against mr. johns. i want to thank you for that. i was concerned about having someone who was a friend of the developer on the commission. i am glad we did not have all the votes we needed. on that issue, the language -- a number of the said there is a fair argument to be made that having experience in historic preservation was a condition. i do not agree. the grammar does not support that. there are a couple of
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qualifications in their. if you read the grammar carefully, it basically said a person has to be qualified under the secretary of interior standards and meet certain requirements, or these other things. the or only replies to the other things. they have to be qualified under the secretary of interior standards. the grammar makes it very clear. i can send an e-mail about that. i support kusf as it was and do not want to see it sold off. i have lived in that neighborhood for 14 years, just one block away. i like to see community radio. we have way too much commercial radio. the media has a big impact on our minds and our politics. we need stations like kusf. i have been on one of the programs and talk about art and theater, local issues. i do not know if that would be possible if it was not a part of
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usc. please do what you can to oppose the sale of kusf. president chiu: thank you. next speaker. >> i want to thank you tirelessly working board members. i know it has been quite a long day for you. thank you for your patience. thank you for your willingness to hear us out at this late hour. president chiu: excuse me, sir. could you pull the microphone to you? >> can you hear me a little better? president chiu: perfect. >> i want to start off by saying i am here in support of the resolution that supervisor mirkarimi was able to get before you, considering the voting for the extension of preserving the
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life of kusf. as everyone has well summed it up, i am pretty sure you have heard all the facts about the importance of it. the only thing i would add in closing is that when we urge you to consider this, consider what everyone is going to call important. it is support from your family to get you through school. one of those isi think losing tf is losing the life of the college. those who want to pursue a career in life, they have their morals that they fall back on from learning about life during the college years. kusf has a strong importance in
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the community not only for college kids, but for the adults and the members of the community and the world population. at thank you. >> are there any other members of the public who wish to speak? general public comment is closed. if we can move to the adoption calendar. >> items 18-22 are being considered for immediate and unanimous adoption. these will be enacted upon by a single roll call vote. >> would anyone like to sever any of these items? >> 21. >> unless there are any other items to be severed. >> i would like to sever item 22. >> can we take a roll-call vote? >> supervisors chu?
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aye. aye. aye. aye. aye. aye. aye. aye. aye. aye. there are 11 ayes. >> these resolutions are adopted. item 21. >> item 21 is a resolution expressing opposing the sale of kusf and requesting the board of regents to reinstate the programming. >> supervisor mirkarimi. >> thank you, mr. president. i want to take the community and
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members of the public for speaking for their good work and drawing attention to this issue. i realize it might be easier for some if we continue this discussion. i would ask for a continuance. one week. >> supervisor mirkarimi has asked it to continue this discussion for a week. sentiment by supervisor elsbernd. item 22. >> item 22 is a resolution with the proposed changes to the fiscal year 2012 to eliminate the redevelopment agency. >> thank you. this has been an awesome beginning of the fourth weekend. beginning today, it has been
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widely advertised, at least on january 10, the budget includes the elimination of the redevelopment agency's ability to reduce tax increment financing. while details are emerging about how the governor would implement this proposal, i feel we should send a strong message to the state capitol that the wholesale elimination of redevelopment as a tool is unacceptable. the redevelopment authority is a tool. it is a tool for creating jobs and affordable housing. now, we must acknowledge that the redevelopment agencies have made poor decisions in the past. the development by urban renewal programs in the 1950's and '60's is evidence of that. this is not your father's
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redevelopment agency. we have used the tool of redevelopment to refocus public and private investment in ways that neither the public or private market could have accomplished on their own. over 1400 units of affordable housing and free development this year alone. 3000 construction jobs last year stemming from almost $300 million in construction activity. millions in biotech space. perhaps, most unattainable, without the use of tax increment financing is our ability to transform neglected and polluted tracts of land into healthy and productive neighborhoods. we have plans to revitalize hunters point and on treasure island.
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we have far too many important projects under way. far too many years of public dialogue and far too many commitments have been made to the community partners to suddenly change the rules in the game. i ask that you join me in opposing this misguided idea. >> i want to thank supervisor: for bringing this resolution forward. as many of you know, we have many redevelopment projects in the pipeline that are in jeopardy if this proposal goes through. i want to thank governor brown for bringing up the risky ideas in terms of how we can close the budget gap. i really do understand the importance of looking for
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