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tv   [untitled]    February 7, 2011 2:30pm-3:00pm PST

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public comment is closed. can we have a motion to authorize the amendment of the legal services agreement? motion by commissioner mirkarimi, seconded by commissioner avalos. can we take that without objection? item passes. please call the next item. >> item 7, executive officer's report. >> i want to thank you for the previous item. it is typical to sit while you -- while your own contract is being discussed. this will be brief. first, i wanted to report back to you on the pull-mounted solar program. you may recall that we had a program we talked to you about that we thought might dovetail in with the second phase of the cca program and locals sold requirements. the program is out of new jersey. they are also doing a pilot
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project in los angeles and arizona, and mexico. sfpuc has been very helpful in accommodating to meeting with them and setting of potential sites for them to do the demonstration here in san francisco. secondly, i wanted to give a brief report on the fact of the legislation that we were directed and had had some discussions about at our last meeting. we are moving forward in discussions with legislative staff and the different parties that make up the world in the state of california. we are hoping to have legislation introduced this legislative year. with that, i would like to have jason introduce to you our new intern. >> jason, lafco staff. two items, the introduction of
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two in terms that started with us, this month. hopefully, they will be with us as they go through school. one is andrea taurus -- torres. they both go to usf. they have provided us with two great student to help us with this program. i look forward to continuing working with them. they have extensive background in environmental policy and issues. they will be a good addition to our program in helping get future generations of environmentalists out there and working on environmental issues in the future. i want to thank them for coming here today. one marks in the morning of the other in the afternoon. it worked out perfectly that they're not competing with each other at the desk at the same time. i want to thank them for being
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here today. you may have seen me out in public this last week. i have talked about launching our photo contest to promote the clean power sf program. the goal is to take the mailer we sent last year -- we have been able to go to 10 different stores throughout the city and get materials in their stores with fliers advertising the program. people will become more aware of the program. partly with the help of our interns, including our summer intern, they put together a great prize for this program. the grand prize finalist will get a $100 gift certificate to a high-quality printing company, as well as a prize package for -- the winner will be two tickets to the san francisco zoo, the museum of modern art, and the exploratory anium.
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beyond that, everyone will get 15 percent off sign -- get 50% off. the first one to five people will get tote bags made in san francisco. all of our prizes are coming out of san francisco. i will encourage every one of their to submit vote goes to was. go to the website, i want to thank commissioners mirkarimi and avalos. they sent out newsletters with tax about our program as well. if anyone has questions, call us at the office and we will give you details.
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commissioner campos: what is the deadline? >> all photos need to be submitted by february 17 at 5:00 p.m. commissioner campos: thanks. thank you very much. i want to welcome the interns. thank you for being here. we have at least one alum from usf sitting on lafco. it makes sense he would be helping us. is there any member of the public who would like to speak on this item? >> real quickly, jason, and i hope i am not busting you out, but that printing company, i'm hoping their union shop. if they're not, i wanted to propose another company we could look for for the next gift certificate. we use a printer in the bayview that uses 100% wind power to power of their printing.
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we have used them for our report we did on local hiring with chinese affirmative action. they are great. it is probably a union shop. >> i don't officially know if they are union. it is not a print shop you're thinking of, where they do mass of printing. it is individually owned. they have a lab. use it on your own and print your photos to their printers. it is not a photo printing process you are thinking of. it is an independent, a different situation. >> these guys are good for large and small. they're great outfit down there. i just really liked them. i don't know if this is legit to do. union shop, 100% wind-powered. commissioner campos: you just
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did it. thank you. any other member of the public who would like to speak or provide a commercial? public comment is closed. if you could please call item number 8? >> public comment for items not on the agenda. commissioner campos: this is an opportunity for any member of the public to comment on any item within the jurisdiction of lafco not on the agenda today. >> a couple of -- three important things to go for quickly. it is something i mentioned a couple of times a year at lafco. it has become far more important. we have seen at the fcc in washington, d.c., that the chairman who we thought would be a staunch defender of net neutrality has moved forward a new rule that is going to divide net neutrality, especially for wireless internet customers.
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it will no longer be that freedom. this is an opportunity to remind lafco that we are not just about clean energy. we had hearings in the past about the internet and local internet service. i think we really need to get on top now. the fcc has done what it is -- what it has done. get on top of hearings of how we will build a city on fiber-optic systems so we can get around what the fcc just did. we need to do it soon. another point is that this monday there will be a meeting at the sfpuc about the san francisco electric reliability plan, and new plan. i think lafco should get into that and agendas that so we are talking about it. there are some differences from the group's as to where it is headed right now. the final thing i would say, and i say it on behalf of myself as
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an individual organizer, most of you got an e-mail from me. i think this is the right way to go. you might be surprised to hear a radical pit bull like me suggest that. with one of the keys to cca being green jobs and uplifting communities with those brain jobs, i think it would be a real important thing for lafco to do to outreach to district 10 so that crown 04 green jobs -- so that ground zero for green jobs -- so we're bringing district 10 firmly into this conversation. as a move forward, we are making sure the green jobs component and local hiring component is really front and center to this process. clean energy means nothing if we
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are not doing it for local employees to build stuff and to the other tasks needed for it. thanks. commissioner campos: next speaker, please. >> i just want to say that rainbow grocery has the best -- i want to say that sometimes we talked about agendizing a hearing around the discussion of how to move the job creation component and guarantee the targeted local hiring efforts of that community choice and the build out of getting to the locals. i want to maybe put that back on the table as a possible agenda item. if you take the 2007 mirkarimi community choice ordinance and you add the avalos local hiring law, coupled that with the support we have from the general manager at harrington, who stood up in support of the hiring law,
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you have the recipe for greatness. that is a thought for a future agenda item. commissioner campos: thank you very much. any other member of the public would like to speak? public comment is closed. thank you very much for your excellent comments. if you could please call item number 9. >> item 9, future agenda items. commissioner campos: many of the speaker's book to this item. is there any member of lafco like to add anything? commissioner mirkarimi: i agree with a couple of the public comments that were made about future agenda items. i think that we should agendize on the electricity resource plan. i think it is important. i absolutely support rep to the idea. we attempted to do this in other areas of interest. lafco's reach is considerable.
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the range of issues before lafco is really expensive, land use, housing, transit, and in other counties that exercise statutory authority in lafco, many counties, some of them are very rural and some are very urban, still exercise a great amount of their own authority on issues that we just have not entertained, though we considered this back in 2006 and 2007. the attention has been so demanding of us to stick to the question on cca's public policy, but i recommend that in the future, we begin to calendar what those other areas may look like, especially because there is such great demand coming from the regional cooperation plan on
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housing and transit tolls and land use the man's -- i think lafco would have something to say. commissioner campos: think you come a commissioner. just to add my comments to it, i do think a lot of excellent points have been raised. vice chair mirkarimi indicated that lafco provides a tool wrote -- a tool to explore a number of issues. it really can be a good government tool to explore a number of areas. i look forward to hearing suggestions from members of the commission and members of the public in other agencies as to how to proceed. is there any member of the public who would like to add anything to this item? public comment is closed. madam clark, you can call the next item. do we have any other business? >> item 10, adjournment. commissioner campos: great. thank you very much.
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meeting adjourned.
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>> welcome to "culturewire." for the past year, the arts commission has been participating in the city's
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effort to revitalize the central market street corridor. in addition to the thursday arts market and are in store front, the art commission recently launched the artery project. for the next year, the artery project will bring energy and excitement to market street, recalling the st.'s heyday as san francisco's vibrant and bustling theater district. >> un.n plaza during business hours seize hundreds of passing office workers and students, but the activity winds down at 5:00 every day. theater productions bring some but traffic, but central market is more of a thoroughfare than a destination after the sun goes down. on december 9, the artery project's launch brought a party
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atmosphere to market street, led by mayor gavin newsom, city officials flipped the switch on three new art installations that light up the st.'s architecture. a looping a video at 1119 market street was the first words to be some -- the first work to be seen that evening. before the unveiling, the director of cultural affairs spoke to artist jim campbell about the concepts behind bourbon reflection and how he created the work. >> i'm really excited to have your installation on public view starting today here on market street. you created a site-specific work. can you talk about that? >> yes, i looked at two or three different locations, and this one seemed the best. i work with customer electronics, so indoors seemed the best for the work. i also like how close it was 2 market street itself. it is only about 10 feet away,
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so i chose this location. >> what is the duration? if someone were to stand in front of your installation today. >> at the moment, it is 12 minutes, but i've been thinking about adding footage over the time because it is going to go through a couple of seasons. >> could you describe a little bit in terms of what your creative process is? >> it is a curtain, and image made up of a curtain, so it is very valuable, and the idea was to use this technology that i've been using for the last 10 years, low resolution imagery, to reflect market street back to the pedestrians walking by. the reason that it kind of works in this environment is that you see people walking by. you see cars going by. you see buses going by, but you cannot help we the people are because it is low resolution. you cannot see their faces. you can see the way they walk. you might be able to tell the
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kind of car going by. >> what do you think passersby will experience? >> i was thinking it was going to be a test of the success of the work if people stop and look. i have noticed in the last few nights that people do stop and look. a certain percentage. one of the things i was playing with was the ambiguity of whether it is alive or not, so people walk by, and they might even move like this back and forth, thinking that they are in the image, and they realize that it is a daytime shot, and that kind of thing. >> thanks for being part of life on market street. >> my pleasure. >> after the lighting of urban reflection, mayor newsom led the party to the corner of seventh street. lighting the way down the street were members of the filipino cultural center's youth program, carrying traditional core role lanterns. on the side of the resort hotel is a projection titled
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"storylines." working with students from the art commission writer's corps program, paul organized a series of images with text captions. they will change every evening until a different -- and tell a different story. one block away, theodore watson has created an interactive installation that crosses over six street. spaces' begins with a photo capture station on the north side of the street that projects your face on to a building on the south side of the street. on opening night, the installation was an immediate hit with the crowd. we talked with the or what said about his remarkable installation. >> what inspired you to create this interactive piece? >> the work i typically do is kind of interactive installations or both indoor and
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also outdoor and public space. for me, what i'm most interested in is how we can use technology to make the city, which is typically quite a static environment architecturally speaking -- how can we make it come alive? >> what i love about your work is there is such sophisticated software and electronics and complex connections that all have to work together to make it successful, but yet, all of that is invisible to the people interact with the work. >> they do not realize there is all these cables and projectors and computers and all this technology behind the scenes, and if you can keep it hidden, it feels like a really magical moment. to me, that is what is inspiring, and that is what makes the public, their eyes light up. >> you feel a little bit like the wizard of oz? >> totally, yes. >> having been on market street for a while and seeing how the public is reacting to your
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piece, what is your impression of what it is going to be like here? >> i'm already loving it. just the fact that i can look up and see someone seeing how crazy it is, and i have been bumping into people in the street who are recognized only from their portrait. i'm hoping that people will provide a slightly more friendly way to look at each other in this neighborhood. >> it is helping to reinforce and create a sense of neighborhood. so we want to thank you for being part of this project and thank you for bringing "faces" to san francisco. >> the artery project will have installations on market street until june 2011. this revitalization initiative is funded by the national endowment for the arts in an effort to transform market street into a nationally celebrated cultural district. additional projects and events
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will be launched throughout the year, including art and storefronts and coordinated nighttime events hosted by the gray area foundation for the arts and the luggage store gallery. to learn more about the artery project, visit sf
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