tv [untitled] February 8, 2011 4:30pm-5:00pm PST
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have been told not to say anything? thank you for sitting there and being attentive right now. >> thank you for allowing me to take your time. i wanted to say i totally support kusf. as a san franciscan, i lived here all my life. my parents did. freedom of speech is extremely important, as we can see in egypt. kusf is about the only free radio left besides part radio. it is a shame that with the history of the city being for freedom of speech -- there were lots of protests to stop the
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vietnam war because of freedom of speech. it is a really sad day that what this city stands for, for people to be more eclectic and speak their mind, is being taken away. as a first nation person, my people have been allowed to speak. we do not have those kind of platforms. very seldom are first nation people honored or listened to. all our treaties have been broken. kusf allows my friends to speak up on their station. this is tolerance, which this city should be proud to have. please save kusf radio. remember the commons, the air, the water, and the earth. everyone should know what
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commons are. these are shared things for the common good of all. the air is not alone. the water is not owned. the earth is not owned. we will start demanding more and more. president chiu: thank you. next speaker. >> good afternoon, members of the board. my name is alan jones. on december 15, 2010, i sent an e-mail to everyone on the board of supervisors expressing my views. on january 4, i reiterated that i believe oliver deserved a san
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francisco thank you for his heroism. to my surprise, and find out that though i was ignored at the time, rush limbaugh made a statement and caught the attention of supervisor eric mar. the resolution is being considered to condemn rush limbaugh. i would urge this board to vote no on that resolution out of respect for oliver. he has been waiting 35 years for a thank you from san francisco, yet san francisco has the nerve to demand an apology from rush limbaugh. first things should be first.
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>> good afternoon. my name is dale seymour. i am a tenderloin historian and director of walking tours. we are proud to say we are going to premier and open up our tours with a reception thursday at 2:00 p.m. we already have a representative from supervisor kim's office. i am hoping some of you guys will come. we have food for you. if you come, i will tell you where ali boxed. i will tell you what building would see ss officers patrol during the war. i will tell you where the name tenderloin came from.
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i will give you all those answers if you come. we are planning to do this. i have been endorsed by mayor brown. i would appreciate your how -- your help. i know we are looking for a police chief. what we need are homicide detectives. if you know anything about the streets, the only -- these are the professional guys from the hood. we need homicide detectives. the numbers are going up fast this year. it is scary out there. talk to the police commission and get some homicide detectives, which we do not have. thanks for your time. the mystery about kusf - we only have kusf and kpoo. those are honest radio stations. why are we even tripping backs that are the only honest reduce tensions in the city.
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-- why are we even tripping? they are the only honest and radio stations in the city. >> i am not here to sing. i just want to get your attention in black history month. i have been around city hall for over 20 years. i have seen a lot of administrators. i have seen supervisors come and go. one thing i can say for sure that has not been addressed from the proper perspective is the african american population is going down. i have been doing my duty in my community here at city hall. i talk about the african american presence along with three development. it is no mystery. all you have to do is check your history.
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the same thing i am going to talk to you about -- my crew is called the community news service. we agree to be covering city hall like a blanket, particularly where it comes to the african american community. we are getting ready to have our first press conference with the mayor. let us give him his paupers. we go way back. i am getting engaged in social media. this is good to have a twist to it. we will cover city hall like a blanket. i am on my way to talk to sacramento about the redevelopment agency. there is no mystery about the history of redevelopment in the film more area. anybody that does not talk about the history and what they are going to do to the future -- you
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are bound for a situation that will cause communities to suffer. president chiu: thank you. next speaker. >> thank you. my name is fahim. i am a taxicab driver. i am here to speak about some of the issues i am observing in the city that are causing a lot of anxiety. one of those issues is the issue we are having with the homelessness problem is here on our streets. due to the nature of my job, i get to see a lot of the city in various times of hours. having the opportunity to have one of the ex-mayors of the city
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in my cab continuously, i asked what could be done about this issue. what he answered to me is why i am here today. one thing i respect about the mayor is his open-door policy. but again his answer was that there was absolutely nothing i could have done about it, or my advisers. nor could the other mayors do anything about it. i have known this city and it's wonderful citizens. it is a very beautiful city. i love being part of the city. but this issue, as we understand it -- the international folks, the foreigners that come into the city of four conventions, they do not.
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we go left and right on different streets instead of taking sixth street. we have to take other streets, ending up for them to pay more in the major -- the meter. president chiu: thank you very much. are there any other members of the public who wish to speak in general public comment? seeing none, general public, it is closed. please move to our adoption without committee reference. >> items 25 through 35 are for immediate and unanimous adoption without committee reference. there will be adopted by a single vote unless a member of requests, separation of an item. supervisor mirkarimi: 24. supervisor weiner: 25. >> shall we take a roll-call vote on items 26 through 35? supervisor mirkarimi: aye. supervisor weiner: aye.
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supervisor avalos: aye. supervisor campos: aye. president chiu: aye. supervisor chu: aye. supervisor campos: -- supervisr cohen: aye. supervisor elsbernd: aye. supervisor farrell: aye. supervisor kim: aye. supervisor mar: aye. >> there are 11 ayes. item 24 is a resolution opposing the sale of kusf's fcc license. supervisor mirkarimi: thank you. i want to reiterate that public access is an endangered species in the united states. as evidence to that, the sale of the kusf license demonstrates
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the slide of public access being compromised in this city. it is with that 33-year history that is community driven. so many people have turned out in outrage. a jesuit university did not speak to that community and in list them before the announcement of the sale as to how they might be able to sustain that station. that is a travesty. that process goes to the motivation was myself and supervisor mar have signalled our support, with the community, to do everything we possibly can to try to retain kusf, instead of selling it to a los angeles station. i ask for a roll call. supervisor mar: i want to add a thank you to supervisor mirakrimi, but especially to the
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staff and volunteers from kusf. i appreciate the comment about kpoo as well. in the mid-eighties to early 90s, i worked there for years. kusf was the alternative station i always listened to. do not want to have to listen to uc-berkeley. we need more non-commercial radio in the city. i treasure the program guides from college and community radio. i appreciate the folks that have come out meeting after meeting to talk about the importance of kusf to divorce language groups, not just chinese radio, but other ethnic groups. thanks to erwin for alerting us to the faculty support for saving kusf as well.
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keep organizing and advocating. we still have a lot more work to do. the fcc is the key focus. supervisor mirkarimi and i have been doing our best to get meetings with usf. but you have to help keep the pressure on. congratulations on being here for three or four meetings to speak about usf. i urge unanimous support for this resolution. thank you. >> i appreciate the support of this resolution. fundamentally, i do not agree that this board of supervisors should be passing resolutions on private sales between two parties. i appreciate the content. i have listened to kusf over the years. it has been a big part of our community. but fundamentally, the fact that we are passing resolutions
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commenting on private sales between two parties -- it is the slippery slope of foreign policy. i do not think we should be doing that here. president chiu: any additional conversation? >> on item 24 -- supervisor mirkarimi: aye. supervisor weiner: aye. supervisor avalos: aye. supervisor campos: aye. president chiu: aye. supervisor chu: no. supervisor cohen: aye. supervisor elsbernd: no. supervisor farrell: no. supervisor kim: yes. supervisor mar: aye. >> there are eitght ayes and three nos. president chiu: this is adopted. [applause] >> item 25, a reinstatement of
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janitors who worked at one at south -- at 1 south van ness avenuse, represented by local 87. >> we have tweaked the language to tighten it up. i sent a copy of the revised resolution. i want to thank supervisors avalos and cohen for joining me, supervisor kim, and president chu. president chiu: supervisor weiner has made a motion, seconded by supervisor mirkarimi. supervisor mirkarimi: i want to thank supervisor weiner for his leadership on this. i want to be added as a co- sponsoring. supervisor campos: i also would
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like to be added as a co- sponsor. thank you for introducing this item. supervisor avalos: i also want to thank supervisor weiner. this was the janitor's union i had worked for in the past. because i had worked for the same membership but a different leadership, i was still holding got a chance i could have a relationship with the leadership of local 87. i firmly believe in the mission of the union to support the janitors. i thank you for doing this resolution. supervisor kim: i also want to thank supervisor weiner for bringing this forward. it is in our district. i want to let colleagues know that our office has put in a phone call to the new vendor that we are contracting with to ask them to honor the displaced workers act, even though they are currently exempt from it, given their business size, in
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the hope we can continue to have workers in our building that we are currently employing. i am interested in looking for ways to explore, when we do purchase buildings, to see what we can do to ensure we are not lowering labor standards, but keeping them set or raising them. thank you very much. president chiu: any additional comments? could we get a roll call vote? supervisor mirkarimi: aye. supervisor weiner: aye. supervisor avalos: aye. supervisor campos: aye. president chiu: aye. supervisor chu: aye. supervisor cohen: aye. supervisor elsbernd: aye. supervisor farrell: aye. supervisor kim: yes. supervisor mar: aye. >> there are 11 ayes. president chiu: do we have any
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items on the imperative agenda? >> on behalf of supervisor weiner, a resolution supporting -- hear it is. wrong document. on behalf of supervise campos, a resolution declaring february 6 through february 12 financial aid awareness week. president chiu: i am happy to be added as a co-sponsor. there is a brown act finding offered by supervisor compost -- campos, seconded by supervisor supervisor mar:ar. is there any public comment backspin public comment is closed. can we take this resolution, house and call? -- same house, same call?
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>> today's meeting will be adjourned in memory of the following individuals. for the late mr. allen smith, senior. for the late mr. frank malia. for the late mr. kevin ray. for the late mr. david kato. for the late mr. john trana. for the late mrs. jesse zamuda. that concludes our business for today. president chiu: we are adjourned for today.
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our clerk is alisa somera. clerk somera: -- supervisor mar: i also want to thank sfgtv for televising this. ms. somera, we only have one item before us today. could you please read the item? clerk somera: a resolution authorizing the port of san francisco to accept and expend a great in the amount of 15,000
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$200 from the california department of boating and waterways -- $15,200 from the california department of boating and waterways. supervisor mar: we have a speaker. >> this is for abandoned watercraft. staff has identified seven recreational vessels that have been in the jurisdiction that pose potential navigation and environmental hazards. that number continues to grow. within the jurisdiction of the port, there are five marinas and three yacht clubs with over 2000 recreational vehicles at their facilities, and there are numerous areas where both can be left at acre or tied to spears without authorization -- can be left at anchor or tied to piers
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without authorization. over $1,000 represents a 10% matching funds. we are here for any questions you may have. supervisor mar: colleagues, any questions? seeing none, let's open this up for public comment. is there anyone in the public who would like to speak? sir, welcome. three minutes per person. >> good afternoon, supervisors. my name is douglas. i have lived in san francisco for 59 years. the reason i am giving public comment is for support. i think this is way past due. since i was a kid, i remember those abandoned boats were there, and i am glad we finally got around to it at this
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hearing. the main reason i would like to offer commented today is that i was very surprised that today's agenda had only one item. i would think that a committee of such importance would have had a lot more items than one item, so being a longtime resident of san francisco, i am sure there are many residents like myself who question we are getting our money's worth out of today's meeting, but onto other things with regard to agenda items with this committee, i would like to make two suggestions. the first one would be that maybe we should spend more time regarding the development of a park. i think different people have spoken out that it is underutilized, and i think that if this committee has only one agenda item today, maybe they can consider a boating discussion on john mclaren park, to give the residents of that part of town to come and give
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public comment, and the second item has been covered many times, especially on tv, and since we had plenty of time today, i thought it would not hurt to mention it again, that the department of public works has an ongoing campaign for illegal street dumping. i think it is pretty obvious it has been going on for a long time, and no matter how hard they try to crack down on this, it continues, so then i think we should maybe schedule a hearing for illegal dumping, and then maybe some of the residents that actually live on the streets that separate the dumping, maybe they will have a chance to come down here and have a chance to say what they want to say, because i have a feeling that there has been a lot discussed about illegal dumping, but i think the main thing to do is to just have somebody patrolling the neighborhood at night, and i the neighborhood at night, and i think you could catch a few
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