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tv   [untitled]    February 9, 2011 5:00am-5:22am PST

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reconcile those. >> again, but the larger the load, the larger our responsibility, the more power we have over setting those rates. >> and remember, we only have responsibility for rate setting on a portion of the bill, so we may never be able to reconcile those rates because we do not have control over the other elements. >> if i may, it sounds like you are getting close to winding. >> we will take public comment. >> their work the two other items. i just want to make it clear that is our intention for the reference and resolve clause for july to be july 2011. in the whereas clause, the city policy we are referring to is from oregon is 147-07, so as we
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perfect the amendments in the final resolution, we will want to make sure those are reflected there as well please. >> i do not want to know if we want to hear more from the general manager on this approach. >> i think again that we have been struggling with how you make this happen. there is one agency that is at least moving forward and has a half forward. we are suggesting why not use that as a base. hopefully do better, build on that, but that seems to be a more likely path forward. so having that have forward and being able to start going out, negotiating, see how far we can go, how fast we can go, and bring that back to you. >> great. other questions from commissioners? comments? if not, we will take public comment at this time. >> we have a few speakers.
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>> good afternoon, commissioners. representing sanford cisco green party and the local grassroots organization. i will start out by saying that, as most of you probably know, we have, since the last lafco meeting, which was very recent, been engaged in some heated back room debates with staff about how to move forward. at the presentation, the idea was to just move forward, and not commit to anything else. for us as environmental organizers, environment just as organizers and jobs organizers, we felt the best just did not fit with the vision of what we have been fighting for for so many years. but i think that what we have come up with through these last few days is really like going head-to-head and working together with at any given time
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staff. we have come up with something that can move forward that we are comfortable with. i just want to get us back to the big picture of why we are pushing so hard for there to be a strong bill doubt attract while the purchasing track is going forward. those are the tracks we finally are starting to get to harmony on. originally, -- we have been pushing for years to do the whole enchilada all awards, so now, we have said that we see why they want to do the procurements start up right now, but we also want to make sure that the bill that is going to happen along a concurrent track with that. the main reasons, just to get back to some very basic things that you all know but i want to repeat because they're so important. that is because every week, we get new news about the global climate crisis that just makes it clear that if cities like san
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francisco and cities all over the planet do not radically restructure our energy use in 30 years -- 30 years is about all we got at the most -- so that by the end of that 30 years, we are in 100% clean energy, and our transit is also running on 100% clean energy, which is something we are not even talking about today, we are never going to get there if we just pursue an incremental approach to doing projects. we need a big build out. the other reason is the economic crisis. people are hurting. even though the stock market is doing a little better, i think most of you know that the job market is not any better. in some cases, it is getting a little worse. especially in california, it is challenged. we have to go with the buildup in vision in the ordinance we've hast for community choice, which gets us to 360 megawatts and
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51% renewal by the end of the decade. and we need to start doing that right away because people need jobs right now. to have this exciting green jobs program roll out is really great, and the fact that we are finally meeting with staff and we are going to move those tracks together right now is very promising, and we think this is a great day, so we thank you. >> good afternoon, commissioners. i wanted to echo the statements that mr. brooks had made about what a positive outcome we have arrived at here today. i think with these amendments that we are on our way not only to moving forward with the clean energy program, but we are now on the path to developing a jobs program, and i think that has been key to all of us. we commit to elements of the
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2007 ordinance that was offered because when you couple that with the new local hiring ordinance, you've really got the seeds of greatness. you have 360 megawatts of local and global generation and efficiency, and with these amendments, while we move forward with a proven track for getting the program in place, we will forward with what will become a local jobs program, so i really want to thank the commission for reviewing and receiving and proposing these amendments. i wholeheartedly endorse as an individual and as an organization these amendments and support the resolution as amended going forward. it is very exciting. i just wanted to also make sure that we thank the general manager for the time he has been with the advocates here in furtherance of this and getting us to year. as we said, keeping the good times rolling in 2011 with a dialogue that has been struck moving forwardalso the assistanl
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managers really work hard to get us to a place until of probably about five minutes ago. thank you for supporting this movement. >> other public comments? >> i am the director of the clean energy alliance, which brings together 70 businesses in the bay area. many advocates have been involved in the process, and we are glad to see the department come to agreement with the staff. i am also here speaking in support of the letter sent by
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the clean energy alliance. we have spent a long time looking at berkeley, and i have come to the conclusion is a powerful tool, and you have a golden opportunity to use cca towards economic development by doing these projects and generating jobs in san francisco. it is a powerful relationship. thank you very much. >> i work on the advocate side for the past four years behind the clean energy launch. each is an exciting day for all
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of us watching you here today. they mention the 16 kids that came in on friday -- 16 bains that came in on fridays. the aggregate property is eighth to 10 times more than ask for, so it will been interesting to see how that comes in. i think it is exciting to see them fighting to be the best. i had a great time at the thursday night board meeting. there was good news on the financial front. economic viability -- viability has been improved stereo --
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improved. they are projecting a budget next year based on how much under they have come in this year, 25% lower in the budget. i cannot wait to see all of the ways you do this in marin. i hope san francisco as jobless in itself with the efficiency first, as models in texas, new england, and the empire state building retrofit. thank you so much, and good
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luck. >> thank you. >> we are a member of the local clean energy alliance. we really do see this as a tool for not only dealing with client issues and cleaner energy but also to create local jobs, and we are really happy the amendments were brought forward, and we are very encouraged to hear about the support of their is keeping the priorities to getting renewable end of efficiency and jobs with that being done locally, and i wanted to thank you for your time and support and ask you to continue to work on really
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pushing forward on prioritizing the renewable efficiency and network that can come along with those. thank you. >> thank you. >> if we look at the climate change issues, that is where we need to be going forward. any other comments on the amendments? all those in favor of adopting the amendment? >> aye. >> that carries, and we will need a motion for the main regular -- main resolution.
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all those in favor? >> aye. >> thank you. >> the water improvement program and agreements 904, marc roche and control services for specialized corrosion control and authorizing the utility commission to execute this amendment for a total not to exceed the amount gov $2,959,998. >> are there any questions or, -- common sense -- comments?
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>> most of this is aimed at the transition to our operating of green energy water facilities for the new building. is that right? >> this contract is for the erosion -- for corrosion >> i will be back. >> is there a motion? >> so moved. >> next item. >> discussion and possible are shown to approve the selection and awarded professional services building commission in, monitoring, and performance
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optimizing and authorize the general manager of the san francisco public utilities commission to negotiate an exercise 3 professional services agreement for an amount not to exceed $3 million for seven years funded by water, waste water, and power enterprises through respective project funds. >> good afternoon. do you have any questions on this? >> are there questions emma --
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are there any questions? >> i was surprised about the amount of money. $9 million seemed like an awful lot of money. i may not have any frame of reference that makes that reasonable, but it is fair. help me with this. >> the way these projects are planned out in is that they would work on the new buildings, and on those aspects, the work starts up the eir stage and helps with the design of the building, the placement
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to maximize the daylight, and it carries on through the design, provides an overview on the lighting, heating systems, cooling, and goes on to the commission main of the systems. that is on the new building superior on existing and --
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existing and abilities, it itunes the existing system and helps the staff and now run those sufficiently even though the project have been identified now, the idea is this is in need throughout the city and could be used on other buildings as well, and we have asked the other parts of the city to implement these services of the airport,
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and right now, this would be the only contractor in tool to provide that, and the new safety and building in mission bay has approached us to make this available. >> they you have been estimates as to what portion would be involved? >> it would be a small amount because golden gate has its own contract that is a part of the
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building package to commission it and bring it up to occupancy common -- of to occupancy, but a five. we do not have the contract, so the part would fall under here. goo>> it would be as needed fore city department to use? >> that is correct. >> that diminishes my horror. >> it does seem like a lot of money and your your -- like a lot of money.
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>> what happens is they have to start from scratch and get a bid to get a contractor. they would be stopped waiting for nine months. by having this available, they say, can you help us with the builder natoma -- with the builder? >> we have actually three firms common-law -- three firms, and their strengths are not the same. there are particular aspects they might be stronger asset, so this is a tool so about one particular area if we have a higher need we can use that firm more and not be bound to the total amount of three contracts.
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>> i move. >> i second. >> any public comment gunman -- any public comment? all those in favor? >> aye. >> next item. >> the next item would be item 24, any other new business a commissioner might have should the business -- the commission and now choose to take closed session off. >> any other new business?