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tv   [untitled]    February 9, 2011 6:30am-7:00am PST

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all of us, we are on the same page. >> it will not happen before the twenty second. >> if it does not work with the city attorney, we will reschedule it again. >> i have a question for you. at public comment, someone asked about the property of permits, and i wanted to ask you a question, and correct me if i am wrong. abc license is a piece of property whose owner can be transferred if it goes through and remains with the original owner, but an entertainment permit is not a piece of real property and cannot be owned. once the business end, the permit no longer exists. is that right? >> kind of.
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there are a few issues that we should point out. for the viewers at home, it was public comment, but i think we have to recognize that the person bringing the question up is actually an expediter. the scope of questions were beyond the scope of the entertainment commission, but i am happy to explain in great detail. he is raising questions that he should clearly understand. the way he framed it was so beyond the scope of accuracy that it is alarming to me and extremely misleading. certain types are an asset. you own it and it is transferable. it is also a privilege. he played by the rules and you meet the qualification, you can have it. if you disobey the rules, you
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can lose that privilege. if you're confused about owning the license, i am repeating what the laws are. certain types of licenses, another important part that we need to address, we have 3800 active retail liquor licenses in the city and county of san francisco. that is the highest concentration in the state is not the country. there are a couple of issues that we have to come to, who recommendation to the state. the state makes the final determination. it is not accurate to represent the police department making determinations. it is quite accessible. it is important to recognize
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that the entertainment permit is a city and county permits. it has exclusive authority over the laws, and we can't even restrict. many have done moratoriums on the liquor components. it is beyond the scope of local government. to go right back to your question, there a certain types of liquor licenses because you cannot get an original. a simple analogy is that it can be used for a simple piece of real estate. we have a fixed inventory in the city. if you close your business, your license is no longer active. it has to be attached to an
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address. you can select. these are private party sales or that are beyond the scope of government. once you buy it, you transfer it to your name and it is at that point that the low law enforcement has the right to review it and give recommendations. i could go on for a long time. >> i appreciate it. it is like a driver's license. you can have a if it is yours, if you abuse it, it can be revoked. and entertainment permit ceases to exist when the business closes the transfer. it is not an asset. >> it is similar to your permit and that the business goes out
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of business, the liquor license is no longer active. you still own it. once you go out of business, you lose that entertainment permit indeed go back and refile again. you still on that license, but it is in limbo. even the buyer is at risk. they might not be able to get it licenced the way they wanted to. >> you can complete a sale, but not necessarily a transfer. >> it is all about communication. these issues are best solved when we are working together. that transpires across. president newlin: any other questions foor public comment? >> can i add one more thing?
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president newlin: too late. [laughter] >> i wanted to share an e-mail with you guys. this is mainly for commissioner meko, because he is asking me the most questions about this. i received an e-mail this morning from a club owner that has not been a little frustrated with some of the police department's lack of decisions. i bought my first id scanner. no one complained. it is a great deterrent for crime that. i thought i would share that. he did that on his own. president newlin: wonderful. any public comment?
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none? nothing? on to item number five. haring - - hearing and possible action under the entertainment commission. action item. south town arcade, mechanical amusement devices. >> this one and only permitee requested a continuance for two weeks. i am requesting that continuance of you. >> move to continue. let me fix that. i move to honor the request of the applicant and continue the permit. >> a well-stated motion.
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>> seconded? [roll call vote] president newlin: i think we should have had public comment on that. is there any public comment? we will continue the vote. >> [roll call vote] okay. great. president newlin: okay. item number six. comments and questions? >> we have a full commission and not a lot of business. >> that is why everyone is here. president newlin: i don't have the date in front of me, but the
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executive director and myself attended a luncheon. it was well attended, a lot of the citizens were there and it was lively conversation. i think she did a stellar job in presenting the commission, i would like to request if any of my fellow commissioners are involved in anything or have any recommendations with the commission can reach to the public on our own or you as a guest, i think it would be a good way to outreach to the community. i can't say i enough about how well i thought it came off or how well she did. one of the concerns was out
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reached to the various commissions -- outreach to the various commissions for overlooked or -- any ideas dealing with the budget deficit. no date was set, but i would love to have your input. if you have any ideas you would like to bring forward in terms of resolving the budget deficit. anybody else? >> i just want to thank the supervisor, i am sure we are ecstatic you're going to be doing this report. should we be forming an ad hoc committee to send e-mails or
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advice? [chime] >> not yet. based on the beginning, we are in the early stages of developing the scope of this. i certainly think that any ideas or feedback hoare information that is relevant -- or feedback or information that is relevant is welcome. what it really is, at the base of it, the attempt to counter what we are and what it is in terms of money and jobs. and kind of been deeper and get more -- dig deeper and get more granular.
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again, it is counting what the value is in san francisco initially without the political charge one way or the other. it is an objective look of who are we and how are we. if you send it through staff, it will be the easiest way to do it. >> this is kind of late in the meeting to be suggesting this or asking this of staff, but there was no discussion after your presentation. they were featured prominently at the last meeting. i was wondering if there was any prior discussion? they did not appear on the notice of violations, that is excellent. and >> and the director will
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speak more prominently to the issue. they have been issued an additional citations, and because it wasn't really agendized, i'm not sure how much i can speak about it. but i would expect some motion forward. why there was nothing in my report tonight, there were additional conversations from the city attorney. but we do expect corrective action in the future. i think that is the best i can do for you. president newlin: that it? all right. yes? are you waving?
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[laughter] don't wan tto miss - -want to miss -- want to miss any body. any public comment? the final item is for future agenda items? do we have any? do we have any public comment on no requests? that will conclude the tuesday, february 8 meeting of the san francisco entertainment commission. thank you very much.
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